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Posts posted by megank4

  1. Hmm, very interesting. I get a very light mix of sugar cane, black currant, dusty rose, and very faint strawberry. I can see where the Red Lantern idea comes from the initial application, but then that fades right away for me. I don't get any hints of Snake oil. I think this one might be headache-inducing if applied too strongly.


    ETA: after having it longer, it no longer reminds me at all of Red Lantern. Also, when I asked my husband how I smell he said "Ok, but there is a note underneath that seems off."

    I still like it though.

  2. At first sniff I liked it but with a careless flick of my wrist the imp spilled all over, so then it became that reeking sensation. I had to go scrub it off. I think it is the laudanum that I just don't like.

  3. This smells like the Italian alcoholic drink of Marsala to me- sort of a red wine/port drink, plus a bit of Cheshire cat. Can detect just a hint of rose. Too strong for me.

  4. I love the idea of this, but in the imp, all I can think is "Cucumber?"

    came on here, searched this review for Cucumber, and was relieved that I was not the only one. Hmm, it has dried down now, less cucumber, but it is still there. Perhaps some vetiver, but no violet at all. I would keep this just for when I want to smell unusual, but there are so many others to try.

  5. In the beginning I was unsure about this one. I get mostly caramel, black coconut, tobacco, and amber. It doesn't really change at all on me. I decided to buy two bottles finally, just to be sure that I always have some.


    ETA: this smells really great aged. Just got complimented on it the other day. It was "spicy and exotic". I really hope it comes back for Lupercalia 2011.

  6. Sister to Pele, Patroness of Hula Dancers, she is a Lady of Hawa'ii, and is caretaker, mother, and beloved of the land itself. The heart of the forest beats along with Her dance, and the air is suffused with Her scent: mai'a, hibiscus, white ginger, akala, na'u, Hawaiian moon flower, yellow ilima, pink lokelani, jewel orchid, and fringed orchid.

    In the imp: Why HELLO Banana!
    On my wrist: no banana at all. This is odd. Now I am getting mostly ginger and hibiscus. Reminds me of some commercial perfume, but I can't put my finger on it. I give it a 3.5.

  7. Well, with words like creeping, slithering, slippery, seaweed, dripping, dark, and waters

    This smelled better than I thought it would. Made me briefly think of Cool Water Woman. But it isn't outstanding for me. With so many other great scents out there to try and buy, I think I will pass this along.

  8. Hmm. This is quite wicked. I feel like during my lunchtime I went and did something naughty with my Porsche-driving, Armani-wearing boss. Not that I am wearing a men’s perfume, but that I have a man’s scent on me and I am gonna go home and my husband will look at me suspiciously and ask “What did you do today?” This isn’t something I can imagine my jeans and t-shirt wearing, PhD researcher husband wearing.

  9. Wow. This is the first imp that I wanted to not even try on. For most I give it two tries. Rarely I change my mind after the first try, but it is my policy to try each at least once, in case I pass on one and then wonder "I wonder if it was the ONE?" Anyway, I put this on and it made me cough. Very strong. Very vetiver. Um, is skunk a smell? I give it a 1. Sorry.

  10. This is a nice, mellow scent for me; It is mainly just tobacco and bay rum, not too much of caribean blossoms. But then, perhaps I would know a caribbean blossom if it hit me over the nose. I think this will go in my Like pile- enough to keep the imp, probably not enough to buy a bottle.

  11. In the imp, this is very very strong smelling. Overpowering floral. I dabbed just a bit on, and now I feel like I am driving my coworkers out of the room. Strong lilac and violet, with a light gardenia. I’ve got it! This scent makes me think of Virginia in the springtime with lots of flowering trees. Must be the gardenia. This is what I imagine Faith (sugared violet) to smell like. All in all, a very sweet strong perfume, but I think it is too little girly for me. Would be good as a room fragrance, car freshener, something like that.

  12. This smells like something familiar that I can’t put my finger on and will drive me crazy until I figure it out. Anyway, definitely sweet, a slight pineapple feeling. Not at all what I expected. Quite faint, even though I put quite a bit on. Overall, a 3.5

  13. This is from the original imp pack I ordered.

    I don't really get anything distinctive from this. It is just a mishmash of something. If I read the notes and concentrate, I think I can smell some lavender and rose.

    Smells rather dusty-powdery-old ladyish.


  14. This doesn't smell at all to me like patchouli and orange blossom. More like raisins and resin to me. This doesn't change much on my skin, pretty much just stays the same.

    A nice blend, definitely giving a "Ravenous" feeling, but one that I don't think I need to hold on to.

  15. There has been a mistake- someone accidentally mislabeled this imp of Lust as Satyr. Wait, this is what Satyr is supposed to smell like? On me this is 99% Lust with a 1% of something else which makes me want to stay true to my Lust. I don't get any smoky vanilla at all in this, just red musk and cinnamon.
