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Posts posted by dreadeddragon

  1. A scent as heavy as thunder from the Vatican, with notes that inspire every sin and excess. Black opium, with vetivert and honeysuckle.

    In the bottle: Sweet, sweet opium, how I love you.

    First on: HONEYSUCKLE! Odd, it makes me remember when I broke up with an ex, I had a crystal that matched his. It smashed in 2 and I smelled honeysuckle for 3 days straight. Could never figure out where the smell came from, and no one else could smell it. I hope the opium and vetiver come back.

    Drydown: Mmmm..... the honeysuckle has faded and it's a gorgeous blend. Still in the sweet & nice category, but it's only been 30 minutes or so. Maybe it'll get darker, so I can get a 5ml. :P

  2. In the bottle: Earth, mossy stuff, and shit? Oh wait, that's Vlad in the litter box. Dear lord my cat is stinky. *gag*


    First on: Lots of vetiver. I think maybe almost too much when combined with patchouli. I get a hint of cedar, and the cinnamon is starting to peak out. This should end up nicely.


    Drydown: It screams earth. The cinnamon has gone away completely, mostly cedar & vetiver. It's very nice, and reminds me of a cedar box I used to keep letters in. But I don't think it's one for me to wear. :P

  3. In the bottle: Smells like a fainter version of Masabakes


    First on: Maybe I need to stop trying different scents at the same time in different places. This one is lost on me. I can smell a bit of frankincense, and a hint of cedar, with something earthy over it. Probably the High John root.


    Drydown: While the scent has gotten very lovely, and I really like it, it's gone all soapy underneath it. :P

  4. In the bottle: Another really sweet floral.


    First on: Ooh, the sandalwood is coming out. It's very odd, dark & sensual yet not a dark perfume. I like. A lot.


    Drydown: Where the hell did it go? Ok, I only put on a dab, but I seriously can't find it on my skin. I relaly like it, but it's one that would have to continuously be reapplied.

  5. In the bottle: Generic perfume &....cough syrup? I think my nose is fucked up.


    First on: Damn this one looked like I'd love it. It's almost exactly like Nyarlathotep. :P


    Drydown: Like Nyarlathotep, it dries down nicely, but is completely different. It still smells like a generic perfume to me though, but I can tell it is a truly gender neutral, because I can imagine it being very sexy on the right guy. Swap.

  6. In the bottle: Soapy dirt. WTF? How can something smell like soapy dirt?


    First on: Oh, there's the roses. The soapy dirt is gone. In fact, everything is gone except for rose.


    Drydown: Oh this is nice. I doubt I'll order a bottle, because I hardly wear florals and I now have this, Ouija & Wildfire, but I'm keeping it and might order an imp from time to time. The dirt and oakmoss calm the rose down nicely. I think I really like oakmoss.

  7. In the bubble mailer: Mmmm... something smells good. Oh, it's because Danse Macabre spilled all over the place, despite being taped. It didn't get on any other imps because she rolled each one separately in the bubble wrap, but there's maybe 10-15% of the imp left.


    On the label: I didn't even open this one, Just decided to rub the label on myself to save on oil. A floral musky scent.


    First on: Ooh, this is like a crisper, cleaner version of Omen. I think it's the oakmoss.


    After an hour: Definitely more floral, but I can still smell the moss. It's like they way you'd think a boquet in a masoleum would smell. Still fresh pretty flowers, but with a wet decay in the room that seeps in slightly. Very nice. I wish the imp hadn't spilt, I'll have to get another.

  8. In the bottle: Medicine. Wierd.


    First on: Damn, I don't think I like this one very much. That sucks because I like all the oils in it. Maybe too heavy on the frankinsence.


    After an Hour: It's blended into a nice even mixture, but I'm not sure I'll keep it, because it's really close to Spellbound. Not the scent, but the mood it evokes. I'll have to try it again by itself.

  9. In the bottle: Um...it smells like when you leave flowers out for too long & they start to rot. Ugh.


    First on: Still got that rotting scent. Maybe it's jsut an old imp?


    After an hour: Now I can smell the rose, but I still get a sour, rotting feel to it. I like Ouija and I've got Zombi on the way, so this is going to swap.

  10. In the bottle: Honey fruit?


    First on: Interesting. Smells of plumy-grape stuff with a sweet overtone. Very berry like.


    After an hour: The musks & ylang ylang have come out. I really like it, which is very surprising because I hate honey on me. It's like a sweet musk with the fruit notes coming out every now and then. Definitely keeping this one.

  11. I was vending this past weekend at C11, ironically right next to the BPAL booth. I had gotten a bottle of this from Black Broom a week or so previous, but it's been relabeled Aunt Caroline's Money Bag. Anyways, I was wearing it on both days of vending, and I more than doubled my profits from any previous convergence I had vended at. I hadn't had time to dress a candle with it before leaving, but even just by wearing it I was very impressed.


    As an added bonus it smells really yummy, unless you spill it all over your sweater and can still smell it there 3 days later while you're wearing Cabaret. :P

  12. Well, I'm posting this on the day I read that all the celestials will be discontinued, but for those who might still want another review, I want to add that I also get the lovely woody notes in this, and note its seriousness, but one thing I noted that others haven't mentioned is that I'm sure there is civet in this.  Civet is one that overpowers other scents for me...and comes up just civet, which on me, luckily, doesn't have the bad scents it does for others.  Its commanding and wild, but not bad.....


      an addition:  couple of hours later it smells just like pot on me, like my old teenage days when I smelled like this constantly.....so I guess it doesn't inspire authority in me :P



    Man, I thought I was imagining the civet since no one else smelled it, till I saw that. :D I just put this one on, and the civet is strong, but not overpowering. Of course with Debauchery, it started off fine and a half hour later I smelled of spoilt milk.


    In the bottle, Saturn was very biting & harsh. A medicinal bitter scent.

    First on, it tirned warm & resin-y on me. I liked it a lot, it's what I expected Cathedral to smell like.

    After about 30 minutes, it's masculine properties have amped up and I agree, this would smell divine on a guy. Unfortunately the civet is starting to come out, and on me, civet = bad.


    I'll definitely keep it for magickal stuffs, since I don't smell the civet until it's been on me for a while.

  13. First, I jsut have to drool over this. *drool*I ordered an imp from the Lab, but I also won one in an ebay auction because I was tyring to get Red Moon. :D


    In the bottle: I can definitely smell each componant and identify them. Pepper is the strongest here, and I can see why some people might think red hots.


    Wet: Pepper & dragon's blood jump out in front, and my jaw dropped. I almost wrecked the car from sniffing my inner elbow (I tried a few scents at once). :P I get an image of an expensive, professional dominatrix with a big cat-o-nine tail, all in black. I swoon just snififng myself.


    Dry down: Sadly, the pepper was short lived. The dragon's blood, clove & cinnamon however make a lushious combination. The dom has now morphed into a raven haired sex goddess, in a long red gown like the one Satine has in Moulin Rouge. Very sexy, spicy yet with a hint of sweetness.


    6 hours later, and I can no longer smell myself (of course, I spent an hour sniffing at Black Broom earlier & probably wore out my nose), but when I asked a friend to sniff me, she could still smell me.


    This definitely gets a big bottle, once one of my imps are gone.

  14. I have an old tarted Bruja, and I liked it. For me, it was mostly myrrh and amber, which I love, and a hint of lilac in the background. This was the first BPAL scent to have someone come up and compliment me on how I smelled. :P It wasn't old lady on me at all, but was a warm not quite floral but almost scent.


    That being said, while I do genuinely like it, I have a feeling it would get lost in the others that I adore, and since it's discontinued, I feel the need to let it move on to it's next happy home with someone who will love it to death.

  15. This scent reminds me of many different things. First, I get the last scene in Original Sin, where they're in Morocco playing cards. Definitely an exotic building. And camels. Why camels, I don't know. I think because this scent reminds me of their coloring. Then a warm buttery spice, like a piece of toast slathered in butter and drizzled with cinnamon sugar. But it's not a foody scent. Definitely a scent I'll wear in late summer, like September/beginning of October where it's still warm but not deathly hot in Los Angeles.


    In the bottle: Vanilla (? there's no vanilla in it, why do I smell it?) and almost a tinge of a type of alcohol, though I can't place which one. Maybe a light spiced rum.


    Wet: the alcohol smell is gone, instead it's rich and buttery with a hint of spice. Not sure if it's my type of scent yet.


    Drydown: The spices come out and give a very warm feeling to it, it definitely smells of how I'd expect Morocco to be.


    I'll keep this one to wear later on in the year, and see if I want a bottle of it then. But I definitely like it.

  16. To me, Lady Macbeth is more of a deep reddish purple scent, rather than jsut red. Almost burgundy.

    In the bottle: Holy crap that's a lot of berry!


    Wet: I remember when I used to buy blackberry or boysenberry oils to get this scent. There's definitely some raspberry too, but thank goddess I don't smell any cherry.


    Drydown: There is definitely something behind all the berry. I can't distinguish it as wine or thyme singularly, but it does give the berry a kick and a darker image.


    I need to try this one again to truly know how I feel about it, but I think it's another that I'll love the imp of on occasion, but probably won't need a whole bottle.

  17. Requieminblack said this reminded her of the way my old apartment smells. I had already "ordered" it from a forumite, & I have to say she was right. :P


    In the bottle: strong rose, with a hint of amber & musk


    Wet: the rose is drying down a bit, which is good. The amber & musk create an odd swirl of scents that is vaguely familiar


    Drydown: I think this smells like an incense my old roommate used to burn. I'm definitely reminded of an amber scent box (where you put a chunk of powdery amber in a box with holes in it) I had as a kid, but I can smell the musk and the roses as well.


    I'll definitely enjoy this imp, but I don't know if that apartment is somehting I want to be reminded of everyday, so I probably won't get a big bottle jsut yet.

  18. In the bottle: Sweet dirt. Wierd.


    Wet: Dirt. I like the smell of dirt, but not sure if I want to be smelling like an earthworm.


    Drydown: The dirt faded to jsut a very subtle note, and the patchouli and apricot balanced out in an unusual way. I'm not a fan of apricots, and patchouli is ok on occasion, but it dried lovely.


    Something I'll have to be in the mood for, but I'm definitely keeping this imp & using it up. :P

  19. In the bottle: Mmmmm.....opium....I loooove opium.


    Wet: Oh, hello musk. You do nicely here. Your friend civet is tolerable for now, as long as you both crawl to the back and let opium have more space. :P


    Drydown: Civet, I hate you. You make me smell like rotten milk, and all I wanted was to smell like opium and musk.


    In short, civet didn't go all urine-y on me, but I did smell of spoilt milk & had to go take a bath before the smell made me so nauseated I got sick. It does get points for staying power, because 5 hours later I could still smell it without trying, so if civet doesn't hate you, it's a brilliant scent.


    I so wanted this one to work on me because I love opium so much. I nearly cried when I realized civet is evil.

  20. I like a nice floral scent to wear every so often. Ouija is a lovely combination of different scented roses.


    Wet it smells of a fresh boquet of roses, of different types/colors. There's a hint of the rosewood & teak, but not much.


    After drydown it really turned into a beautiful blend on me. It wasn't overpowering rose, but it was definitely a rose scent. The name & description are perfect, I get an image of Victorian women gathering round for a seance or reading cards. I'll be keeping this one for my occasional floral. :P

  21. In the bottle it smelled of a gorgeous boquet of springtime flowers, like one you would have as a centerpiece on a huge dining table. Fresh & very floral.


    Wet, the floral notes decided to distinguish themselves. Magnolia jumps to the forefront, followed by jasmine. I can detect a tiny bit of rose.


    After drydown, about 4 hours later, I can only smell magnilia, orchid and jasmine. No rose, and barely any amber. It's also faded to where I slathered myself with it, and now I have to search for the scent when I sniff myself.


    Unfortunately, this one goes to swap. It's a gorgeous scent, and I was debating on keeping it to use the imp, but I have too many scents I "like but not love" and I know I won't use it. Better off with someone it will love.

  22. My imp is a yellow shade, making me wonder about dragon's blood being in it at all, since it usually turns everything bright red.


    In the bottle: Ugh. This is really sweet & going back to swap


    Wet: Still really sweet. I might actually wash it off.


    Drydown: Glad I didn't wash it off. I can barely smell the dragon's blood under a sweet Lotus scent. Definitely not a bottle, but I'll enjoy my imp on certain occasions.

  23. In the bottle: Mmm... amber & light musk


    Wet: Um...what happened to the amber?


    Drydown: *cough*musk*cough*


    Unfortunate, because while I don't generally like musk except for egyptian musk, I love amber. Back to the swap pile.

  24. I just got this one from Gin, along with 7 others that I havne't fully tried yet.


    In the bottle: Strong vetivert with a hint of dragon's blood. Damn, I love dragon's blood.


    Wet: Hmm....not quite sure if I like this one. Definitely enough to finish the imp, but a bottle...dunno.


    Drydown: Ok, the dragon's blood & spice are most prominent, with a hint of vetivert. I think I like it a lot. I asked a few people to sniff me, and while the gay boy liked it, but it wasn't his fave, the straight boys loved it.


    15 hours later, and I can still smell the small amount I put on my wrists. And I love it. Mmmm..... Anyone that "got stuck" with this can certainly pass it on to me. :P
