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Posts posted by Barb25

  1. This is the first Panacea that I really like.


    At first, yup, it's all about ylang-ylang. But then it deepens, darkens, and turns into a radiantly sexual scent - musky and resiny on me. I think there may be a slight touch of jasmine in there, but my skin doesn't pay all that much attention to jasmine (thank goodness), so it was very faint. Overall, a very warm and sexy blend.

  2. Today's scent is Peitho, a wonderful frimp from the Lab.


    In the vial - mmmm, sweet sandalwood


    On me - oh wow! The musk and vanilla come out the strongest on me (they normally do), with the sandalwood being quite sniff-able as well. The florals are a light presence, they lighten up the scent a bit and make it less heavy. I cannot smell clove at all.


    Wow, this is very, very nice. This might even be bottle-worthy. I seem to be stopping a lot to sniff my wrists as I type. Yeah, this is gorgeous. MMmmmm. Happy Barb!

  3. In the bottle - Spicy ginger goodness. Very yummy.


    On me - it's very ginger, but not too strong or overdone. The ginger blends with the incensy/spicy resiny notes very nicely. It's kind of a more sophisticated Gingerbread Poppet, IMO. After an hour or so, it faded a into a nice warm, comforting scent. It doesn't have quite as much staying power as I would have expected, I need to reapply after about 3-4 hours.


    Overall, it's quite nice, I like it a lot, but I'm not in love.

  4. I love lavender. Love it. Ace of Swords is my fav of Beth's lavender blends so far, and I have tried most of them.


    It's lavender, a bit of sandlewood, and a couple of other bits of lovliness. I'm sorry, I am horrible at picking out notes, but I absolutely love it. I got a decanted shortie, and ordered a 10ml the next time I ordered.



  5. I have really been looking for a good coffee scent for a while, and Beth has certainly fulfilled my wishes.


    In the bottle - very strong Irish cream coffee


    On me - At first, very strong Irish cream coffee. As it dries, the coffee dies down just a little, enough to smell a hint of woodsy notes. It still has a ton of throw, and it lasted about 12 hours without having to reapply.


    I really should have gotten another bottle!

  6. Honey Moon has been blended very well and skillfully. I had given up on finding a honey blend with jasmine where the jasmine doesn't kick my nose all over the place.


    Beth got it just right. The honey and jasmine blend wonderfully, it isn't too strong on the jasmine, it's just right. The ginger gives the blend a little fun kick too. I like this one a lot.

  7. OMFG. STRAWBERRIES! Yummy, wonderful, amazingly real strawberry scent, with a little cream mixed in. Absolutely edible. I think I get a little lotus in the background, but it really is strawberries and cream on me. I am VERY VERY VERY happy!


    It lasted a good 6 hours on me, and that is with me sniffing my wrists every 2 seconds. I seriously couldn't stop.


    This one is up there with Red Moon for me. Wow. That's saying a lot.

  8. First of all, I'm sorry that my reviews aren't that great, but here you go anyways.


    Chaos Theory CCCLXXVIII


    In the bottle - very cinnamony and herbal. Looking good!


    On me - Holy crap. Amazing. It's like a wonderful blend of Sugar Cookie, Gingerbread Poppet, and Chimera. A creamy, spicy, foody, wonderful scent. Great throw, and it lasts a LONG time, 8 hours or so.


    Very good.


    Chaos Theory CDXXII


    In the bottle - very sweet, milk and honey-ish


    On me - Again, very yummy. Milk and honey and vanilla with a little touch of something spicy to give it a little oomph. Almost a cross between Dana O'Shee, Snake Oil, and Lush's Creamy Candy Melt (the melt, not the bubble bar, there's a difference.) Nice throw.


    I love both of them. I'm a very happy Barb!

  9. This is a deep, calming scent. There's a little floral too it, but it's more incensy/resiny. It is quite warming - this would be a great scent to wear on a chilly evening, cuddling up with a book in front of the fireplace. After a while it did go a little powdery, and a little more herbally on me, but still nice. It's not as strong as I would like.

  10. It's creamy, there is definately some amber, and a really sunny floral - not too strong a floral. Carnation perhaps? I don't know how to explain it, but this seriously smells like a mid-day sun, in springtime perhaps, so it's not too hot, just warm and lovely. Very beautiful. I like it much better than Tum, which is the only Station of the Sun that I actually have at this point. It's warming, without being too much so. Very nice.

  11. I absolutely love Chesed. Love, love, love Chesed.


    I managed to get an imp of it. Maybe I got it because Chesed is one of the few words in Hebrew I remember. I'm not sure.


    It is very cedar-y. It also has a fruitiness to it, kind of citrussy, but I'm not sure. I'm really not great at identifying notes - but I know this. Wearing it gave me a tremendous feeling of peace and happiness, and I could not stop sniffing my wrists. It is a really different, unique scent, and I am crazy about it. I ordered a 10ml the day after I tried it the first time.


    This one is in right up there with my Bpal true loves. Fantastic!

  12. A pomegranate martini describes this scent perfectly.


    It's got a lovely fruity scent, with a little bite of booze. I tend to crave Bellinis when I wear it, which is a little weird as I certainly don't smell peach, but that's okay. It's a great warm weather, make you happy kind of scent. Love it, and it's on my list for a bottle.

  13. Hello chocolate!


    Bliss smells like chocolate. Pure milk chocolate. By itself, it's too much for me - I just smell like a chocolate bar. However, used in combination with another scent like Hollywood Babylon or Chimera, or with another product, like Lush's Kissletoes or Brandy Butter bath bombs, it is quite lovely.


    Personally, I like Vice better. I'll use the imp eventually, but this won't be a bottle for me.

  14. Danube probably is the nicest smelling aquatic that I've tried so far, the florals are light, but give it a beautiful edge.


    However, my skin seems to eat this one all up, and within 10-15 minutes, the scent is gone.


    How sad.

  15. A dizzying eddy of four teas brushed with light herbs and a breath of peony.

    The Dormouse wasn't on my wishlist, but was so highly recommended, I had to try it.

    Damn, is it good! I really don't get any tea scent from it at all, just a nice, light, green, fruity scent, but not too light. Very pretty, and a great spring and summer scent.

    Methinks I need a bottle of this...

  16. I love the idea of wearing a scent named after a female pirate.


    On me, Anne Bonny is a very calming, centering scent, yet powerful as well. It is the perfect scent equivalent of Teddy Rosevelt's saying "Speak softly but carry a big stick."


    The patchouli and sandlewood blend together nicely into an earthy, dry scent that feels good to wear, if that makes any sense. It reminds me a lot of The Coiled Serpent. A gem!

  17. This was a freebie from the lab, and I am ever so grateful.


    First of all, I've never tried a scent with dragon's blood that I didn't like. And together, the dragon's blood combining with the rose turns fabulously sexy, and the red wine scent adds a bit of sophistication. I can definately smell all three notes, and it is just amazing.


    Unfortunately, my hubby does not like the smell of red wine at all, thus cannot stand Blood Rose. (He's not a BPAL hater by the way, he's even tried a few.) So, I probably won't buy a bottle, even though I really love it, as there are too many other scents that we both agree on. Pity.

  18. Of all the scents I have tried (and at this point, probably 80+), Red Moon is my absolute favorite.


    The Dragon's Blood mixes well with an orangey, cherry, yet floral blend. It is truly divine. It makes me happy just thinking about it.


    What can I say, I am completely head over heels in love with Red Moon.

  19. Kali is beyond beautiful. It smells mainly floral on me, I can really smell the tulip, but underneath the floral scent is this gorgeous chocolate/red wine/honey scent that blends together flawlessly. I absolutely love it.

  20. At first, Dragon's Eye went very resiny and metallic on me. Not good at all.


    After about 10 minutes, the metallic scent died down, and it turned into an absolutely amazing, gorgeous creamy floral. Absoultely heavenly! The dragon's blood is still there, but faintly in the background. It is a wonderful spring scent.


    I might even like this one better than Dragon's Heart. Not sure yet though.

  21. Wolfsbane was a freebie from the Lab.


    I would never have picked it for myself, but it's actually quite nice. It is very herbally, as someone said a green and wet herbal scent, not like dried herbs at all. It also has woodsy undertones. I don't smell any rose, or any vetiver (thank gos, I hate vetiver!). I quite like it. I do want hubby to try it, I think it might be very nice on a man.

  22. In the bottle - I smell the sweetness of the dragon's blood, but without the metallic quality that I smell sometimes. The sandlewood is there, but lightly in the background


    On me - Beautiful! The dragon's blood and sandlewood come together wonderfully, with a light floral background scent (must be the orris). Hubby also liked it a lot.


    Overall, very nice. So far, I've liked all the dragon's blood scents that I've tried.
