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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Coldfire





    Imp: mmmmm violet and jasmine maybe

    Wet on Me: still a tad more violet than anything else.

    Drying Down: violet…some jasmine…not sure if I’m getting

    the incenses or the fruits….but I’m getting something.

    Dry: It’s violet and jasmine. Everything else seemed to be

    too scared to come and play with me.







    Imp: Amber over vetiver. I’m trying but the intial whiff is almost an

    automatic repel for me

    Wet on Me: Already I’m having my aversion to Vetiver. It’s stale earth

    and baby powder from jump street

    Drying Down: now it smells like band-aid. Srsly! It smells like a new band-aid.

    Dry: Baby Powder scented band-aids. Where is my Tonka? Where is

    the Carnation? And the Orris? I feel left at the altar on this. I know that I amp

    Amber to baby powder, and that vetiver hates me with a burning fierce, but

    not even the musk came out to play in this group. At least I got to try it and

    now it will be re-homed to someone that it likes better. Cause girrrrrrl it hates me!







    Imp: smells like wine freshly poured out on the dirt as an offering

    Wet on Me: I can smell the earth but it’s not sour earth,

    it’s a sweet earth

    Drying Down: I love how the dirt notes haunt this scent. It’s a

    nice wine alrighty, but the dirt it haunts it so.

    Dry: This makes like a vamp and fades pretty darn quick in the

    daylight, but it leaves vague scent memories that make you think

    something happened and you are trying desperately to remember. I like this.





    Imp: I get the dragon’s blood and the pepper and clove

    Wet on Me: Less Dragon’s blood and more pepper now.

    But not in a make you sneeze way

    Drying Down: now a balance has been struck between the

    clove and the dragon’s blood and it seems it was negotiated

    by the black pepper with the blessing of saint cinnamon. But

    with out the burn of cinnamon.

    Dry: Clove, and Black Pepper are doing the lambada while

    Cinnamon croons in the background on the dragon’s blood

    dance floor. So this is how the truce goes? A dirty dance-off?





    Imp: I smell the spice and the lotus more than the lavender

    Wet on Me: Lotus over lavender, the lotus sweetens the

    lavender with touches of the spicey vibe I get from carnation

    Drying down: definitely spicy more than anything. Sweet spicy,

    like a carnation.

    Dry: I’m so getting carnations over lotus out of this. No lavender.

    I love lavender. Nice that I tried this tho.








    Imp: WOAH! Green vetiver to me

    Wet on Me: Green and Vetiver dusty

    Drying down: touches of Mr Clean in this.

    Mr Clean is Wolfsbane?

    Dry: a woody, sometimes green Mr. Clean.

    Not sure HOW my nose is getting that.


  7. Imp: earthy with wood undertones and slight green whispers

    under those
    Wet on me: more woody now and then earthy and then more whispers
    of green.
    Drying Down: More wood now and the earth seems to be taking the scent
    of patchouli. Very little green now.
    Dry: Mostly a wood. Hardwood it seems, with undertones of patchouli
    when you breathe in deep enough and waaaay in the back as a ghost is
    the green. I like this. Glad I got to try it.





    Imp: heavy, and herby

    Wet on Me: Still Heavy and herby with an ancient vibe

    Drying down: Sweet herbal.heavy. dusty

    Dry: heavy and syrupy and herbaly. Just about too heavy for me.

    I think I’ll re-home this one.


  9. Salt air, ocean mist, aged patchouli, sarsaparilla, watered-down rum, leather-tinged musk, and a spray of gunpowder.

    Imp: ooooooI can smell the salt air and the ocean mist
    Wet on Me: OMG this rocks so much. Salt air, ocean mist,
    some sasparilla…
    Drying Down: Nose has firmly attached itself to my hand now.
    This is totally standing on the deck of a pirate ship. ARGH!
    Dry: This is another keeper and must get bottle. I’m standing
    on the deck of an old ship sailing to nowhere and loving it while wearing this. Lovecity!





    Imp: Jasmine! With the tuberose!

    Wet on Me: More jasime but balanced with the tuberose

    Drying Down: rose…regular rose is coming out and stepping on everything.

    Dry: Sad. Stale. Once the rose started stepping on

    everything it all went south for me. Off to the trade pile






    Imp: woah. Super heavy lily

    Wet on Me: still super heavy lily. But not that supermarket Easter lily smell

    Drying Down: really heavy lily but this has this undertone of dark and mesmerizing.

    Dry: this mellowed down on me after a while. This might be a lily I can handle







    Imp: honey and something I can’t out my nose on

    Wet on Me: woah too sweet! The honey gets overpowering on

    me the second it hits my skin

    Drying Down: Wow…honey is just too sweet for my nose. I’m

    not getting anything but this honey my skin seems to amp. No

    herbs or anything.

    Dry: Honey. I want to love honey, but I amp honey into sweetness

    overdrive. I am glad I got to try this but it might be better loved

    somewhere else.








    Imp: yuzu and aquatic flowers is what I’m getting in the imp

    Wet on Me: touches of the white grapefruit over the yuzu and aquatic flowers.

    Drying Down: this gets very faint after a while and the kumquat comes

    more to the forefront now.

    Dry: kumquat receded now and I get the yuzu and light floral. Very nice.

    Haunting and ethereal. I like it.






    Imp: mmmmm carnations and chrysanthemum. Wow!

    Wet on me: Even better. Alrady the nose is locked to the wrist!

    Drying Down: I am sooo in love with this right now. I get the spicy and the

    flowers, slight traces of the sweet of the plum.

    Dry: OOOOOOO Keeper and must get bottle. Spicy Carnation and mum love!

    This is a total fall scent. Must have more to remind me of my favorite season.





    Imp: light pretty floral

    Wet on Me: Still light pretty floral, Possibly the moonflower

    and honey myrtle

    Drying Down: floral soap? Not getting the mosses or dust. Just floral soap

    Dry: like clean laundry on the line on a spring day. A clean floral.

    Not too heavy and quite pretty.






    Decant: green floral to me

    Wet on Me: lovely green floral nothing jumping out at me just yet

    Drying Down: The floral in this morphs. So far it’s NOT morphed into rose or lilac or lily which does not play nicely with me at all. I’m still having a hard time putting my nose on the notes. But I’m liking it.

    Dry: Sweet but not over bearing, a lovely gentle blend that hints and unity and strength underneath. So glad I got to try this one as well.






    Decant: powder and floral?

    Wet on Me: I get the galangal and tobacco flower and ginger now

    Drying Down: still getting a powdery effect and some wood. I’m thinking the galangal for the wood and the fig for the powder.

    Dry: Less powdery sweetness from the fig, still that woodiness from the galangal. I like this and am glad I got to try it.







    Bottle: cedar and sandalwood

    Wet on Me: More cedar than sandalwood now. Since I’m a woody girl I like this so far.

    Drying Down: lovely cedar that has been softened and sweetened by the sandalwood.

    Dry: still a lovely cedar that is softened and sweetened by the white sandalwood. I’m really glad I got a bottle of this.






    Decant: lavender and blackberry

    Wet on Me: Lavender, blackberry and the dianthus

    Drying Down: more blackberry and lavender now…and stunning!

    Dry: This is just blackberry lavender and that is perfect for me. Now another scent I’ve fallen hopelessly in love with and now must track down more! FTW!


  20. Toad






    Decant: Definitely a dapper cologne

    Wet on Me: Still a very dapper Cologne. Back of hand is glued to nose already.

    Drying Down: getting a lil bit of the pipe tobacco with that dapper cologne. Loving this soo much. I’m a sucker for a good men’s cologne.

    Dry: chalk this up to another one I wish I had orderd! I am so in love with Toad. Does that sound right? It is the lurve smell deeevine! I want to run home and pour it on mah man and just attach myself to him.








    Decant: oh holy cowabunga! Mums and something

    Wet on Me: Mums and opium, and resin/incense I think. This is a floral that is LOVING ME!

    Drying Down: This is a drug and I’m fast becoming addicted. Good mum, opium, this wafts up my nose and swirls around my head and heart.

    Dry: this dried into something so utterly indescribable as I simply do not have a vocabulary strong or eloquent enough to describe this liquid love on my skin. This might end up my holy grail!






    Decant: astringent-y,

    Wet on Me: sweet now

    Drying Down: am getting what I think is Snake Oil since

    I’ve not tried it. Not getting any of the oakmoss or sea moss or olive leaf.

    Dry: Okay now I get the barest ghost of the oakmoss

    over the Snake Oil. This makes me want to try Snake Oil now.





    Decant: woah. That sweet almond scent.

    Wet on Me: more overly sweet almond. Can’t get

    anything else from it.

    Drying Down: the myrrh is trying so hard to tame the

    almond on me, but they are clashing and making

    something bitter on my wrist.

    Dry: kind of a sweet spicy incensy scent now. Did not have

    very good beginnings, but ended uppretty good. Glad I got to try the decant.

