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Posts posted by djsiberia

  1. wet/in imp: wine and tobacco and sweetness.


    dry: grapes, tobacco, a little musk, but mostly its sweet grapes and plums with whiffs of tobacco.


    hmmm..not sure what i expected from this going into it, but it's certainly not for me. i prefer midnight kiss to this.

  2. wet/in imp: sweet and sour. and another one that has citrus - er, grapefruit.


    egads another aquatic - this really smells like a sinister version of the deep ones without a dominate grapefruit.


    ack...this must be passed on.

  3. wet/in imp: something sweet that reminds me of apples and something that reminds me of tobacco leaves..

    dry: i can smell the carnation and i think the white amber is making it sweet.


    hrm, this isn't bad, but when i sniffed it again, the florals are starting to make me want to sneeze. i think i'll pass this along to someone else.

  4. wet/in imp: hrm...this smells like something i already have...sniffing again...yes, i already have something like this that i love.


    dry: this smells like something i have already. what is it???


    i certainly don't smell shub or snake oil. shub smells a lot like a wicked gingerbread poppet.


    WHAT IS IT???



    oh. *pulls out sin and fenris wolf and for good measure schwarzer mond*


    puts on sin. hrm..it really smells like this.

    puts on fenris wolf. hrm...it really smells like this too.

    opens schwarzer mond...nope not even close.


    satyr is like fenris wolf had a naughty fling and made fenris wolf sin babies.


    there is definitely amber and a wood in there...not sure if its sandalwood or rose wood. there is a note i'm not certain about making it a little more dusty on the dry down. and maybe some dark patchouli as well...no cinnamon to give it spice...


    i certainly wouldn't say it smells like goat butt, because i don't go around sniffing goat butts.


    this is luffly. i wonder if it would smell delicious on my man.


    i certainly don't need a bottle of this if i already have 2 scents that smell almost exactly like it.

  5. in the imp: it doesn't really smell like a leather jacket or when you walk into a leather store to me. it actually gives me a headache.


    i guess i wasn't sure what to exactly expect from this. i dj a night called sabbat de sade and thought it would be funny to wear a scent called "desade" to a fetish night with the same theme. i've done this prior with "bloodlust" etc. this scent sadly really wasn't what i was expecting.


    another sniff from the imp & pass.

  6. in the imp: pine cleaner. sharp and strong. like walking through a pine forest. then eucalyptus shows up and punches you in the face and adds that sort of medicinal quality to it.


    this was another one of those, in the imp only sniffs. i just don't do well with anything close to woods - like pines, cedars, etc. they usually are very sharp and very dominating and remind me of urine. yuck...another pass it to someone else imp.

  7. in the imp: berries and something giving me a headache. herbal and green smelling.


    the berry scent is not very pow in your face berry...however, i'm not usually a berry fan nor do i like green/herbal smelling scents so this was another don't test on the wrist, pass to someone who would like it imp.

  8. in the imp: wow, very green smelling. sharp and biting


    i decided to not try this on my wrist since i'm not really a fan of ozone or aquatics. i just can't get past the initial gut reaction of "this isn't pleasant, pass it to someone who might love it"

  9. in the bottle: yummm...sweet caramel. delicious. amber is also amping the sweet smell.


    dry: still smells like food!!! nom nom nom it's delicious. i'm not entirely sure why i like this but i do...


    after an 8 hour day the scent is still there in the locket and it starts to get a little sour smelling. not sure what that's about. overall i'm pretty happy i picked this up. though i doubt i'll get a 2nd bottle.

  10. wet/in imp: wow - purple! reminds me of urd, crypt queen, and purple phoenix. there is something sharp and biting in this that i can't put my finger on.


    sniffing again i'm getting a light floral scent and lots of grape.


    on me/dry: interesting. i smell grape cloves. i don't smell the currents, i'm mostly getting grape, clove and a small floral scent. i'm not sure what i was expecting with this and i suppose i might have picked it out because of the title...but, it's now giving me a slight headache and not really working for me. i don't really pick up that this should smell like wine or anything, just grape cloves.

  11. wet/in imp: cinnamon, sharp pine sap, and sweet vanilla.


    on me/dry: cinnamon and burning clove oil smoke and a touch of pine sap. it smells smokey, sharp and sweet.


    the clove doesn't really stand out too much and the pine dies down after 30 minutes. mostly i smell sweet smoke. it really reminds me of gingerbread poppet without the dough scent and i also pick up a little bit of shub.


    i might be tempted to pick up a bottle or 2 depending on how active the clove is. i absolutely love clove scents.


    i would also like to point out where red phoenix, inferno, alone, and gingerbread poppet turned me varying degrees of red and itchy...pickled imp is the first to not make me blotchy red. that is worth a definite bottle.

  12. wet/in imp: men's cologne. women's perfume. something sharp.


    on me/dry: sharp & what i assume to be chrome.


    i mostly wanted to like this for the name and because i love the label. i tried it because i wasn't sure what to expect from something with a note of chrome. it really is torture trying to figure out what this scent is going to do and if it's supposed to be for men or women or maybe both?


    after about 30 minutes, it's turning into this commercial floral perfume scent. it's too bad.

  13. wet/in imp: PINE PINE PINE.


    on me/dry: pine. sharp pine. egads...this is just sharp when sniffing. *cough cough*


    i do think this would be a wonderful scent if the pine pitch wasn't there - it reminds me of urinal cakes. afer about 30 minutes the pine goes away and i can smell the sweetness of honey, the vanilla warms up and it gets a little smokey. not sure this one is for me and i think it's because of the pine.

  14. wet/in imp: florals...musky and boozey with a hint of wood.


    dry: interesting. orris goes either way for me with it mostly causing headaches.


    i like this one, but i'm not sure i love it. mostly i tried it because i wasn't sure what kush & champaca flower smelled like...i do think it smells pretty, but it's underwhelming to me.

  15. wet/in imp: delicious. creamy amber caramel goodness.


    on me: um, while still wet, it reminds me of red lantern.


    dry down: um, not digging this so much. it's turning into a sharp sickly sweet gooey mess. it's starting to get that perfumey scent that i'm not too fond of.


    i'm thinking i'm going to stick with red lantern and o...

  16. wet/in imp: interesting. it's like gingerbread poppet, snake oil, & shub had babies.


    dry: cinnamon snake oil. this reminds me lots of gingerbread poppet and shub. it's not so cookie/ramen/indian food smelling like gingerbread poppet, and it's not bad.


    by the end of the day, i'm kinda tired of smelling like saw scaled viper and i think it might last longer if it were really aged shub.


    in the end, i'm not sure this is worth the bottle purchase. i did get compliments on it, but it smells so much like shub and snake oil, that i could probably layer it. it also doesn't stay on my skin too well, it gets eaten within 20 minutes. it stays pretty well in the locket and that's with a decent slathering.

  17. wet: lemon & heliotrope, lemon, lemon, lemon sweet lemon.


    dry: light florals, lemon, sweet lemon...


    much much later: powdery florals with a touch of lemon.


    this really reminds me of lolita - a lot only with apricot and lots of lemon.


    i can't really pick out any other notes too well since lemon is dominating everything.


    its not bad, but it's not screaming must own bottle. though it does make a nice light scent in hot & humid weather.

  18. when i first tried Mme. Moriarty, i didn't really appreciate her and so i let her decant sit for months.


    then i purchased a bottle of crypt queen. yummm


    fast forward to a month ago...i re-tried Mme. to determine if it was bottle worthy and WOW...this smells like crypt queen on me.


    i just got a fresh bottle and there is definitely a noticeable difference. i think i like both fresh and aged Mme. the aged has a more balanced smell...the wild plum & pomegranate are more tame and the vanilla, musk and patchouli are coming out to play more.


    i think i need to get a couple more back-ups

  19. wow, this smells like those orange butterscotch candies except i also get that smokey clove smell that comes from burning clove incense or oil to scent a room.


    there is a nuttiness to it, but mostly i want to lick my arm because i think its a butterscotch candy

  20. wet/in the imp: this reminds me of a sweeter version of sugar skull. i love putting this on and getting the fruit notes mixed with sugar cane and a small bit of musk.


    dry: goregous. still boozy fruit and some musk. the only complaint i have is this doesn't last long, not even in the scent locket.


    i love the scent after about an hour when it's calmed down.

  21. i finally tried this. i've had it since some time last last year and kept opening and sniffing...i thought it was going to be something quite beautiful and i would need more, but...i was wrong.


    wet/in the bottle: sweet and spicey.


    dry: cinnamon and plum.


    hrm, like all things with any amount of cinnamon, i started to turn bright red...had to apply a cold wash cloth to calm down.


    i would have thought the patchouli would peek out more and the same with musk, all i'm getting is cinnamon & plum. the scent isn't very heavy or long lasting and i can barely tell it's in my scent locket and the cotton tab in the locket is soaked.


    i even tried putting some in my hair as that seems to help the scent take off, but i could barely smell anything after an hour and when i did smell something, it was only small bits of cinnamon.


    this is a bit disappointing, especially since i really slathered it on - my skin ate it reight up where i put it that it didn't turn red. over all, i think it would make a nice summer scent.

  22. wet/in bottle: sweet, nutty


    amber dry: yummmm....sweet nutty amber


    later: amber, vanilla and sandalwood and a small hint of something woodsy.


    the sweetness dies down and it gets more spicey as time wears on.


    i am so glad i bought this as i do think i'll need a couple back-ups.





    eta: it doesn't really have very good staying power even with it being in the locket. maybe i didn't put a lot in the locket or on my skin, but i'm already just below the top of the label and i only used it 2 times.

  23. wet/in bottle : musk & vanilla


    dry : floral headache?


    this smells like perfume from the store...something my mom would wear.


    i totally dig this in the bottle...and i was so hoping to like it. maybe if if sits a few more months, the floral will die down and the musk, vanilla, and clove will peek through. as it stands i doubt i'll be ordering a back-up unless it really changes by august.


    ugg..this is totally something my mom wears from avon...stupid florals.


    musk. clove. vanilla. where are you????


    i honestly loved this sniffing it from the bottle. :P
