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Status Updates posted by PixieMoondust

  1. Wet and horrible here today, but I have too much to do! I can't stay home and hibernate :(

  2. Woke up to Honky Tonk Woman for 3 days running! Have taken the hint, and got Rolling Stones playing right now!!

  3. Up and alert. Eating liquorice pieces and drinking coffee. Life is good today (even if the weather isn't!).

  4. Home now, after a wet day out! Changed into pajamas, since I am not leaving the house again tonight!

  5. Have definitely decided that I need a (nother) vintage handbag. Now to get hold of some! Any grannies got some hiding in the loft??

  6. Right, dinner eaten and W101 played. Now watching Without A Trace whilst waiting for NCIS to come on.

  7. Goo' mornin'!! Still tired, but up and drinking tea. After brekkie, plan is: get dressed, do grocery shopping, relax.

  8. Well, I've had a nice bath, and BabyM is now asleep. On with the housework!

  9. Well done McClaren, especially Lewis after the problems! A strange race, 7 retirements in the end!!

  10. Well, up and at 'em! Spending the day winding up Dad, his brother and their cousin. Should be good fun!!

  11. Good morning! It's a bit dull here, but perfectly suited to my lack-of-sleep mood!

  12. Elvis can improve even the Grinch's mood, I swear!

  13. I swear somebody up there hates me right now. Backache and headache for the 4th day in a row, & BabyM is climbing on me all the time!

  14. Now back from grocery shopping. Less inclined to rant, but still as upset. I hate feeling like it's high school all over again!!

  15. Tired! BabyM so restless last night, and a fb friend seems to have blocked me with no warning. It's upset me, cos I don't know why he would.

  16. Had chicken grilled with potatoes & veg. Now settling down in front of Sherlock Holmes (Jude Law as Watson? So Yummy!!) and a cup of tea!

  17. Nice weather again!! Washing is doing, and I'm making a list for the grocery shop later.

  18. Back from the dentist, and half my face is numb. More annoying? My ear is numb, and starting to tingle!!

  19. Baked potato with tuna and cheese for lunch and Star Trek ~ a perfect afternoon!!

  20. Can't beat a fry-up, cuppa tea and 50s rock 'n' roll in the morning! Glorious, even if I did have to make it myself!

  21. Had a lovely meal at a local pub, and now home in pajamas relaxing! BabyM is at BIL's overnight so we have peace & quiet for a change!

  22. Just bought the Faerie Tarot, it's really beautiful!

  23. And my life gets more weird! Not sure Facebook is a good thing, but it beats the hell out of brain-crazy wondering!!

  24. Feeling good, looking better! Coffee is a lifesaver!

  25. Well, bathed, now dressed in monkey print fleecy pajamas, watching James Bond and eating pizza. Life, right now, is good!
