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Posts posted by donkehpoo

  1. Wet: Beeswax! Warm, golden amber, and beeswax. (Beeswax being the strongest note, currently, and has something slightly floral going on.)


    Dry: The beeswax and amber are about even during the dry down, which I think I prefer! Golden, warm beeswax is the best way I can describe this. (The floral bit from earliest is gone now, btw.)


    If you enjoy beeswax and it works well on your skin.. try this! I'm not the biggest beeswax lover, but I think this is pretty great.

  2. Wet: Good lord. This smells like rich, delicious chocolate cake batter and I want to eat it. (Or, y'know, brownie batter. The point is, rich and chocolate-y!) 


    Dry: Less fudge-y than the wet stage, but still a yummy chocolate scent. 


    A better chocolate scent than Bliss or Gelt, IMO. I'm not sure if this tops The Other Hot Chocolate for me personally(which isn't as rich as this scent, but it has something in it that reminds me of marshmallows or vanilla), but this is still great! Worth trying out if you're into any of the previously mentioned scents. Or.. just want to smell delicious. ;) 

  3. Wet: Honey, vanilla, and mallow flower. Gorgeous.


    Dry: Oh... I love this.The honey is the strongest note, and it's sweet and so delicious smelling.  (Sweet, but not overbearing.) There's vanilla and the mallow flower backing up the honey, and the note combination is just freaking perfect. 


    Alright.. who do I need to beg incessantly to get this as a 5ml option?

  4. Wet: This smells like sweet cranberry jam stuffed into some warm pastry. The fig isn't standing out, but if anything I figure it's grounding the cranberry(which is a totally under-utilized perfume note, IMO.)


    Dry: If you're tried previous sufganiyot scents and they've been too sweet, you may like this one. The cranberry is more tart than it is sweet, and while I still smell that baked-goods scent, it's not very sweet itself either. It's like the scent of a jelly donut, BEFORE it gets dusted with powdered sugar. (The scent is still sweet, make no mistake, but it's not AS sweet as the previous sufganiyots.) I still can't pick out the fig, but honestly I'm so happy about the cranberry that I'm not missing it.


    I think my new sufganiyot ranking (which no one but me cares about, let's be honest self) is: Blueberry, Strawberry, Fig & Cranberry, Raspberry, Blackcurrant. 

  5. Wet: This ABSOLUTELY smells "silver". To me it's like a metallic Antique Lace(2017), plus juniper. (I suppose that's not helpful unless you've smelled Antique Lace; I described the 2017 version as vanilla musk with clean linens.)


    Dry: I'm getting much more vanilla now. A little less metallic smelling, and while most of the juniper has gone, the ti leaf is finally show its' face. Light, metallic, vanilla lace. Super pretty.



  6. (FYI to those with sensitive skin, the cinnamon I think is in here didn't seem to give me any kind of bad skin reaction.)


    Wet: Something herbal mixed with cinnamon? 


    Dry: The herbal quality is here is a fresher smelling, but still mixed with the cinnamon. So it's like.. a fresh herbal cinnamon scent? 


    Interesting scent, just not for me.

  7. (FYI: I was a little nervous about trying this as my skin can get welts from cinnamon-heavy fragrances, but I had no bad skin reaction trying this.)


    Wet: Red hots. No Snake Oil. Only red hots.


    Dry: ... Still red hots, and only red hots. Snake Oil, where you at? (I was planning on comparing this with Saw Scaled Viper, but... I'm not getting any Snake Oil here.. so uh.. )


    Doesn't jam with my skin chemistry. If you want to smell like red hots though, this is for you!

  8. Wet: Whatever the "candy corn" note is, it's coming off as brown sugar to me. Maybe even a little bit of.. butterscotch? All that, plus vanilla, and a little bit of Snake Oil. 


    Dry: Okay. I understand the "candy corn" note now. What this smells like to me is melted candy corn; warm, a little bit sweet, sugary, with a hit of vanilla. All that, plus Snake Oil.


    I actually think this is really nice, and may be a bottle upgrade!


    Embrace the candy corn, folks!

  9. Wet: The same cherry note as Zombie Moon (so I'm thinking marachino cherries), some sugar, and Snake Oil. Sugary sweet cherry Snake Oil. Sounds good to me!


    Dry: The dry down is a bit.. odd on me. It smells like powdered cherry kool aid - minus the sugar. Almost a tiny bit plastic-y? All that, plus a little Snake Oil.


    I'll probably hold on to my little decant to see how it ages, but right now.. not a keeper.

  10. Wet: Tart apple and burnt sugar. No Snake Oil... yet!


    Dry: Okay, so... I've now tested this multiple times, and keep getting the same outcome. This doesn't work for me. It all but disappears on my skin during the dry down. There's a very, VERY faint trace of apple left on my skin.. and that's it. Nothing else. Virtually no throw. 


    This flat out doesn't work on my skin. Amazing in theory, and I'm almost tempted to grab a bottle just to let it age just in case it turns out to be amazing in a year. OI.

  11. Wet: OH HELLO! Strong lemon and verbena. Need help waking up? Smell this! Fresh, clean, and citrus-y.


    Dry: Super pretty lemon and verbena scent with a bit of amber in the background to add a little depth. It's like a golden lemon scent.


    If you're a fan of bright, cheery citrus scents, this won't disappoint you. Potential bottle upgrade!

  12. Oh, this is probably my favorite Dead Leaves hair gloss!


    First spray, I'm getting some of the dead leaves note, but also a blast of lime.


    When this dries in my hair, I'm getting a little bit of everything; the important thing I want to note is if the dead leaves scent has been too much for you previously(or just scares you in general), it's NOT overwhelming here. At all. It adds a very "autumn" vibe to an otherwise bright, citrus scent. 


    This is an unexpected winner!

  13. Wet: The bitter almond is coming out swinging, but (for once), it's working for me! Mixed with the musk, amber, vanilla, and orchid.. it's working. This is beautiful so far!


    Dry: OOOO yes. The wet stage was like smelling everything individually, and the dry down is after everything was thrown into a blender together. There seems to be a bit more vanilla on the dry down, as well. So.. bitter almond, some musk and amber, orchid, and a gaggle of vanilla.


    Yes. Big bottle is happening. Thank you for FINALLY working on my skin, bitter almond!

  14. Wet: Tea, leaves, and a touch of smoke. This feels very "autumn" to me... appropriately! I'm crossing my fingers that the currant cake comes out upon dry down.


    Dry:  Sadly no currant cake; when this dries all I'm really left with is... black tea. Tiny bit of the leaves note is still there, but it's mainly just black tea now.


    Too bad!

  15. Wet: Tobacco and... oudh. More tobacco than oudh, but ... that darn oudh is making me nervous. (As always.) Some light sweetness overall to the blend as well.


    Dry: The oudh is gone.. which for me, is good! Oudh can take over a blend for me, but we're on good terms here. I'm mostly getting tobacco with a touch of plum. I think I'm amping up the tobacco so much, it's unfortunately drowning out all the other notes.


    The notes are amazing.. but this was a skin chemistry fail. :( 

  16. Wet: Sweet apples and brown sugar. The apple smells a bit.. perfume-y to me, if that makes sense? 


    Dry:  Caramel apple cookie? Nay. Warm apple crumble? Yay! That perfume-y-ness from the wet stage is gone; I'm left with warm, sweet apples, and a crumble with some cinnamon. (For those with sensitive skin - my skin is sensitive as well, and I didn't have any issues wearing this.)


    As a foodie scent lover, I like this, but it's not love; especially since I'm missing the caramel and cookie components. For a yummy cookie scent, I prefer Butter Rum Cookie or Sugar Cookie!


  17. First spritz, the cypress was waaay too strong for me, and there was some astringent quality that I just was not having.


    A few minutes later though... it TOTALLY transformed. Spot on, this smells like pomegranate smoke, or some kind of pomegranate incense.


    It's lovely, and dare I say... sexy.



  18. Wet: Super clean and musky white florals. Borderline-soap smelling. (Classy, expensive soap though!)


    Dry: More or less the same as the wet stage, just a bit powdery now as well. 


    I like the idea of this, but it doesn't mesh well with my skin chemistry.

  19. Wet: Apples and... potpourri? Why are you doing this to me, nose?


    Dry: Whew! The potpourri has faded away. I'm left with an incredibly light apple scent that's slightly sweeter than the wet stage.


    It's a little too light for me, but I think I'll save the decant to mix with some hair stuff. ;) 

  20. Dragon’s Milk is one of my all time faves! That being said.. I’m not getting much Dragon’s Milk here.


    Upon spraying, I smell plastic and pumpkin spice. Luckily the plastic scent doesn’t last long, and I’m left with pumpkin spice smelling hair.

    It’s not bad... but I’m missing a key scent here. 

  21. Wet: Myrrh, wine, and... cherry fruit roll ups. This blend is as classy as I am!


    Dry: Wine, a touch of myrrh, and cherries. Not doing the cherry fruit roll up thing anymore; the sweetness has calmed down quite a bit. It is... good. Really, really good.


    I feel like this is something I would be wearing in 20 years when my husband dies a mysterious death and I get caught running off with a handsome stranger with millions hidden away in an offshore bank.  (Don't worry, my husband already knows.)


    I guess what I'm trying to say is... I like it. This one will probably be a bottle upgrade.

  22. (Side note: I haven't sniffed The Lurid Library in years, and can't remember what I thought of it.)


    Wet: Pencil shavings, some kind of dusty musk scent, and leather. Pumpkin, where you at?


    Dry: The pencil shavings have mostly calmed down (aka they're still kinda there, just not as crazy as earlier); otherwise that dusty musk and leather are still there. You know what still hasn't arrived? The pumpkin.


    Not a winner for me.
