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BPAL Madness!

Julilla Regina

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Posts posted by Julilla Regina

  1. This smelled like a very clean violet to me. There was something almost baby'ish to me about it, like the way a baby's room smells, with all the clean onesies and little zip up suits with plastic feet and powders and baby soap. I must be olfactorily challenged, because there is nothing listed in this blend that should lead one to this conclusion. It is a very nice, soothing scent. Alas, neroli never showed up on me, I'm starting to think that my skin actually dissolves any neroli scent molecules in its vicinity. Sandalwood and musk are perhaps too light to have overpowered the slightly astringent violet on me.

  2. This was nice on me at first, dark chocolate and wine, very nice. It got a little incensey-seeming. I don't think this is a scent for me, because it got a little harsh and dark. I think my chemistry mish mashed this into something never smelled before. After awhile, a powdery note came out in it. I'm pretty sad about it. If your skin can handle darker notes, go for it!

  3. This turned odd on me. I wouldn't have picked this out for myself, since it's oleander and I'm allergic to oleander, but I'm not rashing out, so it's all good.


    It almost seemed like an aquatic when I first put it on, hardly any patchouli at all is coming out. After five hours it's damped down to a light, waxy white floral. It's faint and pleasant enough. I never got the neroli at all. My skin is so weird...

  4. I think I might have a problem with some gardenias. There is something in this blend that freaked out on my skin, and made super-mega-gardenia. I honestly can't smell anything else in it...except a little hint of something sharp. It's just not working on me. I'm so sad that it doesn't, because I love the poem... :P

  5. This smelled absolutely lovely in the imp. I sniffed deeply and couldn't wait. Within 30 seconds of touching my skin, Santo Domingo let loose with the dreaded "Amber Curse"..which means baby powder to the exclusion of all else. I'm not saying SD has amber in it, because it isn't listed, but something in it reacted on me exactly like that evil bitch known as Amber. Drat! :P

  6. Mmmm, this is wonderful. It has a touch of candy sweetness mixed with a blooming flower. I love this. It's light, but intoxicating. There's something very girlish and yet sophisticated about this scent. It is a bit like BBW Plumeria, but I think this is clearer and a better scent, if that makes sense. This is a scent you could wear anywhere, and I'd be interested to know what kind of reactions women would get when they put this on. Probably anyone from 15 to 70 could wear this and pull it off. :P

  7. In the imp and when first applied, I couldn't believe how fantastic this smelled. Cocoa powder and leather? Heaven! Unfortunately, the patchouli flamed out all crazy and wild and freaky on me and the cocoa powder and leather was no more. If the cocoa and only hung around, I know this would be one of my fave BPAL scents ever. Damnit, patchouli, I curse you!

  8. I read the description and I thought "eh. musk.", but it got so many rave reviews, I thought I should at least try it.


    This is amazing! The musk is very very light, only seems to be there to keep the entire thing from being too sweet, maybe? I love the way this smells. In fact, after I thought it had faded into nothingness, a co-worker asked me what I was wearing that "smelled so *good*. It was my honest to goodness first compliment on BPAL. It might not seem feminine enough for many, but it doesn't smell like a cologne at all, either. It's smooth and mellow and veddy veddy sophisticated. It's really beautiful, and definitely worth a big bottle. :P

  9. I have no idea what in this smells so yummy and bakery'ish. It smells like a newly bathed little girl eating a fresh baked sugar cookie. The rose isn't strong at all on me, and this smoothes out into a slightly powdery delight. I can't rave about this enough. I'm finding it amazing, one of those blends that just shakes me and reminds me why I keep ordering BPAL. It's milky and rosey and sweet and I don't think this smells like anything I've ever smelled before. I think this could be worn at any occasion, from a day shopping to a night of passion.



  10. Not too much honey on me, for some reason. It smoothes out into a light floral mostly. Slightly powdery, not unpleasant. It is very nice, though I was hoping for mega ultra honeyriffic slathered all over my body-ness. It seems innocent and virginal, probably appropriate for honeymoons in other centuries.... :P

  11. This one went very odd on me. It's sweet at first, a honey'ish kind of thing. Then I could have sworn I smelled some almonds, so far AOK. But the floral is a little too waxy for me, and this turned into a spicy powder.



  12. This is really kind of yummy. It reminds me of Glitter, the booze in that is the same kind of sweetness. It does smell a little candy'ish, so definitely stay away if you don't like that. I'm glad I do like it though. It's pretty whimsical and non-serious. If you like Glitter, you'll probably like this one too.



  13. This is very girly girl with a white lacy frock. The pear and plumeria blend really nicely, the sweet and the slightly tangy. I could swear though that after wearing this awhile, something woods-y comes out. There's an underlying tree-ness to this, very very subtle. It is very light and so you might have to reapply this a few times during the day. It really mellows into a light fragrance. Very pretty, and a must for floral fans!

  14. I love pomegranates, and I love Beth's pomegranates, especially. The sharp/sweet smell of them is really luscious. But I don't think I do well with scents that smell of booze. I can see why this is a fantastic scent, but smelling like alcohol all day really bugs me.


    If you *don't* mind smelling a little boozy, give this one a try, it's very Hot Nightspot with a dress code chic.

  15. Selune, the Moon Goddess, fell in love with a beautiful shepherd named Endymion. She appealed to Zeus, asking him to cast Endymion into everlasting slumber so that she could be with him for all eternity. Her wish was granted, and every night the Goddess visited her love as he slept. A sweet, wistful blend of d’Anjou pear, Lily of the Valley, bois du rose and white musk.

    Oh, this is really beautiful! The rose is most prominent, but it blends so well with the pear it's remarkable. The musk is really very muted and hardly noticeable on me at all. This is why I love BPAL oils. There really isn't anything that smells like this from a commercial perfumer. It smells just like the description says, but it's blended so subtly that the rose and pear ease together. There isn't anything harsh or clanging or headache inducing about it, as I imagine it would be if a company tried to make a fragrance like this. Gorgeous, gorgeous. :P

  16. I smell the mint and the citrus quite strongly. My skin ends up munching on this pretty quickly, though, so I had to apply more to really get a good whiff. After about twenty minutes, the lotus kicks in and makes it a little soapy. It's a very odd fragrance. Nice, but strange. Minty grapefruit soap. On me anyway. It's not bad, very original.

  17. This is really interesting. It's incensey, and strong, but there's a bit of soapyness underneath. Over the top of it all though is clove, which is bright and a bit tangy. I like it, but it's not really me. I think it would be great for clubbing though, especially if you're going somewhere where there would be a lot of competing fragrances. It's got some really awesome staying power, so I can see it as a fragrance you'd still feel good about after a night of dancing...and perhaps a little romance... :P

  18. It's hard when you get a bunch of imps at once. I always want to smell them as soon as I get them, but in opening one, I get oil on my fingertips, no matter how careful I am. So this is the little trick I've used. I get a couple of paper towels, and I'll tear off a little piece, enough to cover my imp opening fingers and the imp top. When that little bit of oil gets on the paper towel bit, I get a fresh piece of paper towel and go to the next one. It works pretty well!

  19. This is almost all heather and flannel to me. There isn't any kind of blackberry to it at all. Weird, isn't it? If someone took clean linen and dried it over heather on a bright sunny day, that is what this smells like. It is very soft though, and recedes a lot into the background very quickly. It almost seems like it could be a unisex fragrance, for a man who didn't mind smelling just a little sweet. It's very pretty, but rather nondescript on me. I think if the blackberry came out more it would seem more vibrant. As it is, it's smooth and mellow and quiet.

  20. “The Beautiful One Is Come”. Egyptian iris and olibanum with red and white sandalwood, soft myrrh and a breath of North African herbs.

    This is nice in the imp. Lightly incense and more floral. But when I put it on, it went a to powder. I can still smell the iris, only barely. It disappeared very quickly, so my skin must love to eat this up. I think it will make a very soft and lovely room frangrance though. It's very exotic to my nose, perhaps something a woman in ancient times would use to scent her clothing. Soft and pretty, but not very long lasting on me.

  21. I've been reading the other reviews...and this is really a blend for the Folk, I guess! It's shifting and moving and smelling like one thing to some and another thing to others. Ephemeral.


    I can only say what this is on me, so here goes. When I first smelled it in the imp, it's soft and lightly floral. Hard to pin down. When I put it on, I was immediately mindful of baby smell. Not the smell of the baby itself, but the smell of a place that has a baby in it. Powder, cotton, laundry, baby bath, etc. Hmmm...I don't really want to smell like baby's room. It's nice and soothing, but still. Now that I've worn this a few hours, it's soft and gentle and lullaby'ish. I think it would make a good relaxing sleep blend (especially if you are upset and need 'mommy' comfort). It would also be nice for new moms or nursing or something. I just really get that whole mom vibe with this. I didn't get the tonka at all, or the occult store smell. This is just pure, unadulterated new mother to me.

  22. Oh, this is amazing! And it works with my chemistry and everything, huzzah! I actually had someone tell me how good I smell. Yay!


    I love cedar, so I am biased in that regard. This doesn't go sharp on me like Snake Oil did after awhile. This is vanillawood goodness all the way. I thought it might be more manly and guy oriented, so I bought it for my son to try. He is not getting this. I think the vanilla would be too sweet for him anyway. This is a very deep vanilla, not like extract or cooking vanilla, but a creamy yellow vanilla. Drizzling the cedar over it has made it truly exquisite. How much do I love this one? There aren't words. :P

  23. Yes, this is deeply purple. Not a light purpley lavendar or heather, but a plummy blackberry scent. It is very fruity, but I think it's sophisticated. The incense is very much in the background, to my nose. It's mostly just lovely, sweet dark purple fruits over a whisper of grown up light incense. I think it's really beautiful and dark in a twilight sense.

  24. Wakinyan, Hohoq, Kw-Uhnx-Wa. With eyes of fire, its glance is lightning, and thunder erupts as the great, sacred bird claps its mighty wings. A willing guardian and protector of mankind, a wise and benevolent teacher, and the creator of life-giving storms. The sharp tang of ozone and the deep bass growl of thunder over mountain trees.

    I think this scent is amazing. I don't get either melons or floral from this at all, though. It smells like a mix of white and green, maybe clouds and grass. The ozone in the background is far more detectable than I thought it was in Storm Moon. It's very strong when I first put it on, but after a few minutes, it calms down and becomes very mellow, but very fresh. I really love this. It is really fantastic. :P

  25. Oh, this is beautiful! It reminds me of an incense I used to love called "Queen of the Night". It's not an exact match, but it's close enough to remind me. The jasmine is not too cloying or sweet, as jasmine tends to get sometimes. It's so well blended, yet with a light incensey feel, I can't even describe how very pretty this is. If you love florals and lighter incenses, you will love this. I am really enjoying this. Definitely a big bottle! :P
