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Posts posted by LupaWulf

  1. I'm not really a fan.


    I snagged this one to see if the lunar oils make Honey work for me. They sort of do, but not really.


    Too much Honey makes me think of tiquila's aftertaste and heavyness in my throat and stomach. I can see how people say this is a sexy moon, as the boyfriend liked it on me alot, but for some reason I couldn't stomach it that much.


    I like an occational sniff, but wearing it makes me allmost queasy after an hour or so.


    I'm definatly not a honey girl.

  2. This and Numb were my order (and a few imps!) which just arrived.

    I figured I would like Fruit Moon, and sort of tossed aside Numb after initial sniffs.


    Fruit Moon is bursting with chaotic fruity goodness! Sweet, and I know I smell peaches on me from it, as well as something cool like Midwinter's Eve- berries??


    I liked wearing it alot, since fruit/food scents do please me. It does have a cool feeing too dispite many sweet fruit scents chaotically imprisioned in the oil. Sort of like a polar opposite of Numb's calming cool.


    I'd definatly reach for this again, since it's sort of the Carman Maranda Hat of BPAL lunar blends. I like Fruit.


    This goes on the list of "Scents Beth should somehow incoroprate into sodas or teas of BPAL"

  3. I baught Numb really really hopeing for Mint. I love cold mint.


    I was getting very nervious as I kept hearing people say it's the opposite of mint. Something about Violets, I think. That terrified me. I don't like those on average. I recieved it Saturday, and sniffed the bottle.


    Wet, clean, cool, reminds me of something from my childhood that I can't place. Eh. Watery aquatics make me go very soapy. I put it aside and got busey with Fruit Moon.


    Today, I felt adventuresome. I picked up my bottle of Numb and applied.


    I'm impressed! It's very soothing and cool. Not the stark COLD of Minty-goodness I was so hopeing for, but cool and refreshing. I keep sniffing to try and figure out what the hell it reminds me of, but I can't place it.


    There's a really nice wet cool aquatic that doesn't go all soapy on me. Maybe there's a bit of lavander? There's allmost some sort of wood in the very deep background. Like maybe a pineshaveing smell? Beth, what do you put in this? It's great!


    I'm rather content. This is a calming and relaxing, the kind of scent I'd like to wear to bed on a sultry humid day. Good for those nasty summer nights of restlessness.


    So I'm quite pleased. I'd definatly wear this on days I normally go without due to heat. It's a breath of fresh air and definatly not what I expected.

  4. It's largely Harry Clarke, Aubrey Beardsley, and Beresford Egan with some other stuff thrown in.


    Basically, illustrators of the Fin de Siecle era.


    Edit: Yes, I did the Carnaval noir labels and postcards. :D


    Macha! I ment to say so sooner (but I'm a dork and forgot)- I LOVE the postcard! It's so fantastic with that little skull painted like a clown and complete with jester's hat. :P


    I had it up by my teller station for a while, but brought it home so it wouldn't get "lost" by the cleaning people or coworkers.

  5. *drool*


    I love Swank!


    Definatly I can smell the alcohol- martinis are a big favorite of mine, so I rather like it. The pomigranite is sweet, but not too sweet and the martini part keeps it very much in check. The lovely scent lasts all day, a mix of sweet and tart to keep you happy. Fruity without makeing you feel like a fruit salad. :P



    I really think I need a bottle of Swank.

  6. Being the recipient of the imp cuervosueno posted about, I used it last night in a small waxing moon ritual to attune a claw necklace I made. Since I'm not one to refuse a midnight stroll (ok ok dancing in the itty bitty excuse for a pine grove) in the moonlight, I also dabbed some on.


    It's very piney and resinous at first when wet. As it stays on, I detected more animalistic type notes. Something very primal and earthy. It certianly stays piney and earthy- not dirt like Graveyard Dirt, but Earthy like the wind on top of a mountian.


    It was very helpful to concentrate and feel super grounded to the Earth, yet have a part of me still so drawn by the lunar pull. I sort of did get a bit of that "Going feral" feeling.


    I dabbed a bit of LotF on each claw in the necklace (5) and hung it annointed in my window to baith in the light of the moon. The scent now is allmost a sweetly animalistic type sex one. All traces of pine have gone.


    I'm curious to see how it will work on the boyfriend for a ritual Friday night.

  7. *drool*

    Oh chocolate. I love that. There's a bit of citrus, or sweet fig maybe?


    As I wear it, I notice a little bit of musk? The overlay of chocolate with sweet fig mostly covers it.


    I'm rather fond of it, as it sort of feels furry and warm to me. Strange as it sounds, I enjoy the "chocolate dog" feeling I get.

  8. This works so well in my oil ring.


    Nice, refreshing and clear. Truly I envision the sky as thunder clouds roll away after a heavy storm. I prefer this as a meditation/inspireing me to do beading scent.


    I'm not too big on ozone on my skin. It tends to be sort of soapy and then vanish. Thunderbird vanishes rather fast upon my skin. Other than that no complaints. It's great for pow-wows if you bring an imp to re-apply every few hours.

  9. I was sort of set against this poor Lunacy from the get go. Pink. Pink Moon.

    Why ruin a moon with flippin' PINK?!


    (I'm SO not a girlie girl)


    Yet trying it made me smile- it DOES smell pink. Not really floral to me, but sweet- sugary- like a sweet pink sugar candy. It's a little bit creamy when I wear it, but not as heavy or buttery as Milk or Chaste moons. Sort of like baha rosa in a fashion.


    I don't notice ruffles. I don't think dresses. I do smell pink, yet not the girlie girl pink. Something in the lunar oils seems to save this one for me. True, it isn't badass punk rocker neon pink- yet I can live with this one. :P


    I still feel slightly embarissed to admit I like pink.

  10. Milk Moon is the creamy-iest of the creamy-iest scents for me.


    It makes me feel *smooth* yet it's a heavy enough scent I'd not really like to wear it much during the warmer tempratures. I seem to be obsessed with the more fruit-ish and light scents for summer. The lunar oil scent isn't as dominant in this one either. It's buried underneath a sea of white cream.

  11. I got quite a bit of creamy-light coconut from Chaste Moon.


    To me it's lunar oils with heavy cream whipped up in to the most tastey and fluffy real whipped cream ever.


    A bit heavy for summer time, but I'm a lot more pleased with it than I thought I'd be. It's a nice and inspireing spring bakeing scent for me.

  12. Strawberry Moon is a blending of strawberries and cream with light, dry lotus and soft ylang ylang and a touch of green tea and sage to bring it closer to Earth.

    Oh fabulious!

    Both wet and on my skin all day, I get the freshest scent of crushed strawberries! The REAL kind, sun ripened and warm. I think one of the other notes really gives it a fresh juicy scent all day.

    I drooled so much while wearing this one. My boyfriend kept trying to lick me. (strawberry freak...) I kept refraining from licking myself. :P

    It's SO perfect and summery, wet, cool, great for hot weather.

  13. Purchased from an alchemylab LJ member:

    CT2 DL11 (552)


    Bottle: Sort of a very light cinnamonish scent with cream and a slight touch of very whispy mint.



    Lasts a decent time, not much cinnamon- more of a creamy spice. Nutmeg maybe? Light dose of mint. Really reminiscant of Chaste Moon (cream wise) and Frost Moon (light mint from that).


    Nice scent!

  14. Oh wow!


    First I recieved an imp of this from another wonderful forumite, then I happened to snag a bottle via the alchemylab LJ!!!!


    It's GREAT.


    Ultimately sunny scent- warm and glowing when you wear it. Light, refreshing.


    Herbal and citris mingle in the bottle. As it's worn the herbal disappears on me and I get a happy citris scent- not lemon, not lime, not grapefruit, not orange- but a combo of my favorite varities of each.


    The bright part of lemon, refreshing part of lime, sweet parts of orange, and a nice snap ending of grapefruit.


    This one makes me feel like every day I wear it is sunny!

  15. Shub! Shub! Shub!


    I'm in Loooooveeeee with Shub. What a lovely ginger scent. Not too strong/overpowering, yet it sticks out nicely. I like it because it's not necessairly sweet on me. Just sort of noticable and addictive as hell! *covets bottle*


    It's a lot more biteingly strong in the bottle, but as it drys down it LOVES my skin. The evil fangs and teeth melt away, and I get a happy gorgeous ginger which makes my inner cat want to purr.

  16. Bottle and wet are wonderfully minty coffee. To DIE over and drool for.


    As it drys down and the day goes on I still catch occational whisps of minty coffee. Good Wonderful Happy Minty Coffee.


    Unfortunatly I get wickedly smelling of dry pipe tobacco. One of my co workers asked if someone was smokeing a pipe. I sort of sighed. Small bits of minty coffee fight for dominance. They loose pitifully to pipe smoke. One CSR said it smelled like Pepe (her grandfather) and was nice and comforting for that reason. I sneezed.


    No leather to report from my side either. I had it in my oil ring on my lamp and it was LOVELY! Argh! Must wait for a nice scent locket to display minty lovely Irish coffee version.

  17. I finally tried it!


    Awesome- I got that licorish scent alot, with a touch of pine and maybe some mintish notes too.


    I was impressed with the strength. Absinthe stayed with me for most of the day. It wasn't a heavy scent, but it was pleasntly noticable. I also enjoyed the refreshing nature of it for a hot day. I'll definatly keep this one.

  18. I got it as a freebie in my last lab order.


    It's a very light floral, allmost powdery scent in the imp.


    As it drys wet the powder goes away, and more of a sweet melon (maybe?) comes up. It stays very light and sweet alternateing with the lightest floral sweetness and the melon-ishness.


    Unfortunatly this one doesn't last too long on me. I'll just have to remember to bring the imp to work as I wear it all day.


    Very nice light scent.

  19. Man.... I didn't get much coconut at all from this one. =(


    I got a lot of the floral notes- iris, I think? More of the musk and iris lasted. I'm not sure if the coconut or creamy scent will come back as it gets later, since I only had it on for about 4 or 5 hours so far.


    I don't think this is quite my sort of scent. I'll have to give it another go in a few days.

  20. Oh wow!


    This is such a fun perfume! The only downside, is that half of the people I work with agree. (and it's a LE! Thankgoodness I can direct them to Bliss or Vice)


    Fabulious. Definatly chocolate-ie goodness when I apply it. I don't get much for fruit, but perfume sweet floral scent behind the chocolate. It's very lovely and fun to wear. Not too heavy for the summer time either, which I was a touch concerned about at first. By the end of the day, only a light sweet chocolate reminant stays on my wrist.


    Very nice scent!

  21. Fantastic!


    That coconut scent jumps right out, along with creamy goodness. As it drys, a sweetness remains; however, it isn't a sweetness of fruit, or candy, sort of a sweetness of a more subdued nature. Prehaps that is from the butter?


    I honestly don't get much of the smoke like some have posted about. I'm really happy I decided to try this one!

  22. Oh! Wonderfully tantalizing mint in the imp. =) I could sit and sniffle this one for hours.


    As I wear it, the mint quickly sinks away. First I get notes of a lemon thymeish scent (not lemon or thyme, but leamon thyme itself), then straight lemon. More herbal notes came out next, and by mid day I was left with what seemed to be a morph of freshly aired linens. =)


    I really liked it alot- the scent shifts are a fun surprise as the day goes on. I really wish it would retain that straight up spearmintish note. I suppose I can just use it in a scent locked for that or the lamp ring. :P


    Thanks to the lab for the kickass freebie!

  23. An ultimately light and airy scent in the bottle. Fresh and reminiscant of happy days gone by- particularly reminds me of running and playing in the back yard with my favorite dog when she was young.


    This is my ultimate headache cure. This also takes away the aches and pains of every day life.


    When I wear it the clean smell turns to a sweeter floral note. My boyfriend insists it's lilac. I definatly notice a calmer feeling when using this particular oil.


    I annointed him last night, since he had some fierce shoulder pain. It really seemed to calm the hurt as well as soothing him from a long work Friday.


    I truly love this scent. I've used it on my pillow to fall asleep lately when I've been upste/stressed/overtired reguarding life. I can't possibly express greater love for this oil. I can't wait to use it in a more detailed ritual/ceremony.

  24. I must admit I had fun with this one. :P


    Dragons Blood all the way. Fortunately I do rather well with the stuff. There's a sweetness, yet that certian TANG of sexy naughtyness below.


    The DB faded more to the background when I wore it, and some sort of sweet but nice floral was the more predominant note. I was pleased that I chose that one out of my new imps to greet the boyfriend with last night. :D
