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Posts posted by megank4

  1. Am having a wrathful day, so I thought I would try this one. Damn. It isn't wrathful enough! I just smell cinnamon mainly with some black pepper. Kind of like Red Hots candies. Drat. This seems like it has good staying power though.

  2. Where did my review go? Hmm. I thought I posted this. Anyway, I like this, and more than when I first tried it. At first I felt that it had a sour note, but now I don't get that feeling anymore. It goes very well with the Spicy Gingerbread Shower gel I got from Bath and Body works. Definitely a fall/winter scent though. Score: 4.5

  3. Hmm, perhaps this is not the best time for me to be reviewing new scents, as my nose is all wonky from a developing cold, but this smells okay to me. Perhaps my officemates disagree, I don't know. This reminds me of Azathoth. I would like a little more blood orange in this, but otherwise it is okay. Will have to try again when my nose is up to snuff.


    -tried it again, one week later, after trying (and washing off) Highwayman. In the imp, this smells slightly moldy to me. Now that my nose is working a bit better, I don't think is for me. When I need some vetiver, I think I will stick with Azathoth.

  4. Hmm, interesting. A frimp from the lab that gave me a lavender impression in the imp, but when I put it on, I immediately thought “What made me think of lavender?” This smelled quite herbal to me, like a bunch of herbs you would use for cooking, like herbs de provence. Didn’t have any nightmares, but I am not nightmare-prone, so I can’t credit the scent. I much prefer the Lavender sleep blend from B&BW, I think they don’t carry it any more. Anyway, I hate it when the lab doesn’t specifically say what the scents are and everyone is left guessing.

  5. If this was just the first three ingredients (ylang ylang, white plum, and white orchid) I think this would be perfect, or at least for me. Alas, I think there is too much lily in it, which ruins it. Oh well. I am glad I got the frimp so that I could try it at least.

  6. Like most people, I have five categories of scents

    1- Hate. Wash it off! Wash it off!

    2- Dislike. Can usually bear it for one day, apply it several times to be sure I am getting a good sense of it. No? Swap.

    3- Neutral. A scent that doesn't really do anything for me. Swap or else make into some other sort of product- use to scent my lotion, room scent, etc.

    4- Like. An imp that I want to keep and perhaps one day will upgrade to bottle status if I have extra money lying around.

    5- Love. One that I keep going back to (usually on the days when I have been testing other new scents) and must have a bottle of.


    This one is between neutral and like for me. It is mostly peachy amber on me. I think it would make a nice springtime scent, but nothing to write home about. In order for me to love or even like this, I think it would have to have one of the notes be stronger, not just a faint whiff of something undefinable.

  7. Ergh. This smells like the blend Lust (which I really like) gone wrong on me. Must be the red musk. Husband thought I smelled like strawberry shortcake doll, which I guess means kind of a plasticy-strawberry. Only get a slight sense of grapefruit and none at all of white musk. Swap!

  8. Hmm, I like this more than I thought I would. I was hesitant to try it, since the floral blends have been smelling horrid on me lately. But this seems very nice, light, fruity floral. Don't really smell any fig, but think I can smell the sandalwood, lily, and apple blossom. More of a spring scent than mid Winter.

  9. Oh I had such high hopes for this one! Rosewood and black cherry?! Slather it on me baby! Alas I think the lavender is just too much. If I could reconfigure this, I would have 40% rosewood, 40% black cherry, 10% red musk, 5% white musk, 5% rose, and no lavender. Will have to try the Red Queen.

  10. This is so maddening. This smell reminds me of something so badly, I just can't put my finger on it. Worse, I can't even decide what general category it reminds me of- another perfume? food? a person? a place? a beauty product?


    Anyway, smells very good on me, doesn't seem to change much. One of those scents that lingers faintly all day long.

  11. Argh. I think this one got put on my wishlist BECAUSE it had everything I thought I didn't like, but I figured that I would branch out and try something new, hoping I would be pleasantly surprised. Nope. I guess sometimes the first reaction is the best one. This is just way too, artificial I think. The color is a slight turn-off, but not major.

  12. Another vote for Pepto-Bismol. In the imp and upon initial application all I could think was "Someone should really call the lab and notify them that someone mischievious is putting Pepto-Bismol into imps before sending them out."

    After awhile it dried down to... Nothing. Argh. I could have put up with the Pepto-Bismol phase if it morphed into something great, but I just get nothing.

  13. Ah, Sybaris. I wanted to love you for your clove, mediterranean incense, and tonka. I wanted to overlook your violet upbringing. Alas and alack. Nature will out. You must be all violet on me. You can't help it. I am not blaming you for it. You smell just like Le Serpent qui danse.


    Strangely enough, this is one that my husband likes and I don't. Usually it is the other way around. Ah well. Perhaps in a lotion form...

  14. A nocturnal bounty of fae dew-kissed petals and pale fruits: white grape, white peach, iced pear, musk rose, sweet pea, moonflower and snapdragon.

    One whiff of this on my wrist and I was instantly back in High School, slathering myself with Victoria's Secret Pear Glacé lotion. This is exactly what this scent smells like to me. Very much pear. Nice pear, but pear.

  15. This smells so good. I get sage, cedar, slight vanilla and leather. No carnation nor lavendar. Very comforting smell. I would think this is a unisex smell, or slightly feminine, not masculine. 4 stars!


    Oct. 22nd- This is definitely a fall/winter scent. My imp has aged a bit more now, and now it seems a bit more masculine, but not overly so.

    Less vanilla now, more sage, cedar, leather in equal parts.

  16. When reading this review before applying it, I thought for sure someone mentioned that it smelled like dandelions. Oh well, guess it was another. But this is exactly what it smells like to me. For five minutes before it disappears completely. Anyway, don't want memories of being forced to weed the garden as a teenager, so off it goes.
