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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lacyjae

  1. Woot, my @Ponoko pieces are on their way!! And I'm plotting #Yule gifts while I wait for mom. <3

  2. I'm getting an imp's ear collection. As if there was ever any doubt. #BPAL

  3. News of my health issues has been traveling throughout my instructors.. Yay feeling loved!

  4. "Bust out of that Titty Sac!"

  5. Thinking that with school stuff, a wafflemaker, extra helmet, and puffy coat... this is going to be an interesting scoot to school....

  6. Lazy morning due to very late night and VERY, VERY cold scoot home. Trying to get stuff done before BANFF with @bfaolan !!! <3 <3 <3

  7. Parks Canada group pass! We'll figure out moneys if you guys want... @syianna @eyeska

  8. "It could be a sex place." "...It's a phonebooth." "But it has a little ledge!"

  9. So, home. Little to show for today but going to carve the shit outta some wax before sleep takes me.

  10. Corsets have landed!

  11. OMGZ BED. SO not prepared for ANYTHING.

  12. hmm... what #BPAL to wear today? My default has been #Perversion, but... hmmm.

  13. Sadface! No more skull molds so I'm baking a giant ton more cupcakes. :D

  14. Apparently my adorableness got me a free birthday pumpkin pie from Marble Slab :D

  15. Birthday Bumps? No. More like "Birthday Slice Your Finger Off" ... Er.... Things. Awesome day but Jesus FUCK does my hand hurt.

  16. Did utterly nothing today, except nap and get lost in movies. I think meds are really, really kicking my ass. :/

  17. I never met you, and yet still your death touches me and leaves me in tears... Why are we still dying from cancer? It's not fair.

  18. I am nit prepared for work time all morning arghgle

  19. Don't wanna do homework... sleepy.

  20. Sick :( Stomach is NOT pleased with the world right now. :(

  21. Somebody just found most of her movie/tv show stash...

  22. So tired. Can has bed now? No? Siiiigh.

  23. Awake. My kitten and my boy are still in bed. I couldn't stay any longer, was getting back cramps. Going to plot my day and make breakfast?

  24. Eff it all. I'm gonna play Amnesia. #IGiveUp

  25. I fixed my injector! Yay! A little oil and baby's good to go.
