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Posts posted by donkehpoo

  1. Wet: This smells like a "normal" commercial perfume, but I can't really put my finger on which. (... probably since I don't wear them myself, derp.) Maybe just a general "commercial perfume" scent; a little floral, a little sweet, and little baby powder smelling. Wearable, and pretty inoffensive smelling. 


    Dry: Floral baby powder. 

  2. (2010 version.)


    Wet: Autumn. This is autumn. Apple, some zesty cranberry, and warm spiced cider. I want to live in this bottle.


    Dry: Still autumn in a bottle. The cider has gotten stronger on my skin, but you can still smell the apple and cranberry.

  3. Wet: Spiced pumpkin and vanilla! The vanilla scent is really, really rich. Smells kind of like pumpkin pie filling, with a LOT of vanilla added. Also, she has some THROW.


    Dry: The vanilla has very much relaxed; it was really overpowering the pumpkin earlier, but not so much now. It's a lighter pumpkin and vanilla scent(more vanilla bean than the other types of vanilla in here), and stays fairly close to the skin. Most of the pumpkin spices have left as well.


    I think I'd classify this as a lightly foodie pumpkin-vanilla blend. 

  4. Wet: Pumpkin pastry with some bourbon vanilla! 


    Dry: Pumpkin pastry, bourbon vanilla, and coffee. Pumpkin 3 from the same collection year gives me the same coffee scent, but it's MUCH stronger in that blend. Here, it's just a whiff of coffee. 


    Love having this in my collection.

  5. Wet: Upon first sniff, this smells like a potpourri pumpkin scent. After a second though, I can start picking out different things; cranberry, rose, and a little bit of carnation as well. 


    Dry: Mostly pumpkin, and a bit of cranberry. Actually, I would say the cranberry note is stronger than the pumpkin! It's sweet, warm, and amazing to wear when it's a bit cooler outside. The floral notes are so far in the background now, I can't really pick out individual notes to figure out what stuck around vs. what my skin ate.


    Cranberry is such a rare note I have in my collection, and I'm really glad to have this.

  6. Wet: YUM. This smells like a rich pumpkin coffee, with a nice dose of cream. (No coffee note listed, but this has consistently had a coffee scent to my nose since I originally bought this upon release!) 


    Dry: A warm, rich, pumpkin coffee scent. I'm always disappointed that the pomegranate never comes out for me, but the scent itself isn't really missing that note.


    As someone who doesn't drink coffee, or enjoy 95% of coffee scents... this is fantastic. One of my most reached-for scents during fall and winter! 

  7. Wet: White chocolate florals! I honestly can't tell all the floral notes apart, because there's so many in this blend. No strawberries yet, but so far it's a really nice sweet, creamy floral scent.


    Dry: Strawberry! This smells just like White Chocolate and Strawberry(released in 2009?ish), with the addition of floral notes. As someone who typically doesn't wear a lot of floral scents, this is fantastic. It's just this amazingly creamy, sweet floral blend with a kick of strawberry.


    This is a floral scent for foodie lovers. So good.

  8. Wet: Honey and ylang ylang! It feels very "warm" and golden. Maybe a little skin musk, as well?


    Dry: Honey! My skin tends to amp honey notes, and this is no different. I can't detect any ylang ylang anymore. I can see the comparison to "O", but this has less of a baby powder scent on me than "O" has, which is making is much more pleasant! I still think there may be some type of skin musk in here, as well. 


    I like it! I'm not sure if it's bottle worthy, but I'll hang on to my decant.

  9. Wet: Not what I expected; a rich, deep, slightly floral aquatic. Musky, a bit salty, and a little bit sweet.


    Dry: Oh no! Where did the sweet floral note go? I'm left with a dark, musky aquatic scent. The best part; nothing smells soapy! I dig it.


    If you're looking for a dark, musky, murky aquatic scent, try this out! I'll be hanging on to my decant.

  10. Wet: This may be shocking to read... but it smells like leather and sandalwood. The sandalwood smells a bit warm and dusty. The leather isn't a strong, knock-you-on-your-ass type; rather than a "new" leather scent, this reminds me more of something that's a bit more worn.


    Dry: Dang. The leather scent is rather sharp smelling now. The sandalwood is still pretty dusty, and seems to be the dominant scent.


    Not for me!

  11. Wet: Apple blossom and carnation! The apple blossom is coming off pretty strong here, which worries me a bit as it has a tendency to turn soapy on my skin. Oddly enough, not smelling any amber here.


    Dry: By some miracle, the apple blossom didn't go the soapy route! The amber I was missing from earlier has appeared, and is the strongest scent now. It's kind of a warm amber scent with a touch of sweet apple blossom. 


    Far nicer than I anticipated, but not something that fits my personal taste.

  12. Wet: This has a medicinal, herbal, yet burnt woods smells to it. Something like menthol and burnt cedar.. and sawdust?


    Dry: Whatever herbal note is in here, my skin is amping up like mad. Kind of an herbal Vick's vapor rub scent, mixed with sawdust.

  13. I'm sure it's already been mentioned.. but the name totally reminds me of Prince.


    Wet: STRONG rose, and coconut! A bit of a powdery note as well, that I'm sure is coming from the orris.


    Dry: Coconut-scented baby powder. 


    With my skin, orris turns to powder most of the time, and rose has about a 50/50 shot of that happening as well. If rose works well on your skin, this would be a lovely coconut-rose scent.

  14. Wet: OOOOF. This is one of those rare scents that my nose just crinkles up upon sniffing. Kind of smells like sour body odor. Also, (unfortunately), the throw on this is.. pretty impressive, and overwhelming.


    Dry: Okay, it's not as sour as before, and the throw has calmed down; the scent is a great deal more.. baby powder smelling. I guess I'd call this a soured baby powder scent? 



    This was.. an experience.


  15. Wet: Oh! I like this! I'm getting mostly sweet fruits here(with lemon being the strongest; I can smell the mango and tangerine as well), with a little bit of white tea as well. 


    Dry: My skin has almost completely eaten this; what remains is a very light, sweet, lemon tea scent. 



    I think I'm going to hold on to my decant and see how this ages; the wet stage was SO GOOD, but I need it to last longer on my skin.

  16. (Haven't tried Rose Jam, so I can't compare the two.)


    Wet: Sugary, candied rose petals. 


    Dry: Whoa, this scent has some CRAZY throw.

    It's remained almost spot-on to the wet stage, only with a slight soapiness. (That's pretty typical with my skin and rose notes, so YMMV.)


    For those who enjoy rose and it works well on their skin, this scent won't disappoint.

  17. Wet: Honey and goat's milk! A sweet milk and honey scent, with maybe a hint of orange. (Milk can go notoriously funky on my skin, so I'm bracing myself for the dry down.) The goat's milk note is definitely the same one from Happy and Dauntless and Sagacious.


    Dry: The honey is the strongest note upon dry down. The goat's milk is still there as well, but the orange scent is now gone. I think some of the sweetness has faded as well. The red currant never made an appearance, and I'm not sure I'm getting any of the honey ale either.


    If you're a fan of rich honey scents, try this! I like it, but I think a decant will be enough.

  18. Wet: This smells MUCH lighter than I imagined. (Haven't tried the OG Sanguinem Menstruum.) I totally agree with doomsday_disco; this smells like a honeyed dragon's blood musk. It's really, really lovely.


    Dry: Totally reminiscent of Dragon's Milk and Kwamie Cotton. The biggest difference is the musk; this is a far muskier scent than either of the two, but if you like those scents, I imagine you'll enjoy this as well. 



  19. Wet: Kind of a warm, sweet, fruity scent. Amber, cherry, red currants, and a liiitle bit of red musk. Bitter almond(unlike normal almond, which I love) makes me a bit nervous and can go wonky on my skin, so we'll see what happens.


    Dry: Aaaaand there it is. Hello, bitter almond. I seem to have noticed that you have TAKEN OVER THE ENTIRE FREAKING BLEND. 


    Seriously. Bitter almond is the star, with a touch of sweetness left over from the cherry and red currants. It's not bad, but it's not what I was hoping for.


    I'm really, really glad I grabbed a decant and not a bottle straight off. Doh.

  20. Wet: Wow, this smells fresh! Musky lilacs, and a hint of sweetness coming from the pink grapefruit.


    Dry: Well. Crap. Certain florals can go a bit.. powdery on me (lookin' at you, honeysuckle; lilac isn't a usual offender, but it might be here), and it seems like my skin totally ate the pink grapefruit.


    Now, this is just kind of a musky, powdery, nondescript floral scent. :( 

  21. Wet: OOOOOOOOO. Bright, refreshing pear and yuzu upon first sniff.


    I love the scent of pear, and feel like it can get buried in so many blends; not the case here!


    Dry:  The yuzu is the strongest scent now, with the pear trailing behind. The oakmoss is even further in the background, and it's only there if you're really looking for it. I think the green musk just kind of blends in with the yuzu and pear.



    I think this is big bottle worthy. It's bright, juicy, fresh, and I'm just happy when I sniff it.

  22. Wet: Fresh squeezed... blood? If you were to squeeze a lemon, but blood came out instead of lemon juice, it would smell like this. Which is an odd description.. but one that immediately came to mind. Much heavier on the blood note than the lemon(which is leaning a bit lemon-cleanser-y), and you can REALLY smell that coppery "tang".


    Dry: Very similar to the wet stage, only the "cleanser" note from the lemon is gone. This is still just like.. freshly squeezed blood juice with a hint of lemon. 


    It's an odd scent. I don't hate it. I don't love it. I obviously don't know how to describe it, but it's very unique to my collection.


    I'm keeping the decant!

  23. Elf

    Wet: I'm having a difficult time describing what this smells like. Standing in the middle of a forest after it rained, surrounded by berries and lilies with the sun shining through.. I think would smell like this.


    Dry: Similar to the wet stage, but more of a traditional "perfume" scent to it now. A little bit sweeter as well.



    This is a very evocative, pretty scent, but it's not for me. I DO think it would make a lovely room spray, though!

  24. Wet: Patchouli, oudh, and maybe a hint of vanilla. Very, very deep; also, that smoked toffee note is no joke. I'm not getting toffee, but I'm getting a LOT of smoke.


    Dry: Definitely agree with torikitty; I'm getting a tobacco vibe here, even though it's not a note listed. (I think it may be from the carmelized oudh.) It smells like a very smokey patchouli and tobacco scent. No coffee bean, no toffee, and no more vanilla.


    It's a bit deep and heavy for my personal taste.
