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Posts posted by fireweaver

  1. So what would ya'll pick for me? I'm currently a director of a child care facility, who also teaches the four year olds. I have a hard time sticking up for myself, even when I realize I'm being taken advantage of. I give people the benefit of the doubt. You're a good person until proven otherwise. And if I like you, I tend to ignore the negatives about you. I have a sweet tooth (love desserts!). I love celtic music and hearing it live (not so keen on pure traditional, but, it has it's moments). I can be friendly and outgoing if I pretend I'm someone else or if it "doesn't matter" what others think because I'll never see them again. I'm much more conservative/quiet with people I know, even slightly. Love fantasty/sci fi. My head's usually in the clouds. I'll come up with the crazy idea, but others have to figure out how to make it work/do it.


    Notewise, only honey, and rose are usually vile on me, and I'm not too keen on pimeapple, jasmine or coconut.

  2. This one was horrible on me. And it's *not* the fault of the blend.

    The cocoa and patchouli combined to form a BO scent on my skin. The peach valiantly tried to salvage the blend, which just turned it into a person with BO who sprayed a peach spray to try and cover the funk. Honey also tends to get musty on me, which did *not* help at all.

    After the cocoa and patchouli fell asleep, the peach came back out and tried to make things better. Unfortunately, it was too late for it to help.

  3. in bottle- vaguely hod/morocco mixture. This could be good, or really sharp...

    On skin- CARNATION! Not the sharp carnation smell. The vanilla is tempering it a bit. Also musky.

    As it dries, the cedar and sandalwood comes out more prominantly as starts to try and take over. I'm left with a spicy/slightly musky vanillaish wood scent on my skin. Decent throw, lasted over 5 hours on me, but it's not a scent I'd wear due to the overwhelming carnation followed up with the wood takeover.

  4. It starts out with a blast of red musk, with the cloves and vanilla rounding it out. The florals are there a bit later, but the rose starts to make it powder-y. Not in a bad way exactly, but in a more traditional smell that I personally don't care for. (I have trouble with most roses. They go powdery/sharp/ick most of the time). I wanted to love this one, but, I'm more indifferent to it.

  5. On me this smelt like a fruitier Snake Charmer, with less of the Snake-y bit. the vanilla amber, coconut and the light peach combined with the hint of vertiver to make this a very gorgeous scent.

  6. This was absolutely delicious. Started out very strong on the sarsaparilla with the sweet cream a fairly strong second. As it dried, the sarsaparilla fades into the cream (and the cream starts to get stronger, creamier and sweeter). I fell asleep wearing it and woke up to the most incredible vanilla cream scent still lingering on my arm when I woke up.

  7. I so wanted to love this, but all I can smell is a sweet, black jellybean scent both in the bottle and on my skin. no florals or vanilla to speak of. I'm going to let it rest a bit and try again and see if that changes the review at all.

  8. I don't know exactly what I'm smelling, but it smells like the HOB in Chicago to me. Like the insense they burn there. I dunno why, but there ya go. I really, really like it and will probably buy a bottle the next time I order

  9. Parrot_suspect, you may want to try Zorya from the Excolio line.


    Thank you again! If anyone else has ideas, I'd love to hear more thoughts on this topic. It's so fun to hear what other people have to say about scents I love. :D


    Beatrice, I just tested Florence and found it somewhat similar to D&G red cap. It didn't have the same "oomph" of D&G, but the general floral-oriental feeling was similar.


    I would love to hear anybody's suggestions on floriental blends. Now that the weather is getting warmer, scents that mix florals with woods, resins, amber and incense are particularly appealing.

