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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Stormslegacy

  1. In the imp: Green and a little sour--I'm assuming that's the patchouli


    wet: I would swear there is an aquatic note here fighting to take the lead. It's definitely a green woodsy scent, no doubt about that. I can't say I'm getting the "golden" in the description though.


    Drydown: still getting random whiffs of aquatic and what I thought was the green note in Hurricane.


    Dry: Green, woodsy and fresh. Very much like guy deodorant.


    Conclusion: This is very well-blended. I would describe this as very masculine, not something a lady could really pull off. It's pretty sexy, like how I picture Kevin Smith would have smelled.

  2. in the imp: very sharp, with a somewhat "off" note...I have to admit I made a : :huh?: face


    Wet: SHARP. The ginger takes a moment to spread out, and at first is a very sharp tang, not very pleasant in those first few moments. The scent spreads quickly though and reveals a spicy undertone.


    Drydown: The ginger mellows and reveals...nutmeg? Am I smelling cookies? The resins underneath are giving it a sugary, almost frosted feeling. It's actually quite lovely, and it is true that the same spices used in much of fall and winter cooking are aphrodisiacs (hence why pumpkin pie is considered such a powerful one! The more you know...). The ginger fades rather quickly, or if it remains it's pretty well-hidden behind the spices and resins.


    Dry: Nice, dry, unisex spice with a slightly sweet resin undertone. Not bad.


    Conclusion: We'll see how long this one lasts. It's funny, for being so reminiscent of cookies I wouldn't put this under "foody." It's a nice winter blend that I imagine would be even better as a room-scent.





  3. in the imp: A strong, astringent green with a hint of aquatics. It's strong and bubbling for more room


    Wet: sharp, green, medicinal scent. A tiny bit of spice underneath. At first smells a bit like deodorant, but lightens quickly.


    Drydown: early, I get that tang that is described. It's lovely but rather masculine. It does certainly invoke a storm. Powders as the dry-down continues. There's a bit of throw, I can smell it as I move around and I only did a small imp-swipe. I do almost get a rotten note, but not sure.


    Dry: THe green really comes out to play and the aquatic note lets it have some fun while hanging around the sidelines. I was wondering why it said "chinese rain" but...you might laugh...this is what that pond in Mulan must have smelled like, or the camp on a misty morning. It really does smell the way I imagine the wild parts of china in pictures.


    Conclusion: I think this is one of those scents I plan to reserve for getting into character. It's masculine, but that's fine for RP. It's not a "me" scent though.



  4. In the imp: Strong perfumy dark floral


    Wet: Definitely a rose scent. This is incredibly strong. There's greenery in it. It's surprisingly dark for a rose, not like most of the rose-scents I have tried before. Honestly, this is the way I thought London should have smelled from the description.


    Drydown: The rose mellows out a little and powders a bit. Almost as though wet, it had been just coming out of the bud and now it's opened up. It's a little perfumey to the point it makes me feel sneezey. Even as I type, I can still smell it--this one has a ton of throw, and is definitely NOT one to wear if you plan to be in a car with others. This is one of the strongest BPALs I have ever tried!


    Dry: Dusty, powdery flowers, after only about half an hour or so. I don't think most people can tell that smell from baby-powder. :huh?: Damn. And it started so good! After an hour it's almost like sniffing a dried, wilted flower. Here and gone just like that. How odd! ETA: HUH...in a short period of time, the lilac comes back with the wisteria, completely changing this to a gentle soft light-purple, almost soapy but not quite.



    Not ZOMG bottle! but pretty nice in the beginning. This is a rich dark rose scent with good throw.

  5. In the imp: Sharp florals


    Wet: Very sharp. It's almost green when first applied, but everything is clamoring to be smelled at once. I got a hint of the rose, then a moment later the night florals came out to play.


    Drydown: mmm, the spicyness really comes out, and the blend stops shifting so fast. The mandarin stays at the front of the blend. There are definitely florals underneath, almost soapy. The florals are very white, and they're blended so well I can't pick out individual flowers. It's cloying though, and I'm not sure I like it. As time passes, the mandarin tones down leaving the flowers. Within an hour it's at a powdery stage, but I'm not sure it's going to stay this way.


    Dry: Mmm the jasmine is coming to the forefront now.


    Conclusion: I'm honestly not sure I like this. I'm going to have to try this again, to see if it changes on the day. I LOVE florals, but it seems that's not a love shared by my skin. We'll see how it wears throughout the day.

  6. In the imp: Pleasant, but a little herbally


    Wet: a little bit of the fruit comes forward, and there's tiny bit of florals in the background.


    drydown: The currants fight with the herbs and poppy, and get whiffs of smoky incense in between. It can't seem to decide what to do.


    Dry: ARG. Amber, my arch-nemesis. My skin generally amps it to the exculsion of all other elements in a blend (the only exception being Blood Amber and Midnight Kiss. ) I hate it, it smells like overly sugared frosting and makes me sick to my stomach. ETA: Huh. It doesn't say amber is in here, but amber is the only thing I've found that does that to me, and i'm almost 100% sure that's what I smell.


    I somehow ended up with not one, but two imps of it. I want to try it in a locket, because it was pleasant until the amber overtook everything.


    ETA: I now know that labdanum has the exact same affect on my skin as BPAL's amber notes. That's what's giving me the cheap incensy notes. TOo bad becaue this would be a winner.

  7. In the imp: I love it, almost spicy, smoky, heady floral.


    Wet: Delicious. This is very bright, for being such a heavy, heady floral.


    Drydown: This gets slightly more floral as time passes, but doesn't change much. More, it's a little sharper when first applied. It reminds me of a carnation in it's spicyness, and I love how the opium interacts with the floral giving it such a head rush. Aptly named.


    Dry: Several hours later it is still as strong as it first went on. I love it.

    Edit to add: 14 hours later, still goin' strong. Incredible ^_^



    Conclusion: I rarely have a scent so good that it screams "must order a bottle NOW" but this is one of those. I adored Pink moon and while it's definitely not the same, there's enough similarity that this might be my replacement, as I haven't managed to find a bottle. I am normally someone who wears a single imp-swipe, but this is one that made me want to slather...it has so much throw and is strong though, which means a little will last a long time.

  8. In the imp: Almost candylike I want to compare it to old penny button-candy. I think it's just that the non-berry scents from the lab need a little bit of room to spread for you to get their real effect.


    Wet: MMMM! I don't normally like foody scents but dern, this is nice! Unique and intriguing! the apricot acts like a rubber coating on the sharp clove, softening its harsh edges. I think this may already be a keeper.


    Drydown: Within a few minutes, the clove takes the forefront and really comes out to play. The apricot continues to blunt it though. I just tried Depraved on the other arm, and I swear the apricot must be the same ^_^ if you like one, you'll probably like the other. They both have similar effect but March Hare is a much brighter blend.


    Dry: Within a couple hours, either my head is now used to the nutmeg or it faded into a vanilla background. How strange!


    Conclusion: I can see why some might say this is a room scent. Nutmeg often gets lumped in that category. For someone who is looking for a bright scent that isn't floral, this would definitely be high on my recommendation list, especialyl if they ask for apricot.

  9. In the imp: eh. It's apricoty but it smells off. It seems that the lab's non-berry fruit notes often need 'room to play" for you to get their real impression.


    Wet: Truth in advertising! This scent description is spot on. Dirty with a hint of sweetness. This is not the patchouli used in Rakshasa or Midnight kiss! This is muddy and fresh, like the dirt under rotting leaves, or the scent you get as you rake them.


    Drydown: The patchouli gets less sharp about 45 minutes to an hour after being on. The apricot is still going strong.


    Conclusion: this is MUCH more intriguing then I was expecting. I think this might be a fitting scent for several kinds of roleplaying characters. It's almost dirty-feminine.

  10. in the imp; VERY perfumy. Floraly without being specific to any flower.


    Wet: Still perfumy but tones down fast. I read the description at this stage. I think the metallic notes might be what's making this such a heady, airy blend. It's like most "Fresh Linen" candles I can see very much why people might call this cologney, as it reminds me of manly deodorant. Possibly Ban.


    Drydown: this gets less heady as it dries but still very airy. It's got a very strong ozone note to it. It's like a storm or something. This is CLEAN. It's definitely very "personal producty"


    Dry: Yup. Deodorant. I'm guessing it's the metallic notes?


    Conclusion: I acually really like this. I think on a guy it would be refreshing and a scent I would cuddle close to and sniff. I'm actually a huge fan of the scent of most male deodorants, there's just something about them that make me want to lean in and huff all day--just something manly! LOL Problem is, on me, it's too masculine and it's quite strong with good throw--I don't think I could pull this off as anything more than a "wearing to bed when my SO is not around so that I can sniff manlyness and have it relax me to sleep." I'm not sure yet if this is going into the swap pile. I like it a lot even if I can't wear it! I kinda want an excuse to keep this around XD If only my SO wore scents.

  11. in the imp: Definitely a patchouli blend. That's the note that's the strongest.


    Wet: Subtle, but almost with a lemon-like zest. The blend of rose and patchouli seems to be giving it a lot of citrusy feel. I'm waiting for the sandalwood, because my body typically amps it to the exclusion of all other notes. It's definitely morphing, but the lemon-bar-esqu scent is pretty strongly entrenched. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely the mix of rose and patchouli doing this. I wouldn't call lemon-bars haunting though...


    Drydown: I think the person that compared this to overturned earth in a flower-bed nailed it. It's very earthy. It might be because I'm out here in hippie country but all I can think of is hippies. It's the patchouli. The scent reminds me of the mix of incense at the local hippie store, which sells incense, tie-dyed goods and henna. The rose is slowly becoming more and more prominent, which improves the blend. As it dries it becomes more "perfumey."


    Dry-hours later: This doesn't morph too much, but the rose definitely gets stronger, softening the blend slowly as the hours go by. It just gets lovelier with time and 10 hours later I can still smell it.



    For the right person, this is a beautiful blend. This is a down-to-earth gardeners blend, or something I might wear when camping. It's not what I look for in a perfume, but I enjoyed trying it. I can also see this mixed into things as a soap. I put mine up for swap because it's not me...but part of me wants to try it again because it really was lovely as time went by. Might just need the right mood.

  12. Got this imp as part of a lot I bought.


    In Imp: is...is that Lemonheads candy I smell?


    Wet: Still candy..er...kinda like Orange Clean or the like...something keeps battling to emerge out of the candied fruits...it's rather synthetic in smell.


    Drydown: As the orange leaves the notes soften and the result isn't quite as sweet. It starts to powder down after about 15 minutes or so. There's something almost creamy under there.


    Dry: This softens and the orange dissappears to reveal a light smoky green floral underneath. It clings close to the skin and doesn't get rid of that astringent tinge. After a couple hours, the astringent tone is gone and it's a lovely floral---took too long though.


    Conclusion: honestly, regardless of the end...it's not a favorite. Too...astringent and artificial. It's definitely different. I can't say I love orange in perfume, with the exception of Seranglio.

  13. I'm going to be up-front and say straight out i didn't think I was going to like this!


    In the imp: Molasses. That's definitely what I'm getting a whiff of. Oh boy.


    Wet: sweet and sticky with a hint of something deeper. I made the mistake of spilling it on my fingertips. There's almost the smell of fruit in the background.


    Drydown: This actuall deepens as it dries and the foody notes give way to a lovely woodsy blend, as though molasses was coating a log crackling on the fire. That may be a bad analogy because the blend definitely remains "sticky" but...there's an almost fruity tinge in the background.


    Conclusion: This is a lot nicer than I anticipated, but it still not for me. Foodie lovers might be a little disappointed, this is a lot less sweet than the notes (and the initial imp-whiff!) would suggest! This is overall a well-rounded blend with a nice woodsy feel. Not bad.

  14. Got this as a decant in a swap 2 years ago and never used it!


    In the imp: it's warm and juicy.


    Wet: Strong and fruity. Not much else. I love pomegranates and this is a nice, sweet sugary smell.


    Drydown: It...kinda disappears? That's got to be the fastest BPAL I've tried O_O Either my nose is used to it or it really is here and gone!


    Conclusion: Honestly, even without i being quick, fruit isn't me as an actual scent. I can see throwing this into unscented lotion or shampoo but I really wouldn't want to waste the imp!



  15. In the imp: it smelled very smoky, like a black ashy dry smoke.


    Wet: It smells smoky for a moment, then as the smell molecules or whatever spread out it opens into a beautiful deep dark floral. Very impressive.


    Drydown: It gets a little more powdery as it dries, it made me sneeze a couple times. It's a lovely scent that definitely invokes its namesake. It's different than any BPAL I've tried before. It's simpler than a lot of blends but that's not a fault.


    Hours later: It powders significantly (without smelling like baby powder) but stays a strong smelling dark floral. I put it on in the morning, it's still here in the afternoon.


    Conclusion: Definitely a keeper and am contemplating a bottle. It's beautiful but it's not an every day kind of scent. Definitely more for an elegant evening.

  16. Imp; This is nice--greenish floral with a tiny bit of spice.


    Wet: mmm same as in the imp, a lush green mouthwatering floral. Wet and wild, slightly perfumey. Absolutely delightful. I have no idea what to compare it to.


    Drydown: Fizzy, effervescent, warm, floral. All of these words describe this scent. It's pleasant, green, and inviting. i do have to agree with the review that mentioned it is more like a nice "bath scrub" scent than a personal one. Definitely smells clean.




    OMG I love this

  17. Imp: Huh, I normally find amber too sweet on it's own, that's not what I'm getting here!


    Wet: Spicy--not quite what I expected!


    first Drydown; Arg...there is ONE type of amber that just never agrees with me, and that my skin amps to a sweet sweet sticky stench that clings in a sickly manner...it's the same amber in Hymn to Prosepine and Florence--it's like a cheap vanilla frosting on my skin. There is a LOVELY amber that it's fighting with, strong, spicy and serene. I'm really hoping that the spicy one wins. It's almost astringent at this point though, kinda reminds me of pinesol products.


    A little while later: Holy cow...the spicy one actually is winning! It smells wonderful now, and the sickly sweet that normally slings on me is dying down to nothing...what I'm getting is a lovely, grounded amber.


    Final verdict:

    I'm surprised...I actually think I might like this one! It's warm, a good scent for winter. I want to try it again in a week to see if it still works O_O I might have a keeper!


    Edited: Awww, a few hours later the spices lifted leaving that sickly sweet amber smell *frowns* I'm not sure this is a good match for me...

  18. In the imp: was expecting florals...but...chocolate? O_o


    Wet: Yup, chocolate with hazelnut or raspberries. That's EXACTLY what it smells like..


    Dry down: If I put my wrists together I can ALMOST catch a whiff of the florals others have mentioned...but I honestly think that's wishful thinking....It's a lovely chocolate scent though, a little like red-velvet cake. It's not sweet chocolate, but it's a little foody for my taste.


    After an hour and a half sweetens quite a bit, but is definitely still chocolate to my nose. If there is floral peeking through it's a very sugary rosy-type smell. Not, like, the rose in RoseRed or Peacock Queen, but a very gentle candied rose. 4 hours later, it's still there, but powdery, more chocolate than anything else...my SO hugged me and commented on it--in a negative way. It ended up giving him a headache.


    Final Verdict:

    Off to swap. Im not a fan of sweet perfume and I have Velvet to take care of my rare "foodie" needs.

  19. In the imp: spicy, spicy! If I didn't know it was carnation I would say dry pepper


    Wet: CARNATION. Just in case you didn't catch that, I will repeat CARNATION. It doesn't whisper, it doesn't tiptoe, It bursts in on the scene in a white blaze of spicy glory. There might as well be nothing else...this is not the same carnation as in Pink Moon, (one of my top, 3 favorite scents) this is a much dryer, almost mouth-wateringly dry carnation.


    Drydown: Carnation with a tinsy weensy hint of rose, that slowly grows stronger. This is a rose similar to the one in Atrocious attic, nothing like the rose in London or Peacock Queen. It's a very light petaled, dry rose that prefers to let carnation take center stage. After about a half hour the two become perfectly blended. I'm not getting any tea, but that's fine. It's a little soapy, but the dryness keeps that from killing it.


    Final Verdict:

    All I can express is:



    not in my top 5, but probably in my top 10 or 15.



  20. In the imp: took a moment to register something beyond "oh, floral!" Definitely rose. Cloying.


    Wet: This is ROSE. Like in Peacock Queen, it establishes itself, takes a chair at center stage and lets you know it's planning to stay awhile.


    Drydown: It's a little dryer and softer than Peacock queen, but not by a ton. It's definitely related. I can smell the dew on the petals. There's something a little spicy in the background, I can't quite make it out. For a little bit I was wondering if it was opium.


    Throw: oh yea. I only used a tiny drop, and my boyfriend noticed from more than an arm's length away.


    Length: It really does simmer down by 2-3 hours. It's still there after 5, but nowhere near as strong--it also turns a little fruity/spicy? This is a scent that will need refreshing to keep it on.


    It's very pretty, it's not unique enough to go out and get a full bottle but I will probably use the entire imp. It makes me want to try other roses, to get a feel for the difference.

  21. Got this as an imp in a swap...


    Initial impression from sniffing the imp: Very much like Red Devil, same potency. Almost red and fruity. Very very strong.


    wet: First a bit florally, almost cloying. I believe that must be the iris?


    Drydown: the sandlewood and myrr take the reins adn pull. Within minutes this is a lovely soft blend of wood and resin, with very little else. I can get a ltitle of the herbal, but the sandlewood is so strong I don't get much else. It's not very strong, and the impression is almost powdery wihtout smelling like baby powder.


    Throw: not a ton


    Length: Not long before the sandalwood takes over and it smells like slightly perfumed skin again...definitely a morpher on me.


    Final Verdict:

    It's nice, but I think it might be a little too soft for my taste, I'll have to try it while in a different mood to see.

  22. Got this imp in a swap in 07, and never got around to trying it:


    It doesn't morph very much although it's become softer over the hour it's been on. I would describe it as "generic drugstore floral" sans rose. It's definitely floral, perhaps with a slightly spring-green edge. It's strong and has reasonable throw--it's not like other scents that just hover near the skin. It's powdery, but doesn't smell like baby powder, which is often my concern with soft florals.


    I think I'm swapping it, it's just too generic for me.

  23. All I can think is HOLY COW strong. I open the decant and am almost blown away with spice.


    I can get a hint of pumpkin, but nothing compared to the strength of the other notes. I can see what people mean by "buttery" I'm getting a hint of that too. Unfortunately the strength of it makes my stomach turn, almost akin to rotten milk. I'm just not a fan.

  24. This is lovely. If I could find a bottle I would purchase--trying from a decant I recieved in a trade 2 years ago O_O


    It's definitely a floral with a hint of berry. It's sweet, but not foody-sweet. I do get a slight herbal quality to it. It's warm and juicy. After a couple hours it goes slightly powdery/soapy on my skin, but the sweetness remains, almost with a hint of spice.
