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Everything posted by jizatt

  1. jizatt

    White and "Light" Musk Recommendations

    Discontinued, but Freak Show says it has honey musk
  2. jizatt

    The Great Sword of War

    All I'm getting is very strong verbena or lemongrass, or something herbal citrus - Very sad, because I really wanted to smell the tonka, tea, cocoa, tobacco, and red musk. I have the habit of reading the description for the parts I like and overlooking the rest. =(
  3. jizatt


    Should add Mary Read here - very oceany =) I think I said Kumari Kandam earlier too, which I still recommend!
  4. jizatt

    The Antikythera Mechanism

    The first time I wore this, I thought it was too masculine, but I couldn't help but wanting to wear it again anyways. It does strike me as a FANTASTIC scent for a guy - although I have yet to talk my husband into wearing it. But, having worn it a couple times since, I can say that the vanilla does come out the longer you wear it. This has a stronger throw than most of the BPAL that I've tried, enough to get comments, enough for me to smell on myself without sniffing. This is gorgeous, and I think has a possibility of aging well. I'd compare this to GV and Haloes for the glowy wood/sweet touch. I wasn't going to buy this, but after wearing it all day today, this might be a big purchase for me =)
  5. jizatt

    The search for the perfect Violet....

    Having avoided violets with a passion I can tell you that these are on my list - maybe you'll love them =) Ultraviolet - and mint Water of Notre Dame Le Serpent Qui Danse - strong violet Hell's Belle Sybaris - strong violet
  6. jizatt

    Come to Me

    Trying this today, no other testers on so that I can see if it works too. Smellwise, so far, I can BARELY smell this. So I applied more. Quite a bit more. I still can barely smell it. I agree with clean, and maybe lemony or verbena more likely, but seriously - the smell won't be whats attracting anyone. On me, its practically nonexistant. I love the good squeaky clean smells too! I'm afraid to put more on, in case my nose is just broken...
  7. jizatt

    How to remove scents from your skin

    I use hand sanitizer. I apply that liberally and then scrub with soap (scrub not just wash). After all that, I use unscented Aveeno lotion. There are some scents that this doesn't work for though.... But the sanitizer cuts through most of it. I'll have to try pouring straight rubbing alcohol and see if thats better. I haven't had many omg-wash-it-off scents (ultraviolet-hurk), I just use this on massive testing days to get a clean slate =)
  8. jizatt

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    Kumari Kandam has a wet, not quite but almost tropical feel to me. But I also swear I smell clay in there.
  9. jizatt

    Morning Sickness

    I've always heard that ginger was effective, so that suggests: Sudha Segara, Kumiho, maybe the Apothecary, and maybe Mag Mell These are all very light scents on me, and have a significant ginger smell to them. Possibly Harikata - though I haven't actually tried that one to know for sure
  10. jizatt

    Creating BPAL Gift Packs with a Theme

    The New Wild West Steampunk Pack: (thanks for all recommendations by the way) Galvanic Goggles Phoenix Steamworks Antikythera Mechanism Tombstone Bordello Coyote
  11. my suggestion is Wensleydale - it already smells clean
  12. jizatt

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    I'm still looking for similar perfumes to English Waterlilies and Estee
  13. jizatt


    maybe Tempest - its pretty heavy on the bergamot
  14. jizatt


    I really like the aquatics, but try to limit myself to just a couple, since they can smell very similar. The ones I'm keeping: Lightning, Kumari Kandam, Olokun, and I may have to get Thalassa again =) I did really like Sea of Glass too.
  15. jizatt

    The Death of Autumn

    My husband's response: "What the F*** was that one?"
  16. jizatt

    Hand of Glory

    This is not scary on me at all =) I get the beeswax for sure, which goes a little sweet on me too, I get the slight leather after its dried, and the spicy from the pepper. Its almost cinnamony after I've had it on for hours. Love this one and definitely considering a bottle.
  17. jizatt


    What I smelled was fresh dandelions, and it was gorgeous and bright. My husband smelled me and says - I dont know if I would wear that one. So I asked him what he smelled. The answer to that question usually varies from a wrinkled nose, to old lady, to baby powder. He says, Well, booze. Chalk him up on that one because I didnt smell it, and he had no idea what was in this.
  18. jizatt


    Inspired by and created for my beloved Tedwin: my eternal, beautiful, wicked Dorian Gray. Refined, elegant, and lovely, with a noble bearing and seemingly gentle air. This blend is an artful deception: a sweet gilded blossom lying over a twisted and corrupted core. A Victorian fougere with three pale musks and dark, sugared vanilla tea. This is all vanilla with only the littlest bit of tea on me - I have to say it is quite lovely, or yummy, I'm not sure which. I don't get anything masculine from it, but I might say vanilla musk.
  19. jizatt


    Desolation. The remnants of an empire, shivering with forgotten glories, a monument to megalomania, sundered power, and colossal loss. Dry desert air, dry and hot, passing over crumbling stone megaliths and plundered golden monuments, bearing a hint of the incense of lost Gods on its winds. This was perfumey as it dried, but not in a bad way I don't think. I waited it out. Now, its got a definite dry and sandy feel to it, heat. It's gold, but softer - brushed gold instead of harsh and reflective. It's sweet and incensey too. I amp sweet, so I can't guarantee this reaction for you, but I almost smell cinnamon... I generally don't like the strong incense smell, connotations I guess, but this one I love. This feels formal. This feels classy. My first inclination was to let my grandmother smell it because I think she would love it, but the longer its been on my skin the more I'm loving it. I can see this being huge for self-confidence, and I'm actually considering this as a bottle. edit: the cinnamon thing got me thinking, that and the gold - about how soft it feels. That made me think the ghost of cinnamon, the ghost of gold. And then it all came together. The ghost of Egypt. Ozymandias, the broken statue, ruling over empty sand.
  20. jizatt

    Water of Notre Dame

    What I got out of this scent was VIOLET. And this is officially the first scent to turn my stomach. I don't think its the Water's fault though, I have just learned that I really really don't like violets, in perfume anyway. I got the vaguest sense of something watery behind it, but the violets were so busy screaming that I really couldn't tell. If nothing else, I definitely know the scent of violet now, nothings ever wasted =)
  21. jizatt


    My first thought on smelling this on my skin was that it smelled alot like Marguerite, which I personally did not like, but everyone else said was an elegant rose. What I smelled was a sour, weird version of rose that I didn't recognize, but that made me wrinkle my nose. I checked the two and what they have in common is palmarosa. I'm guessing I don't like that note AT ALL, so I can't give this a very fair review. But, if you liked Marguerite check this one out, and vica-versa.
  22. jizatt


    This was all lilac and beeswax on me - loverly, but it just didn't last long.
  23. jizatt


    This was extremely pepper and clove on me, with a whisper of tea. It dried down a bit less violent than it started, and was rather pleasant in the long run. Not my kind of smell, but lovely none the less =)
  24. DISCIPLINARY action?!?! Want me to come DISCIPLINE these jackasses? WTF! soudns like you should have been wearing Clemence
  25. jizatt

    Quirkiest, most bizarre oils

    these fall in the not-your-average perfume range =) Mr. Nancy was... unique just to sniff. Antikythera was gorgeous but not typical at all - No. 93 engine as well. White Rabbit isnt crazy, not its not like any perfume you've ever smelled either. 51, or Santa Muerte, or both smell very southwest to me Hetairae - clovy sexy skin Black Tower - truly wine and smoke and dark things, but still sweet Miskatonic Univ - wood and coffee Van Van - vanilla but also grassy Tombstone - yum =) but not foody either exactly