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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by twilighteyes

  1. I know how to do transparent/digital watermarks but neither of those are going to stop people from downloading the photo to add to their ebay auction; I would still have to jump through the same hoops as now to get it removed and by the time eBay gets around to it, the auction is over. :lol: The point of making it visible across the photo is a deterrent for that kind of theft. It's hard to go, "this is my photo of XXXXX" when it has *my* username across it. I guess they could always crop my name off (but in order to do that, they'll lose the neck and lid of the bottle too) but if they wanted to spend that much time on a photo why not just take their own? If they just ASKED ME if they could use it, I would give them permission as long as they credited me in the auction and admitted that it was not an actual photo of their perfume.


    I use Gimp for photo editing.

  2. And Werepuppy too.




    I hate that I have to start watermarking stuff but I'm sick of people stealing my photos to use on their ebay auctions or whatnot. I'm going to have to play with the watermark size but it probably means more background and less label. :rantrave:



    does anyone know when the label for Black Phoenix (the GC) stopped being unique? i ordered one a couple of months ago and received it in december, but it's just got a standard GC label. =(


    I would guess when the rest of the GC labels changed?


    Are the Ars Draconis labels the same as regular GC labels now too? Anyone know?

  3. Hey, does anyone have a picture of Beth's Blue Moon? I'm curious, 'cause I got Brian's the other day and noticed that there's nothing on it indicating Brian's, not Beth's. I'm guessing that maybe the label art is slightly different -- otherwise, how will we tell them apart?







  4. Let's see... leather, vanilla, spice, burning. And musk for fun. And maybe some tea.


    Brom Bones (LE) The butchest, manliest of musks covered in well-worn leather.


    Western Diamondback Snake Oil with leather, tonka bean, red sandalwood, and sage. (Leather and Spicy Vanilla to my nose.)


    Dead Man's Hand (LE) Our Dead Man's Hand is the quintessential western scent: dusty rawhide and oiled leather.


    Mutant Hot Rodders from Hell High (LE) Shiny black leather jackets, gleaming silver studs, black pepper, pungent lime, and hellfire.


    Severin Dry black teas, Earl Gray, and leather.


    A Bachelor's Dog (LE) Soft musk, leather, and Brazilian cigar tobacco.


    Loviatar The slap of slick, hot leather punctuates the warm, sensual embrace of black amber, red musk and dark, lascivious myrrh.


    Hellfire A swirl of pipe tobacco, hot leather, ambergris, dark musk and the lingering incense smoke from their Black Mass.


    Herr Drosselmeyer (LE) Pipe smoke, sweet leather, woods and linen.


    I think my Liz needs to age. It's not really "vanilla" -- it's "vanilla floral perfume" and a little too on the floral side and not enough on the heavy vanilla side to my nose.


    I have more I could tease you with but most are DC or really really hard to find LE.

  5. Aw, thanks guys!! :blush: I haven't been as quick to take photos lately because it really hurts my back (car accident in July effects are still lingering) so a lot of the photos are crooked or not quite in focus because I'm just trying to hurry and get through them so my back won't hurt anymore. bleah.


    I added the Anniversary/Resurrecteds, a couple more GC's, Whirling Wind Moon, and Blue Moon 2009: Beth's Creation.



  6. I'm sure everyone has already seen them but I finally updated my flickr with everything since the Halloweenies. And then I updated the bpal fiends pool on flickr... so unfortunately those are out of order because I started with the yules/inquisitions and then went backwards through my photos adding things that I had forgotten (which appeared to be a lot!)


    The District

    Yule 2009


    Krampusumzuge, Atmospheric Linen and Room Spray


    I also added a ton of GC's and some Arcana, those are in "General Catalog" and "Other Perfumes" or you can just browse my photostream. (warning, photostream includes photos of yarn and dogs. and various other things depending on the time of year.)

  7. Hmmm, I have a bottle of Coral Snake that I've never used yet, I think I'll compare tonight. Thanks for the input everyone! If anyone else has any ideas for what it could be, let me know. *goes off to cry in the corner*


    Did you ever figure out what it was? How spicy did it smell? My guess would have been Saw Scaled Viper. (cinnamon, cassia, and ginger.) I'll have to go home and see what I have that is red.

  8. In the bottle it smells very similar to Dog Days of Summer.


    Wet on skin I am getting a mixed floral and green. Not "green GRASS" like A Blade of Grass, but just a green feeling with a slight hint of grass.


    On drydown it goes to sweet mixed floral.


    Darn skin, I wanted Sun and Puppy Fur!!!!


    Such a cute label!!!! Thank you Beth and Puddin for turning the loss of a beloved pet into an opportunity to help other animals in need.

  9. Thanks! That gets me close, but because I no longer have the order date (it was for Snake Charmer Res.) I'd have to guess. Maybe I'll try this weekend.


    I'm extremely anal. I keep all of the e-mail confirmations and label them with "bpal orders" so I can find each and every one with the label (I love gmail!) and I also keep a spreadsheet with everything detailed, even the category and note descriptions. I make notes on the spreadsheet when it gets harvested (if paid with ccnow), when I get the cns, when it arrives, which frimps I got...


    :whistle: What? Yes, I'm a virgo.

  10. Hi! Could I ask what the Panacea labels look like, or if they've changed a lot since they were first released? I have a cobalt bottle of Succor and it has the strangest label - the triple dagger heart, sideways, with Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Succor also written sideways. I am teh curious.


    I have some Panacea labels on my BPAL flickr gallery under General Catalog. Quietude, Seduction (not shown on flickr), and Bitch are all the triple dagger/heart, but GRR is different. Bitch and GRR were both somewhat recent purchases.

  11. Does anyone know what that is on Sarah's label? It looks to be a woman's torso with her arms folded up so we can only see her elbows in the frame. Then... she is wearing a belt with sea sponges or foie gras hanging off it? Haha!


    It looks like a bunch of skulls partially buried in smooth stones to me.

    I think your "smooth stones" are femoral heads or humeral heads -- arm/leg bones, where they attach to your shoulder/hip.


    probably. I have exceedingly poor eyes even with my contacts in and the labels are very small and have writing over them. ;)

  12. I haven't edited them yet, but I finally got off my donkey and took photos of the last months worth of BPAL, including all of the halloweenies. They are on flickr, of course.


    Halloweenies 2009 (all of the Halloweenies, Pumpkin patch & Tattie Bogle, and all of the Vampires) are here on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/miss_twilight...57622240917425/


    My BPAL sets are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/miss_twilight...57606846994887/
