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Posts posted by aleciarivas

  1. Hm this may take another test before I make a final decision. I definitely get the honey and the wine and the floral- soft floral though. No dark chocolate for me, and no tobacco that I can tell. Soft and sneaky smelling though!

  2. Strangely enough I get a sharp licorice-type smell from this. It's not bad, not at all. Just not what I expected! I think I may sneak over to my DH and dab some on him, as this is certainly a more masculine scent than I normally like on me.

  3. Unfortunately for me the dirt never faded. It's still as strong as when I first put it on, although there is a LOVELY vanilla scent wafting up too. Almost like I had vanilla on and then got all dirty. Almost disconcerting. Not for me though.

  4. Spicy citrus, which sounds odd I suppose, but is an apt description to me. The Jasmine takes over with just a hint of ANYTHING else hiding beneath it, lurking. Not a great scent for me. May as well go with a straight Jasmine single note. :P

  5. The pear and the grapes weigh heavily against the buttery pumpkin, ending with a well-balanced scent that hovers perfectly right on the edge of over-sweet and over-strong, although this is DEFINITELY not a slather scent. Sparingly used, this is perfect.

  6. Caramel and white chocolate and pumpkin...... Oh man oh man!!! Pomegranite? Are you sure? It's not there, I swear!!! But everything else is, an a perfect blend of pure yumminess. I made this into lotion, and Oooooooo........... Even better!!!!

  7. Oh so yummy!!!! This is TOTAL sugar, but not the plain white refined stuff. Oh yum. Let me tell you, that this scent LAYERS fabulously!!!! My oldest daughter loves to layer it with Creepy. SUPER yummy. Warm sugary goodness.

  8. Hmmmmmm Definitely Egg Nog! Well duh right? But seriously- I smell like I bathed in it!!! I like it, I really, really do, but I definitely find this to be a seasonal scent, and probably wouldn't wear much of it any other time of the year.

  9. Mmmmmm now I want to watch a movie!!! This is pure movie-theater-butter-popcorn without the popcorn! THIS is what that microwave crud should taste like!!! Well, it should taste how it smells, anyhow. LOL!

  10. Yummy buttery boosy goodness. Patchouli underneath it all. VERY fun and VERY yummy and definitely a great pick-me-up. This is one of the few scents that I ALWAYS get asked about when I am wearing it out and about....

  11. This is everything I had been hoping for in both Lick It and Lick It Again..... Sweet peppermint candycanes! Both previous versions broke me out horribly, and were just too overwhelming on the peppermint. This version seems to have less mint and more sugar... And does NOT break me out!!! Yay!!! Super yay!!!! Not to mention the fact that both of my BPAL-enabled daughters are addicted to this one too....

  12. Fruit, cedar, cream.... Not a combination I would necessarily pick out for myself, but really I do like this!!! It's not an every day scent, but I can totally imagine this to be my "I want to snuggle up in front of a warm fire" scent.... Mmmm.... I wonder what this would smell like on my DH..... Hmmm......

  13. A fast-acting, powerful scent used to overcome adversity through positive means. Attracts wealth, prestige, good health, and enhances others’ opinions of you. Grants courage and steadfastness.

    Soft and sweet and just a LITTLE bit floral. I really love this. Although, I have to point out- I received a bottle of this from a friend that was rather aged and IMMEDIATELY loved it. But then I got a frimp from the lab and EEEWWWWW not so good. So I packed the frimp away in a dark place to let it age for awhile. Strange, very strange. But really I love this scent from my nicely aged bottle.

  14. Fiery, resinous, cinnamony, etc.... Nice, but seriously warm. I can feel EXACTLY where I dabbed it on my skin. I smell the piney resin beneath everything. I haven't actually decided whether or not I like this scent yet. The sensation it leaves on my skin is very much weirding me out!!!

  15. Oooooo..... I usually steer completely of most florals, but a friend enabled me with this scent- apparently it didn't work on her as well as it worked on me!! Yay!!


    Soft, sweet, almost grape-y floral. Soft and smooth smelling, which obviously sounds strange. But so great! I think it's the incense beneath that keeps it from turning into a monster flower on me! :P

  16. Definitely Rose, but until I looked up the notes again I couldn't place the other floral- oh duh lilies!!!! Nice, very comforting, this reminds me of going to mass when I was younger. But a little overwhelming at the same time. Maybe I will keep a decant but I might not keep my bottle.
