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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lacyjae

  1. I'm sad at some of the images a google search for "The Last Unicorn Lir" gets. o_O NSFW.

  2. I'm so useless. I'm tired. Waiting for casting time. Lots to do, can I do it? Lacking focus something fierce. :/

  3. I'm up, I swear! And now I have far too much to do.

  4. If I get a car, I'm naming it The Carrion Mobile and keeping gloves and a cooler in it.

  5. If this car alarm continues to go off pre-6am every single morning, I AM going to jail for destruction of property and murder.

  6. is hanging out infront of the fire with her @bfaolan :) Waiting for the gang! And totally not having sex this time.

  7. It smells like worms.

  8. It's odd to be all alone after the entire weekend with @bfaolan... :/

  9. Japan... you're in my thoughts. :(

  10. Just realized that by transferring my domain and hosting, I lost everything I had living on my domain. Oops.

  11. Lazy morning due to very late night and VERY, VERY cold scoot home. Trying to get stuff done before BANFF with @bfaolan !!! <3 <3 <3

  12. Made an awesome-tasting sauce for fish, packed up some food, now bathroom stuff and I'm ready to go! :D

  13. Mi-Go just tried to slit my throat to get up into the window. Augh.

  14. Michael Buble, you have officially stolen my heart. <3!!!!

  15. Mmm, Halloweenie #BPAL decants are soooo awesome. Mrrr.

  16. Mmmm, after years... I has a desktop again. Pretty, pretty #iMac.

  17. My arm actually woke me up with it's agony. What the HELL.

  18. My chest is tight and not happy. Hard to work on stuff when sitting up hurts to breathe. :(

  19. My fingers are tingling. *sigh* Please tell me this doesn't mean I have to start taking MORE pills every night. :/

  20. My five year #cancer free anniversary is tomorrow!!!!!!!!

  21. My new digital scale says I'm 166.6.... I'm not sure how to take that.

  22. My nose is killing me, all torn up. I hate colds. :(
