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Posts posted by cupide430

  1. Red Mysore Sandalwood


    Sharp with a slightly woody note. This is harsh and slightly astringent. Medium strength and a touch like bug spray. This totally does not work on me at all. As it dries it becomes less sharp and astringent and settles into a more familiar sandalwood scent. This is still a very sharp, dry sandalwood, but it has definitely improved on drydown.

  2. Redwood


    This is a flat, sort of plasticky wood note with a hint of old lipstick smell behind me. Maybe I have weird skin chemistry tonight because everything I tried didn't work on me. This is mostly plastic and old lipstick with just a hint of cedar.

  3. Hazelnut


    Soft and barely sweet with a hint of fruitiness. This isn't terribly nutty, nor does it smell like the sweet buttery scent one would get from hazelnut coffee, which is the scent I most associate with hazelnut. This is much lighter and quite fresh smelling with a hint of toasted nut to it.

  4. Daffodil


    I have been heard firmly and loudly protesting that DAFFODILS DON'T SMELL... but whatever is in this oil has changed my mind and made me want to surround myself with them. I am nothing, if not a spring baby and this smells just like springtime to me. A light, gentle floral. So light it is barely there. This is just delightful. A perfect thing to put on at the end of a cold wintry day to remind you that spring is coming. :P Huge thanks to Hollie for lending this one to me for testing purposes.

  5. Hecate


    Almonds, almonds, almonds. Sweet cherry-ish almonds. This is probably one of the most almondy blends I've tried so far. As it dries, it does calm down on the almond bit and something powdery starts to come out, which I think is the musk. Overall ok, but not quite my cup of tea.

  6. A fresh floral at first. Very citrussy with a fairly strong jasmine note and a touch of something violetty behind it. As it dries, it is getting fruity with a touch of something ozoney. This definitely has a ripe sweet fruity edge to it now and a violet kick.

  7. Rapture


    A touch herbal and sharp at first and then straight into a powdery soft floral. This is actually quite a better on me than I thought it would be after reading what's in it. Neroli and rose don't usually work on me. I'm not having the usual problems with those, so that's a plus. I think that it is the Arabian Musk which is saving this as I am a musk fiend lately. Yum.

  8. Lolita


    Sharp, sharp floral with a powdery undertone. I think it is the orange blossom here that is the culprit for the sharpness. As it dries, it gets a bit more powdery and a little less sharp.

  9. Mad Hatter


    This is minty and fresh with a hint of warmth that is very comforting. This seems like it would be a great blend for when I'm not feeling well. Minty to clear me up and yet some musk to keep it warm. This is surprisingly gentle and definitely a keeper!

  10. Euterpe


    A very deep masculine floral. I think it is the poppy on this which has a dark edge and makes this blend seem very masculine on me. It smells like a deep dark perfume on me. As it dries, I can pick out some of the lighter floral notes and it is easing up and seeming less masculine. So far this might be my favorite of the muses I've tried. Unfortunately, that isn't saying much as the muses don't really seem to like me.

  11. Calliope


    A hint of citrus and a lot of herbs. This is one of the most herbal blends I've tried so far. I just get hints of citrus and a touch of lavender. I think the lavender and some of the herbs make it a little bit burnt crayon on me somewhere in the middle. As it dries further, that fades off leaving just the scent of herbs.

  12. Terpsichore


    Sharp, sharp floral. I think it is the neroli at first. There's also a powdery edge to it that I think is partially the apple blossom coming out. As it dries, it becomes this sort of flat, dry, slightly musky floral. There's still the sharpness of the neroli, but it is muted a bit with some slightly sweeter floral notes.

  13. Polyhymnia


    Light, creamy, herbal lemons. This is mostly lemony, which I'm sure is the lemon balm. There's something creamy behind it which reminds me of a Lush massage bar (like a less lemony Each Peach). It is getting a bit warmer and a bit more powdery as it dries. Definitely a sunshiney wake up type blend.

  14. Snow Angel At first floral fabric softener, then light and a little fruity (maybe pear?) then a sort of creamy smooth light almost floral, similar to how Cold Moon is on me, but I know I'm one of Cold Moon's most ardent fans. At points I liked Snow Angel and at points I didn't. The end drydown was quite pretty though.

  15. Mitzvah

    Starts off very creamy caramel and then calms down a bit into a more maple syrupy blend on me. Reminds me of Trick or Treat but doesn't go wonky on me like Trick or Treat did. I don't remember *why* I didn't like ToT, but I know I didn't. This is a creamy maple syrupy caramel on me. Fairly nice, but probably not something I'd like to actually smell like.

  16. Ace of Swords


    Lavender with a hint of citrus and a touch of something warmer and deeper behind it. Almost almondy but in a flat, not sweet way. As it dries the lavender intensifies. Unfortunately this is the lavender that doesn't work with my chemistry at all.


    ETA After a bit the lavender completely goes away and I'm left with a warm sweet slightly spicy scent that smells a lot like traditional perfume and is very slightly reminiscent of Thierry Mugler's Angel.

  17. The Magician


    A medium strength lavender at first. Not the bad lavender that smells chemical on me, but a more gentle version. As it dries the lavender fades into a more generic herbal with a definite fennel undertone. There's also a hint of something slightly plasticy in the background.
