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Posts posted by djsiberia

  1. i don't know what it is about rose blends with mrryh and frankincense...it always turns into an old lady band-aid scent. even when used in a locket. the locket did help keep the rose scent around longer...still it was band-aid roses

  2. in the imp: it smells like tobacco and wine.

    dry: wine and purple..some roses are popping out. i can barely smell the violets.

    20 minutes later: very floral and violet.


    i'm not sure if this is a bottle or not. i like violets...just not sure this is me

  3. in the imp: smells sweet and floral and orange.

    wet: oh dear it's sour orange like push up pops and yuck...baby aspirin with some florals and woodsy scents.



    i really loved this in the imp..i put it on and WOW i really dislike it and had to remove it...it morphed into something just disgusting on me, almost bitter like orange rind and not in a pleasant way.

  4. wet: smells like laundry

    dry: clean smelling and spicy and sweet


    i'm not sure about this scent. i like it a lot when its in the imp and wet, but when it's dry the scents just mesh together and i'm not certain i like the end result. i might have to try this one again later.

  5. wet: rum and a small bit of coconut

    dry: rum and sweet - sickly sticky sweet some of the tobacco is coming out


    i'm not sure this is for me as i'm amping up the sweetness of this a lot.

  6. The embodiment of Classic masculinity. A warrior's scent: the green hills and grasses of the battlefields, the resinous incense from the prayers to his Gods, and a touch of the musky leather of his armor. Ambergris and frankincense with sage, and basil.

    in the imp: smells like green plants and mens cologne

    i thought i might like the scent in the imp and liked it enough to try it, but alas, this one is just not going to work on...

  7. wet: very sweet and perfumey. dry: very floral and sweet, i'm not picking out any rose notes, but i can definitely smell the pomegranate juice and peach blossom.


    it's starting to give me a headache...it's very very strong and floral and about 20 minutes later it's starting to turn into a soapy smell

  8. i picked this up 2 years later.


    since i never got the chance to sniff this new, it has a crsip clean scent right now. i don't get any dragon's blood, mostly its tea leaf and bamboo reed. it's quite a beautiful scent. the cherry blossom has taken a back seat and so has the sandalwood.


    sometimes the scent reminds me a bit of laundry detergent, but in a good addictive way with tea.

  9. wow, this smells like it should be purple, or "creeping death" as my boy called it. "creeping death" was a purple drink he tasted from an SCA party...


    yes, i'm well aware there aren't any purple fruits except maybe the plum.


    wet and in the imp: fruity! purple!


    dry: still purple (especially when you put a small amount in your hair to go out to the bar) and fruity and a little pepper comes out.


    hours later: still purple & fruity. i get small amounts of patchouli, gardenia, and rose. i was happy to get a bottle and can't wait to see how this ages. :P


    i absolutely love this scent and i'm not one for fruity things.
