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Posts posted by donkehpoo

  1. Full disclosure - I don't think I've ever smelled a real pomelo before, so uh. I can't speak to how authentic that note is!


    Wet: WOO. That is some tart, vibrate grapefruit! I think if I ever need help waking up in the morning, I just need to take a whiff of this. (The same kind of scent "feeling" I get from Squirting Shoggoth, only that is yuzu and pear!) 


    Dry: Basically a chilled-out version of the wet stage. Is it still a bright, zesty grapefruit scent? Yes, yes it is. It just doesn't go straight up my nostrils anymore. :cheer: 


    I can see myself slathering this scent all dang summer. (Unless I'm too busy slathering Drag on a Slime still.)

  2. Wet: Sugary sweet red musk! The sweet note isn't really identifying as "cotton candy" to me yet, but there's a distinct sugary-ness to the blend.


    Dry: YES. This stayed almost spot-on to the wet stage, but the throw is just a little weaker(which is generally expected).


    If you're a lover of red musk and looking for something a little different, I think you'd enjoy this!

  3. Wet: Angels on Bare Skin (LUSH), is that you? (I got a very similar scent from Baku as well; the biggest difference is here, I'm not getting any kind of astringent note.) A smooth, clean, herbal lavender scent.


    Dry: Yep. Still giving me that Angels on Bare Skin vibe. Not for me.

  4. Wet: Sweet daisies with a dash of pink pepper! A very "pink" scent. A lot of people have describe a bubblegum-like scent, but I'm not getting any of that.


    Dry: Sweet, sugary daisies. I can't find the pink pepper anymore, but at least I'm left with a nice sweet daisy scent.


    I like this! I don't think I'd reach for it enough to need a bottle, but I'll keep my imp!

  5. Wet: Honeyed lavender mixed with vanilla, and plumeria. Holy crap this is pretty. Also, the notes are listed in order of strength on me; the honeyed lavender is the strongest, while the plumeria is very much in the background.


    Dry: The further away from my testing zone(okay, wrist) I smell this, I can smell more of the plumeria. The closer I get, the more I smell the honeyed lavender. Either way.. it's a win! (Overall, the plumeria is much stronger than the wet stage. )


    Plumeria is one of my favorite floral notes, so I'm really happy this worked out, and thrilled I was able to track down a bottle. Winner!

  6. Wet: This smells like a fancy soap. Aquatic, citrus, floral, and.. soapy!


    Dry: Okay, the aquatic note amped WAY, WAAAY up on my skin. Still has that fancy-soap quality to it, but it's not something I necessarily want to smell like. 

  7. Wet: Incense, tobacco, and leather. A dry, smokey leather scent.


    Dry: Sweet tobacco and leather, with a hint of parchment. I would still describe it as dry and smokey, but the sweetness that comes out during the dry down makes this much more pleasant IMO. (Especially since the paper note came out as well!)


    Not my favorite paper/book/parchment scent (that goes to Clio), but if you're curious about those notes, this is worth trying.

  8. Wet: Coconut(?), moss, sweet tea and rain. An odd combination of notes, and I'm not too sure how I feel about it yet.


    Dry: Sweet plastic coconut and sweet tea. I like the dry down MUCH more than the wet stage.


    The scent in general isn't really my thing (not the biggest fan of coconut), but I think this one is so unique that it's worth trying to see how it works on your skin.

  9. Wet: Oooo! Some sweet musk, vanilla and leather. It smells more like a worn leather, rather than "crisp" new leather.


    Dry: Warm leather mixed with vanilla! A leather scent I can get on board with. 


    While I don't wear leather often enough to need a bottle, I'll be holding on to my decant!

  10. Wet: Apple blossoms, and straight up apple! I think I'm getting some of the green musk as well. The apple scent in this blend is probably the best one I've smelled from the lab; it's fresh, and has a bite to it. I'm on board!


    Dry: NOOO. That delicious fresh apple scent is totally gone. Actually, my skin has eaten most of this scent in general. All that remains is what I would describe as a light apple blossom musk.


    Fabulous wet stage, disappointing dry down. I still think this is worth trying if you're looking for a juicy apple scent; it may work better on your skin than mine!

  11. Wet: Oh! The lemon peel is the first thing that hits my nose. "Effervescent" is a perfect description so far. Lemon peel hit me first, followed by the white musk and a little bit of the vanilla incense. I can't smell any of the bergamot.


    Dry: The vanilla incense and white musk seem to have taken over. There's a little bit of the lemon peel popping out, and I still don't smell any bergamot.


    I like this, but I wish the lemon peel note was stronger. I think my decant may be enough.

  12. Wet: First sniff, this reminds me of sipping a mixed drink while sitting outside in the summer. The blackcurrant and bourbon vanilla(and make no mistake on the "bourbon" vanilla) are both pretty strong here, and the amber is giving an overall warmth to the blend. I like this.


    Dry: Not much change on the dry down; the blackcurrant seems to have strengthened, but that's the only change to my nose.


    I really like this! This will be a big bottle upgrade at some point.

  13. Wet: Watermelon, strawberry, and a smidgen of gardenia in the background. Sweet, juicy, and fresh! (Btw, HELLO WATERMELON. I NEED YOU IN MORE BLENDS.)


    Dry: The watermelon-strawberry tango is still going strong, and may even be sweeter than the wet stage (which was borderline candy-like). The gardenia has mostly left the building; it's like her foot is out the door, and she could disappear at any moment.


    It's a fun, bright, fruity blend.. and I love it. (Also, Puddin, if you can read my mind: MAKE THIS AS A HAIR GLOSS.)

  14. Wet: This has been repeated time and time again in previous reviews, but it's perfect: lush, sweet, tropical flowers. She is a BEAUTY.


    Dry: Still a gorgeous lush, tropical floral blend; it's less sweet than the wet stage, and the coconut has made an appearance!


    If it sounds like a blend you'd enjoy, you probably will. It's really, really lovely, even if you're not big into floral scents!

  15. Wet: A note I don't seem to encounter often enough; apricot! Apricot and ylang ylang, and a touch of honey. A sweet, floral apricot scent.


    Dry: Smells almost spot-on to the wet stage, but I think the honey note is stronger now.


    I bought a bottle of this right before it was discontinued, and I'm so happy with how it smells aged. Beautiful!

  16. Quote

    Comings and goings.

    White peach, golden peach, mango, persimmon, lotus petal, osmanthus, and shishito.



    Wet: Fresh peaches, musk, and a tiny bit of a floral note. A "golden" peach blend. Really pretty.


    Dry: Instead of smelling peaches and musk, I would say it's just a flat out "peach musk" with a hint of a floral note now. The peach isn't as strong as before, and it's less of a fresh peach scent.


    This is like a lighter, more floral version of Alleviate the Frenzy. I enjoy both!

  17. (2007 version.)

    Wet: Warm, caramelized, candied fruits. A little bit of a boozy smell as well.


    Dry: Carmelized, RED ,candied fruits. The fruit scent is much stronger upon dry down, and it's almost giving me a red-wine type of scent as well. Red currants and red wine? Something like that. 


    Such an interesting scent, and I swear it smells a little different each time I wear it. It's really, really good.

  18. (2008 version.)


    Wet: Cookies, with extra vanilla! A few warm spices in the background, and totally delicious smelling. (It smells more like a snickerdoodle than a sugar cookie, IMO.)


    Dry: Yep. Snickerdoodle! Borderline raw snickerdoodle cookie dough.


    I'll usually reach for Butter Rum Cookie over this when I'm wanting a cookie-foodie scent, but this still gets a lot of love from me (especially in Fall/Winter). :yum: 



    Dry: Okay, so while the wet stage is too sweet even for me(a lover of basically all things candy; scent wise and.. mouth wise), the dry-down is really where the blend shines. This smells like sweet, candied red fruits. I know strawberry is in here, but there's something else too. Red currants, maybe? The throw is pretty good, too!



  20. (Resurrected version.)


    Wet: Oooof, my eyes roll back into my head when I smell this. It's similar to Snake Oil, but maybe a bit sweeter. The musk, amber, spices, and vanilla are all there, but it's the plum that's really making the blend "wow" for me. (The coconut is there too, but I have to really seek it out to find it.)


    Dry: The coconut is much stronger now, and overall the blend seems a bit.. darker. Less sweeter than the wet stage as well. 


    If I had to put this against Snake Oil, I would choose Snake Oil. That being said, this is different enough to have both in my collection, and I love wearing them both. ;) 

  21. (2007 version.)


    Wet: Warm spiced apple cider, with some dark wood notes. Really evocative.


    Dry: This is one of those uncommon blends that smells basically the same wet vs. dry. 


    Not a note combination I'm typically drawn to, but I'm really glad to have this in my collection; this gets a LOT of use in October/November!

  22. Wet: Carnation and wine! The wine note is fairly heavy, and strong.


    Dry: Fairly similar to the wet stage, but I think the treacle note is mixing with the wine a bit now. The carnation is still there, but the wine/treacle combo is very strong. Kind of a heavy, deep wine scent with a touch of carnation.


    I really enjoy this, but this is more of an Autumn/Winter scent IMO. ;) 

  23. Wet: Carnation and oudh. The oudh is stronger than the carnation, and.. is rather stinky to me. (To be fair - oudh and I typically don't like each other.)


    Dry: The oudh kicked the carnation to the curb; it's all oudh, all the time.


    Not my jam.
