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Posts posted by persephanise

  1. I'm looking desperately for the perfect foody scent. But not just any foody sent.


    Specifically, bread. A sweet, rich bread, like a brioche. Like a brioche with cream on top and a savory filling. Not that I want to smell like bacon and onions, mind, but something other than your classic fruits such as currant, cherry, strawberry, etc.


    I don't want this scent to be the smell of fruit or chocolate or sugar so much as bread, cream, vanilla. The smell of cinnamon rolls rising on the counter. Brown sugar, dough, maybe fig or dates...




    I also want to capture the smell of buttercream. This is a separate desire from the above. So I'm looking for 2 different bakery scents. One rich and savory and bready, the other, purest buttercream.




    (I have bottles of Chanukkiyah and Love's Philosophy on the way. Never tried, but hoping they might work. So I'm looking for suggestions outside of these two.)


    Thanks y'all!

  2. I'm actually really surprised at how much I like this one.


    It reminds me of aperfume called Alessandro, which is really pretty but at $155 a bottle not something I particularly have to have. This smells enough like it that I don't even need to consider buying it.


    In the imp it smelled a lot like O (which I already own) but on my skin some cherry comes out (it smells like cherry to me; I have no idea what note it really is) and it softens into this sweet baby powder.


    It's not a sexy scent at all. It smells like soft, mature, sweet baby powder. It's probably not something I will want to smell like frequently (I'm a Mouse's Long and Sad Tale addict) but I can certainly see time when I will wnat to wear this.


    I don't know if I will purchase a bottle but I will keep this imp and maybe even acquire another. I really like this.

  3. In the imp: Smells like something I kind of want to eat, for some reason.


    Ultimately, though, it smells like perfume made for children. Like I something I would ahe worn in 6th grade. I just kind of smells like cheap, childish, commercial pefume.


    Not for me.

  4. One of the first imps I ever ordered was "Eat Me", because I so wanted to smell like cake. Unfortunately, "Eat Me" was a resounding disappointment: too sweet, too burnt sugar. I was sorely disappointed.


    I almost didn't order Lyonesse because I have sworn off musk scents. But so many people recommended it to me I gave it a try.


    And....the musk makes it yucky. :P


    I love cake and vanilla scents. But the musk in this destroys the fragrance for me. I smell like a guy. Ugh :D


    (On the other thand, the cakey notes in Lyonesse are really really nice. It's only the musk that kills this for me.)

  5. Named after the Roman God of Sleep. This blend helps bring on deep, restful, natural sleep.

    In the bottle: WHOA! Lavender.

    I don't like lavender, so I almost never got around to trying this.

    I'm glad I did, though. Dry, it smells exactly like a jasmine soap bar I used to buy at the Ren Faire that I can't find anymore.

    I wouldn't wear this as a perfume probably, which is fine because that's not what it's intended for. I don't have trouble sleeping, so I don'tneed it for slumber. But it is a nice smell, and I can see myself wearing to bed just because.

  6. Year: 2004


    I also get pine and plastic from this with a hint of something sweet and floral.


    The strange, weird Raid and plastic smell (yes I can totally see that is smells like Raid) keeps it from being bottle worthy. It's too bad, because there is something in here I *really* like, and it has such potential. But the plastic + poison smells kind of kills it for me. For shame.

  7. Spellbound broke my heart! Amber and rose? Sounds wonderful! Red musk? Ehh..


    and the red musk won, darnit!


    I don't know if it was the musk alone that ruined it or the combination of scents but Spellbound was just too heavy and sneezy for me. I gave Spellbound chance and after chance to redeem itself, but in the end I have decided that Spellbound will never be a bottle in my closet.

  8. Wow, was this ever rosey. But not just rosey--it's almost like heavy, rotting roses. The smells is really heavy and strong and deep.


    Not only was the actual rose scent just too much for me (too perfumey, I suppose, rather than too rosey. PEacock Queen, for example, is all rose all the time, and I love that.) But the musk also doesn't work on me in this blend, though admittedly I Seem to have trouble with a lot of the Lab's musks.


    In the end, instead of making me feel beautiful or lifting my mood, black rose made me feel old and deathly and too overly serious about the world. Very emo, actually. Certainly not for me.

  9. Ugh, no.


    There is something in the Lab's foody scents that does not agree with me. Even in the imp it smells like sweet evil. I get burnt sugar from this just like I do Eat Me and Gluttony and all the other sugary scents I've tried :P


    It's a shame, too--I really anted to like this. But I just get burnt sugar and popcorn butter.

  10. Oh, now this. This is beautiful.


    I got this for my love of amber, but I don't really detect amber. It's mostly cinnamon on me, but not in a red hots way. More in a, "This reminds me of Christmas!" way. It smells like one of those Victorian Christmas shops.


    It's a much lighter scent than I was expecting. I was expecting dark, bold, heavy amber. Instead, the Lion is warm, spicy, golden and bright. It wears close to my skin and doesn't last too long. It layers wonderfully.


    I put in an order for a bottle immediately. Really pretty.


    ETA: Today I wore the Lion and I got LOADS of amber from this! I love how my oils change based on so many different variables. The Lion is easily one of my faves.

  11. Oooh, Amsterdam. It's such a pretty white floral. And it's light and feminine and fresh.


    And what about Dirty? Not really green but it might fit the bill.


    Also, Dormouse. Light and floral but a little unexpected.


    I also enjoy Loup Garou though that might be too gender neutral or even masculine (I don't think it is, but I can see how someone else might.)

  12. I quite like Dirty.


    I am a fan of fresh, clean scents. There are days when I want to smell good but not perfumey, and on those days I reach for this fragrance. It does smell rather like fabric softener, but not in a cheap or bad way. It reminds me of childhood, or breakfast in bed, or doing the laundry in college.


    When I was first married, we couldn't afford a washer and dryer, so we hung our clothes on the line to dry. Clothes dried on the line pick up some interesting scents--whatever blows in on the wind is often etched into the fiber of the clothing. Dirty reminds me of line dried linens in the high of spring, when the wildflowers are blooming. It's just clean and wild and fresh.


    Lately I have taken to layering Dirty with Rose Red. And then I just smile, smile, smile.

  13. I think I would have liked this better with a different rose (and less of it) and more sandalwood.


    It was okay but in the end it was too rosy, and this rose smelled kind of cheap to my nose, like dimestore rose lotion. I wore this right after having worn Baghdad, and I definitely prefer Baghdad.

  14. In the imp this has a weird astringent smell that turned me off, so I delayed trying it.


    Today, I felt adventuresome and dabbed this on my wrists and I am SO glad I did!!


    I had decided that I just don't like musk, so I knew this would be another for the swap pile. But after a few minutes, that weird astringent smell I didn't like vanished and I was left with something warm and spicy and slightly floral--it's a very grown up, kind of heady scent. I actually think this could be beautiful on a man or a woman.


    The last thing I need is to fall in love with another scent (I already have 5 or 6 bottles lined up for my January order, gah!) but I think I might have to find a way to work this into my budget, because it's just that nice. This is definitely a "Sometimes" scent--probably more for going out than wearing to work or around the house. But wow, a very pleasant surprise. Very very happy with this one.


    ETA: The dry-down was completely sandalwood. And while I love Sandalwood, it's not a complex enough scent to be the final verdict, so to speak. Darn! I really liked it up until it turned into single-note sandalwood. No bottle for me after all.

  15. To my nose, Amsterdam smells just like Lauren by Ralph Lauren before it was reforumalated.


    And I love the old Lauren, and I don't like the new Lauren, so this was a pleasant discovery!


    I love this scent. It's light, it's fresh, and wears easily. And I'm not really a floral person, but I liked this. I don't know that I will probably get a large bottle of this because it's not really "me" but it's very pretty.

  16. I read all these reviews before I bought myself a bottle of this. And I thought to myself, "Okay, it smells like a rose. What's so special about that?"


    Then I opened the bottle and I understood.


    Holy CRAP! It smells like an actual, honest to goodness, living rose. Not just petals. Not just attar. Not just the distilled happy goodness that perfumers have taught us to enjoy. But an actual rose the way nature brought it to us--unrefined, with green leaves and a woody stem, with sap dripping here and there, with petals and water. It smells like a rose bush in full bloom, in the crisp morning dew. Something about it does smell biting, like cold water. Almost minty. It catches my breath.


    I was genuinely amazed that anyone could recreate this smell.


    At first I didn't think I could wear this as a perfume--I thought it would make a good room scent. However, I find myself reaching for it more and more, because it just makes me smile.


    I layered this with Dirty, and was gleeful all evening. Talk about feeling fresh and clean and loved--Rose Red layered with Dirty is like being in bed with the window opening and the scent of fresh roses blowing in. It's that good. T's an instant mood lifter. IF you have some Dirty on hand, get to layering!

  17. What an interesting fragrance.


    It smells like an expensive tobacco shop. It's a wonderful, full, enigmatic scent. It's a wee bit sweet for me--this is something i'd have to wear in my hair where i"d only catch occasional whiffs of it, not on my hands where I'd catch the scent all the time.


    And it certainly isn't something I would wear often, but it's really a masterful scent, and something I will enjoy wearing on an occasional raunchy night out :P

  18. I totally don't get all the reviews that likened O to the smell of sex. Like, at all.


    To me it smells exactly like Kama Sutra honey powder. I get a slight baby powder smell, too. But that's just sweet goodness. Not like netherbits, which, eww.


    I loved this.

  19. I absolutely loved Peacock Queen. I bought this and Rose Red to compare, and though I really loved the unique greenness of Rose Red, PQ was just so beautiful and elegant on my skin. Where Rose Red is the scent of a rose bush in bloom, Peacock Queen is the scent of rose perfume--beautiful, confident, perfume.


    I can see why others have said PQ is almost a single note--but it isn't. PQ has a quiet complexity. It is definitely all rose all the time, but the nature of the rose changes subtly from the pink freshness of a tea rose to the full bloom redness of a rose on her way out. The scent mutates constantly, moving from one end of its spectrum to another, but it happens so subtly that I can see how it could be easily missed. But it does happen. And that's what makes this scent such a joy for me.


    It's probably the most beautiful rose I've ever worn. It has a velvety, almost spicy dry down that makes me feel womanly and sexy. Love it.

  20. The White Rabbit smells of tea and linen and some pepper to me. It's very pleasant. I'm going to have to hold onto this until spring and see how I like it then--it's too out-of-season for me to wear this right now. But i'll certainly come back to it.
