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Posts posted by bellis



    Wow. It really takes over this blend on me. Wet, I get gorgeous lavender and spiciness, but when it dries it's all lotus. Oh well. I'll continue looking for my ideal lavender scent.

  2. :P

    I wanted to love this so much. It's SMUT, after all! One of the musks just goes funky, on me though. As if a cat peed into my bottle of Snake Oil. I'm going to try this once more, just to make absolutely sure we can't be friends because I love the boozy vanilla underneath the ick, but I might have to let this one go.

  3. This is just amazing. The chocolate is sweet and rich without being overpoweringly foody, and CREAMY! I get just a hint of tart orange, and the iris is lush and gorgeous. This is elegant and warm. I'm not sure if I'll wear it often in the summer, but it's perfect for winter and spring.

  4. Wow, this is a glittery sparkly floral! This champagne is all bubbly and a bit dry, with the hyacinth adding sweetness. This is a gorgeous blend, fizzy and bright spring florals and a bit of fruityness, but it's definitely not an everyday scent for me. It's definitely an out on the town scent, but I prefer darker smells when I'm on the prowl. :P Lovely, but I'll probably swap it to someone who will wear it more.

  5. It took me a bit to get my hands on a bottle of this, but I am SO glad that I did. I love egg nog, and this is the perfect comfort scent for me. It's incredibly creamy, warm, slightly boozy and spicy vanilla. Snuggly, and also a bit sexy because it's so utterly lickable. This is stays close to my skin, but I'm more than willing to slather it. I'm also thinking of all the wonderful things I could layer with it. If this isn't revisited in the next Yule update, I may have to start selling my soul for more bottles. :P

  6. I was a bit worried about the cypress in this, since it can go crazy on my skin sometimes, but this is GORGEOUS. Currant is becoming one of my favorite notes, and it is absolutely marvelous in this. Rich ripe berry with incense and spicy florals. This is going on my big bottle wishlist.

  7. After the first fifteen minutes or so, the rose definitely takes a backseat to the musk and amber in this. Which is still lovely, but I preferred it when the rose was more prominent. Lovely and sexy, but ultimately not for me.

  8. Oh yes. Tea and a papery bamboo smell and clean cool wonderfulness. This is a gorgeous green tea scent, very refreshing and cheerful. This will be great to wear when I need to perk up a little and go to class or work. It does make me want to go sit in a botanical garden in the shade on a sunny day, though.

  9. Interesting. Lavender and cinnamon. But not a foody or candy cinnamon, just the spice itself. I like the scent a lot, but I'm not sure if I want to wear it. I'll have to deliberate about this one.

  10. This is one evocative blend. Gorgeous musky spice, warm and dusty. I love the saffron in this. When I was young, one of my mother's friends brought her back a small container of saffron from Fez. I used to just stick my nose in it and inhale the amazing exotic smell. I do like this a lot. It's a bit more incense-y than the scents I usually wear, but I'd definitely consider a big bottle of this.

  11. Wet, this is milky and soft and flowery. Very pretty. As soon as I put it on, however, the milk goes a bit off. Milk that isn't quite curdled yet, but I certainly wouldn't want to drink it. I'll swap this off to someone whose skin doesn't spoil it.

  12. I kept hoping this would grow on me. The tobacco is thick and gorgeous, all warm and sweet with the leather backing it up. Something, however, smells sort of astringent and is giving me a headache. I think it's the linen, which works fine on me in White Rabbit but I just can't deal with in this blend. I don't get the woods at all, either.

  13. The perfected winter rose, dew covered and freshly cut.

    Wow. This really is a fresh red rose, stem and all. It's lovely and vibrant, but it's not my favorite rose blend, and I know I'm not going to reach for it over Whip or 2,5&7.

  14. How have I not reviewed this yet? :P


    This is sweet, spicy, gingery wonderfulness. This is yummy without being too foody for me, and perks me up and makes me feel fiesty. I wouldn't mind it being a bit stronger, but I am more than happy to slather this. So lovely.

  15. Oh wow. This is sharp and biting and soooo good. The tea and ginger are perfect together, fresh and clean and lovely. I've had trouble with green and white tea scents disappearing on me, but the ginger seems to be anchoring this. If it has reasonable staying power I would definitely get a bottle. Yum!

  16. A raven-haired Fairy Queen of Ireland. One of her eternal duties dictates that she must hold a midnight court every season and hear the pleas of married Irishwomen. The court serves only to determine whether or not husbands are adequately serving their wife’s sexual needs. A judicious yet powerfully sensual blend, a mingling of justice and sexuality: sage, sweet pea, bold pale musk and warm tonka.

    Gorgeous. Sunwarmed sweet pea and sage, with warm musky background of tonka. This is a lovely fresh and slightly herby floral. So far, it is relatively strong on me. I'll definitely consider getting a bottle of this. It would be perfect on hot summer nights.

  17. Hmm. The lemon and the musk are the most prominent notes on me. I'm barely getting the florals at all, which makes me sad because I love both honeysuckle and iris. This is lovely, but it think it's too faint for me. I can't smell it unless I smush my nose against my arm.

  18. Oh patchouli, I really can't wear you at all. The rest of the notes in this sounded so lovely I thought I'd give it a try, but it almost always completely takes over a scent on me. The gladiola and white tea are lovely and fresh in this, but the patchouli is just too much for me.

  19. Hubba hubba. I'm almost sad it took me this long to try this one. Jasmine isn't one of my favorite florals, but I do like it and my skin doesn't amp it up like it does so many others. In this, the floral blends perfectly with the vanilla. The myrtle makes it a bit fruity and the bourbon vanilla is my favorite vanilla, it reminds me of the double strength vanilla extract my father would bake with when I was a kid. I LOVE that almost alcoholic smell. The clove and musk provide a spicy sexiness.


    I need a big bottle of this! :P
