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Posts posted by Coldfire



    Decant: I get the cranberries and some ginger on this

    Wet on Me: Still the cranberries and ginger and now musk peeks out to say Oh Hai!

    Drying Down: Lucky for me the lilly does not come out ot play so far. Still getting the fruitiness of the cranberry.

    Dry: This stayed nice. Did not go over the top. the lily behaved and stayed away from my amping self. All in All...nice






    Decant: Orange Blossom and Mimosa

    Wet on Me: now add the benzoin and mandarin to the above mix. So far so good

    Drying Down: I'm getting sinister now. It is kind of 'off' a touch sour or dank.

    Dry: This starts of gorgeous but gets scary on me. I think I will re-home it.



    Imp: old dusty and musty sweet with the tobacco

    Wet on me: I get the vanilla and cognac, but the sweetness is cut by the tobacco.

    Drying Down: This is not overpowering. It's still all of the above, blended wonderfully.

    Dry: This is a grande old dame who brought out her finest from years gone by, a tad dusty, but no less beautiful, seductive and charming all at once. So glad I got to try this one.




    Imp: Light and 'happy" can't help but smile

    Wet on Me: A touch of sweet berry/fruit? Still smiling.

    Drying Down: Still happy fruity sunny sweet but not sugary sweet.

    Dry: Fruit stripe gum, which always made me happy and pixy stix mixed with liquid sunbeams. I can't stop huffing the spot on the back of my hand where I tested this. Keeper!





    Imp: gardenia, aquatic and the ginger

    Wet on Me: a nice blend of the gardenia which is softened by the muguet and aquatic. It also keeps the white ginger from going over board

    Drying Down/Dry: this all blended into something light and soft and floral with a hint of ginger to kep it from going overboard. I like this one!





    Imp: bitter/tart with faint traces of the orange. Almost orange peel like.

    Wet on Me: still that bitter/tart neroli/orange peel with tiny sweetness wanting to make an appearance

    Drying Down: the bitter/tart goes away and is replaced with the sweet blood orange and raspberry tempered by the neroli. Total summer fragrance

    Dry: This ended up a sweet summer cocktail on my skin. Not too tart and not too overly sweet. Love this. Would make a great body spray.





    Decant: mostly chamomile in the container

    Wet on Me: okay some of the bourbon vanilla comes out now

    Drying Down: This is mellowing out into a sweet but not sugary sweet scent.

    Dry: Light and pleasant. Very glad I got a chance to try this one out!





    Decant: mmm sandalwoods and light whispers of the musk and leather

    Wet on Me: ooooo the leather is becoming bolder.

    Drying Down: wow I love Beth’s leather notes.

    Dry: This is manly leather that has softened just a touch by the sandalwood. Such a keeper!








    Wet on Me: Oh I love tulips…and peonies and aquatic….and grass. Just lovely. Perfect for a spring day.

    Drying Down: this blends together so well and makes my nose wax rhapsodic!

    Dry: lovely, delicate but not frail. This is made of win!





    Imp: definitely green in impression

    Wet on Me: I like me some green herbal. I’m sensing there is more..but it needs to come out of the scent shadows and play

    Drying Down: faint but not too delicate. Green and clean. Almost soapy but not quite

    Dry: clean green. Thankfully no rose overtones. Touche of peony…no dark rooty thing tho. I like.






    Imp: I get the sandalwood and the resin-y undertones of the incense and myrrh

    Wet on me: rose alert! Already wanting to overpower the other notes on me.

    Drying down: and it’s turned to canned air freshener rose and nothing else.

    Dry: rose. Rose and rose and it won’t let anyone else out to play. To re-home.







    Imp: Musk and myrrh

    Wet on Me: resin-y and dark, and very sensual

    Drying Down; spicy musk and amber and man is that leather coming out to play!

    Dry: somewhat antiseptic in a good way. That leather and red musk and whoa! TO LOVE! Beth’s leather notes are awesome.





    Imp: mmmmm bergamot and lemon and man

    Wet on Me: mmmm more bergamot and lemon and man

    Drying Down: total man’s cologne. Sexy man. Hot sexy man. Really smlling good hot sexy man.

    Dry: little bits of leather in this fine man scent. I want to slather this on my honey and just inhale him for hours.







    Bottle: hmmm medicinal…almost like that scent you get when you open a fresh jar of noxema AND some resin swirling around.

    Wet on Me: spicy resin and sandalwood. Touches of clove.

    Drying down: resin for sure. Reminds me of hot summer…but not humid summer. Dry, warm and yellow. Getting some amber in there now too but not enough to turn it to baby powder

    Dry: this is simply a breathtaking scent. Warm, dry, resin’y, woody, faint ghostly touches of something sweet. This is all around love!






    Bottle: smells like Avon’s old White Hawaiian Ginger at first sniff

    Wet on Me: yup. Summer alrighty. Summer flowers and humidty. I get the fresh greenness of the herbs in the background.

    Drying down: This is a warm hot summer’s evening..the sun is just starting to set and the ful black of the night sky has not been reached yet. Warm, lovely, heady but not overpowering.

    Dry: I get sunset more than morning with this scent. I smell the intoxicating flowers, and the green of the herbs. I never really got the citrus but that is okay since the rest of this is supremely lovely.





    Bottle: lily mostly. With some ‘green’

    Wet on me: uh oh. I just amped lily and it was joined by rose and they are taking a trip to Wizard air freshener land. Please abort this trip!

    Drying Down: soapy rose lily now

    Dry: this smells like the little rose shaped guest soaps my grandmother had.






    Decant: light ghost-y whisp-y sandalwood.

    Wet on Me: very light but yet..compelling. Cannot stop wanting to inhale. Not much from the honey

    Drying Down: this does not go completely powder on me…there is something…something floating in the background that keeps it from going overly sweet or powder on me

    Dry: stays very light and ghostish…but just beautiful.






    Imp: definitely get the rhododendron and deep aquatic.

    Wet on Me: more deep aquatic over the rhododendrons. Very heady. Almost a lilac

    Drying down: wow this went to lilac air freshener on me really fast.

    Dry: this is really not for me. I’ll re-home.





    Bottle: sour but kind of effervescent with something floral lurking deep under. champange?

    Wet on me: now I get some wood, some resin and less sour. Also getting a powdery note

    Drying Down: powder and wood. A touch of incense as well.

    Dry: this went to a sandalwood-powder-incense-y vibe to me. But it has something else I stil have not been able to wrap my nose around. I want to use this oil when I work with the Justice card.






    Bottle: herbal. Old herbal but in a good way

    Wet on Me: herbal and parchment. As if the parchment was to contain the recipes created at the Apothocary

    Drying down: Herbal with a faint berry undertone? Still get a parchment note with this as well

    Dry: Starts strong but fades low fast. Still there but faint. A sweet herbal with berry undertones and parchment. I love this.





    Bottle: slightly aquatic and astringent-y and light green. Crisp and sharp.

    Wet on Me: less aquatic, still crisp and sharp, more dry air with hints of light greens

    Drying down: now comes the desert air. Hot stifling…desert air in the morning.

    Dry: great throw. This is the light green of desert flora with the dry crisp morning air before it becomes stifling. There is traces of a rock note/scent/vibe in there. Just can’t stop huffing my hand. Oh and why do I get a man scent vibe? Like this would be even better if I were sniffing a man wearing it?






    Bottle: Peony and Plum blossom

    Wet on Me: sweet peony now…quiet and gentle

    Drying Down: faint but sweet. Pretty Peony and plum blossom, hints of the lotus root. The musk is under all of this.

    Dry: Dried down very nicely. The musk came out and made a soft carpet for the rest of the notes to dance on. Very very pleasant. Spring like.

