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Posts posted by twilighteyes

  1. 2 hours ago, Shadowdawn said:


    There's a poke everyone about a new swap group?! Dang, that sounds awesome! I do miss SW quite a bit, and would love a big fall/winter one, circumstances allowing. But also 13 Nights is amazing too! Or even the small flat rate box idea, all very cool!

    It's basically just me spamming people in messenger with swap links for the forum.  😂

  2. 34 minutes ago, Greenwoodtree said:

    Hey if there any new future swaps that may be of interest a=can someone please email me directly or message me in instgram or on FB? I get zero notifications from the forum and no one knows how to fix it.....

    I'll add you to my "poke everyone about new swap" group on facebook messenger.


  3. 7 hours ago, Lucchesa said:

    Send by October 24 so matching in early September? The only problem is that’s the same time as 13 Nights and possibly Switch Witch. I think mailing for 13 nights is usually a bit earlier and SW is all over the place…

    yep, 13 nights usually starts opening sooner that that I think, so sending is much earlier.  I think last switch witch we didn't have to send final until movember??

  4. 2 hours ago, Lucchesa said:

    @spookygrrrly Samhain art swap???




    Sorry, I wasn't trying to steal anyone's thunder for swaps.  :(  I was going to do a Spring swap but then just didn't have the energy or know when my Seattle trips were going to be for pre-op, but now I have two of those down and a good schedule for the rest (and a little bit of an income!) so bring on the swappy!!

  5. 5 minutes ago, goddessrobyn said:

    Isn't that what I JUST vaguely alluded to???

    yes, but now it is posted!  Not just pending posting!  :D   Don't make me get out the red heart whip.


    Of course we are still pending approval....


    But I did PM @Em-

  6. 2 hours ago, goddessrobyn said:

    well... I would be down to organize/co-organize something with someone... 

    am much bored LOL


    I just got home from Seattle (literally just now) and my a/c is broken so I'll need to get it replaced before I will feel like sitting at my computer (damn, my room is HOT.)   I will be sitting out in the other room with the ceiling fan and all of the windows open until then.

  7. 53 minutes ago, goddessrobyn said:

    is anyone planning anything over the summer??

    Solstice/Litha?  Lug??  Summer Vacation/tourist??  ANYTHING???


    I might be able to do something ... I have to go back to Seattle twice more in the next month and then surgery two months from my last visit (or longer, depending on their schedule) so I’ll be twiddling my thumbs a lot.

  8. 1 hour ago, Thuy said:

    So many swaps, so little time!


    Also, is there someone who could give me a rundown on what switch witch is? I've browsed through some of the FAQs and such but I don't think I fully grasp it. Very curious about it though.

    It's a lot more free form and lasts longer (usually) ... sometimes two or more months.  You have a certain dollar amount that is suggested and a date that your Witchee has to receive something by, but most people send e-cards or gc's immediately after getting their witchee and then can send smell ER small gifts or whatever through out the round or some people just send one big box at the end, or a couple of medium boxes, or employ minions to send things throughout or ... some people reveal, some don't,  some are total ninjas and just stalk without a lot of contact, some are high contact and poke everyday or a couple times a week.


    it's usually a huge swap and thousands of questions asked. 

  9. 15 hours ago, Em- said:

    Krampus is approved. 


    Usually we would call a swap over when it's ready to be closed, but the multi-night ones are weird. Let me think on that when I've had coffee and I'll message you.


    Are you going to do the 12 days of Christmas swap?  


    Since people are waiting for that and for a possible winter switch witch I think I'll skip the Yule Solstice swap so if someone else wants to run it, feel free!

  10. Krampusnacht Shotgun Swap is posted and waiting for approval!  (and I have pm'd @Em-!)   :dance:



    On 10/16/2021 at 3:16 PM, Greenwoodtree said:


    Yes I will assist with Yule - there was mention of a winter SW possibly, so still wondering bout dat


    oh, I just wanted help doing the questionnaire / text / writing.  I got off my butt and did Krampus tonight.  Now I have a saved questionnaire template I'll probably just reuse over and over.  I hope it doesn't ask for too much data but ... spectrum.  need data.  need ALL the data.


    Is someone going to do 12 days?  


    @Em-, at what point is a swap "over" as pertains to running another swap?  Is it after everyone has received everything or after we're done opening packages or ..... (for the 13 Nights specifically.  :lol: )




  11. How would it be if everyone who signs up to the card swap (make a maximum number of a common number of cards in a box?) sends one to everyone else in the swap.


    Does anyone want to help with solstice / krampus?  I've been super stressed and tired and haven't had time to write them up.

  12. 7 hours ago, Em- said:

    I really hope we have the usual glut of Yule related swaps. You have such fun ideas Twi!


    Speaking of which,  assuming that there's interest in a 12 days of Christmas swap, do folks have a strong preference for opening before Christmas (starting December 15, ending December 25) or the more traditional 12 days after (Dec 25 - Jan 5)? We've done it both ways,  but have ended up doing the latter by default because otherwise we basically need to start organizing now.


    I think ending on 12th night (1/5) is good.  

  13. 5 minutes ago, Lucchesa said:

    What's a card swap?


    Where we all just send each other cards.  Can sign up to send 5, 10, 15, whatever number and depending on how many join and how many cards each person wants to send.


    7 minutes ago, Lucchesa said:

    I'm hoping someone will run the tacky ornament swap for Yule.  


    I nominate you!  :D 

  14. Ok, so I have been working on the 7 deadly sins or sin & salvation or vices & virtue or whatever, but I'm thinking I'll save signups for later and it will be a lupercalia / valentine's day time swap.  How long do people like to shop?   I'm thinking packages will need to be mailed by mid/end of January and holidays are busy, plus sales on Black Friday and Boxing day, so maybe sign ups in November?  Would that give people enough time to shop during the holiday season?  Thanksgiving - Mid-January?



    Also is anyone doing a Yule swap? 


    Maybe a Krampusnacht / St. Nicholas swap (12/5, 12/6) with something for naughty children or related to Krampus to open on the 5th and something for nice children to open on the 6th.  Maybe five things in total?  


    Or a solstice swap with 5 presents, opening on the solstice natch (12/21.)  


    or both?


    We can only run three swaps at a time, so if I start the 7 sins, I can only run two other yule swaps. 



    I would love to see someone run a card swap for the holidays.  





  15. I'll get around to writing up the seven sins swap then.  ❤️   Maybe sign ups for a couple weeks, start at end of September, and mail after Black Friday but before holiday mail gets too insane.  What do people think?




    4 hours ago, Greenwoodtree said:

    Im submitting a shotgun Samhain swap. I  am missing SW. Submitting tonight.





    On 9/6/2021 at 9:22 PM, Lucchesa said:

    Seven sins! Though I can never remember them all. Rage could be a donation to Planned Parenthood in Texas…


    I like the way you think.  🤛




  16. 1 hour ago, neptuneanblues said:

    @twilighteyes I only wear socks a handful of times a year, and I thought you posted in the "What Are You Reading?" often, but maybe I'm thinking of someone else? I'm almost certain that the book/socks/soap/snack etc. one was also one that "people can make fit to whatever they want to send" as well, i.e., soap could be bodywash or hand soap (I think most people at least wash their hands?), socks could be slippers or tights or whatever (don't most people cover their feet with something at least some of the time?), a book could be an ebook if a person doesn't collect physical books, etc. 


    Was the sacrifice/self-care one the Solstice one?


    I think there has been a similar one to the solstice one (winter) during the fall for a few years too.  


    I *do* read ebooks but they're so much more expensive than getting a nice used book at a second hand book store that I feel guilty.  (I do a ton of library books.)  Nope, I don't cover my feet with anything except slip on shoes if I have to go outside but mostly I am in bed so, barefoot.  I wear socks maybe once or twice a year if I absolutely have to go out in the snow.  Absolutely no tights.  I'm lucky if I can manage to get pants on because I have a really hard time physically with things like that.  Right now putting on socks, toe nail polish, or lacing shoes is totally out.  I used to make soap, and I made 12 lb batches, so I have enough soap to last me forever.  :lol:  .... and I have to be really picky about my snacks too because dietician / doctor / physical therapy / food diary  and limit on fat / cal / sugar.  sigh.  I have to get in shape enough for possible surgery after the first of the year.  And I've just found out I'm allergic to wheat, eggs, yeast, corn, chocolate, casein... so there go all of the snacks I like.  Dried fruit it is, I guess!  :cry:


    I dunno, socks/soap/snack/book just seems super specific to me.   although sometimes the term is "something to read" and I got tarot cards with that one, so that was excellent.  :D  


    Since I have zero life except for doctors appointments, I'd be happy to run one but I was looking for new ideas I guess, and people's thoughts on them.

  17. How about a more general one?   (I don't do books, socks, or soap, hahaha.)   


    Like the five senses or seven sins or something that is kind of ambiguous so people can make it fit to whatever they want to send.  Like in the past we've done sacrifice, self care (I wrote scare!), etc.

  18. 1 hour ago, Michael Rogers said:

    Thanks so much!  I was stressing too much over that bottle.


    I can't even find the original vintage halloween art!  


    There are a couple of photos I found but it's pretty difficult to see the image.




    Second bottle from the front in this photo:

    Halloween-o-licious BPAL



  19. 1 hour ago, Michael Rogers said:

    The label of this bottle of Devil's Night was destroyed by adhesive tape.  Can anyone tell me the vintage and maybe even what the label looked like?  I can't find it searching images.  I've had this for a long time and never use it, just a sniff once every year or two.  Thanks in advance.


    Devil's Night

    It's  2005.  I can't find a good photo right now but I'll keep looking.

  20. 5 hours ago, doomsday_disco said:

    I've never been the host of any circular swaps, but I'd be happy to try my hand at it or co-host to get 13 Nights running. I am on full-time telework right now, so I'd think I'd have the time to get one together or help out! I'm ready to start accumulating all of the Halloween things! 🦇 🎃 :ghost:


    high five!!!  I've submitted the 13 nights but you can be my co-host pleaseeeeeeee!!  :glomp:
