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Posts posted by djsiberia

  1. another jasmine blend. jasmine is the thing that jumps out at me upon first sniff. lotus gives me a headache and there is definitely a small amount of citrus that pops out. also the other florals are drowned out by jasmine.


  2. wet/in imp: dark cocoa, caramel and pepper


    on: dark cocoa, sweet caramel and smokey cloves.


    i'm amping the smokiness hardcore. carmale makes a sickly sweet appearance....it reminds me of the caramel in red lantern which i got sick of mid-bottle. i'm amping what i assume is clove? either way it's seriously delicious. cocoa is there...just not as strong as the smoke...slightly spicy too.


    maybe a bottle...if only i could decide if i was going to get sick of the caramel scent.



  3. wet/in imp: milk chcolate frosting.


    dry: milk chocolate & buttercream frosting. delicious. cocoa pops out a lot in this.


    i'm going to let this sit for a week or more and then try it again. i seem to turn milky things into a sour milk mess.


    it's delicious though and i was amping the milk choco cocoa scent.



  4. wet/in imp: white choco & strawberries!


    on: GUAVA....where the heck is guava coming from...dear goddess.....must wash off as it's making me sick.


    what a surprise. i was hoping to have strawberries & cream...but GUAVA!?!? WTF??? skin chemistry????


    this has to go to someone who might love it and not turn it into tropical fruit

  5. wet/in imp: purple berries. very purple smelling.


    dry: purple, bubbly, apple, and maybe the pear is making it a little herbal and sour? it does remind me of cotton candy though.


    i also thought maybe it would have more sugar in it - sorta like sugar moon took crack and the pomegranate & black currant got way amped up. however i think i'll pass on this.
