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Posts posted by dreadeddragon

  1. Tea rose, white sandalwood and a flurry of pale, virginal blossoms, smeared with a smoky, blood-soiled blend of myrrh, hyacinth, Daemonorops resin, dark musk and blackcurrant.

    In the bottle: Floral with a bit of currant and some myrrh.

    First on: The currant is slightly stronger than the floral blend, and unlike others, the sandalwood and myrrh are really noticeable. It's fairly strong on me and I can't stop sniffing it. :P

    Drydown: This is similar to Brides of Dracula, only more sad and listless than seductive. The scent really hasn't changed much, and it's still pretty strong.

    Overall: I swapped for this unsniffed based on the reviews. For now, I'll keep it, though it won't be one of my regular scents.

  2. In the bottle: Reminds me of LUSH's Karma fragrance (I work there, so I sniff it all day long) only better. (I don't like Karma)


    First on: I usually hate orange and don't like patchouli when it's heavy, but it's not doing too badly on me right now. Is there musk in this? I get a light musky tone to it as well.


    Drydown: Holy musk batman! This is on one arm, Imp is on the other, and they smell way too similar on me, the only difference being peach vs orange blossom. It's a floral patchouli, and not too heavy still, but just a little too strong on it for me.


    Overall: This is a nice light patchouli orange scent - it's not too heavy or "dirty hippy" smelling like patchouli gets on me now, but it's still not for me.

  3. In the bottle: A green, woodsy dust


    First on: The dusty scent has gone and I'm left with light green woods. It's very fresh and light, and not too soapy or floral as most green scents get on me. I really like it so far.


    Drydown: Soap. Damn. A light woodsy soap, but soap none the less.


    Overall: If the soapy factor hadn't appeared this would be a great springtime oil to wear. Unfortunately now it's off to swaps.

  4. In the bottle: Mostly peach and patchouli, which I'm not too sure I like.


    First on: This makes me think of sweating in a peach orchard. Haha. I can really smell the peaches and the patchouli makes it earthy, while the musk makes me think of sweat in this one. Not sure why, maybe it makes the patchouli a little more dirty if that makes sense.


    Drydown: Now it's more of a musky dirt with a hint of sweet peach. The patchouli has become the main note.


    Overall: Definitely not for me.

  5. In the bottle: A very light, clean scent


    First on: I can smell the tulips, and that clean laundry scent as well. Not at all what I was expecting for Amsterdam, though I guess it does make me think of Holland in general.


    Drydown: Hasn't changed at all, still tulips and clean laundry. It's a nice spring scent.


    Overall: I'm not really swayed either way on this one. I'll probably keep the imp unless someone asks me to trade for it.

  6. This will be a scent description only, as I haven't worn it out yet.


    In the bottle: Almonds. Lots of almonds.


    First on: No almonds? Very green scent, with a very cologne-y scent to it, I think that's what I though was almonds in the bottle (they smell like liquor to me sometimes). I can't detect any particular notes.


    Drydown: This has faded to a nice green rose scent on me. Most roses go all cloying and sour on me, but I really like this one.

  7. In the bottle: Cardamom & saffron are the first notes I detect, though the blend altogether smells like an eastern incense market (or what I imagine one would smell like anyway)


    First on: Am I wearing oil? Maybe my sniffer is broken from sniffing too many scents (and I don't have any coffee here to sniff) but I can barely smell this. I wore it to bed a few nights ago and seem to remember it lasting longer than 5 minutes. It's a vague resinous spicy cologne-y scent, from what I can detect.


    Drydown: I can see where it is on my arm, but I smell nothing. If I remember from the last time I put it on, it faded nicely into a powdery incense scent with a slight spice.


    Overall: I like it, and will probably keep it, but I wouldn't buy it again.

  8. In the bottle: Dragon's blood, that acrid steel tang, and some pepper


    First on: This is definitely a bloody sword. Haha. The steely note has come to the front for me and the dragon's blood, pepper and leather just sit on it in the background. While I love it, I don't think it's good on me so far, and it might go a bit soapy.


    Drydown: Wow, it steered away from soapy and went to dirty rusty metal and leather. I'm definitely intrigued by it even tough I don't like the scent on me.


    Overall: I might give it to the boy if he wants it, or use it as a room scent. I really like it, though I can't stand it on me personally. Odd.

  9. In the bottle: Floral, bubblegum resin. Almost reminds me of Lady Macbeth but sweeter.


    First on: It definitely reminds me of Lady M, but with a resinous tone instead of the wine. The floral berry scent is very similar though. It's very heady and seductive. This is definitely the oil of a seductive villainess.


    Drydown: The resinous tone has calmed down and it's a more balanced sweet floral with a bit of dust. Very sophisticated and still seductive.


    Overall: Anyone want to sell me a bottle?

  10. In the bottle: Black pepper and ginger stand out the most, a tiny hint of sweetness in the back which is the dragon's blood.


    First on: Very floral all of a sudden. Dragon's blood is still sweet and slightly resinous, the pepper is still there & spicy, but there's that honeysuckle that is coming to the forefront.


    Drydown: The honeysuckle is now no longer floral but has gone sweet with the dragon's blood. The spicy is now more faded and rests in the back. It's become a slightly spicy floral.


    Overall: Not what I was expecting, but very fitting for Aries. In my experience (most of my close friends are Aries) they're very kind & sweet, and tolerant of a lot of things, but if you push the little red button all hell breaks loose. That spicy int he back hints at that little red button. Very fitting.

  11. In the bottle: Clove, ginger, smoke, leather & cinnamon. I am in heaven.


    First on: No! It's going all sour on me, as happens with leather and tobacco. :P Hopefully the sour phase will pass and that heady swoony scent will come back.


    Hours later: It faded to a nice light smoky scent with a hint of spice. It's very faint, and I couldn't tell if it was still doing the sour thing or not, so I asked the boy and he said it wasnt and he loved it.


    Overall: Damnit, I now need a bottle.

  12. In the bottle: Minty and herby.


    First on: Minty soap is what it;s gone to on me. I think it's menthol, as my sinuses are clearing and tingling after sniffing it, it reminds me of vicks (the effect, not the scent)


    Drydown: Pure soap. Like Irish Spring.


    Overall/effects: I haven't tried this one magically yet, just did the review because I received it long ago and had it sitting among my imps to review.

  13. In the bottle: Earthy spice


    First on: Sort of a spicy incense, lots of cinnamon!


    Drydown: This reminds me of Volcano Foot Mask by Lush. It's cinnamon-y and slightly earthy.


    Overall/effects: I wore this for a series of job interviews that I didn't get, and I was beginning to get very frustrated until I got a call back from a place I applied at months beforehand and got a job within a week or so!

  14. In the bottle: Earthy, spicy, and seductive


    First on: I smell like a spicy trading bazaar. I can't pinpoint any of the notes individually, but if it stays like this at all I'm going to love it.


    Drydown: It's faded so much! The spicy has faded into an earthy incense I can barely distinguish.


    Overall: I think the boy might like this one, he's been wanting a nice earthy scent. If not, I'll keep the imp but I'm so sad it changed on me. :P

  15. In the bottle: Sugar and butter


    First on: A little spicier now, it reminds me of cinnamon sugar buttered toast. I generally hate foody scents on me, but this one actually seems to be working.


    Drydown: Damn, the cinnamon has faded and the butter is once again the dominant scent. Other than that, it's still sugary with a hint of hazelnut.


    Overall: I think this is the first foody imp I'll be keeping. I don't see a bottle in my future, and I predict this imp will last me forever, but I'll use it. :P

  16. In the bottle: Sickly sweet old flowers


    First on: That resinous oil is making it really sickly sweet, I can barely smell anything else. It's a sweet earthy scent with a hint of floral behind it.



    Drydown: The floral has come out more but it's still really sweet & earthy as well


    Overall: Not for me. It doesn't make me sick, but I wouldn't want to wear it all day either.

  17. In the bottle: A very green floral. I can't distinguish anything in particular


    First on: Definite rose and it smells like a hint of fresh lemon rind as well. I can smell what people have said is the soapy scent too.


    Drydown: It's definitely still rose & lemony, but it's slightly soapy on top.


    Overall: I'll keep the imp, but definitely won't need a bottle. Too bad, it started out so nicely.

  18. In the bottle: Cedar and vetivert


    First on: Lots of cedar! I love cedar but I'm not so sure I want to smell like it. I feel like a forest. It's very grounding.


    Drydown: Hasn't changed


    Overall: It's very earthy and grounding, but for some reason I think of more dirt and mountains for capricorn than cedar forests.

  19. In the bottle: incense, a bit of perfumey alcohol, and the smell of how blood tastes, that coppery stuff, not the sweet scent in BPAL's Blood


    First on: this is why it took so long to find a bottle on ebay, it's gorgeous! Very incensey with a distinct metal and then that blood scent behind it


    Drydown: I get that floral incense someone was mentioning. It's almost soapy, so I'm thinking maybe jasmine? The metallic is definitely still there, but that blood scent is gone. I feel like I'm wearing a dirty piece of metal.


    Overall: I like it before drydown better, but I do like the overall effect as well. I'm definitely keeping this bottle.

  20. In the bottle: Irish car bomb! With some cedar in it.


    First on: It's got that same sugar scent from Sugar Skull in it, which turns it into a popcorn bucket with a coffee sitting nearby when combined with the dusty scent.


    Drydown: This hasn't changed at all, but I'm thinking now besides the coffeecorn, it might also smell like a burnt caramel latte.


    Overall: I am so not a foodie, this is not for me, but I'm really glad I got to try it because the description was intriguing.

  21. In the bottle: Citrus & pine


    First on: Ok, I htink the citrus I was smelling is most likely a combination of earth, moss, and trees. It's enough of a blend to keep from going xmas tree or dirt.


    Drydown: It's pretty much the same & hasn't changed, except it did develop a bit of a soapy scent.


    Overall: Nice, but not for me.

  22. In the bottle: Jasmine, bamboo, tea. There is no dragon's blood, and it doesn't smell at all like the bottle I sniffed at C12.


    First on: Pretty much the same, with a soapy scent added in there. Damn you jasmine!


    Drydown: Still no dragon's blood. :D The jasmine has calmed down though and it no longer smells like soap. It's a very nice light summer blend that has just enough floral but also not too cloying or heavy. The tea and bamboo help round that out.


    Overall: It's not my favorite, but I'll definitely use my bottle. :P

  23. In the bottle: Goddamn why do I only have one bottle of this? This smells almost exactly like the oil I made at the aphrodesiac class, but with the lunar oils. Cinnamon, red musk, red sandalwood, I love it! I want to just keep sniffing it.


    First on: *drool* The cinnamon isn't as prominant as it is in the bottle, and the musk & sandalwood come out more. There's a sweetness to it as if (appropriately) an imp of Blood was poured into the mix.


    Drydown: Must. Have. Another. Bottle. The cinnamon is a bit dulled, the musk and sweetness are playing with the lunar oils to create a perfect blend.


    Overall: Love love love!

  24. In the bottle: almond & anise!


    First on: This smell reminds me of a certain guy because it smells just like something when we hung out one night. Very anise with a bit of woodsy to it


    Drydown: Hasn't changed a bit


    Overall: While I would honestly gag if someone were to wear this around me, it does bring back good memories of one of my best friends.

  25. In the bottle: A slightly spicy & smokey aquatic.


    First on: It's still aquatic, but it's a warm sultry one, still spicy & smokey but maybe with a bit of vanilla or amber in it as well.


    Drydown: It's still smokey, now some musk is noticeable, and the aquatic scent is gone. The amber is slightly spiced, I can't tell if I like it.


    Overall: Very scorpio like. Mysterious, sexual, and watery in a fire type style.
