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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Stormslegacy

  1. I love this scent. It's in my top favorites.


    It's a little on the masculine side but I feel that it's rather unisex. It's definitely got a lot of cool aquatic notes in it. Very deep, dark scent, it kinda resonates with me as a Pisces. I feel it is a good scent for travelling. It also lasts a while on me, so frequent touch-ups aren't necessary.

  2. I'm reviewing a decant of Snow White '07


    All I get is almondy marzipan. Very sweet. I got a lot of compliments wearing this, and boy does it have throw! Use just a drop and people NOTICE. When I read the description for the newest one I thought maybe they changed it, but nope! I don't really get flowers from it. I consider this a very foody smell. Like homebaked goods.


    Probably going to swap, as I like more resiny and floral scents.



  3. I can't say I'm a huge fan. :blush:


    Mine's aged probably 2 years, but I didn't like it when I first got it either, it just took me forever to swap it...I was really hoping it was a one-time thing. I get a bit of spicyness from it and some vanilla bean? but the woodsy element just...it's wet wood. Not a pleasant smell for me. It's also not one I would find sexy on the boy.


    As it dried the greenery wore off and the spicyness took hold, but there are less sought-after alternatives to get that snake oil scent...



    Off to swap this one for realsies this time.

  4. I was given this in a swap nearly 2 years ago. In the imp it's rather soft and almost fruity, but on me, all I smell is clove and maybe a hint of incese. This stuff is STRONG--I'm a very light wearer!


    I'm wondering if all of the other notes aged away? It's nice, but I smell like a Christmas decoration XD Perfect for the holiday season though, or as a room scent for the winter. Not sure it works as a regular perfume though.

  5. It's funny, I never thought of myself as a coconut girl but between this and Brown Jenkins my mind is completely changed. I wouldn't call either foody at all. Both are very sensual, animals scents.


    I have no idea where it gets its name though. I love it but it was not at all what I was expecting based on the name. I was hoping for a little bit of dragon's blood.

  6. I would definately agree with people that this is a masculine scent. There is nothing boozy about this scent, I think people are expecting it due to the "rum" word even though bay rum is actually a plant.


    It's very dry and ozoney. The scent is very well blended, and there isn't any particular note that pushes the others out of the way. I think that the patchouli contributes alot to the dryness, and the bay rum keeps it light. This is a very deep smell, definately worn by a dark-haired man rather than one with blond tresses. It's gorgeous. Even though I find it manly, I'm looking for an excuse to keep this for myself, as it has so much to it. It reminds me strongly of "Tempest" by the Bridgewater Candle Company, a very wet woodsy atmosphere of a late summer forest about to be caught in a storm.


    The word "storm" could easily sum up this fragrance


    ETA: More than a year later I tried it again, after putting it away to save it:


    Very very masculine. I LOVE it, and wish my sweetie would wear it for me so I can snort his skin...


    Holy cow. If I were a man wearing this, I'd want to take myself home to snuggle.


    The ozone is gone, but what's left is seething deep maleness...

  7. It's strange. I only get two notes from this, purple incense and red musk, that fades into a sweetish red musk. I get no florals or plum from this. It is very smokey and purple is a good way to describe it, it reminds me of purple eyeshadow being applied. I do like it but I'm debating whether or not to swap because it's nothing special to me.

  8. In the imp I loved this, sophisticated berries. I was intrigued by the notes in it and couldn't wait to try it.


    Wet: a floral berry scent? Interesting.


    Dry: Sickly sweet. Powdery. Ick. It honestly is making my stomach turn. I've have Hymn to Proserpine turn to exactly this on me before, so I wonder if I react badly to amber sometimes (despite the fact that Blood Amber is dead sexy on me...) or maybe only when mixed with fruit?


    I feel like a sickly sweet vanilla candybar that's melted in the sun and has too much sugar.


    I'm going to try it in my scent locket but I have a feeling this one will end up frimped to someone who may like it more than I do.

  9. In the imp: Not particularly impressive. Fruity.


    Wet: fruity. A berry-type fruity but I can smell a hint of the musk.


    drying: my nose keeps dying so it takes a sec to refresh. I can smell the wine-type notes but mostly dark berries that remind me of deep, velvety reds.


    Dry: A small hint of fruityness, the musk and the amber take hold and run. Lovely. It blends well with my own scent and seems to use it to its advantage.


    Every time I think it's disappeared, I turn my head, or there's a breeze and I feel as though it is lightly tapping my shoulder. I love this. It's almost as good as my favorite--Blood Amber.


    I need a bottle. Not want, Need!

  10. I'm still working on my nose, especially right out of the imp. I wasn't sure from the imp how this owuld smell, so I put some on.


    If you like herbally scents you will love this one. It's very green and feels a lot like running through an overgrown meadow with dirty knees and a frog in your pocket. It's a bit medicinal for my tastes though. The blend smells like no herb in particular but it's an herb no doubt. I don't get much wood from this blend. It's not particularly strong even when first put on but it lasts, I put it on over 8 hours ago and can still smell it faintly.


    Honestly this is something I could see used to burn in a safe electric oil burner in an older kids room and telling them it's a mixture to help sleep (Placebo effect has been proven effective time and time again by science :P ) Also, ceder keeps bugs away.


    I'm not a fan of herbally scents as perfume, they just don't strike me as something I want to smell like. I might consider burning this in my kitchen though, on an evening that I need to be reminded of summer.

  11. When I first smelled the imp I didn't particularly like this scent because I found it too heavy, however I have a sensitive nose so I always wear a scent anyways because I like to smell it diluted. I'm glad I did that with this scent.


    This scent has staying power! It's the first scent that I tried that lasted 14 or so hours at least, though I didn't smell yself before I took a shower the next morning, so could be longer. It didn't morph much after the first 10 minutes or so, which is something I like. It smells musky on me, but in a way that blends in with my own scent so it's very pleasurable.


    I had no idea patchouli was in it until I read the description so if it normally turns you off as a note I wouldn't avoid Wanton yet.


    I really liked this. Not enough to buy a bottle, because it is not an everyday scent, but it will be nice to wear out on a sexy, flirty date.

  12. This is one of the first scents that I've absolutely adored in the imp; most I find too strong and complicated directly sniifed from the dipping stick.


    A little goes a long way with this scent! It's sexy, but in a flirty kind of way, not trashy or anything. It smells a bit musky on me. I really like it though, in small amounts it's subtle and a nice suprise to smell periodically. It's a very warm scent, and it blends in with my natural smell, enhancing it rather than covering it which is something I like in a perfume.


    It's one of my favorites so far. I'm not sure if I'd get a bottle, but I will be refreshing it a little before my party tonight! I do plan to use the whole imp; I'm thinking of making it into a solid perfume so that it will last longer!

  13. Did anyone ever hear an official response to the original question? (and I don't mean just quoting the website) I know a lot of places say CO2s should never be applied directly to the skin either and the absolutes are more concentrated even if they aren't real EOs. Of course I'm not saying that BPAL is cheap at all (on the contrary, Beth is a olfactory genius!), I too am just concerned about putting undiluted oils on my skin. I also am concerned because some are really bad for children and elderly such as eucalyptus (which is one note I really like). I totally understand keeping the blends a secret, and I honestly don't care whether or not it's synthetic, my only concern is how diluted the oils are. I did read the entire topic here and the question never really got answered concretely. :P


    I hate to beat a dead horse and all, I am just wondering if anyone ever got an official response to this question rather than speculation (however educated it may be).


    I'm assuming it's safe, but honestly long term effects of things are often difficult to tell and can take years. I think I'm a slatherer (my skin is eating up the few I have, heh!) and it's something that concerns me. I'm not saying "ZOMG I can never use these!" But it really would put my mind at ease to know someone got an official response to the inquiry. :D


    I wonder if emailing customer service would put your mind at ease? Then you would get a real official answer.


    I will do so, thank you for your suggestion :D

  14. I've only tried a few scents so far, so my opinion might change with experience:


    When I shared my first order with a friend, this was one of the free imps thrown in. We each got to claim 2 and this was my absolute first choice. I adore the smell in the bottle, at first I didn't get the sweetness of the dragons blood, just the murky spiciness of amber.


    When I first put it on it was a little sweet, but it smelled very sexy. It's sexy with a bit of class. I wore it out with my boyfriend, and he really liked the smell (almost all other blends I've worn so far he's called baby powder). It reminds me of a fox (the animal), and is a very warm, reddish scent.


    It's my favorite out of all that I've worn so far (being 5 heh!) and something I'd really like to get more of.

  15. This is my first review ever, so please bear with me, heh.


    This is what I ordered for my first ever order after having fell in love with the description as my best friend/housemate showed me. I really love the art on the bottle, it's very cute.


    When I opened the bottle I was suprised at the powderyness of the flowers. I don't have a good nose yet so I couldn't tell you which note is which but it's distinctly floral with a hint of powder.


    The first time I wore it my boyfriend thought I was wearing babypowder *headdesk* I like the smell of it, the flowers are very subtle. Unfortunately it wears off rather quickly on me, though the scent of sandalwood lingers for quite a bit; 6 hours later it's still there. I wonder if I'm not smelling the flowers because I'm sensitized to them, but I'm not sure.


    My one problem is that twice so far it has reacted with my body chemistry to produce a smell very reminiscent of dead rotting flowers (not in a pleasant way). It was only a whiff or two the sniffs I took of the perfume after about 10 minutes of application, and it lasts for about a half hour. My friend thinks I'm nuts but to me it was rather strong. It only happened twice out of 4 times wearing it so I'm thinking it might have been a reaction to the tea-tree soap I had used. I just figured I should mention it, although I hope it doesn't put anyone off from this lovely perfume. Honestly it didn't last long enough for it to be a major concern, and as far as I can tell I was the only one that noticed!


    I've also burned this one with a bit of wax in my fragrance burner, and it smelled lovely. It's not strong, but it's very subtle and makes the place smell clean and feminine. Only 2 or 3 drops is needed in a bit of wax.


    It's not my absolute favorite but I will definately be using the whole bottle. I'm trying to make a little bit of it into a solid perfume to see if that helps it last on me. It's nice for a soft, feminine feel.

  16. Did anyone ever hear an official response to the original question? (and I don't mean just quoting the website) I know a lot of places say CO2s should never be applied directly to the skin either and the absolutes are more concentrated even if they aren't real EOs. Of course I'm not saying that BPAL is cheap at all (on the contrary, Beth is a olfactory genius!), I too am just concerned about putting undiluted oils on my skin. I also am concerned because some are really bad for children and elderly such as eucalyptus (which is one note I really like). I totally understand keeping the blends a secret, and I honestly don't care whether or not it's synthetic, my only concern is how diluted the oils are. I did read the entire topic here and the question never really got answered concretely. :P


    I hate to beat a dead horse and all, I am just wondering if anyone ever got an official response to this question rather than speculation (however educated it may be).


    I'm assuming it's safe, but honestly long term effects of things are often difficult to tell and can take years. I think I'm a slatherer (my skin is eating up the few I have, heh!) and it's something that concerns me. I'm not saying "ZOMG I can never use these!" But it really would put my mind at ease to know someone got an official response to the inquiry. :D
