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Blog Entries posted by Argentwolf

  1. Argentwolf
    A retail exclusive from Dark Delicacies
    Definitely very fruity...it doesn't *quite* speak grapefruit to me...there's a spicy sort of side to it, like ginger, and a definite ultra-sweet syrupy gooeyness to it, too. It's a weird scent. It's also rather 'young' smelling, like the sort of perfume that would permeate some kind of glittery lip gloss geared toward teens. But, it was appropriate that this was released as part of a summer blockbuster series, because its light, sweet absurdity is perfect for hot, bright, sunny weather...or evoking that sort of atmosphere, should one need it.
  2. Argentwolf
    Category: Ars Amatoria
    I mostly get very sweet mimosa, resting on a solid foundation of bergamot. It's quite lovely and sweet, and has decent staying power, but I don't get much in the way of throw. Personally, I like Eris better as a perfume with the mimosa note.
  3. Argentwolf
    Category: Ars Amatoria
    This is a very pleasant, mellow floral that is nicely balanced by the neroli. It has a very slight bit of warmth to it. It has staying power, but I didn't detect all that much throw out of it. I feel it could possibly be a good 'crossover' scent for people who don't usually like florals, as the other notes keep it from getting too sweet or overpowering. Unfortunately, it just doesn't have enough kick to qualify as a favorite for me.
  4. Argentwolf
    Category: The Mad Tea Party
    So this is the apple note...yummy. I definitely detect that the most, as well as the mint, and a hint of lime, both of which add a coolness and freshness to the candylike sweetness of the apple. (At least, from a distance; when I come in close for a sniff, the tartness of both notes asserts itself and indeed gives a mischeivous and contrary jolt to my nose.) It truly is wet and aquatic, but in an...alcoholic sort of way. In fact, looking at the notes, it sounds like it would make for a really good cocktail. Gotta try that, sometime.
    It lasted all day, and had a pretty decent throw. I found myself sniffing my wrist quite a lot with this one. I think I'll hang onto it for a while.
  5. Argentwolf
    Category: Limited Editions -- Samhain 2008 -- Sleepy Hollow Series
    Initially, it's a very dry, smokey scent; it doesn't have the sharp tang of cordite that I was expecting -- it's more like the last traces of smoke after a flame has been snuffed or blown out, sans the wax.
    This is very fleeting, however; after that, I swear that it smells like Axe Body Spray. LOL Not really my thing.
    This does strike me as a very masculine scent, and I'd recommend it, along with Brom Bones, for anyone seeking out a late 'Weenie purchase for their male companions.
  6. Argentwolf
    Category: Limited Editions -- Samhain 2008
    As much as I like sweet, foody scents, the just-straight-up sugar note doesn't do too well with me. It has an overly-sweet, plasticky edge to it that is not fun.
    There *is* a warmer, almost boozy undernote to it, but it's overpowered by the plastic fruitiness. Not for me!
  7. Argentwolf
    Category: Limited Editions -- Samhain 2008
    There are definitely dry, dead leaves here, but they are accompanied by sweet, warm apple cider and poppies. It's a very nice autumn scent -- right smack in between the earthiness of Chant D' Autumne and the warm deliciousness of Fearful Pleasure. Unfortunately, it didn't last very long on me, which is why I'll just content myself with an imp.
  8. Argentwolf
    Category: Ars Amatoria
    Dammit! I don't detect *any* of these notes in this at all! To me, this is all jasmine, with maybe a barest hint of musk. It's definitely pretty and sensual...but not the OMG yumminess that I was hoping for.
  9. Argentwolf
    Category: Limited Editions -- Samhain 2008
    This didn't strike me as a 'rosey' scent when I initially tested it, but now that I am re-sniffing it to jog my memory as I write this, I can smell the rose. It's definitely a very sweet floral scent...any incense is just peripheral, but I can detect the undercurrent of cocoa lurking at the very, very bottom of it all.
    I think I'd agree with another reviewer above, and say that this is a smokier, foodier version of Mictecacihuatl. I don't think one needs to be afraid of the rose note...so if you like a hint of cocoa in your perfume, I think you could safely give this a shot.
    I'm almost regretting not having gotten a bottle...
  10. Argentwolf
    Category: Wanderlust
    I think that, for me, cedar is going to be one of those scents that shoulders its way to the front and tries to hog all the attention, and that's certainly what it does here. Fresh out of the imp and wet on my skin, all I can smell is the cedar. As it dries, thankfully, the creamier, refreshing vanilla note becomes evident. This mostly becomes a balance of the vanilla and the wood, though the sassafras does peek out from time to time in sweet, delicious little wafts. Unfortunately, however, on me the cedar note just turns a bit rank and ruins whatever sweet dusty qualities this blend might have had. If one likes vanilla and can have the wood note behave on them, though, I think they will enjoy it.
  11. Argentwolf
    Category: Discontinued Scents
    This is a wonderfully light and delicate floral. I can smell iris and, I think, moonflower; I don't pick up the super-sweet tone that I normally do from jasmine, but that's fine, as it seems to be working its magic in other ways. This scent is fresh and clean, and highly evocative; imagine standing among reeds and fragrant, dew-covered flowers at the edge of a pool, while the moon and stars shine above. It's beautiful. This is the one Muse that I really liked!
  12. Argentwolf
    Category: Limited Edition -- Halloween 2008
    As many others have said: OMG YUMMY. Admittedly, it did take me a day or so to warm up to it, but once the full brunt of orange custardy cake goodness seeped into my system, I was hard-pressed not to just sit in a corner and lick myself for hours. I had been afraid of the floral notes, but I never really detected them at all. It just smells like moist, delicious, orange-glazed cake, and that is definitely good enough for me. Foodie fans must procure themselves a bottle of this.
  13. Argentwolf
    Category: Limited Editions -- Halloween 2008
    This scent is definitely as advertised: leather and musk. The 'leather' aspect evokes brand-new, shiny, supple, oiled leather; it's like walking into a Wilsons showroom (or any other store that specializes in leather coats and goods). The musk is a pure, clean skin-musk that is verrrrrrry delicious; it smells just like fresh, clean man-skin. The combination makes it a pretty damned intriguing scent. I don't need a bottle, but I'm definitely keeping my imp, and I'd recommend wearing this to anyone who wants a highly-interested woman or three to follow them home.
  14. Argentwolf
    Category: Limited Edition -- Halloween 2008
    This scent did not work on me at all. Aside from smelling burnt, it smells sharp and shrill and peppery, like the little black dots of mold that you find on the underside of leaves, and the spent brown papery galls that once harbored wasps. Maybe it was the vetiver, or the particular combination of vetiver and tobacco...but it all just adds up to a big cloud of Yuck.
  15. Argentwolf
    Category: Limited Editions -- Halloween 2008 -- Sleepy Hollow
    I got a variety of scents from this one over the time that I tested it...the first day, it was straight-on, overpowering apple juice, with a rather unpleasant...biological sort of edge to it. (Read: pee. Eeek.) On subsequent days, however, it played very nice. One day, I could swear that all I smelled was sarsparilla...like a smooth, creamy, home-brewed root beer with a hint of vanilla and just the barest wisp of smoke. I have NO idea what was going on, that day, but I liked it -- and if it had done that repeatedly, I'd definitely be wanting a bottle of it. Overall, however, it settles into spiced apple cider. It's a scent that's both sweet and warm and very evocative of Autumn. If you love apple scents, definitely grab some of this. It's really good, but for a foodie scent, I believe that Huesos works better for me.
  16. Argentwolf
    Category: Limited Editions -- Halloween 2008 -- Sleepy Hollow
    I get a LOT of maple and oats out of this, with little side-hints of carrot. It's a delicious, pleasant, warm, comforting scent, but unfortunately the throw is minimal -- if there's musk, I really can't detect any -- and staying power is so-so. I will treasure what's left of my imp, but I don't feel that I need any more than that.
  17. Argentwolf
    Category: Limited Editions -- Halloween 2008 -- Sleepy Hollow
    The prevailing note here is beeswax...it's a very warm, homey scent. It is complemented nicely by the tea, cream, and, yes, wool. Over time, it fades into a golden, perfumey amalgam that is classy and very, very pleasant. I really like this, and need to remember to get me a bottle.
  18. Argentwolf
    Category: Limited Editions -- Halloween 2008
    Admittedly, this is less-than-pleasant upon first application; you get all of the beery, boozy qualities of it, that stale, sour leftover-whiskey smell that lingers on your breath the morning after. Not nice.
    However! It calms down and behaves itself really quickly. It is like a burly, scruffy man with booze on his breath, who completely surprises you by reciting a lovely poem from memory. The harsh booziness goes away, and you are left with a sweet, malty sort of aroma, like you're leaning over a freshly-drained cask of whiskey and inhaling that slightly-toasted, caramely smell that's still soaked into the wood. Once it's morphed to that stage, it stays there. I really liked this one.
    If it weren't for the unpleasantness at the beginning, I would spring for a full-priced bottle. (If I had unlimted funds, I still would.) I managed to wrangle a partial bottle, and I certainly wouldn't mind buying up other people's unloved imps and adding them to it from time to time. It's inspiring borderline hoarding behavior.
  19. Argentwolf
    Category: Limited Editions -- Halloween 2008
    The rose note made me super-leery, but the other notes sounded so appealing that I had to at least try a decant. As anticipated, the rose amps hugely on me. However, it never really gets all that obnoxious. There's a fresh, wet side to it, and that may be the agave nobly leaping in and keeping the rose from ruining my day. I don't smell the copal too much, alas, but it is there, lurking in the background along with the woods. It's really lovely, and after Karl complimented me on it, I'm convinced that I need a full bottle.
    If rose doesn't normally work for you, don't be afraid...this could be one of those pleasant exceptions, for you.
  20. Argentwolf
    Limited Editions -- Halloween 2009
    Primarily, this one is like a spiced bread or cake to me. The beer gives it a sweet sort of nutty aroma when I inhale *super* deeply. Alas, I really wanted to like this one, and it's not a *bad* scent, but it just can't hold a candle to my favorites from last year, Huesos De Santos and John Barleycorn.
  21. Argentwolf
    Limited Editions -- Halloween 2009
    I can see why this one was so popular! Delicious, warm, spicy apple cider...if I detect the milk note, it's as a creamy/buttery sort of edge to the scent. Super-nice. It's not an overpowering scent, but it will last much of the day on me and give me pleasant little wafts throughout. I think I like this one better than Fearful Pleasure. I of course bought a bottle!
  22. Argentwolf
    Limited Edition -- Halloween 2009 -- The Literary Vampires
    At first whiff, it is a wet, resinous patchouli salted with clove and dragon's blood. There is even a slight sort of currant smell, that makes it almost pulpy for a second. Very lovely. This wears off in a flash, and is strong on clove. As dominant as this combination of scents sounds, it really doesn't express itself very much on me...it's more of an intimate scent to be experienced in furtive huffs. This is another one that I will probably end up trading away eventually, albeit very reluctantly.
  23. Argentwolf
    Category: Mad Tea Party
    Now that I am re-visiting it for the review, this smells a lot better than it had initially. I remember it being rather shrill and awful; now it's more muted, more like a watercolor painting done in pastel colors than the garish melange of FRUT! FLOWERS! INSANITY! that I remember.
    Even so, something -- possibly the pineapple -- is just not working for me. This one needs to go to a loving home.
  24. Argentwolf
    Category: Ars Amatoria
    This is a beautiful blend that manages to be sweet without been cloying, and a bit on the resinous side. It's a dark-brown sort of scent, melancholy and brooding, and subtly creeps up on you to gently fill your senses with its sweet air of loss. It has decent staying power and throw. Very, very lovely.
  25. Argentwolf
    Category: Bewitching Brews -- The Conjure Bag
    As many others have said, this is very cinnamon-fruity, like a liberally-spiced apple treat. It works better than, say, All Night Long on me, and is very similar to Alice's Evidence. In spite of its aromatic components, it tends to have very light throw, and dissipates after a few hours.