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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Anita

  1. IN the imp- almost lemony, sweettart kind of a candy smell, with something clean in the background.


    on wet- still getting the candy sweettart, no sign of anything else that is in the description, unless the lemony stuff is the wood.


    dry- oh, there you are incense! very faintly showing up, the sweettart is gone, but the lemon remains in the background with the incense now.


    I think this is off to swaps, because while it is a nice clean scent, it isn't something meant for me.

  2. Well this, this is just straight up sexy..


    in the imp: I think it is the metal I smell most, with the amber, frankincense and musk hanging out in the background, waiting for their chance to shine.


    wet: I can smell more frankincense, and amber, but not the metal isn't completely gone. The musk is still dancing around the edges of it.


    Dry: Frankincense is still there, but the amber is the big player in the end. Musk is all but a whisper, and the metal smell is tricking my nose, i think it's there and then I sniff too hard and I can't find it. Tricky.


    But in every format, it's still sexy, very.

  3. Ok, so Red Rider is one of my favorites to wear. It's everything I want in a leather scent and it's sexy to boot. I was hoping that Black Rider would be it's masculine partner.


    Not the case. The instant it touched my skin, it was baby powder with a tiny hint of leather. Then the leather went away and it was just baby powder, which made me very sad.

  4. So this one... this is odd.


    in the imp: Snake oil, but snake oil with the *tiniest* bit of something sweet. My guess is the orange blossoms.


    Wet: Now that it is on my skin, it has a chance to expand, and I can definitely smell the orange blossoms. But it's still snake oil for the majority.


    Here is the odd part. My DH, who loves it when I wear snake oil, took a quick sniff and said, "No. Definitely a no." I was truly surprised. I asked him why it was a no and he couldn't give me anything specific at all, just that he doesn't like it. I said that it smells exactly like snake oil and he said it is NOT snake oil. So, maybe DH has a way more sophisticated nose than mine.


    Dry: Still a sweeter version of snake oil. It hasn't changed at all except to get slightly lighter, which is what Snake oil does on me as well. I may try tricking him the next time he requests I wear Snake oil and see if he is just being silly...


    Update: This doesn't have the same staying power as Snake oil. I don't have to reapply with SO at all, but through the first 3rd of the day it was not completely gone, but almost.

  5. Got this as a frimp and was intrigued by the honeysuckle and the orange blossom.


    in the imp: lemon, with a hint of sweetness that I suspect is the orange blossom


    Wet: Exactly like in the bottle.


    On the dry down: It's stays sweet lemon, but demure. Has an innocent quality to it, but very feminine as well. Has very little throw but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I think this is something my daughter would love to wear, and it would suit her very much. Off to her perfume box it goes.

  6. So I just received this bottle in a swap and couldn't wait to try it on.


    In the bottle: Something smacked my nose. I tend to think it's the musk? Could be the myrrh? then I get the jasmine floral.


    Wet: Whatever it was that smacked my nose has now come out with boxing gloves on and is beating the jasmine up pretty bad.


    On the drydown: I smell nothing of the apple, the quince, the citron and haven't since I opened the bottle or put it on. All I have is a tired out version of the musk/myrrh scent, which isn't for me.


    Boo! I had high hopes for it.

  7. The hollow scent of a vast antediluvian civilization, now frozen and buried, smothered by a thick sheet of ice and trapped deep beneath the ocean. Thick incense, clay, stone, and hothouse blooms with a spike of frost, a hint of decay, and heavy, dolorous aquatic notes.


    Very floral, but with sweetness. not sugar, but not honey either. I really can't tell what it is. No incense yet, and I have been waiting a while. It is what I wanted to smell most in this, but alas, no. It's very strange and I can't tell yet if I like it.


    I waited a while and now it's gone a bit.. bug spray-ish, maybe?


    I wanted to like it but it doesn't like me. Off to the swap/frimp pile.

  8. In the imp: It's actually... bitter? There is nothing in the scent description that should be doing this.


    Wet: No, this can't actually be the imp I have. I have sour cleaning product, no resin, no frankincense, nothing that I wanted to smell in this is on my skin right now. But the label says that's what it is, so it must be. I have never ever had one this so far off of what the description says it has in it and what I am actually smelling.


    dry: I couldn't wait that long to get it off of my skin.

  9. I like roses. I do. They are my favorite flower. But I have yet to find a rose scent on here that hasn't morphed into something headache inducing, or that makes me think of sweet little old ladies. I was hesitant to put this one on to be honest as rose has stabbed me in the back a few times. Maybe that will be the "wicked" part of it?


    In the imp: straight up rose, but it reminds me of the minature roses, not big velvety ones.


    Wet: Yes there is something in this that has me saying these are cute little pink roses, all clustered together. Dainty. Nothing that I would construe as wicked has shown up.


    Dry: Not much throw and it appears to be struggling to stay on my skin. Almost as though it's afraid of overstaying it's welcome. It has been tempted to turn soapy on me, but hasn't yet, so that's a good thing. Still no wickedness.


    Overall, I think I like it. I definitely like more than other rose scents I have tried, but I think my imp is enough, no bottle necessary.

  10. In the imp: the coconut is most predominant, with the faintest hint of patchouli, but the scent then ends with a sharp, almost bitter note.


    wet on my skin: The bitter note is gone, whatever it was, and the coconut is out loud and proud, dragging it's shy partner patchouli around. I like this.


    the dry down: The coconut left the party fast. This is all patchouli now, no mistake. I keep resniffing myself hoping that the coconut came back but no, it's not going to happen. All patchouli all the time.


    Verdict: I am going to hang on to this one for now, I really loved it with the coconut, but on it's own it's just meh. I may try to layer it with other coconut scented things, since I really liked this combo.

  11. First sniff instantly made me think of my dad. Which is good, because I have always thought my dad smelled good :)


    On my skin, definitely fresh out of the shower clean scent, but manly.


    I really do like it, but I am going to frimp it to my dad, because that's all I can think of with this scent on. And as much as I love my Dad, I don't think I can have my dh smelling the same as him, it would just be... weird. Maybe I will get him a bottle for Christmas.

  12. Sensual, decadent, and enigmatic. Lavender, softly underscored by lotus and spice.


    Beautiful at first, I open the imp and smell a lovely combo of Lavendar and lotus and I think, oooo this is going to be good.


    After I apply the flowers are waltzing together on a dance floor made of spice. It's lovely and I cant stop sniffing.


    Then as it dries... Spice. SPice. SPIce. SPICE. the dancers have left the floor and the cleanup crew has dumped cinnamon everywhere.


    It's official, I now smell like a retirement home's bus trip to Niagara Falls- Tiger balm, anyone?


    Boo. That makes me sad.

  13. In the bottle, it is yummy, and reminds me a lot of antique lace, which is weird since they have NONE of the same ingredients... I get zero leather which makes me a little sad since that is what I wanted to smell the most.


    In my hair, it is a beautiful scent, I can catch the vanilla and the ambergris, but the leather and the musk are nowhere to be found. I figured dark musk would be a heavy hitter, being dark and all, but no.


    I desperately wish I could smell the leather more, but it is not to be. I tried putting more in my hair to see if it would amp it up a bit and it didn't work. When the man smelled me, I asked what he could smell, and he said it was a really clean smell, when I was hoping to lean toward "sexy".. oh well. I will keep it and use it, and hope for better next time around!


    Edited to add: I finally tried it in my hair while my hair was wet- I do finally smell the leather but very faintly, and as my hair dries, the scent goes away as well. Not the entire scent, just the leather portion of it. :)

  14. I was so happy to get my book and smellies in the mail today.. I tore open the box and proceeded to open and sniff.


    Even though the scent in the bottle was dark and almost dirty, I immediately put some on.


    There is nothing win about this scent for me. Almost immediately my nose started screaming to wash it off. But I braved it out to see what would happen.


    And nothing good happened. It stayed the same dirt smell, which I can't even really classify as dirt (I think its the clove), with a touch of leather and something the very tiniest bit sweet. The sweet being more of an aftersmell, after I had taken a big whiff and then got the vanilla on the exhale.


    I am extremely sad about it, as I had high hopes. So the plan is to shelve it a bit, and see what comes of it then. :(

  15. I ordered a bottle when they came out untested, and tried it as soon as I got it, then shoved it away for a while and thought I would give it one more try.


    Bottle: I don't get any leather out of the bottle but it smells like dirty diapers in one of those diaper genie things, that every mom had to have about 15 years ago. Its really gross.


    wet: Same stinky smell, just... ugh.


    drying: Sort of leather and the diapers.


    dry: i have to shoe my nose right to my skin to smell this, and although the diaper mess has really faded and I finally have leather, its not for me. Its gone all weird. Like leather with an alter ego.

  16. In the bottle: leather and some red tinged goodness with it almost sweet, maybe its the balsam? And nothing of the red moss.


    Wet: ooo yum. It has the leather for sure, with the balsam coming out to say hi and even a light earthy note which I am guessing is the moss. But wait a minute...

    Drying: why do I detect a hint of something almost.. Medicinal? There is something that has turned a little sharp and off somehow. And I know that smell, but I can't place it. It will come to me.


    Oh no.


    There is stiil strong leather but something else too. Its smells very faintly of Tiger Balm. :(


    Dry:tiger balm has faded. And now I am left with leather and a beaqutiful outdoors smell, and the leather reminds me of what it might be like if you were riding through a misty forest.


    I can get over the tiger balm. This is a keepern and maybe because of the tiger balm, a lovely locket scent. :)

  17. So I just got my specimen from the lab this week, and tried it out tonight . In the bottle all bread and butter, and caramel, I think. when I put it on, i got bread and bu- wait a minute, is that licorice???? Licorice??? There is no licorice in the description! I wait it out, and still huffing myself occasionally I can get bread and maybe something thats tea, and that damn licorice! Now the licorice has dies down into something lemony..and the bread is all I get in the end. I am very sad about this , but not willing to let one test of it be the deciding factor. Maybe it needs to age out a bit, and we will see where it goes from there.





  18. I am very sad about this one.


    I had hummed and hawed about ordering but the reason i did was because I thought the pepper would keep everything else in check, like it does in tweedledee.


    It's bubblegum. Sticky, sugary, pink got-it-stuck-in-my-hair bubblegum. That was what I goit out of it in the bottle.




    No pepper. No apple.


    Which makes me cry. :P

    So up for swap it goes..

  19. I. LOVE. THIS.


    I was humming and hawing about trying it at all, it wasn't something that grabbed my attention in the imp. But I thought, what they hey, and dabbed a bit on my skin.


    Holy crap.


    I smell mint and chocolate and something totally sexy peeking around the edges- I have no idea what it is, it isn't lavendar.. or is it? lavendar morphing into something my nose cannot get enough of? Whatever the case may be- this is a decadent scent.


    And this is why I should and will never judge a scent out of the bottle/imp again.

  20. Violet Ray was, quite unexpected. A surprisingly light floral smell, I was thinking it would have a bigger bang to it. Not that this is a bad thing, but I get so caught up in the fantabulous descriptions, and thought this scent would be weightier. A very innocent mix, if you will.

  21. Simplicity and innocence, gleefully despoiled! Sugared violet.

    SImply put: I can't get enough!! And while I thought I was to like her sister Hope better, it turns out to be just the opposite...

    So now I need to find a Hope addict and go sharsies with them on a set.. or 2.. or 3... :P