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Posts posted by anmorata

  1. Ulalume:


    Wet: Very aquatic.

    Drydown: Hints of.. tree smell. It's like a forest at night, but not an evergreen forest but a maple or oak forest. It's very nice.

    Longterm wear: I don't know that I'd wear this often, but I really like it. I'll probably keep the imp, and decide later if it's a big bottle scent.

  2. Bewitched:


    Wet: Slight berry hints, slightly spicy.

    Drydown: The green tea really makes quite a debut during the drydown, as does the sage.

    Longterm wear: Gorgeous. The notes mingle well, and are very well-blended. Hurrah!

  3. Tombstone:


    Wet: VANILLA.

    Drydown: Still vanilla. Could we have a winner?

    Longterm wear: The sassafrass pops up and leaves a rather unpleasant smell.. and the cedar reminds me of mothballs. :P Not for me.

  4. Morgause:


    Wet: strongly violet.

    Drydown: I detect some fruity hints in the background, but this is remaining mostly violet.

    Longterm wear: I'm thinking that I really don't care for Violet. :/ That's really all I got out of this.. violet. :P Shame, I think I really could've liked this one.

  5. Kyoto:


    Wet: Cherry blossoms!

    Drydown: Cherry blossoms & sandalwood, with hints of anise.

    Longterm wear: My skin really amps up the anise, making this a very spicy smell. After about an hour, the cherry blossom starts coming back as the strength of the anise fades. I'm not sure how I feel about that.. I like the smell of anise, but it makes me think of the little candy-coated anise seeds at Indian restaurants. I'll have to give this one another shot.

  6. (Old) Madrid:


    Wet, in the imp: Juicy Fruit gum.

    Wet on me: The boldness of the fruityness fades, and the clove starts to make its presence known.

    Drydown: The wine really comes through during the drydown.

    Longterm wear: Well, my husband summed up Madrid as "It smells like oranges, then old leather furniture, then shit." I detect the clove above all, but he doesn't. Doesn't look like I'll be keeping Madrid.

  7. Snow White:


    Wet: ... oil? Hints of floral.

    Drydown: *baffled* nothing? hints of something sweet? Gabe says foody. I don't smell it at all.

    Longterm wear: Try again at a future date. I rolled the imp to make sure it was properly mixed, but I'm getting next to nothing.

  8. Hearth:


    Wet: red licorice? very strong scent.

    Drydown: the cherry and tobacco really start to come through as the intenseness of the scent fades.

    Longterm wear: Hearth is another scent that I feel would make a great room or bath product scent, but not a personal perfume. Ahh well.

  9. Gingerbread Poppet:


    Wet: Whoo, gingerbread and allspice and grandma's kitchen.

    Drydown: Is that hints of rum I smell in those gingerbread cookies?

    Longterm wear: Gingerbread Poppet is pretty much spot-on to its description. I absolutely love the scent, but I don't know that I'd wear it as a personal perfume. It smells much more like something I'd want in a bath bomb, a candle, or a room scent of some sort. I'll have to explore. :P

  10. Three Witches:


    Wet: Highly cinnamon.

    Drydown: still moderately spicy, but very very cinnamon.

    Longterm wear: everyone in my household is in agreement that Three Witches, on me, smells just like Big Red cinnamon gum. I'm strangely baffled by this. I love the smell, though, and I can't wait to see what the reformulation will smell like. :P

  11. CHASTE MOON 2005
    Though March marks the end of the desolation and chill of winter, it is not yet Spring, the time of rebirth, fertility and the Earth's fecundity. March's Full Moon is a Virgin's Moon, pure, youthful, unsullied and innocent. This is the Moon of the Child, and the scent is as soft and gentle as a baby's breath: milky blossoms and soft cream touch the last buds of winter, coupled with crystalline, bright traditional Lunar oils.

    In the bottle and wet on my skin: butterscotch. This smells so much like butterscotch when it's wet.

    Drydown: the overwhelmingly butterscotch smell fades very quickly. This smells very, very similar to Dorian for me. Not as HELLO SWEET TEA! as Dorian, but it's in the same vein. It's definitely a gentle scent. I really expected this to be overwhelmingly white floral (which usually smells like castille soap on me). It's not. It's incredible. It reminds me of sweetened cream at the breakfast table, with a small vase of flowers nearby.

    Longterm wear: the longer I wear this, the more it smells like.. something vaguely reminiscent of cocoa butter. It's very, very faint. It's not quite cocoa butter, but it almost reminds me of the smell I get after having worn suntan lotion all day, but I've lost most of it in the pool. Or the smell I get when I've applied a cocoa butter stick to a new tattoo. But it's so faint that it's barely there. I'm still getting the sugared cream smell, and I LOVE it.

  12. Centzon Totochtin:


    Wet: Wow, this is baker's chocolate and raw cocoa with rum. Deep, bitter, and strong.

    Drydown: The cocoa mellows out and the wine peeks in, but barely.

    Longterm wear: I don't know if I would wear this scent often, but it's so different that I can't help but to like it. I'll have to try it another time or two and see how it holds up as a regular scent. :P

  13. Eve:


    All apple blossom. I'm not familliar with the smell of ylang-ylang, so I can't comment on that. The rose peeks through, and I don't smell the honey at all. The apple blossom in Eve reminds me of the apple blossom in Phantom Queen, which I like quite a bit. I don't know that I'd wear Eve often enough for a big bottle, but I know I'd use up the imp.

  14. Faustus:

    Wet: all frankincense.

    Drydown: ooh, spicy cinnamon and violets. Where did the frankincense go, though?

    Longterm wear: This is a scent that I could see as a shampoo or bodywash, but not as a perfume scent. I doubt I'd wear it that often, so off it goes.

  15. The Red Queen:

    Wet: the site description is spot on. Deep mahogany and cherrywood, almost reminds me of cherry pipe tobacco.

    Drydown: the tobacco smell fades, leaving me with a dark spiced cherry smell.

    Longterm wear: after roughly 1/2 hour, The Red Queen morphed into.. mouthwash smell. Oh, Red Queen, how I wanted to love you.

  16. I have to preface this with: This is the oddest, most bizarre review I've ever done.


    (Old) Yerevan:

    Wet:.. popcorn? Smells like Popcorn-flavored Jelly Bellies.

    Drydown: The plum and apricot start to come up, but I still smell popcorn.

    Longterm wear: Several hours later, and I *still* smell like popcorn. ?!?


    What is up with my body chemistry that makes this smell like popcorn?!

  17. Nemesis:

    Wet: Some sort of weird fig/patchouli blend with overwhelming cypress.

    Drydown: Stays overwhelmingly cypress on my skin. Can't really detect any of the other notes. :P

    Longterm wear: Nemesis turns into some sort of evergreen-laced powdery floral. Into the swaps pile it goes!

  18. Severin:

    Wet: Grapefruit? Lemon? Some sort of citrus.

    Drydown: scent almost immediately fades, and I can barely detect the citrus.

    Longterm wear: Not once did I ever get leather or tea out of this scent. Severin faded within 10 minutes of application and never returned. Sad. :P

  19. Calliope:

    Wet: Almond goodness. That's all I smell is something akin to amaretto.

    Drydown: An herbally kitchen of delights. The thyme really, really stands out.

    Longterm wear: This scent makes me want to be a long-haired Pagan kitchen witch. I can't explain it exactly, but that's what comes to mind. I suppose Calliope inspires us all in different ways, though. :P I love this scent. It's very calm, gentle and herbally-green.

  20. Banshee:

    Wet: Eucalyptus never smelled so good. I smell lemon, too. Yum. This could be edible.

    Drydown: this smells like something I've smelled before but I can't quite place it.. Lemonheads and herbally tea, maybe? I just *barely* smell the mint.

    Longterm Wear: The lemon is definitely amped up by my skin. I love this scent. It's a keeper!
