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Status Updates posted by PixieMoondust

  1. Crsip cold but sunny day again today. Think I'll stay indoors again! Didn't manage all the housework yesterday so doing some today.

  2. Really good #F1 GP, pity that McClaren/Webber didn't win. Well done Vettel, good race. Now for a pub quiz win tonight!

  3. Bath running. Cocktail is: Blackberry Bathbomb, Comforter bubblebar & Melting Marshmallow Moment, coupled with Snowcake Shower Gel. So good!

  4. Glad to see that Cooky is coming back into form. Hundreds predicted for him, Colly and KP during the Ashes #cricket #beattheaussies

  5. We will remember them. The fallen, who gave their lives that the rest of us could survive. #Remembrance Day

  6. It is wet and disgustingly horrible here today. But I have lots of housework to do, and #Scrivener beta to play with.

  7. Up early today, since MrM is doing overtime both before and after work. BabyM & I heading into city later, to library and charity shops.

  8. So cold today! Thank goodness for a cup of hot teat to warm my hands! BabyM's gone down for her nap, so I have peace and quiet for a while.

  9. Yay for England's win over WA. Now for Liverpool to beat Chelsea, and a Hamilton/Button one-two in Brazil, and my day is almost complete!

  10. Not feeling well today, and judging by the whining neither is BabyM! Need someone to rescue me!

  11. Right, #nanowrimo over for today, only 1200 words done, but the story is prgressing well! Now for dinner, and some NCIS!

  12. Now playing Fitz online, in an effort to calm my brain while BabyM spends time with Daddy so I can get peace and quiet.

  13. Well, #nanowrimo blast over, 1740 words down. May have to write several short stories, since this is looking like one but more ideas come!

  14. Listening to country music, and waiting for non-existant hordes of trick-or-treaters. Mainly retirees round here, no kids!

  15. Going to play on Wizard101 for a while, haven't been on in a couple weeks! Have to get my levels up for more skills!

  16. Feeling a little better. And like internet shopping. Pity I don't have any money!!

  17. Ill, so ill. Almost can't breathe. Baby is fine and full of energy though!

  18. remaining friends. I'm not getting anything out of it, and I doubt you are either!

  19. Perfume can solve every problem - almost!!

  20. You can't beat tomato soup and a bacon sandwich on a cold day like today.

  21. Well, back with net access. Everyone liked my new hair, so definitely a keeper!

  22. Well, my new hair went down a storm with all my friends, so yay! Going to mum's for 24 hrs now, so will be incommunicado. See you all later!

  23. Just realised how chapped my lips are. Thank god for @LushLtd and their Mint Julips sugar lip scrub!!

  24. It's so cold today! There's frost on a few cars, and I can see my breath inside the house! It's a month too early for this, I want it to go!

  25. I know it's autumn, but seriously!! It shouldn't be this wet! And apparently there's snow due this weekend. Me not impressed!!
