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Posts posted by Coldfire

  1. Decant: earthy and green but with an ancient vibe

    Wet on Me: more green than earth. Almost an astringent vibe wanting to come out but being restrained. Still get this old and ancient feel from it. Loving so far!
    Drying Down: Green like old evergreen and earth that is warm and rich, this is a hypnotic scent for me. I keep raising my wrist to my nose and inhaling deeply. This wants to carry me away.
    Dry: Completely loving this. NEEEEED to track down more of this. LOVING IT!




    Decant: baby powder softness over something...

    Wet on Me: quiet baby powder. Almost like this is disappearing on my skin

    Drying Down: still the baby powder of musk and something a tad earthy. But not sour earthy. Fresh.

    Dry: Baby. this smells mostly like fresh clean baby. A baby you want to pick up and hold and sniff and snuggle on. And just kiss it's adorable chubby lil cheeks!




    Imp: Heavy, spicy and jsut a touch of old rose

    Wet on Me: old and spicy. faint touches of wine. dusty and musty old rose.

    Drying Down: the old rose is amping all over the place getting very faint touches of spice, oak and plum but they are afraid of the rose.

    Dry: the rose went and amped all over everything. :(

  4. Dear Beth,



    This. Your Response is why you are in a small pantheon of strong women role-models I admire. You may not have intentionally set out to be a role model, but after reading your response, it cements it for me. You are successful without comprimising your high standards, ethically, morally or for quality. So thank you. You and Puddin and Brian and the Labbies....keep on keepin on. I hope that you in some manner or form continue to inspire women young and old.









    eta: because I can haz spelling?




    Decant: VERY VERY STRONG Almost a Turpentine over vetiver over hazelnut

    Wet on Me: Still overpowering turpentine over vertiver over hzelnut.

    Drying Down: just very very overpowering. Vetiver to the ooonth degree on me. And then the Hazelnut scent and maple syrup?

    Dry: oh how I was hoping this would end up an oak goodness something that synced with the image of the Oak King I have in my mind, but alas this is vetiver and hazelnut syrup.


  6. Decant: tis a meadow in the vial. I wish to stop there for a while. Sunny green grasses and wild flowers.
    Wet on Me: Definitely the green grass and then at the tail in the of the sniff you get the flowers and they draw you onward into the meadow.
    Drying Down: still getting lovely grassy meadow with faint flowers.
    Dry: This is just the kind of place I imagine that waits in Summerland for all pets to romp and play in until we join them. Oh Pa-Pow what a tribute to you!




    Decant: there is a snowy evergreen note in the imp.

    Wet on Me: hmm trying to wrap my nose around this. Somewhat medicinal? and cherry but deep cherry or black cherry but not that almond-y cherry note.

    Drying Down: a cross between Ben-Gay and Tiger Balm! And I don't mind either of those!

    dry: that awesome Cherry Vicks flavor captured in a scent! That is what this is! with a touch of leather!



    Decant: honey and sandalwood

    Wet on Me: honey and hazelnut and vanilla. very sweet with lots of power.

    Drying Down: sweet honey and hazelnut. Not doing it for me so far.

    Dry: just too sweet for me. The honey got amped and everything else just made it seem even sweeter to my nose. I guess I'm just not a honey girl.




    Decant: resiny and woody and coke syrup?

    Wet on Me: masculine yes, resin and woods, yes, something spicy, yes and something more I can not quite pinpoint

    Drying Down: getting some lime in this. Not Green Jello Lime or Candy lime and not even overly tart lime, but that gentle whisper of lime that sets this scent off to the next level of divine.

    Dry: WOW! I could wrap myself up in this forever. Too bad it is so rare. I love it. Will gladly take more of it, but I know I don't have the funds to track it from here to heaven which is where I am assuming it resides away from us mere mortals.





    Decant: Getting a boozy vanilla feel

    Wet on me: now I get the sugar over the vanilla over a boozy vibe

    Drying Down: I keep getting faint ghosts of this. This is amazing. blending to a vanilla booze haze. heady in the best of possible ways. Not cloying at all.

    Dry: I feel like sex personified when I wear this. total va-va-va-voom woman.





    Imp: Myrrh and Wine

    Wet on me: Myrrh Wine and Honey.

    Drying Down; mostly the honey is amping over everything now. Displacing the wine and not letting the flowers get a chance to play

    Dry: just honey. Which is okay if you like honey. But I'm not too a fan of sweet or foodie sweet notes.




    Decant: I definitel get snow on first whiff

    Wet on Me: Snow and the lovely scent of narcissus

    Drying Down: This one has not morphed into anything else so far. Still a snowy narcissus.

    Dry: nice. Glad I got the decant.




    imp: heavy floral. white ginger

    Wet on Me: very heavy floral. Tropical Floral. Reminds me of Fairchild Gardens in FL.

    Dryin Down: still heavy tropical white floral. at times overpowering on me

    Dry: stayed a heavy overpowering tropical floral on me. Just too heavy for my tastes.




    Decant: yummy Grapefruit and Yuzu

    Wet On Me: lovely lovely yuzu and grapefruit and the tuberose joins the act.

    Drying Down: The grapefruit has disappeared now and it's mostly the yuzu and tuberose

    Dry: sweet creamy white floral blooms




    Decant: Musk, Tonka and Tobacco

    Wet On Me: Spicy Masculine vibe right off the bat on this

    Drying Down: getting the clove adding to the musk and tonka and tobacco. WOW am loving this!

    Dry: spicy masculine goodness. almost reminds me of the old Cinnabar perfume, but much better.



    Decant: I get the orange blossom and the citrus and hibiscus.

    Wet on me: Still more of the same. The Hibiscus reminds me of growing up in Miami

    Drying Down: Warm, Yellow Sunny goodness

    Dry: And it's dried down to the amber baby powder on me.





    Decant: geranium, ginger and the faintest tinge of the blood orange

    Wet on Me: definitely geranium. Mostly geranium

    Drying Down: I'm getting the geranium, and the Frankincense, and the gergamot.

    Dry: heavy Geranium. Not really for my tastes. Will swap.

  18. Decant: nighttime evergreen woods and something I can't put my nose on
    Wet on Me: nighttime Evergreen woods in the snow with faint whispers of musk
    Drying Down: Almost an aquatic evergreen now
    Dry: The forest at night by water. not a river water scent. not quite a swamp aquatic note. But soft and lovely for me.




    Decant: evergreen-y resin-y goodness

    Wet on me: like standing in a forest of evergreens while swinging an incense censer

    Drying Down: the evergreen woodiness recedes and the incense comes out to play.

    Dry: It's Christmas eve..and I'm outdoors in the snow in a clearing in a forest with all the stars shinging bright and Mother Moon shining down . THAT is the mood this evokes in me.


  20. Decant: White Tea and chrysanthemum

    Wet on Me: Still the Chrysanthemum and white tea more than anything else.

    Drying Down: this mellows out and gets faint very quickly. mostly just a slight mum-y tea scent

    Dry: This is like a whisper in the night. Goes quickly and leaves an scent memory that makes you want more.




    Decant: BREAD! I smell the wheat and Flax and sesame.

    Wet on Me: Still bread.

    Drying Down: I'm still getting bread first and foremost. But some juniper wants to sneak into the picture.

    Dry: This is a harvest-y grain scent. Did not get any of the herbs or veggies in this. Just bread-, grain-y ness

