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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lacyjae

  1. OMGZ BED. SO not prepared for ANYTHING.

  2. On the bus. Is it sad that I want to go home to waxes than stay and surf net until mom's done at 9:30?

  3. Ooh, hi thar headache.

  4. Ordering camera gear! *flail*

  5. Ordering my jellies from @Ponoko ! :3

  6. Parks Canada group pass! We'll figure out moneys if you guys want... @syianna @eyeska

  7. RE:Afterlife was enjoyable. Really liked the bad guy.

  8. Really tired. Bed. nnngh. Night world!

  9. ROFL I think I put 46 instead of 146 for my weigh-in... Oops. @x_weighted

  10. RT @Jesus_M_Christ: I like my women like I like my crucifixions. Tied down and nailed hard.

  11. Running off to more time with the boy. Lots of work to make up for this weekend, my week will be FULL. *flail* Totally worth it, though. <3

  12. Sadface! No more skull molds so I'm baking a giant ton more cupcakes. :D

  13. Seeing if a wrist brace helps me feel less like a broken doll. :(

  14. Showers make everything better. n_n

  15. Sick :( Stomach is NOT pleased with the world right now. :(

  16. Sick, headachey, exhausted. Watching "Monsters."

  17. Signatures on jewellery should be subtle, you don't want people to notice it until they're looking to see who made it...

  18. SO FULL. Awesome dinner. Awesome waiter. May have work. SO FULL OH GODS.

  19. So I woke up sick and still went for my 20 minutes on the treadmill first thing. Ended up skipping school, but at least I walked.

  20. So Mi-Go is large for a female - 16 lbs, and females usually 10-12 lbs. And she's still growing!!

  21. So much more fun to video!

  22. So tired. Can has bed now? No? Siiiigh.

  23. So, home. Little to show for today but going to carve the shit outta some wax before sleep takes me.

  24. Some people and #wedding... "I don't care if the shoes are $700, get them, if you like them why not?" O____O
