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Posts posted by hkhm

  1. bottle: mostly heliotrope. i don't smell any dirt or any blood.


    wet: very sweet heliotrope. almost like a dragon's blood and heliotrope scent, sweet like dragon's blood is but no florals. where's my dirt?


    dry: sweet, bright heliotrope. as a dirt lover, i'm a touch disappointed because i thought this would be dirt heavy. but i do really appreciate how brilliant and bright this scent is. far more feminine than i was expecting.

  2. imp: burnt wood and fresh herbs. sort of a green-over-black scent.


    wet: woods and dry, cracked leather yet with a breezy hint of something vibrant and green right at the last.


    dry: the burnt wood scent fades while the fresh green, herby scent remains. i never got anything that smell patchouli-ish, but it may have added to the desolate feel of the wood. there is still a lingering feel of leather after all though...

  3. Earth Phoenix has really aged and become more dirt-laden than when it was fresh.


    Graveyard Dirt Resurrected too, and yeah Death of the Grave Digger - oh my, that is just amazing. Snow and soil like the notes say!


    i open my earth phoenix about once every two weeks to sniff or wear and oh my... i think it's become just about perfection in a bottle.


    why? why did i only buy one back-up bottle?


  4. yorick is my favorite dirt scent lately. i adore penny dreadful and graveyard dirt but yorick has been my favorite this week. though, i have been loving death of the grave digger too. i'm still letting both badger age a bit, i'm looking forward to opening it up at christmas.


    also: deep in earth. i can't wear it because of the heavy rose scent (which is way stronger than it is in zombi) but it's still a quite prominent dirt note.

  5. bottle: sweet, creamy pumpkin.


    wet: this gets creamier when it hits my skin, not sweet like pumpkin cheescake, just lightly sweet and very creamy pumpkin.


    dry: with notes like smoke, asphalt and beer i kept expecting this to get sour or bitter on my skin... but it never did. it's kind of a tangy/creamy pumpkin scent. love.

  6. imp: buttercup and honeysuckle. and hoo-boy, are they ever strong.


    wet: jasmine. crazy-strong.


    dry: as this dries it becomes much nicer and far more wearable. the jasmine is there but quite a bit softer and it blends well with the honeysuckle. this smells like the garden at night, when a breeze blows across the jasmine and honeysuckle and you catch a breath of it.

  7. bottle: opopponax with a backdrop of something tangy.


    wet: the notes belnd so well once this is applied i almost can't tell what i'm smelling. i was afraid this would be gardenia heavy (because i tend to amp it a bit) but it is not. it's dark without being heavy, like there's something fresh and liquid on the underneath. this is precisely what i had hoped this scent would be.


    dry: there is something vibrant here, it's floral but not cloying. looking over the notes i can't select what it could be... it's just dark and vibrant. scintillating darkness.


    (edited for spelling idiocy)

  8. bottle: this is cherry candy, there is no boozy scent to my nose.


    wet: very strong, very sweet cherry hard candies. or lollipops. take your pick.


    dry: this become much nicer as it dries, it's less bright red cherry and more cherry cordial.

  9. bottle: this is almost all almond to my nose. there is perhaps a teensy bit of cake in there but it's mostly almond.


    wet: strong, strong almond. almost like huffing a bottle of almond extract, it's that strong.


    dry: i've had this issue with almond scents before where they take on almost the same characteristics as rose does, faintly soapy. but it is very faint, i need to press my nose to my skin to catch it. otherwise, this is strong almond and faint sugar.

  10. bottle: corn. like sweet corn that's just been sliced off the cob. my bottle of the 2005 version smells just like a snickerdoodle cookie, completely different from this.


    wet: this smells far closer to my 2005 bottle, just like a snickerdoodle. the corn scent is all but vanished. shame, it was intriguing.


    dry: as this dries there is a bit less in the way of whatever the spiciness is that makes me think of snickerdoodles, perhaps this is closer to a sugar cookie. whatever it is, it smells great, like the scent of someone getting some halloween cookies baked in a kitchen heaped with bowls of sweets.

  11. bottle: wow. pink, sugary linen. this has a playful, flirty vibe to it.


    wet: the linen note is very snappy as i apply this, it just leaps out at me. the sugar note is the backdrop while the cream just ties everything together. it's not super-sugary in-you-face sweet, it's soft.


    dry: this sticks so close to the skin, a very soft sugar and linen scent. if marshmallow poof and plastic pink flamingo don't work for you, this scent might be the answer, the sugar is very subdued but there nonetheless.

  12. bottle: this smells more boozy than the 2006 version. i can barely smell the apple or caramel, it's just a sweet rum scent.


    wet: this smells more tart and green-apple than richly red apple like the 2006 version. i suspect this may be an aging issue though. the apple is more bright and vibrant, the rum and caramel are the backnotes on my skin.


    dry: as this dries, it smells closer to sugar-slathered candied apple. my bottle of the 2006 version is far heavier on the butterscotch-caramel. this is a crisp, tart green apple covered in caramel.

  13. According to William Shepard Walsh, the Gentleman's Magazine for May of 1784 stated, "this is a constant ingredient at merrymaking on Holy Eve." He also quotes Vallancey's etymological speculation: "The first day of November was dedicated to the angel presiding over fruits, seeds, etc., and was therefore named La Mas Ubhal, -- that is, the day of the apple fruit, -- and being pronounced Lamasool, the English have corrupted the name to Lambs-wool."

    A popular holy day beverage in 18th century Ireland: roasted apples mashed into warmed milk and ale, with nutmeg, sugar, ginger, and clove.


    bottle: softly sweet, warm spiced milk. this is not the same jarring milk note that i get from milk moon 2007 though, it's far more soft.

    wet: i can definitely smell the ale as this warms a bit on my skin. it's not "boozy" per se, just there. i get the mashed apple scent too. the milk and spices have faded quite a bit to be almost just a faint trace.

    dry: very lovely. the milk note creeps back in after about 15-20 minutes and mixes well with the apple. this reminds me of baked apples, filled with oatmeal and spices and covered in cream.

    (edited for spelling idiocy)

  14. I am the ancient apple-queen.
    As once I was so am I now --
    For evermore a hope unseen
    Betwixt the blossom and the bough.

    Ah, where's the river's hidden gold!
    And where's the windy grave of Troy?
    Yet come I as I came of old,
    From out the heart of summer's joy.

    The Roman festival for Pomona, Goddess of fruit, orchards, and gardens, was celebrated on November 1. On this day, the stores amassed during summer were opened for winter.

    Azaroles, nuts, and apple blossoms with red apple pulp, mulberry, blackberry, and pomegranate juice.

    bottle: very warm and lightly fruity. apple with a nice whiff of berries and nuts.

    wet: this has a very slight boozy feel when applied but it's mostly a fresh apple and warm, roasted nut scent. the berries are indistinct but i can smell them.

    dry: this dries to wonderful rich red apples and very faint nuts and berries.

  15. I'll just continue to watch how things progress. If the 14-21 days goes by and I haven't heard a word, maybe I'll send them an email then. I'm really not being impatient or complaining. I hope no one gets that vibe from me. I'm just comparing what/when/how I placed my order to other people with similar orders and wanted to know how the whole process worked. :D


    i totally remember how i felt after my first order from the lab. i waited and waited and waited... this was back in 2006 and i had not joined the forum (didn't join until a year later) so i had no idea why i had not heard anything from the lab, fulfillment times were so much longer back then. when i timidly sent a note exactly a month to the day after i had placed my order, kathy wrote me right back and told me that next week they would be pulling orders from that time frame. i felt so relieved!


    just try to hold on a bit longer, the squee will be worth it when you do get the cns.




  16. All shipped means (on CCNOW) is that your account was charged and the order was "shipped" (we refer to it as "harvested") to the lab for fulfillment. Don't expect a CNS for a few weeks after harvesting. :D


    A few weeks? WOW. I guess that is all well and good, and I'm normally semi-patient, but I couldn't help having a little case of curiosity-kills-the-cat when I see the most recent posts in the CnS thread look like this:


    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/14, Shipped: 8/14

    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/18

    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/18

    Ordered: 8/6, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/18

    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/18, Shipped: 8/18

    Ordered: 8/6, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/17

    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/18


    I know I should at least give it another few days before questioning it, but still... I can't help but be curious as to how it all works. What determines some people getting a CnS before others?


    while i can't be certain, i think it must go something like this: the lab gets a big batch of orders, harvests them up to a certain date, prepares them, then there's this big heap of orders to be processed with mailing labels. that's why even if you were the very first person to place an order after the update went live, you will likely not be the first person to get a cns.


    really, you have nothing to worry about just yet. there have been times when i was going crazy waiting for my cns to get to me when people who ordered over a week after i did were getting theirs. i know it's hard to be patient, be strong. :D


  17. What about Xanthe? Is it ZAN-thee like I've been saying or is the X more of an S or what?


    I ignore the "e" when I say it -- so it's one syllable and comes out more like "Zanth".




    i sort of exhale the 'e' sound. hard to explain, it's the same sort of sound i make for the name sethe. it's almost two syllables like "zan-th".


  18. Oya

    imp: light musk and floral.


    wet: this is very sharp, almost astringent once applied. it smells like sweet fruit over very fragrant, freshly crushed medicinal herbs.


    dry: this ends up smelling almost like leather. not the usual leather scent, but what leather really smells like, with a dried fruit scent alongside. interesting. i may need to test this a few times to decide if a i need a bottle.
