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Posts posted by Andrea912

  1. Imp: lavendar, tonka, amber, and patchouli; headshop, but not as spacey...delicate and genteel :)


    Wet: becoming darker, more woody; maybe the tonka and rosewood?

  2. No...I don't know what this is, but I am not in love at all. It smells like some kind of cheap floor cleanser.


    ADDED April 6:


    Very sad...and gagging right now, as well...


    Was reading the thread on recommendations for smells, and found a wafflecone buttery cake thread; this oil was mentioned as turning extremely cakey upon drydown, but I'm only picking up roses...


    and I hate roses...

  3. Gelt

    Wow; I love it! Chocolate usually smells like plastic, but cocoa is always wonderful. I was hesitant about the amber, but it warms the cocoa out nicely without overpowering the scent...this is a keeper for sure!

  4. Snow White 2008...wow! This is like nothing I would normally wear...I'm a foodie person through and through. Flowers usually make me gag, and this description was so vague I didn't know what to expect. But I am in love! :D This is phenomonal; sexy and sultry and dark and sweet and innocent, all at the same time! Definitely keeping this bottle!

  5. Imp: blackcurrant and tart is quite strong, which is great! I do detect rose in the background...I hope it stays back there...


    Wet: darn...the rose is stronger now that is on my skin; it's still subtle compared to other rose scents, but...


    Dry: the rose lingers too much; I would tolerate it with a bit of cream added to it...
