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Switch Witch 2018




what music do you find hard to find but would love a CD of?
I am seriously in need of a physical copy Hannibal Season 1 Volume 2 Soundtrack! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LVZK5N0/?coliid=I1SB6J7DI3Y63Z&colid=3E6QYYZVC8N0P&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_itI have all the rest of the soundtrack and this is the only one I am missing.

By the way......are any of you Switch Witches interested in items from this store?
Ha! I like the "Ride with Pride" and the unicorn "I hate people" one


Quick question! if you were my Witchee, would you like a crocheted doll related to one of your interests? Something like this little guy here.
YEEES. I am a a total nerd and would love one of like, Hannibal Lecter or Will Graham.

Dear Witchee, assuming you are at least a little witchy, and you're into crystals/rocks - that's kinda my forte. Would you want me to put a collection of rocks/gems together for you? And if so, is there anything you'd want me to focus on? (health, peace, protection, creativity, love, etc...)
OH YEAH. I love interesting rocks, fossils, crystals. Something for anxiety?


Oh yes! I love to dress up for these as well. I usually get perfume oils and viking-ish accessories. I have a collection of witchy silver pendants, love those.

Board games:
Oh yes please! 2 players much preferred (I play mostly with my husband). I like deck-building games. Oh! My husband is really into the game of thrones living card game (second edition) and I'm probably eventually gonna get into it. An expansion or chapter pack would be cool? We have the base set, World Championship 2016 and 2017, Guarding the Realm and the Fall of Astapor

That'll be cool! I am a beginner cook, so a recipe that comes with it will be AWESOME, ha!

Anything from David's Tea(esp the new Halloween) that catches your eye?
Witch's Brew, Cookie Dough, White Chocolate Chai... please nothing with chamomile, though!

1. Would you like a postcard from the fancy schmantsy St Pancras Renaissance hotel that I'm about to stay in several times over the next month? (Witches, I'll happily send one to your witchee if they would like it)
I loooove postcards!

2. Does anything catch your eye from Future Primitive, including oos things? (I may have stocked up)
The Gloaming and Potages Cauldron

Booze, yea or nay? Favorite kinds?
Oh YAY! Dark beers and rums.

Knitted stuff? Need/want anything specific? Colors?
I would love anything, but it never truly gets cold in Southern California so no hats or mittens, please. Maybe a bag?

Let's get specific about this knitting thing! Do any of these items/styles appeal? I've numbered these so you can just reference numbers if you like!

Chew toys, anyone?

Feelings re: Lewis Carroll/Alice in Wonderland? Love it, hate it, meh it?

Are you thinking of participating in NaNoWriMo this year? Any merch or pre-Nano supplies you might want?
Ha! I always think about it, but why not? I could use something for the library in any case

I just recently discovered MoonMagic -jewelry with a focus on moonstones but also opals and labradorite. They currently have a sale. Anything that stands out to you? (moonmagic.com)
Ohh! That stuff is pretty, and moonstones opals and labradorite are my favorite. I like the moon styles and labradorite.

Are you interested in anything from Nerdlacquer (nerdlacquer.com)
OH HELL YEAH! Ice-nine, That’s Numberwang, Crowley or anything X-files, Game of Thrones or

Do you like quirky socks? Any preferred styles (ankle, thigh-high..)?
Yes I do! Ankle please

Are you witchy or like witchy things like incense, sage, palo santo, crystals, tarot, altar supplies, candles, etc.? Whatcha like/need?
I am witchy! No incense though, but I love tarot, candles and crystals.

Can you link to your non forum wishlists/goodreads if you haven't already done so?
I think all of them are in my signature?

If you're a yarn user, what kinds of yarn do you like best?
No, unfortunately

Spooky stuff! D'ya like... ghosts? Skeletons? Aliens? Bigfoot? Unsolved mysteries?
Taxidermy, antlers, body parts, vampires

Is there anything from the Lush christmas line that was just released that you're interested in?
LOOOVE Lush, ha! I really like (love) their solid scrub stuff. I also like their dusting powders. I like bath bombs but I have SOO MANNY now, and do not like their lotions.

Is there any scents from the more current releases you have been wanting to try (Weenies, Motherhood/Fatherhood)?
Something creamy? Green and woody

How do you feel about buttons, pins, and badges?
LOVE EM! I have a ridiculous collection and want more. I've got a few wished for in my etsy

If your witch was able to obtain digital media that you could not access (TV, movies, books, etc.), is there anything you have been in search of for quite a while? If yes, what devices do you use to play such (i.e. Windows, Mac, etc.)?
Window, and I do have a kindle. Anything with my obsession I would LOVE: Mads Mikkelsen, Hugh Dancy, Dan Stevens

Do you need decanting supplies? Sample vials? Pipettes? Standard labels?

Is there anything you want from Japan? Some kind of food, cute stationary, fandom merch, maybe you collect lucky cats, anything!
Gudetama, or if you see anything Hannibal fandom esp. doujinshi I would LOVE that

Practical Magic or Hocus Pocus?
Ah! I'm gonna do what others have and say The Craft, actually. Or actually... The VVItch!!!

Does anything from either of these shops interest you?
The Stitchety Witch (https://www.etsy.com...estitchetywitch) cross stitch creations and patterns
Black Abbey Studios ( http://www.blackabbeystudios.com)art w/ a gothic tendency
Addams Family patterns, and King Puck

Is there something (either a specific item, or type of item, like bath/body, perfume, candy etc) you're really looking forward to or hoping to get?
Hmmm... not really! I would love anything honestly

What's something you want or look at, but always talk yourself out of buying (or for whatever reason never purchase)?
Ha! I wish I could talk myself out of buying things... but I suppose anything on my amazon wishlist or etsy favorites would count!

On a slightly related note, does anyone have a favorite source for vintage or handmade jewelry? Witchy/fae stuff especially! For me as well as potentially my witchee. ;P
Huh, I don't think I do! Honestly my jewelry wearing is very minimal

NEW QUESTION! What are your DISO BPAL dreams?
Ah, Manila or Araw Ng Mga Patay. I am also collecting the American Gods and the Soundtrack OLLA (Diamond Star and Funnel of Love) scents. My spreadsheet: bottles https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jqEvOVWSCWiQk9EHIsD8NNJhQ5YmQVOcZ7Z7DkZkTpc/edit?usp=sharing

Are there any subscription/subscription style boxes you have an interest in?
I love sub boxes! I am currently interested in the indie perfume or makeup ones, or the goth or witchy ones. Sihaya and Poisoner's Guild in particular

Is there any scents from the more current releases you have been wanting to try (Weenies, Motherhood/Fatherhood)?
Not really, actually! I prefer the yules generally

For those of us Switch Witches who ARE witches...….if you have a BoS would you like a page for it from your witch?
Yes, I would!

What house were you sorted into?
Slytherin. Or Ravenclaw. Slytherin aesthetically, but really a ravenclaw


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