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Mixing an old LE with a GC

Well, I had this bottle of Candy Phoenix (the 2010 one). No one was really interested in swapping. So, I mixed it with my 1/3 bottle of persephone. I figured 2 sweet based perfumes would work mixed together. Also, TBH, I think the Candy Phoenix had been faded over time. I did the mixing oh, a month ago? I figured I should let it sit a while for the oils to get used to each other. So, now I'm opening & seeing what this smells like.

In the bottle: Holy hard candy, batman!! Red sugared candy overpowers everything. Not grooving on this so far.

Wet: Still red candy, with a faint whiff of PEZ candy?? (side note: anyone else wonder why they named a candy 'fish' when they were little?) There's rose coming out now, thank goodness.

Dry: Oh, this is *much* nicer. The rose beats back the sugar note (it's there, but background). Now I can smell fruit. Definite pomegranate, but also pear and, this is looney, but a little meyers lime? Like a lime without the bite. There's an incense note to it, like Candy Phoenix gets on me, but it stays in the back. Rose eventually becomes dominant over a background of fruit and the other notes only peek out sometimes. Oh, a bubblegum note pops out sometimes after about 1/2 hour.

How did I do? Well, I think this is <I>almost</i> a success. Somehow, combining the two makes it feel more grown-up than the originals alone. But, it's still solidly stuck at age 15/16. I kind of want to add something a touch more grounding in as well. But, I don't know if that would throw it due to the peeking in/out of bubblegum. The mix is really nice, but a touch incomplete in my head. I'll think on it and maybe figure it out. If not, it's nice enough on it's own for when I'm in the mood for something light and happy and silly.


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