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Posts posted by viciousviolet

  1. A strange, but very pleasing scent. The resin of the dragon’s blood is not very pronounced, and while I usually find it to be a sweet scent, the florals in Dragon’s Eye sharpen the perfume. It is very multi-faceted and lovely. The gentlest and most elegant of the Dragon’s Blood mixes that I’ve used but still forceful and sexy.

  2. Pure chocolate. Pure, milky, sweet, rich, evil, evil chocolate! I usually don’t enjoy foody scents, but Bliss has changed that. It is the most perfect chocolate scent I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing! It’s like a crushed Hershey’s kiss, or the scent wafting off of your fingers when you’re done with a chocolate frenzy at Godiva. I’m not sure if I would wear this as a perfume, but I have been using it nonstop as a room scent.


    I'm sure many will disagree, but I prefer this to Vice.

  3. :P :D :D


    Elizabeth, I just wanted to let you know that the perfumes arrived yesterday and YOU HAVE OUTDONE YOURSELF! I am in love with the whole bloody Mad Tea Party. Bliss is positively sinful. Hymn and Seraphim are truly angelic. I think Succubus has to be my new signature scent!


    I thought you might like to hear some postive news before you go!


    Have a wonderful time in Las Vegas! Would it be too much to ask that you snap some photos for our voyeuristic pleasure? I've never been, and I'd love to see it someday. Best of luck to Ted in his hockey tournament! I hope you all find the rest, relaxation and FUN that you deserve!

  4. This is the darkest scent I have ever experienced. It is the heaviest, deepest musk with an intense green undertone. It is intense, powerful and oddly enough the word “cavernous” comes to mind. This is the scent of an underground temple to a dark god. Like so many other BPAL scents, this one lends towards some true flights of fancy! I think that this scent will be more popular with men, but I do love wearing it. Burning this in my home has given me some darkly creative artistic stimulation, and was the catalyst in inspiring me to paint for the first time in a decade.

  5. From Tarot Oils


    I think I may need to go for more positive tarot archetypes in my next purchase! Aesthetically, I love this scent. It is dark, dark, DARK! Musky and animalistic in the extreme. I can see how the oil embodies entrapment in worldly desires. It certainly inspired a few darker desires in me when I sniffed it.

  6. From Tarot Oils


    Of all the major arcana, I understand this card and the Chariot the least. I feel I don’t identify with them as well as I do the others or perhaps I haven’t experienced a period in my life that can be personified by them yet. I purchased the Hanged Man to help me overcome this, and I think it’s brought a little clarity to me. The scent is a little watery, like lotus or China rain, but it has something I can’t pinpoint in it too that makes it warmer and resinous. It’s the scent of deliberate loss and sacrifice, cleansing and cathartic. The tone is very melancholy bordering on sorrowful.

  7. From Tarot Oils


    I had been getting the Tower in many of my readings lately, and since I’m the kind of woman that likes to confront issues head on and resolve them I purchased the Tower so that I could better understand this period in my life. If destruction and upheaval has a scent, this is it. Fiery, crumbling, sharp, spicy, hot, dark. These are all the words that run through my head as I sniff it. Even the color of the oil is a molten black-red. It is immediately a shock to the senses, jarring.

  8. From Tarot Oils


    I’m not sure what got this into my head, but I expected this to be something like China Rain. It isn’t at all. Unlike the other Ace oils, this one is less scented like the element itself IMO, but more like what the element represents. This perfume is all love and pleasure, dreaminess and hope. It is a rich and soft floral but dark and mysterious too.

  9. From Tarot Oils


    Black pine, patchouli, honeysuckle, oakmoss, almond and other soft earthen tones.


    Oh my, this is EARTH. Warm, comforting, nurturing, sometimes stolid EARTH. It doesn’t have the gritty dryness of Zombi, it’s more like soil used to cultivate crops or fertilize your garden, or the scent of a forest path. There is a slight floral sweetness too, like fresh summer flowers still in their garden bed.


    EDIT: Added Lab's new description. --Shollin

  10. From Tarot Oils


    Light and true to its airy nature, with a sense of peace in a way, but still sinister, like the cards of sorrow and defeat. I can tell that there is lavender and neroli in it and maybe sandalwood. Sharp, thin, and wispy, but with a definite edge.

  11. From Tarot Oils


    The tarot blends are so complex, they’re very difficult for me to describe. This one is appropriately fiery, but it’s not just the scent of spice. It’s the feeling of warmth from a flame, searing desert winds, and the glow of coals. The scent is dry and hot, with a spicy herbal note, and something green under it all, perhaps rosemary. Oddly, I don't detect any traditionally "fiery" notes in it, like cinnamon.

  12. Another lovely spring/summer scent. This is similar to Old Shanghai, but isn’t as citrusy. It is like a dry white tea with a slightly spicy tough of ginger. The end result feels like you’re fresh from the shower. I am thinking about trying to mix this one with some water to make a body spray for when the weather warms up.

  13. And, as in uffish thought he stood,
    The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
    Come whiffing through the tulgey wood,
    And burbled as it came!

    An earthy yet buoyant scent: pine, eucalyptus and orange.

    Snicker Snack! I love Jabberwocky! It’s a fresh, spring/summer scent, unlike any I’ve experienced in the past. There’s a bright green earthiness in it, the pine I’m sure, that is sweetened by orange (but not too sugary!) and just enough eucalyptus to really make it shine without going too far with it and making it smell like arthritis rub! It’s gender neutral, very refreshing, and a great WAKE UP! scent!