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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by cricketshay

  1. I'm currently writing a story about a succubus(well she's actually the daughter of one) and thought I would try this blend.


    In the vial~Even though the citrus notes are orange, I smell lemon pledge. Ick. I hate blends that smell like cleaner.


    Wet~same cleaner smell, but with a soap bubble under current. Ewwww. Maybe it'll morph when it dries.


    Dry~It morphed allright, straight into just soap. No citrus, clove, just straight soap.


    *adds to swap pile*

  2. I received this imp as a freebie with my Ides of March order. I don't think I would have chosen it for myself based on the lab description. I tend to shy away from fruity florals in general.


    In the vial~I'm reminded of Juicy Fruit gum. I don't think this is going to smell very nice on my skin. I can detect an slight undernote of flowers.


    Wet~Spicy Juicy Fruit. Icky! It sort of burns my nose. I have never had that happen before.


    Dry down~I kept thinking maybe it would get better as it dried. I have had several blends that start out icky but as they fade and are absorbed become very lovely(Samhain was like that) This one isn't that way. It smells like the bottom of an old lady's purse. I have to wash it off since it's giving me a head ache.

  3. I ordered a 5 ml of Dorian unsniffed, based on it's popularity with forum members. Later I had a chance to purchase an imp of it and I'm glad I decided to go ahead and get a bottle. I love it.


    In the vial, Dorain is very sweet, with the light scent of musk. Nice. It smells very soft and inviting. I can't wait to swab my wrist with it.


    Wet~I get the scent of sweet tea with lemon. Not bad at all. I don't know if it's an everyday scent, but I like it so far.


    As it dries, the tea fades and the musks start to surface. Musk agrees with my body chemistry. It reminds me of a cross between O and Bastet. This fragrance has staying power. The last time I tried it(before I decided to write up a review) it lasted for hours.


    If you like O, Dana O'Shee and Bastet, you will probably love Dorian.

  4. Ahh the lovely smell of fresh crisp apples contained in a vial. Lovely. I'm not sure it's me since I don't like to smell fruity. I'm more of a musk girl. I will try it anyway.


    Wet~Apples!!!! I smell like a candy apple. Reminds me of country fairs and cotton candy.(is there a blend that smells like cotton candy? I could wear it on the other wrist)


    Dry~Still apples, but a softer spicer version. If you love the smell of apples this is the blend for you. Myself, I would rather smell like white musk or chocolate.

  5. I think I ordered this scent for the mixture of sandlewood and rose. It sounded like a lovely combination.


    In the vial I can't really distinguish any notes, but the blend has a soft inviting smell. It's not overpowering. I'm eager to see how this blend works with my chemistry.


    Wet-I'm getting a soft rose scent, like new roses fresh with the morning dew. My skin usually eats the rose notes in blends. I'm curious to see how this one measures up to past experiences.


    Dry-Yep, my skin is eating the roses. Darn! What is left is slightly sour and resembles household cleaner. Ick!

  6. In the vial it is very sweet. I can definitely smell the almond. Scents that smell this sweet usually are duds with my chemistry. I'll swipe it any way. I must try them all you know. :D


    Wet- Very almond on my skin. Very sweet. ick! It reminds me of almond extract used in cooking. I think I wanted to try this one because of the musk, but it isn't comng forward at the moment.


    Dry-Still Almond. The sweetness is dying down a bit. But I'm not getting the smoky scent others experienced. :P


    I think this is one for the swap pile.

  7. My much anticipated bottle of Chaste Moon arrived today. YIPPEEE! And it loves me can I get another YIPPPEEE! please.


    In the bottle it smells like delicious butterscotch or warm toffee. Nice. I love it already.


    Wet the butterscotch scent fades fast as it dries. I'm a bit sad because I loved the warm creamy smell of toffee.


    Dry after the butterscotch fades I'm left with a milky, creamy scent and light florals. I usually dont like forals on me but this is so soft and understated that I love it.


    This is a nice light blend to wear for Spring and into the Summer months. I know I'll be wearing plenty of it. (at least until my bottle runs dry or I discover a new scent to fall in love with.


  8. I received Haunted in a swap. I accidently pulled the cap off unwrapping my imp and spilled half the vial. I rubbed some of the spilt oil on my wrists and hated it. I decided to give it another shot(with a small dosage)


    In the vial: Very clean smell. I bet this would smell great on a guy. It does remind me of my dad's after shave when I was growing up.


    Wet: Not the same scent I sniffed in the vial. It reminds me of fresh cut lumber at the saw mill. Not repugant but not good either. I don't want to smell like a construcion site. Maybe it'll get better as it dries down. *crosses fingers*


    Dry:I still sorta smell like lumber but that scent it fading into the background and a musky note is coming forward. This might not be that bad after all.


    After an hour or so: I'm no longer smelling like a saw mill and what is left is a sweet amber scent. I don't hate it but I don't love it either. I'm sending this imp on to my cousin.

  9. I was gifted with a lovely imp of Sugar Skull from a wonderful forumite. Upon first sniff in the vial, I was treated to the smell of fresh butter pecan pancakes drenched in maple syrup. Yummy!


    Wet: It reminds me of Sugar Cookie but without the cinnamon notes that burned my skin. Very sweet and yummy with the same buttery maple smell that I noticed in the vial. I think I love this blend.


    Dry: On dry down the sugary sweetness fades and the spice comes forward. I'm still loving it. Sugar and spice and every thing nice. It's too sweet or too spicy but is the perfect combination of the two.


    I wish I had know about BPAL when this was offered. I would love to have a bottle of it. Hey Beth if you are listening. Can you bring this one back? I love it. :P

  10. In the vial Skadi smelled very fruity sort of like Lifesavers or that fruit striped gum I liked so much when I was a child. I'm not a big fan of fruity scents, but I swiped some on anyway. (must try all of the blends)


    Wet: The same fruity smell but with a more sour edge. Sour balls! It reminds me of sour balls. A touch of coolness is starting to come through.


    Dry: The fruits have faded into the background and the crisp minty smell is lingering. I'm reminded of old time ribbon Christmas candy we used to get in our stocking every year.


    Skadi is not my cup of tea, but if you're looking for a crisp refreshing winter fragrance with a touch of sweet berry this one is for you.

  11. I fell in love with this blend at first sniff. In the vial, coconut is the note that stands out. It reminded me of tanning oil, my favorite summer smell. I couldn't wait to try it on my skin.


    Wet-Smells lovely. The coconut is coming through just like in the vial. Black Pearl loves my chemistry. (I haven't always been this lucky) It's a very light fragrance. Not overpowering like some blends I've tried.(Spellbound comes to mind here)


    Dry-The coconut is fading and the white musk is coming through. Very nice. I think this is going to be one of my everyday scents.


    Black Pearl lasted all day on my skin. I still smelled yummy after eight hours of wear. I'm glad I was able to snag a bottle of this on the forums. Definitely a keeper. :P

  12. My anticipated bottle of Spooky finally arrived. Sniffing this scent in the bottle reminded me of my favorite flavor of ice cream, mint chocolate chip. It made me hungry. I was anixious to try this remarkable blend on my skin.


    Wet-The mint shines through. I smell like a candy cane dipped in chocolate. Nice, but I'm not sure I want to smell like this throughout the day.


    Dry-As the oil dried, the mint faded and left a creamy carmel scent with the faintest chocolate undertones.


    While I am amazed at how Beth manages to capture the essense of my favorite ice cream in a wearable oil, I do not think Spooky is for me. As the day wore on I developed a headache(damn those allergies) As much as I wanted to love it, I think this is one for the swap pile.

  13. I expected this blend to smell very floral. I was very wrong. In the vial I can detect a faint rose smell, but I thought the oil smelled for fruity than floral, very sweet.


    Wet-Blood Rose smells very sweet on my skin. Again I can't smell even the faintest hint of rose. I'm a bit disappointed, but only because of the name. The scent it's self is lovely, sweet faded into a musky smell.


    Dry-There's the hint of rose. I like it very much dry. I will keep ahold of this one for sure. It's not an everyday scent, but nice for times when I want to smell a bit different.

  14. I could smell this one before I opened the swap package. The fruity notes penetrated the layers of bubble wrap to entice me.


    In the vial it smells very cherry with a smokey note thrown in. It reminded me of good cherry pipe tobacco.


    Wet-The cherry smell is coming through strong. I'm not big on fruity scents, but this is nice. I can detect a hint of almond also


    Dry-The cherry is fading into the background and the almond smokey scent is coming through. I don't hate it but I dont love it either.


    I was anixious to try this blend. Not because of the smell, but to see if it works. I need a little prosperity in my life. I probably wont order a bottle, but I will always have an imp on hand for times of need.

  15. On first whiff, Ava is very citrus in the vial. I was alarmed because citrus does not love or remotely like my body chemistry.


    wet-Very lemony, which I hate. I was disappointed that the musks didn't show through. I had hoped for a different smell.


    dry-Ahhh the musk is coming through now. Nice. The citrus has faded. I like the dried down version. Very soft and very clean, not overpowering.


    I wouldn't wear this blend everyday, but it's nice for a change of pace from my group of usuals.

  16. I received this imp as a freebie from the lab. I don't know if I would have picked it for myself. In the vial the lemongrass notes are the most obvious. I'm not fond of citrus scents since they smell like household cleaner on me.


    Wet- I can smell a mixture of lemon and cedar. Not a good combo for my chemistry. I wanted to wash my skin and rid myself of the offending smell.


    Dry-The citrus notes are mellowing and the cedar and pine scents are coming through. I really don't care much for this blend.


    This is one for the swap pile!


  17. I tried Bliss for the first time last night and fell in love. The chocolate smell was wonderful in the vial, so vivid, like the smell of fresh baked brownies. I was amazed. How does Beth do this?

    Wet-I smell like a yummy brownie. I kept sniffing my arm and having to hold back from licking it.

    Dry-The chocolate note has mellowed and the vanilla(is there vanilla in this?) is coming through. I smelled wonderful all night. This scent has staying power.

    If you love chocolate this scent is the perfect one for you. I highly recommend it. I personally will be buying a big bottle. :P

  18. How very true! In the vial Rose Red has the scent of lucious fresh cut roses. A boquet in a bottle, very lovely to behold. I spent several minutes just breathing in the aroma with my eyes closed. Lovely, oh so lovely.


    WET It turned very sharp on my skin. I liked the smell better in the bottle than on my wrist. It was very pungent and reminded me of a household cleaner.


    DRYAfter the scent dried, it mellowed quite a bit and turned to a fresh rose smell. Very nice. The more the scent fades the better it smells. Which is good because I so want to love this scent.


    After a couple of hours, I still smell like a rose garden, though it is fading faster than I'd like it to. A definite keeper, to be used on special occasions.
