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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Coldfire

  1. Imp: Wow! It’s floral and bitter at the same time.

    Wet on Me: how can I describe this. Almost antiseptic in a good way. Just when my nose thinks it can pick out a note it swirls and dances and becomes just one nebulous scent

    Drying Down: More herbal now over the bitter and antiseptic and then sharp earth. Also getting a sea scent haunting in the background

    Dry: A scent for remembrance is what I’m getting out of this. I may just wear this tonight for our open Samhain Ritual…..to remember those gone on before.

  2. Imp: rose and the lemon blossom

    Wet on me: still rose and the lemon blossom. So far this is not cloying rose.

    Drying Down: spoke too soon. I must AMP rose as that is all I am getting.

    Dry: damn damn damn. Just rose. No lemon blossom, no tangerine, not even the nicotania let alone the huckleberry. This is the April Fools joke on me

  3. Imp: a little fruity..a little woody

    Wet on Me: still a little fruity, still a little woody, dark

    Drying Down: This is a witch’s greenhouse. A little woody, a little fruit and a little green over the dark.

    Dry: This smells like a cedar chest one might have used to store dried herbs used in spells. Dark, lovely, warm and comforting to my nose.

  4. Imp: oh the wood! The blend of the wood. Oh the joy!

    Wet on me: Lovely wood blend and for once the tobacco is

    not rancid on me.

    Drying Down: still awesome woods…with traces now of

    the tobacco and the vanilla.

    Dry: Oh. Mah. Damn. Do I ever love this! I’m a nature

    girl and I grew up watching my father make cabinets in his spare time in

    his workshop. Oh the smell of the different woods. Thank you. This makes

    me remember watching my daddy in the shop all those years ago. KEEPER!

  5. Imp: carnation and lavender…and the rose otto I think

    Wet on Me: more carnation and the rose now. Very strong

    Drying Down: Very……not tart or sharp…but not sweet either. But floral that is for sure. Must be the carnation and the rose otto. I’m not getting any lavender in this or the honeyed milk or frankincense.

    Dry: that sharpness has mellowed out now. A softness comes in..the baby powder. Which cuts the carnation and rose otto to something sweet.

  6. Imp: smells like a lavender baby…all soft and lovely

    Wet on Me: I am now smelling what I remember Snake Oil smelled like with the Lavender

    Drying Down: Now more head shoppy…and less lavender…the lily of the valley is waking up a wee bit.

    Dry: This dried down to such gorgeous gentle loveliness. I can smell the best of both parents in the Snake Oil and the Dorian…with the gentle sweetness of a baby tying them both together. FTW!

  7. Bottle: Totally get the hot cocoa. And then light whisps of coffee

    Wet on Me: Wow! It’s a cinnamon mug of hot cocoa now!

    Drying Down: Still primarily hot cocoa with the light caress of the cinnamon, but the coffee adds a deep note that rounds it all out.

    Dry: This is the smell of early Christmas morning when I’m trying to wake up before the unwrapping of presents. My fave hot cocoa with a touch of coffee and cinnamon for wake up. I don’t get any of the brown sugar. I'm not one much for foodie scents but I do like me this one.

  8. Bottle: Total Sea air…with that crispness of line, with out the tang.

    Wet on Me: still sea air…and the salt crusted woods are peeping up.

    Drying Down: ooooo Me likey this. The lime is more the leaves. Crisp and adds to the aquatic feel of this without getting all tangy

    Dry: The snake oil starts to show up a bit now. A tiny whisper of it beneath the currents of the sea air and the aquatic-y lime and wood. Oh this is the LURVE!

  9. Bottle: dark spicy apple and nuts.

    Wet on Me: deep spicy apple with some of the bark to balance it and cut the sweetness

    Drying down: The bark and leaves and nutmeats come out more now and the spicy apple blends down into the background.

    Dry: Woody with a fruity shadow. Darkest coolest autumn days for me. Rements of baking apple pie on a wood stove scent. Will reach for this again and again in Autumn

  10. Bottle: green. But not bright vivid green. Darker green

    Wet on Me: tiny hints of the min now…and the lime. The sweet must be the papaya. The counter to that must be the green tea.

    Drying Down: The mint is overtaking the lime. And The grass and cucumber are also begging for attention.

    Dry: Dried to a nice soft clean green. Pleasant. Not overbearing.

  11. Imp: the full moon on a dark night. Pale white and ghostly almost fog like.

    Wet on me: now things become clearer. The fog thins in places. I smell the ivy and the moonflower a bit more now

    Drying Down: this is smooth and floral but not heavy or overpowering. The green balances it nicely

    Dry: this has bewitched me. As I move my arm during my tasks I get this waft of lovely pale white flower scent with undertones of green. Delicate, but not retiring or fading out quickly.

  12. Bottle: Wisteria and the lotus blossom first

    Wet on me: plenty of wisteria wowness! And the lotus Blossom is not shy either

    Drying Down: There is something keeping the lotus and wisteria from being too sweet or floral-y. I think that is the bamboo reeds. This just keeps getting better and better.

    Dry: I can be in love with this. It’s soft floral tempered by that bamboo and reminds me of a wonderfully cool autumn evening.

  13. Imp: Coconut but not sticky sweet coconut. And the lemon

    Wet on Me: now..dark wood and the musk over the coconut. Damn fine!

    Drying Down: The wood stands out over the lemon and coconut to me. But not in an overpowering way.

    Dry: This is a pirate scent. A woody, rummy, dark, all man scent. Which smells rather lovely.

  14. An irrelevant, disturbing, and surreal scent: red currant, green tea, red musk, Hawaiian ginger, benzoin, vanilla, coriander, squash blossom, and blueberry.

    Bottle: Blueberry and some dark whispers of tea struggling to come out
    Wet on Me: the regular tart of blueberry is softened by the vanilla. But I get faint traces of the tea and currant wanting to come and play as well.
    Drying Down: now more currant and musk with the tea right beneath it. The blueberry has moved to the back of the scent trail.
    Dry: almost powdery, but the currant and tea and the blueberry in the background keep a counterbalance sharpness in it. I like this. I’m so glad I got a bottle!

  15. Bottle: clean, but not soap, floral, but not cloying

    Wet on Me: wee whisps of the musk and sandalwood at first

    Drying Down: this is a lovely ethereal type blend. Still a gentle lovely scent

    Dry: everything plays nicely with each other in this one. No one more than the other for my nose. Just clean and gentle floral that surrounds you with smiles.

  16. Yule

    Bottle: deep evergreen and juniper tempered with the verbena and frankincense

    Wet on me: More evergreen now. Not total Christmas tree evergreen…but still a nice winter green smell

    Drying Down: The wild thyme keeps this from being a total pine fest. The frankincense and myrrh soften it.

    Dry: Love the resins coming out and I get a woody scent as well with the evergreen and the thyme and verbena keeping it from getting overwhelmed by any one scent. This is not Christmas….THIS is Yule! :P

  17. Bottle: The greenness of the fir and cedar are your prime scent on first sniff

    Wet on Me: Still piney style goodness for now

    Drying Down: smells like a Christmas tree lot. Not getting much of the mint at all

    Dry: Lovely Christmas-y tree goodness. This is such the winter scent for me. Clean and green and sharp and makes me wish for snow!

  18. Bottle: sweet but not sugar sweet. Catching the red currant first.

    Wet on Me: Red Currant and the musk/amber in the background

    Drying Down: The creaminess of the honey comes in but does not over power the currant’s sweetness.

    Dry: Creamy Currant Amber without smelling like powder. The musk adds nice subtle touches as well. So glad I got a bottle

  19. For the 08 Version




    Bottle: darker and more resinous

    Wet on Me: deepest patchouli in the middle of the darkest night.

    Drying Down: the black amber blends well with the patchouli with peeps of the myrrh playing between them.

    Dry: The musk brings the dark of night feel to this scent and weaves dark magic over the patchouli and amber and myrrh. Such a lovely well done blend!

  20. Bottle: dark and the gardenia…but not cloying gardenia.

    Wet On Me: still dark, still some gardenia, the white amber coming in now

    Drying Down: Lovely. More amber and the musk now than the gardenia. Why does this feel like a deep south garden on a hot summer night in the darkest of night?

    Dry: This dried down into something just so lovely….I’m so glad I got a bottle. Must keep.

  21. Imp: Winter….Winter and evergreen/pine

    Wet on Me: le sigh. Le love le winter evergreens with a trace of snow in the background.

    Drying Down: I’m standing in the middle of a thick forest covered in snow. But without the damn cold!

    Dry: Another total keeper, so glad I got it bottle!

  22. Bottle: ozone and rain aquatic. Clean, sharp and crisp.

    Wet On Me: more ozone aquatic rain. Almost Masculine in it’s clean and sharp

    Drying Down: Have you ever found a scent that on first sniff has you completely under it’s spell? This is it for me. So far this is drying down amazing. Want to test it on the man!

    Dry: still this awesome ozone-y rain scent with some clean…mint feeling in the background. This goeson my hoard list. Must have MORE!

  23. Bottle: If purple has a scent this is it! Can’t define anything singly yet

    Wet on Me: I am starting to get grape…and plum…a whisper of wisteria

    Drying Down: Lovely deep purple (cue Smoke on the Water :P) sweet like grape candy, but then deep with the plum and wisteria. So far so good that I have not amped the lilac.

    Dry: Purple grape sweet but not sticky smelling. This is awesome. Then I want to rock my royal purple this will be the scent I wear. So glad I got a bottle of this.

  24. Imp: Apple. Crisp Apple. Crisp Dark Apple.

    Wet on Me: The scent of tart fresh crisp green apples. Not too sweet and just right. Something a wee bit dark lurks underneath

    Drying Down: musty apples…but not in a bad way. Could be that darkness I smell…musty or a blood scent.

    Dry: okay I can totally get the sexy vampire apples description. Now that this has dried down on me this is totally what this smells like! So glad I took a chance and got this. Not letting it go!

  25. Imp: aahhh my favorite dragon’s blood..strong but not overpowering

    Wet on Me: LURVE! The witch in me is singing.

    Drying Down: the sharpness comes forward….but still does not overwhelm me.

    Dry: The best parts of Dragon’s Blood on me. Such a keeper!
