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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Kimbernunk

  1. This started out very misty/dewy, in a way that reminded me strongly of Leanan Sidhe.


    It was citrus for a few minutes.


    In the final stage, which has lasted for hours and shows no signs of ending soon, it's a lemon-y citrus peel with some sort of herb (my nose keeps thinking parsley, actually) and just enough floral mixing with the mist note (a favorite of mine) to keep it soft rather than sharp. I almost wonder if I'm smelling lemon blossom in here, as there's something about this that reminds me slightly of the Zieba Tree, but without as much musk or the strong orange blossom note that Zieba has.


    I'm loving this one!!

  2. GC summer favorites:


    Rosalind: a hint of berry (like Body Shop's old Dewberry scent) smothered in sun-warmed, recently mown grass.


    The Zieba Tree: the orange and lemon blossoms give it a citrus-y feel, and the musks and everything else make it shimmer as though you're looking at things through the swirling heat coming off of pavement on a steamy day


    Vixen: the patchouli, orange blossom and ginger combo smells almost sweaty and super sexy


    Shanghai: on my skin, there don't seem to be any base notes in this one - it's all bright tea and lemon verbena


    Tweedledee: citrus candy. nuf said!

  3. Overpowering at first - very strong and woody and herbal/minty.


    It dried down to a very piney scent, with some strong mint (probably wintergreen) in the background. I like it, but it's not a runaway winner with me - if the pine were more balanced with other woods I could see liking it better.


    It might be a really nice autumn room scent.

  4. Nocnitsa. It's all pine trees and night air. Very clean and refreshing and woodsy.


    If you're willing to deal with apple in with the trees, then the Hesperides and To Autumn (the last one is an LE from last Halloween) are great scents for outdoorsy feelings.


    ETA: I'd also second Yggdrasil, which is super woody and herbal on me - like stomping on roots and leaves.


    A couple of other really GREEN scents are Envy, which is super herbal, and Rosalind, which is more grass in the morning than trees. You could probably do a lot with layering to get the exact feel you want.


    Another scent that doesn't get a ton of love but which screams outdoors to me is Sunflower (one of the salons) - sunflowers are the epitome of the non-floral flower, and the scent smells exactly like the outdoors in August - leafy and slightly burnt.

  5. This was unpleasant and strong for about an hour, and I was considering washing it off, but something kept me from doing so.


    After an hour, it changed and I started smelling strongly of having been sitting in mud planting violets all day. The violets are in very moist soil and in the shade on what is otherwise an incredibly bright sunny day. This smells like the whole violet plant (including dirty roots!) rather than just the flowers.


    I like it. This isn't my normal thing, but I like it. It'll be great in late summer.

  6. This is absolute dead-on freshly-cut cucumber. Just cucumber. I don't smell grass or anything else. Just cucumber.


    I really like it because it is intensely refreshing to me. Unfortunately, my skin likes it too. It eats it. It's really faint really quickly.


    I can see using it when I'm roasting to death hot in July/August, but I'll have other stuff ready to go on half an hour later - this just disappears on me.

  7. This was a disappointment.


    Wet, it screams LIME!!!!!!!!!!!! at the top of its lungs. I love this. It's playful.


    Unfortunately, it only does that for about ten minutes. Then the lime gets tired and goes *poof* and is replaced by a light lilac scent. The lilac is subdued and not in the mood for screaming. I imagine it's tired of having to listen to the LIME!!!!!!!!!!!! and is just in the mood to mellow out for a bit.


    After 45 minutes, it's gone. It didn't even make it a full hour. Sadness.

  8. This is a really nice balance of apricot and orange blossom, with the white musk giving it a base that allows it to stay longer than it might otherwise. It's quite sweet from the apricot, but not overpoweringly so.


    I've discovered from a few different tests that this blend is super-dependent on my hormones: if I'm nearing the red tent phase, the white musk goes really sharp on me. If I'm not, it's much quieter, and I can smell the other two notes a bit better.


    I got this imp at the same time as I got an imp of the Zieba Tree. I find the two scents to be very similar. While I like them both, I think I'll go for a bottle of the Zieba Tree faster - I sort of prefer the apricot/clove combo in March Hare to the apricot/orange blossom combo here, and prefer the orange/lemon blossom combo in Zieba to this. This is nice, however, and I'm sure there are days I'll reach for it.

  9. This is fruity, sticky and extremely sweet on me, like I'd accidentally just dumped a entire thing of nectar all over my hands. I assume this is the kumquat - I don't think I have kumquat in anything else and it's really really strong. I can't smell the orange blossom too much, and the tea and pepper notes are MIA. This is a little *too* sweet for me for most days (I'm more of an outdoorsy-scent girl) but I can see reaching for this on certain days when I'm in the mood. I will definitely be holding on to the imp.

  10. This is *super* strong when I first put it on, and it's almost entirely mist and dew, which are notes I'm starting to recognize from other scents (notably To Autumn and The Hesperides). They're notes that I quite like, but they're *really* strong when I first put it on - almost headache-inducing.


    It quiets down after about 15 minutes - on me, this is still primarily misty/dewy, but there is a hint of something slightly herbal in the background. It's not an overwhelming scent on drydown, but faint and verys spring/fall wet/damp, like it's been raining recently and everything outside is now misty and cool.


    I like this quite a bit on its own, but I really like it as a layering scent - it's a way that I can take almost any other scent I'm in the mood for and make it misty smelling on rainy days when I want to mimic the weather outside.


    Good stuff. If I go through the imp fairly quickly, I could see needing a bottle.

  11. When I read the scent description, I knew this was one I needed to try ASAP. I'm also stymied on trying to encapsulate the experience in words - spending a good chunk of the day with my nose on my wrist confirmed my love for it, but did not give me particularly adequate descriptors to use here.


    So. This stuff, it is beautiful. It really does almost shimmer - the resins and sandalwood and musk don't weigh the scent down. On me it's mostly lemon and orange blossoms, with a hint of sweetness in the background that seems to be from the peach/davana combo. The resins/sandalwood seem to be there only to make sure that the scent actually lasts on my skin (and it did last for a good five hours before I felt like I needed to reapply). The musks just 'sexy it up' a bit. I don't know specifically what musks are in there, but I can pretty much definitively say that if there is any red musk, it's completely drowned out by everything else (red musk = guaranteed F- on my skin).


    To sum up: citrus-y, soft, sexy/clean (yes, both and at the same time), slightly out of focus, and glorious. Those are the words that this scent brings to mind. It's amazing and I'll be snagging a bottle ASAP.

  12. This started out its journey on my skin by instantly turning to soap. I was not amused. However, after about 20 minutes it turned softly white floral - not piercing headache white floral thank goodness - and developed a touch of herb.


    Despite the soap start, this has really gotten lovely - it's almost too light for everyday, but would be lovely for formal occasions. I quite like this.


    ETA a few hours later: This really is fantastic - it's grown on me quite a bit. It's close to the skin and a nice white/green mixture, slightly sweet, clear, and clean. Really wonderful stuff!

  13. This smells on my skin like a stale cookie made entirely out of artificial ingredients.





    Obviously, I'll be passing this imp on. It has too many good things in it, therefore it will be fantastic on someone else.

  14. This was a psychic frimp from the lab - I'd been dying to try it for a while and just hadn't had the chance.


    Wet, this is very sharp and bright lemon verbena and green tea. I don't notice the honeysuckle at all. I was worried for a while that it was going to be too sharp altogether, but then after about 10-15 minutes the honeysuckle shows up very slightly as a sweet top note. At this point the blend goes from being sharp to just being bright and cheerful and lovely and wonderful.

    Green tea is one of my favorite notes and that's the predominant thing in this blend (on my skin anyway) - the combination of the lemon verbena and honeysuckle make it slightly sweet and lemony, but in an herbal rather than a foody way.


    I'm in love - this will have to be a bottle!

    5/5 (and great enabling, labbies!!)

  15. I really like this wet. It's green and herbal and slightly metallic. It's sort of tricky somehow.


    Dry, there's a hint of leather that I can smell if I mash my nose to my wrist. It's mostly drowned out by something that I want to say is either ambergris or black amber, which is cloyingly sweet and overpowering everything else. The greens and herbal scents are pretty much gone. It's very masculine and still has a slightly metallic tang.


    It's interesting, to say the least. My skin makes everything unreasonably sweet, so that's probably why it has gone so sweet on me now. I may retest in a couple of weeks and I might kick around using this as a room scent. Otherwise, it may end up in the swaps pile for someone else to sniff and love!

  16. … Good heaven! What sorrows gloomed that parting day,
    That called them from their native walks away;
    When the poor exiles, every pleasure past,
    Hung round their bowers and fondly looked their last,
    And took a long farewell, and wished in vain
    For seats like these beyond the western main;
    And shuddering still to face the distant deep,
    Returned and wept, and still returned to weep.
    The good old sire the first prepared to go
    To new-found worlds, and wept for others' woe;
    But for himself, in conscious virtue brave,
    He only wished for worlds beyond the grave.
    His lovely daughter, lovelier in her years,
    Silent went next, neglectful of her charms,
    And left a lover's for a father's arms.
    With louder plaints the mother spoke her woes,
    And blessed the cot where every pleasure rose;
    And kissed her thoughtless babes with many a tear,
    And clasped them close, in sorrow doubly dear;
    Whilst her fond husband strove to lend relief
    In all the silent manliness of grief.

    O luxury! thou cursed by heaven's decree,
    How ill exchanged are things like these for thee!
    How do thy potions with insidious joy
    Diffuse their pleasures only to destroy!
    Kingdoms, by thee to sickly greatness grown
    Boast of a florid vigour not their own.
    At every draught more large and large they grow,
    A bloated mass of rank unwieldy woe;
    Till sapped their strength and every part unsound,
    Down, down they sink and spread a ruin round.

    Even now the devastation has begun,
    And half the business of destruction done;
    Even now, methinks, as pondering here I stand,
    I see the rural virtues leave the land.
    Down where yon anchoring vessel spreads the sail,
    That idly waiting flaps with every gale,
    Downward they move, a melancholy band,
    Pass from the shore and darken all the strand.
    Contented toil and hospitable care,
    And kind connubial tenderness are there;
    And piety, with wishes placed above,
    And steady loyalty and faithful love.
    And thou, sweet Poetry, thou loveliest maid
    Still first to fly where sensual joys invade;
    Unfit, in these degenerate times of shame,
    To catch the heart or strike for honest fame;
    Dear charming nymph, neglected and decried,
    My shame in crowds, my solitary pride;
    Thou source of all my bliss and all my woe,
    That found'st me poor at first and keep'st me so;
    Thou guide by which the nobler arts excel,
    Thou nurse of every virtue, fare thee well!
    Farewell, and oh, where'er thy voice be tried,
    On Torno's cliffs or Pambamarca's side,
    Whether where equinoctial fervours glow,
    Or winter wraps the polar world in snow,
    Still let thy voice, prevailing over time,
    Redress the rigours of the inclement clime;
    Aid slighted truth; with thy persuasive strain
    Teach erring man to spurn the rage of gain;
    Teach him that states of native strength possessed,
    Though very poor, may still be very blest;
    That trade's proud empire hastes to swift decay,
    As ocean sweeps the laboured mole away;
    While self-dependent power can time defy,
    As rocks resist the billows and the sky.

    Where wealth accumulates and men decay. A scent of opulence, luxury, depredation, and dissolusion: velvety orris root and glittering bergamot, ambergris, red currant, honey, and neroli, with red oakmoss, patchouli, labdanum, and black musk.

    In bottle/wet: This is almost a single-note dirty orris root. Not what I was expecting - I really don't smell any of the other notes at all.

    Dry: Heavy orris with definite hints of honey, ambergris and black musk. If I sniff really hard, I can get a little bit of something currant-like, but it's hard to pick out. No neroli or bergamot anywhere to be seen, which is interesting because neroli is usually something I amp pretty strongly. This isn't quite what I was hoping for - I was hoping for the currant and bergamot to be a bit more prominant.

    This is pretty gender-neutral to me. Velvety also comes to mind - the lab is dead on with that.

    All in all, this is interesting, but I don't know that I'll be reaching for it that often.

  17. O'Driscoll drove with a song
    The wild duck and the drake
    From the tall and the tufted reeds
    Of the drear Hart Lake.

    And he saw how the reeds grew dark
    At the coming of night-tide,
    And dreamed of the long dim hair
    Of Bridget his bride.

    He heard while he sang and dreamed
    A piper piping away,
    And never was piping so sad,
    And never was piping so gay.

    And he saw young men and young girls
    Who danced on a level place,
    And Bridget his bride among them,
    With a sad and a gay face.

    The dancers crowded about him
    And many a sweet thing said,
    And a young man brought him red wine
    And a young girl white bread.

    But Bridget drew him by the sleeve
    Away from the merry bands,
    To old men playing at cards
    With a twinkling of ancient hands.

    The bread and the wine had a doom,
    For these were the host of the air;
    He sat and played in a dream
    Of her long dim hair.

    He played with the merry old men
    And thought not of evil chance,
    Until one bore Bridget his bride
    Away from the merry dance.

    He bore her away in his arms,
    The handsomest young man there,
    And his neck and his breast and his arms
    Were drowned in her long dim hair.

    O'Driscoll scattered the cards
    And out of his dream awoke:
    Old men and young men and young girls
    Were gone like a drifting smoke;

    But he heard high up in the air
    A piper piping away,
    And never was piping so sad,
    And never was piping so gay.

    Peat and rolling grass-covered hills, with wine-dappled heather, white clover, cloudberry, juniper berry, bluebell, dandelion, and cross-leaved heath.

    Wet: grass and dandelion stems. This is very green in a very plant-like, outdoors way.

    Dry: Very outdoors, plant like, and with a touch of the heather and the bluebells making it ever-so-slightly floral. However, this isn't like FLORAL, it's like standing in the back room of a florist with lots of broken flower stems rather than standing in the middle of a bunch of blooms. Or even more precisely, this is like standing downwind of a greenhouse while on a sunny, grassy hill and a nice fresh breeze. It's extremely Springlike and conjures up beautiful mental pictures of sunlit meadows.

    Overall: absolutely lovely - I can see myself reaching for this quite often!

  18. This is a very warm, juicy fruity scent on me. It's a touch foody, but not quite. The clove note is just pronounced enough to keep it from being too cloying on me. I'm enjoying the imp and will see how quickly I go through it to decide on a bottle.

  19. This starts out very green and citrus on me, and then morphs slowly into a very lilac-y scent. It's like the full in-bloom lilac bush in the middle of a very green field. It's very Springlike, and mentally conjures up swirling images of purples and greens with hits of orange from time to time. I am enjoying this immensely and think it will be in heavy rotation during the Spring months.

  20. In the bottle, it's extremely herbal; the stems/lavender scents are really prominent.

    Wet, I keep getting whiffs of neroli, which I adore. I love this stage. My partner thinks I smell like dish soap, which I find laughable because whatever random dish soap we have right now (some Palmolive 'fresh' stuff, IIRC) smells like ozone and flowers, and much more like a commercial perfume than the lovely lovely neroli wafting off my arm.

    Dry, there's an orange component, something slighly herbal and almost grassy, and just enough musk to keep everything present on my skin.


    This is just glorious, and has earned itself an immediate spot in my top 10. :wub2:



    I'm really sad with this one - green musk is one of my favorite notes, and I can't smell it at all. Actually, I can't smell ANYTHING except freesia. This is my first attempt with a BPAL containing freesia, and I'm learning that I apparently amp freesia to the exclusion of EVERYTHING else.


    I'm going to save the imp and let it sit for a while and see what happens. At the moment though, I have to say that I was hoping for a lot more green musk and anything resembling citrus. I'm a bit weirded out that I'm not finding any of this!

  22. Wow do I love this! It's strongly blackberry and sandalwood to begin with, and develops a definite bright orange blossom note as it sits on my skin. I don't notice much amber mint at all - there's something in the background that has a slight minty tinge to it, but that's about it.


    For all this is quite fruity, there's something really dead sexy about it. I think it has something to do with the way the red sandalwood grounds everything and keeps it from going too bubbly. It stays very sensual.

  23. Wet: FIR.


    Dry: Very strong fir note, with dirt and moss. I can only smell the nighttime air when I get right up against my wrist, which is a shame because the lab's nighttime air note is one of my favorites.


    Overall, I'm glad to have an imp of this as I could see myself being in the mood for it from time to time. I don't think I'll want it often enough to want a bottle.


    Nice winter scent!
