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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by hkhm

  1. Hmm.. are the labels for the Picnic in Arkham scents supposed to have different colors? My Shub bottle's label is a lighter/yellower color while my Miskatonic U label is darker/oranger. I figured they'd be the same? I got my Shub at Whole Foods so I don't really know what's up :confused:


    my bottles are like that too. though i used to have a miskatonic university label that was much more yellow. i think it's just a label batch difference.


  2. imp: tea. pretty straightforward.


    wet: this is bright and fresh but ultimately, it's just tea single note on my skin. not even a hint of ginger.


    dry: this reminds me a great deal of the dormouse, i also get something close to tea single note with that scent. perhaps i amp tea notes?


    (edited for spelling idiocy)

  3. imp: dark, dusty vetiver. :yum:


    wet: this is wonderfully spicy and warm on my skin. alongside the vetiver, this has a cozy, wood-burning fireside feel. there's even a slight sweetness, almost like fresh pine wood being added to the fire.


    dry: this is smoky in the best way possible. rich, warm, inviting wood burning on a warm autumn day. i feel that this would be one of the best vetiver scents to enable others with.

  4. imp: deliciously dark. black musk, pine, patchouli, myrrh... :yum:


    wet: this is the darkest, most resinous pine over patchouli scent ever. the black musk makes this just perfect. this is as stark as the genre it's named for.


    dry: this is gorgeous! so dark and rich. the notes have blended so well i'm having a difficult time separating them. i think i may need a bottle.

  5. imp: the lab's blood note over it's snow note. very sweet.


    wet: no mint whatsoever. this is a "dirty snow" scent if i ever smelled one. the blood scent has vanished, this just smells like trampled snow. very interesting.


    dry: the snow note gets more cloying as this dries. this is more sharp than snow scents usually end up on me. darn.

  6. In general too, remember the old standard 'your mileage may vary.'


    very true. as for me: ultraviolet is not very strong violet on my skin. the raven however: such a beautiful, strong violet.


    i found that when i was trying to track down a note, i'd gather a few blends and test them in succession to narrow down the scent of a specific note.


  7. i thin by simple blend you mean a blend with only a few notes?


    you might start off with carnal or depraved (only two notes each) and then move on to something kabuki (three notes).


    it's tough to recommend something without a good idea of what you like, but those are some of my (simple) favorites.


    my personal favorite bpal of all time (i think it's even my favorite perfume of all time) is imp and it only has four notes.

  8. this is new: i've been trying to contact the lab for a few days now to ask them a question about an oil but my email keeps getting bounced back with this message:



    The following recipient(s) could not be reached:



    Error Type: SMTP

    Remote server ( issued an error.

    hMailServer sent: .

    Remote server replied: 554 5.7.1 Mail (36283-03960) appears to be unsolicited - MessageScore (62) over limit (50) - send error reports to postmaster@blackphoenixalchemylab.com



    so... the bpal e-mail server thinks my e-mail is spam? sorta funny, except i would really like to contact them. this has not happened to me in the past when i've contacted them with a very brief e-mail. so who do i e-mail when my e-mail keeps getting bounced back? :D


    It's possible that the Lab's e-mail service has a new spam filter that needs fine-tuning. If your e-mail is, say yahoo.com or gmail.com or similar, or if it goes through some kind of "bounce", the filter may define those as suspicious. My work e-mail has segregated virtually every e-mail I've received from one of my professional societies since last August because of the way they route their outgoing e-mails.


    nope, i run my own mail server. it's like ten feet away from me. but, yeah, we were thinking they must have recently upgraded their spam filter.


  9. this is new: i've been trying to contact the lab for a few days now to ask them a question about an oil but my email keeps getting bounced back with this message:



    The following recipient(s) could not be reached:



    Error Type: SMTP

    Remote server ( issued an error.

    hMailServer sent: .

    Remote server replied: 554 5.7.1 Mail (36283-03960) appears to be unsolicited - MessageScore (62) over limit (50) - send error reports to postmaster@blackphoenixalchemylab.com



    so... the bpal e-mail server thinks my e-mail is spam? sorta funny, except i would really like to contact them. this has not happened to me in the past when i've contacted them with a very brief e-mail. so who do i e-mail when my e-mail keeps getting bounced back? :D

  10. imp: a very misty rose scent.


    wet: this scent never had a chance on my skin. this transforms into the most jarring, screeching rose perfume. guaranteed to make you cough because i am amping it to the heavens.


    dry: this is powdery rather than soapy for once but still... my skin hates rose scents no matter how much i try to love them.

  11. A frimp with each Black Helicopter purchase. No description available.

    imp: bright, sweet metallic.

    wet: this smells a bit like a light, sweet aquatic over a bright metallic. not jarring or sharp at all, very clean and tame.

    dry: as this dries, an almost tart accent emerges. not citrus, but that sort of effervescent feel. i like this more than almost any other metallic scent i've ever tried.

    (edited for spelling idiocy)

    Weather balloon? No.
    An alien autopsy,
    A cover story.

    In July of 1947, the US Air Force recovered the crash debris of multiple alien spacecrafts from a ranch close to Roswell, NM. Several aliens survived, but many perished. Both the living and the dead extraterrestrials were transported, in secret, to Hangar 18 at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, along with the flying saucer wreckage. The US government performed a quick, efficient cover-up: witnesses were silenced, and a press release was issued the next day claiming that the fallen craft was a weather balloon.

    Aliens at high tea: Earl Grey, biscuits, Battenberg cake, and strangely-glowing cucumber sandwiches.

    bottle: very sweet (yet light) cucumber, tea and faint cake.

    wet: yummy! a nice cucumber cake scent. very light and fresh. the tea is somewhat faint but i catch pleasant wafts of it now and again.

    dry: i get a more bread-y (i suppose "biscuit-y") scent as this dries, less cake-y sweet. the cucumber is very soft. lovely.