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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by rhubarbbear

  1. i love les bijoux, and i love this, too. bpal honey often goes awry on me, but it works here! soooo beautiful....i'm just loving this scent! it's somewhat sweeter and deeper than les bijoux on my skin, but very very similar. i love apple blossoms!


    all in all, incredible. very wearable, want to hang out sniffing my arm!

  2. yep, this is mintmintmint. back in the olden days i swapped for a few of beth's experimental blends, and one of the ones i got was a minty snake oil. it's been a couple of years, but green tree viper seems much even mintier than the blend i had- it's difficult to detect much snake oil in it, which might be a plus for some people. it's a lovely fresh mint, with just a hint of something darker, smoother, rounder.

  3. i was super excited to try this, cause i love beth's cocoa notes!


    boomslang oil is dark, pretty much black. never seen anything like it! i'm pretty pale, and i actually had to actively rub it in to get the color to disappear from my skin!


    and the cocoa in this is amazing. really quality stuff! sadly, it disappears on my skin in like 15 min, leaving me with more or less plain snake oil. for people who's skin doesn't eat the cocoa, however, this will be, just...wow.

  4. ok, so, i totally don't like snakes. however, as i was scrolling thu the snake pit the day it went live i was in a mild panic over not seeing any rattlesnakes, since they are my "home snake" so to speak (costal/deserts of california). then i saw western diamondback, and all was right in the world, esp bc it sounded so divine!


    so, today i went to help decant for a circle and YUM! western diamondback rules. this was my favorite of all the snakes! smooth, just slightly sweet, chapparal-y snake oil. :P really, really awesome. can't wait to try it on DH! but this is one i'll wear myself, too.

  5. ooo, i'm surprised i haven't reviewed le bijoux, cause i love it! it's one of the few honey scents i can wear...honey usually turns sour and BO-ish on me, but not in les bijoux! just sweet honey, rose petals and fresh, crisp apple. a tiny bit of grounding from myrrh and sandalwood. i don't notice any peach at all, which is fine by me.


    overall, very, very much :P . a big bottle is on my next order list.

  6. wet: herbal, astringent, a little medicinal and a lot elderly women's perfume. hmmm.


    it took me days to try this since i was so put off from the scent in the imp. when i finally did try it i found that, like much bpal, it took a turn for the better. on my skin LFV gets a bit sweeter with some of that vanilla and musk, while still remaining very clean and green.


    so it's nice, but not really my bag.

  7. wow, what a shape shifter this one is!


    in the imp and for the first 20 minutes or so on my skin i get the very light, aquatic vibe/scent that other reviewers have mentioned. it's pretty, but doesn't really grab me.


    then it turns floral. the magnolia, but very grounded by the musks and patchouli. pretty, and deep. this stage lasts 1-2 hours.


    the next stage is a kind of musky vanilla (and this vanilla doesn't go dusty on me, as vanilla tends to do!). just a hint of the magnolia. very sexy! this lasts about an hour.


    finally, i'm left with musk and a hint of leather lingering close to the skin. i keep sniffing at my wrists to see if it's still there and still yummy. and it is. the ginger never showed up on me, but that's pretty common.


    unique and very cool!

  8. i ordered prague ages ago, and really thought i'd like it. and it is very pretty...a nice springy scent. i've since realized that i don't really like straight up florals (except for rose....), esp if they contain lily. but that's not prague's fault!

  9. bayou is pretty. very languid, humid southern summer kinda feel to it...just as i'd imagined. warm, floral, feminine....a magnolia tree dripping spanish moss. i don't get any kind of swampy-ness or decay from it (beyond the decay scent of the magnolias).

  10. from the listed notes this looked like it would be pretty good on me. musk was the big maybe- sometimes musk works (esp red musk :P ), sometimes not.


    this, it turns out, was a not. somehow the whole thing became cloyinging perfume-y and kind of headachey.


    on the other hand, it smells gorgeous on my friend! ah, the vagaries of skin chemsitry....

  11. most ambers realllllly don't like me. tends to give the blend a "cheap men's cologne" kinda vibe. mag mell doesn't go quite that bad (verbena is usually soapy clean on my skin, so maybe that keeps it in check?), but overall it's not great on me.


    i really liked the sound of mag mell, tho, so i had to try it! and i'm sure it's just gorgeous on other people....

  12. oh, this is yummy!


    in the bottle treat #1 smells like jolly ranchers, esp the watermelon kind, as noted :D i also get pink lemonade from it...and kool aid. sweet indeed!


    on my skin it developes a slightly vanilla-ish scent...very light...gives it a smoothness and a touch of cream. it also has something slightly floral- lemon blossom, maybe? or bergamot? very nice...gives it a bit of sophistication...but just a bit! i don't get any of sugar skull's stickiness...but lots of rock candy for sure! and those big swirly lollipops... :D


    this is such a fun perfume! very pink, very girly, very sweet (mounds of sugar indeed!), but not overwhelmingly foody. since it's bpal i suppose it should come as no surprised that treat #1 is much more than the (apparent) sum of its parts! it's gorgeous and playful and just right. :P

  13. i was scared of this...cause leather ain't really my gig, and amber tends to go wrong on me. still...of course i wanted to try it :D


    it's really beautiful! didn't move me much in the vial, but some got on my fingers and i couldn't stop smelling them. so pretty and grown up...but not too grown up to play tag in the park and roll around on the living room floor. or anywhere else :P

  14. ALMONDS!


    hmmm. yeah. i like almonds ok. not my favorite, tho. but i loves me some gilgamesh (my daughter's middle name is siduri!), so off we go.


    this turns into a gorgeous skin scent on me. smells of honey...dirt...stone...little bit of spices. OMG, it's awesome! stays VERY close to the skin but it's super sexy love! must try putting more on and seeing what happens....


    love, love, love it!

  15. i've been pregnant or nursing the entire time i've known about bpal (2 years now, time flies!). i was careful not to use the contraindicated oils during pg (and in fact wore a lot less perfume for some reason), and if i was in doubt i put the oil in a scent locket, or on my clothes or something.


    as far as i know the same cautions need not apply during breastfeeding (but i am not a doctor, so please bear that in mind as ask a professional if in doubt!). the trouble with pennyroyal, for instance, is that it can stimulate uterine contractions, which could be bad during most of the pg, but not an issue while breastfeeding (esp as bf does the same thing). however, i've been told that there are some herbs which may have a negative impact on milk production. my personal decision about that is to only use oils containing those herbs in long rotation. milk production isn't really the kind of thing (unlike, say, early labor) which can be over or ruined in one day, yk? at any rate, i can say that i personally have not experienced any negative effects on breastfeeding from bpal (18 months for ds and currently at 10m for dd), tho of course ymmv.

  16. wow, this is crazy good! it really is an aquatic coconut...can't describe it any other way. i don't get much milk from this which is fine by me...mostly just coconut and aquatics. becomes more floral as it dries, but the coconut is still predominant. doesn't go sour or plastic (yay!).


    it's cool cause it's a sophisticated coconut scent! nothing one dimensional or childlike here, just pure lovely :P

  17. really beautiful lilac. if i didn't know better i'd never think there was dragon's blood in this. (my nose is not the most sophisticated :P ) very fresh and springy...it's not perfumey at all, just really like smelling fresh lilacs! gorgeous! (thank you, lab, for a frimp i never would have chosen, but still love!)

  18. yep! cake cake cake cake cake with a slug of vanilla and some fruitiness- i get more of a dried current or current jam scent from this, as opposed to a tangy-er fresh currant scent. it's a really nice foody perfume and the vanilla doesn't go all dusty on me! :P
