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Posts posted by VioletChaos

  1. [No additional description provided.]

    Oh. Good. G-ds. I cannot believe I almost didn't bother trying this scent, even whilst I was there at the booth. (I have a bit of a hair gloss problem and figured, you know, I didn't need a *ninth* bottle. But I was wrong.) Dead wrong. I was leery because apple can turn on me, and wind up smelling like air freshener my dad used in the 70s in his bachelor pad. But no worries, because the apple is light and minimal and what actually comes through is gorgeous sheet after sheet of marshmallow. It's glorious and fluffy and vanilla-y and I am going to make excuses to use this everyday, somewhere, on some part of my body.


    Walking around Con today, it was just the perfect thing. :wub3: :wub2: :lovestruck: :wub:

  2. Apple, marshmallow, apricot, and sugar cane.

    In The Bottle: Fresh apple, apricot and a little fresh sugar cane.

    Wet On Skin: Hi, marshmallow! The fluffy stuff shows itself and dives into the mix, making this a sweet and fruity confection!

    Dry Down: The sugar cane is giving this scent a bit of roughness- it reads almost like spice, like cinnamon, but it's not cinnamon. It's something the cane note does that standard sugar doesn't do, and its giving the scent some depth it didn't have before. The marshmallow is reminding me of 2010 Boo!, which is a nice feature.


    In All: light throw, sweet and lovely autumnal daytime scent. If you're partial to sugar and fruit notes, you'll want to hoard this one.

  3. Apple cardamom cake.

    In The Bottle: sweet, juicy apple cider and light spice.

    Wet On Skin: Same. It reminds me of mulled hot cider, actually.

    Dry Down: Same. I'd been hoping for the cake aspect to show itself, but alas, nothing. That said, the mulled cider vibe is yummy and it's good enough that I'll hold onto it no matter what, and hopefully with some aging that cake note will come out some!

  4. This scent is kind of amazing. I intentionally blind-bought a bottle straight away because of all the Lil's this year, this was the one I suspected might require a backup bottle, and I was RIGHT. In the bottle the sugared clove is front and center, and is SO disconcerting that it reminded me of magic marker. But...in a compelling way. Wetly applied to my skin, the magic marker fades, the vanilla starts to peek out and the clove warms up, making this scent immediately something that I want to keep sniffing. Upon dry down, the vanilla comes out slightly more, the sugar note doesn't amp as it sometimes doe on me but adds a little "crunch" the way Sugar-Crusted Marshmallow Chick did. I'm not getting any of the patchouli, the clove/vanilla combination is the star of this show. As with all heady notes, I anticipate this only getting better with age.

    DEFINITELY need a backup bottle!

  5. Late at night, as you walk through a dark and creepy cemetery, all is quiet except for the giggling of two kids: one is eight and one is fifty-eight.

    They are standing in the middle of the tombstones; the bigger kid is spinning the little kid around by her arms.

    They spin and spin and then fall down laughing.

    What could be more fun than falling down on people’s graves?

    Dorian and lavender mist, crushed grass, cypress leaf, and a drop of clove.

    In The Bottle: I get a faint whiff of mint, and a subtle note of fresh cut grass. It's all very light, even in the bottle.


    Wet On Skin: The lavender in this "mist" form has something vaguely lemony about it. It reminds me overall more of Alice than Dorian. That said, they feel in a similar niche, a soft and lovely gender-neutral scent.


    Dry Down: THERE'S the Dorian! He's definitely there, though obviously mixed with other things. The clove is also out now, but softly, in the background. Considering the notes, this fragrance has a very low throw and is overall very soft, like a whisper of Dorian whilst drinking a bit of black lemony tea on a warm day in a field of grass.


    So much more than I anticipated, so glad I got a bottle!

  6. In The Bottle: I get a sweet and soft lavender, like a softer variation of the lavender in TKO, without the sugared aspect.

    Wet On Skin: It starts to warm up and a sweetness is beginning to emerge- I believe this is the vanilla, as it's kind of a soft, sweet, creaminess that's coming with it.


    Dry Down: Vanilla lavender gentle sweet cloud of niceness! I really like lavender, but the scents are usually things I want to wear at night, to fall asleep in. And while I will certainly put this in a nighttime rotation, I am really happy to say I will get plenty of daytime wear out of this scent as well. So much so, that a backup bottle might be in order! This is a really pretty, unassuming scent. I couldn't be happier with it. :wub2:

  7. In a hotel in Baltimore, Lilith helped me color in my sign for the Womens March in DC. She had made her own two signs brimming with Girl Power and featuring a unicorn, of course but finished in time to help me get mine all dolled up.

    There are many criticisms of the march that are valid, but I will tell you this: being able to show my daughter thousands upon thousands of people that were demanding a government built on justice, compassion, and acceptance was something incredibly powerful. The experience she had meeting other children who were there in the hopes of a kinder, brighter future was invaluable. It was a pivotal moment, this ability to demonstrate for her /how to show up/ and how to /work/ for a better country and a better future for marginalized and under-represented groups. It was incredible being there in Washington with her, and I will never forget it. I hope this experience helped to reveal her own inner strength to her, and the strength she can find in her allies.

    Golden amber, vanilla oudh, and orange blossom.

    In The Bottle: A wave of gorgeous, nostalgia-inducing orange blossom, with a hint of dark vanilla bringing up the rear.

    Wet On Skin: Orange blossom is still the dominant note for sure, with the vanilla acting as something to soften the rough edges. I'm not getting any amber at this stage.

    Dry Down: This is the orange blossom scent of my DREAMS. I am *not* a floral person, but orange blossom generally comes across as summer days and a slight beach-y vibe and this fragrance delivers on all of the above. Upon this full dry-down, the amber comes out, just at the end, like instead of an aftertaste, its an after-smell, and it's really good, lending a warmth and depth to the whole affair.

    In All: So, so, so beautiful.

  8. Dressed in her witchy best for brunch with the fam!

    Pumpkin pancakes and berries in cream.

    In The Bottle: The subtle dough of the pancakes mixed with a light, sweet berry. Yummmmm

    Wet On Skin: Same, maybe with a *tiny* dusting of powdered sugar? Or perhaps that's just the sweet aspect of the berries peeking in a little bit more!

    Dry Down: Same. Low throw, foodie- but in a very light, very subtle way. Pancake Breakfast was a scent that proved too heavy for me to wear repeatedly. But this, this is the pancake scent of my dreams. SO glad I got a bottle! <3

  9. I get the mulled spices, first thing, right when I open the bottle, and it's a primary note all the way through. It's astounding, because I thought I was getting some apple at first, which doesn't do so well for m,e, but no- it really is *just* the spices, sans apple. I also get the coniferous trees in there and the pumpkin, fresh off the vine, warming it all up, but not in a foodie, or pumpkin-spicey kind of way. This scent is pure autumn, but ALL of autumn, from the first crunchy leaves through to the soft envelopment of the first early snow. I assume this is going to age magnificently, and I suspect I will wear this quite a bit in the next 4-7 months! ;)

  10. It's a "green" sweet wet floral in the bottle and when first applied. A little goes a long way- even before fully dried, this stuff has some THROW to it! It's lush and beautiful, though. I am picky in my florals, but I knew I needed to invest in a bottle and I was right. It's definitely got some green vine in the mix, but the flower essence is holding its own. I honestly don't know how much I'll wear this on my skin, but I can see using this in an oil burner in the dead of winter to bring summer's warmth close to me for sure. :wub3:

  11. In the bottle, the wine is definitely the most prominent note, by far. It's that sweet, grapey, heady red wine note that I so adore in Glüwhein. Once it warms up and then dries on my skin, it shifts and yes, the ash comes in and it's become a delicious heady incense instead. The benzoin definitely gives it some kick in this regard, upping the ante when it comes to bringing on some spice. I don't really get any of the bourbon vanilla and for once, I'm not lamenting the loss- this scent is glorious all on it's own. SO happy I got my bottle before tomorrow's eclipse!

  12. In The Bottle: Lots and lots of black, sugary coffee, and an edge of black musk. :yum:


    Wet On Skin: The black musk has morphed into more of an indigo musk and the sugar remains a strong secondary note. The coffee is still there, but is more like a lighter, sweeter "instant" coffee now. :D


    Dry Down: Usually I'm not a fan of the darker musks, but this is really nice. Not too overpowering, doesn't turn to cardboard on me. I'm disappointed that the coffee went away, but I'm going to see what happens with aging. If nothing else, I can layer it with single note Coffee Bean and all will be well ;)



    Any news of a proper Hallowmas Switch Witch? I'll be graduated from Grad School by then and will be able to devote all my attention to it! :D


    I was just coming to ask if there is any interest in an Autumn/Halloween Switch Witch Round. Any interest?



    Yes :)



    *waves hands excitedly* MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :wave:

  14. In the Bottle: Yummy, juicy mango pulp. Like the kind you can get from Indian grocers that come in, like, a gallon-sized can that you open and make delicious lassi drinks out of. Nomnomnom


    Wet On Skin: Wow. That's amazing. It's morphed a bit, and there's a decidedly "green" undernote to the scent, which is pretty unexpected, especially being a single note. It's working, though, adding some complexity to the scent.


    Dry Down: Yeah, I don't know the how or why, but both my partner and I also concur with the Disney Animal Kingdom thing. It *does* also smell like yummy tropical sunscreen and *also* like maybe a tropical gummy candy. I don't know what kind of layering I might do with this scent, but it's certainly a pleasant enough smell on its own.

  15. In The Bottle: The cacao is front and center but it's *not* chocolatey AT ALL. I don't understand how I can even recognize it when it seems to have untangled itself from chocolate, but there you have it.


    Wet On Skin: Hi, myrrh. Let's behave for once, shall we?


    Dry Down: Hey, I think myrrh is listening to me! I can detect it, but instead of amping and making me ill, it's staying put, held in check by the cardamom which is very deliciously prominent in this blend. It's warm and spicy and slightly sweet without being cloying or foodie at all. I can see dabbling in this for the remainder of the summer, but more so, starting to really get into the promise of this scent as we head into cooler, crisper autumnal days. :heart:

  16. In The Bottle: Dusty cedarwood and warm dark bourbon vanilla.


    Wet On Skin: The cedar is coming out a bit more now but it's not doing the "pencil shaving" thing it normally does, so, I'm cautiously optimistic.


    Dry Down: A sweet cedar-based scent with, yes, a bit of snugly vibe. I will hold onto this for now, but it might require some layering for me to really utilize it, probably with some smoky vetiver to play off the sweet woodsy aspect.

  17. In The Bottle, a spicy floral.


    Wet On Skin, the layers of spice start to reveal themselves. The nutmeg is definitely saying hello.


    Dry Down: I can see what is being said about this being in the same family as Voodoo Queen. It's sexy and spicy and there's something here that feels incredibly powerful. I can see wearing this when I require some serious female-centric energy to pull me through something intense.

  18. Looking down, you see a scattering of breadcrumbs strewn on the packed soil and straw at your feet. A waft of candied apple and pancakes embraces you, as you follow the crumbs on the path. The scent intensifies: sugared nuts, crushed candies, hot gusts of chocolate, and you find yourself standing before a small booth constructed of cakes, pastries, sweet breads, and a cascade of candy tiles. Shards of clear sugar glint in the ambient firelight of the Midway, and an old woman emerges from the shadows within. She extends a gnarled hand to you and rasps, Oh, you dear, what has brought you here? You look like skin and bones; a strong gust of wind would spirit you into the air. Do come in, and visit with me. No harm shall happen to you.

    In The Bottle: Candy, chocolate and a distant but distinct booze note- maybe rum or possibly whiskey!

    Wet On Skin: I think it's the sugared nuts that have gained footing. It's still quite sweet, but it's getting less foodie now that it's warming up on my skin.

    Dry Down: Well, now. This is NOT the candy-sugar paradise that some foodies are hoping for. HOWEVER, this is really, really beautiful. It's become something of a dusty, very dry cocoa powder with a hint of rock candy. Imagine if Sugar Skull and Cacao Pod had a sophisticated baby- you'd have Nibble Nibble Gnaw.

    In All: Low throw, a sweetly, dry seductive confection. :)

  19. In the bottle, there's definitely an orange creamsicle vibe happening, but with a slight edge, that almost smells like earth. It might be the gin, but if it is, it's staying put instead of taking over like gin / juniper usually does on my skin. As it dries, the orange creamsicle aspect stays firm, which I am enjoying IMMENSELY. The edge is pretty much gone by full dry down. Orange marshmallow situation happening and I adore it a LOT.


    I hope this scent stay around for a while! :lovestruck:

  20. "...You run into Mithras yet? Red cap. Nice kid."

    "No, I don't think so."

    "Well . . . I've never seen Mithras around here. He was an army brat. Maybe he's back in the Middle East, taking it easy, but I expect he's probably gone by now. It happens. One day every soldier in the empire has to shower in the blood of your sacrificial bull. The next they don't even remember your birthday."

    Oblations of milk, oil, honey, and blood.

    In The Bottle: LOADS of honey and some milk to cut through the sweetness.

    Wet On Skin: Although incense isn't directly named as a note, offerings can be made with them and this is beginning to smell very much like incense to me. Like honey-milk-blood incense to be exact. And I *really* hope it stays this way.

    Dry Down: Yup. This is a gorgeous honey, milk, blood incense and I am totally smitten.

    I suspect that this secret will eventually get out- better stock up now. :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:

  21. “Have you remembered how I do my little coin trick?” he asked Shadow with a grin.

    “I have not.”

    “If you can guess how I did it,” said Mad Sweeney, his lips purple, his blue eyes beclouded, “I’ll tell you if you get warm.”

    “It’s not a palm is it?” asked Shadow.

    “It is not.”

    “Is it a gadget of some kind? Something up your sleeve or elsewhere that shoots the coins up for you to catch?”

    “It is not that neither. More whiskey, anybody?”

    “I read in a book about a way of doing the miser’s dream with latex covering the palm of your hand, making a skin-colored pouch for the coins to hide behind.”
    “This is a sad wake for Great Sweeney who flew like a bird across all of Ireland and ate watercress in his madness: to be dead and unmourned save for a bird, a dog, and an idiot. No, it is not a pouch.”

    “Well, that’s pretty much it for ideas,” said Shadow. “I expect you just take them out of nowhere.” It was meant to be sarcasm, but then he saw the expression on Sweeney’s face. “You do,” he said. “You do take them from nowhere.”

    “Well, not exactly nowhere,” said Mad Sweeney. “But now you’re getting the idea. You take them from the hoard.”

    “The hoard,” said Shadow, starting to remember.


    “You just have to hold it in your mind, and it’s yours to take from. The sun’s treasure. It’s there in those moments when the world makes a rainbow. It’s there in the moment of eclipse and the moment of the storm.” And he showed Shadow how to do the thing. This time Shadow got it.

    Radiant amber and orange blossom, golden oudh, and saffron-threaded honey.

    In The Bottle: Sweet, spicy saffron and warm, thick honey. Soooooo beautiful.

    Wet On Skin: The amber is definitely in the mix, but the saffron is really dominating. I get no orange blossom at this stage.

    Dry Down: Dead. Sexy. This is a sultry, spicy, close-to-the-skin kind of scent. I will wear this on all the hot summer nights that lie ahead for ever and ever.


  22. [No additional description provided.]

    In The Bottle: Yes, very juicy-orange. But also there's an edge of perfume-y-ness to it that I was surprised to encounter.

    Wet On Skin: There's a tiny edge of tart orange peel sneaking in, and I think it's the same aspect that seems "perfume-y" to me. It's so close that I honestly can't say if it's just reminding me of a high-end perfume or some fresh orange peel. Hmmm...

    Dry Down: A lovely, sweet orange scent. Less juicy, more dry at this stage. I wouldn't necessarily read this as a "foodie" scent, however. The peel is much more prevalent in this than in King Mandarin SN, and it makes is come across more as a light citrus perfume as opposed to just ORANGE or even Orange JUICE.


    In All: Citrus fans, get your hands on some. I personally anticipate giving this bottle some love all hot summer long ;)

  23. In the bottle there is definitely that heavy lavender that others mentioned, but I also get something that smells like violet flower, and it continues after I've applied it. It might be what some folks have mentioned as seeming like chamomile, but whereas chamomile has a green, reddy sweetness, violet flowers have a sweet-but-acrid thing going on that I'm getting from this. As with all TAL oils, I don't get them for scent, and usually wear just a few drops and then layer with a complimentary perfume. I'd probably layer this with a thick chocolate like Bliss or else a favorite lavender, like Happy Baby In A Long Dress.


    As for intent, I'm an anxious person, which is why I was interested in trying this out. so far, it's just lovely. It gives me a similar feeling that I get from taking Bach Flower Rescue Remedy, like it's just a lovely and gentle way to take the edge off when things are feeling especially overwhelming.


    I suspect I'll be getting lots of use out of this! :wub2:
