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2017 13 Nights of Halloween Notes and Queries



Updated as of 9/12 am:

Are you ok with homemade food?
Absolutely all the food (within the very broad limits of my questionnaire). I'll note that while I am intolerant of dill in most things, I do love me some pickles.

If you are ok with decorations, do you have a preference for table-top, wall hanging, or window decorations?
Tabletop or window. I don't really have wall space.

How do you feel about stationary and/or papercrafting supplies?
Not so much? I have a lot of random stationary bits and am honestly not even sure what papercrafting supplies consist of.

How do you feel about kitschy/silly Halloween jewelry?
Oh good gracious yes. ALL of the Halloween jewelry. Except zombies. Not really into zombies.

Would you like a Halloween wreath?
Absolutely, those are gorgeous.

What rares are you dying to try???
Most of my super-rare desires are also super old and in my wishlist, which I promise to make a concerted effort to update ASAP.

Do you like comic books and/or graphic novels?
I do! Most of what I have is in my goodreads, with the exception of a few things I've gotten recently. Another thing I should update. I would be particularly interested in picking up where I left off with Fables (I've read through Vol 13), or getting more LumberJanes (I've read the first vol). Oh and all of Bitch Planet.

Would you like to receive anything related to:

Maybe if it's really super cool. My Disney fandoms tend to be ancillary - Nightmare Before Christmas, Star Wars, Muppets, some Marvel.

If so, any favorite characters?
Most anything related to the above, especially female characters and Droids for SW, Kermit for Muppets. In terms of Disney generally, the Angelina Joile Malificent, I guess. My daughter would love anything Moana.

And to be more specific about Disney: How do you feel about Beauty and the beast?
Belle was my favorite until I got old enough to look critically at the story. I have a vague interest in seeing the new one, but not burning.

And what about Harry Potter related items?
RAVENCLAW FOREVER. I mean, yes. Absolutely. If I had to pick one fandom to end all fandoms, HP is mine.

Pokemon? Any favorites?
My fave are the bats - I haven't opened Go in ages though and cannot remember their names. My daughter would love HootHoot or Snivy stuff.

Is there any thing, category, or brand from which you would absolutely NOT like to receive things (ie., you're overrun with candy corn, you don't do scents outside of BPAL, or if you ever see another Stephen King item, it will be too soon)?
I absolutely do not do perfume oil outside of BPAL. I can find uses for candy corn, so long as I open it early enough in the swap (one of the things I make for my kid's school Harvest Fest bake sale are bags of popcorn with candy corn mixed in. Easy, cheap and they go like hot cakes. Although the janitors probably loathe me.) In general, I really do not need any more candles or other home scenty things.

What kinds of art/art medium do you most enjoy, or would you most like to receive, in the context of this swap?
I would definitely be up for Halloweenie spooky things. And I always appreciate any sort of yarncraft because I just cannot get the hang of it.

Bath & Body Works - love them or hate them? If the former, fave product types?
I do like BBW shower gels and lotions, mostly, and their foaming hand soap. I probably have more of the first two than I could ever use and just placed an order, though.

I'm in Japan, is there anything specific from here you would be interested in?
Not anything specific, but I do love the variety of kit kat and other chocolate flavors you have available.

Is there anything from The Netherlands/Europe that you're interested in?
I love your licorice! And stropwaffles (which I probably just butchered), and of course, chocolate. <3

how would you feel about receiving a hand-painted container for your bpal and/or other treasures? if you are on board with that, would you want a big wood box (~50 bottles), a small wood box (~20 bottles) or a tin for carrying imps around?
I have a large cabinet that I keep things in and a few boxes as well, so I'm probably all set.

if you were to receive something hand knit, what type of item would you like? hat, cowl, handwarmers, etc. and what color(s)?
Handwarmers or a scarf would probably get the most use, but I'd love just about anything. For outerwear, neutrals like black or gray would probably be best. Handwarmers could be jewel tones of about any stripe, but I already have a couple of purple pair, so probably not that.

Nail wraps - yay or nay? Would including a small manicure set to go with them help?
I would be all over a manicure set. The one I carry in my purse has seen better days. I would be interested in Halloweenie nail wraps as long as I opened them early enough for our party on the 28th. ;)

Do you want wax melts?
No thank you. (Also, in case I didn't make it abundantly clear, ABSOLUTELY NO incense.)


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