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Switch Witch 2016, already!



Okay, first of all in my original questionnaire I said I'd have to come back to the question about an under-$10 thing and an over-$10 thing that I'd like. So, for under-$10, I like these earrings. For over-$10, I like this shirt in a size L yellow v-neck. (I'll update here again if I think of something that's more general for either category.)

So, you wanted some links to wishlists, right? Well, my BPAL one is linked in my signature, right near the link to this blog, so you probably already found that one. :lol:

Other than that, I have an amazon one for books and one for non-books, but the non-books one has a lot of random junk on it right now (I briefly decided I liked phone charms again and went a little crazy, for example, plus I'm good on moleskines right now, etc.), so I'll only put that link here if I have time to clean it up some.

Like I said earlier, I don't really need any stuff from SockDreams even though I think it's a very cool business, so no wishlist from there.

I've got a ModCloth wishlist but their stuff is mostly kind of expensive and sells out fairly fast. I can try to link to it here anyway though in case it helps... can't guarantee it will work for you because I basically had to email it to myself so I'm not totally sure that what I received in email was a direct link, sigh....

Plus, to make things even more difficult, I have a huge etsy wishlist but it's not public. So maybe I'll just link to a few things I like there that aren't all that expensive (I'll try to keep it to under $30, at least):
macaron pin
bee necklace
lavender sunshine soap
acorn earrings
chevron deco earrings
colorful clock
#1 earrings here, silver is fine
apple earrings
rosewater lemonade soap
indigo ring

Actual in-thread questions start here:

The BPAL ones I haven't ordered decants of but would be interested in testing (so yeah, half-decants or so would be ideal I guess) are:

  • A Little More Tea
  • Heavenly Spark
  • O the Joy of My Spirit
  • The Library of John Dee

Oh, and I haven't gotten any BPTP Liliths. I'm super-interested in Tag-Upon-Avon.

How do you feel about knitted stuff? Fancy? Plain? What types of things do you like to wear?
Well, I like knitted stuff, but I'm in balmy South Central Texas. For example, I have several scarves (including a full-length 4th doctor scarf that I share with my husband) because I love scarves, but I didn't wear a single one last year because it never got cold enough. Same for the lovely new pair of fingerless gloves I got in a swap last year. So knitted wearables are out, sadly. I guess I might not mind something like a coffee cup/travel cup cozy, I know knitted versions of those exist. If I think of something else, I'll update this answer in my blog.

I'm into beer. How 'bout you? Styles? And booze?
I addressed this in my original questionnaire. I'd be happy to give more info if needed, though.

How do you feel about caramel? Salt or no? With chocolate or without?
Whatever's fine as long as it isn't the kind that breaks your teeth.

Hibiscus seeds?
Nope, not into growing things.

Off-color needlepoint?
Possibly if it's not misogynistic or glorifying drinking to excess (yep, boring person here!).

Would you be interested in home made food items?

- garlic dill pickles YES
- blackberry jam YES
- dried honey crisp apples YES
- applesauce (with or without red hots) NO THANKS
- elderberry syrup (with honey and apple cider vinegar - great for immune boosting) PERHAPS IF YOU TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD DO WITH IT
- honey from our bees ABSOLUTELY
- rose petal liquor (made with our own rose petals and everclear but diluted down a bit so it doesn't knock you over) DEFINITELY
- baked goods of your choice, what do you like or dislike? YES MOSTLY, NO MARSHMALLOWS THOUGH.

Would you be interested in project bags/pouches?
sounds pretty nice

And to go along with the previous knitting question...
Are you allergic to any fiber or do you know what kind of yarn you prefer?
nope but again, I don't really have much use for knitted items. :(

Would you want a quilted pot holder? (for me no because i make them)

Do you have any prefered flavour of shortbread?
Lavender or tea-flavored (or both) could be nice. But of course vanilla is great too.

Is there anything you'd particularly like to get from the UK?
I'm sure there is, but the only thing I can think of right now is Crunchie. Probably I will think of other stuff and update this in my blog.

This is addressed in my original questionnaire, but nope, no sox for me. I love them, but don't actually wear them more than 10x per year, which means that the overflowing drawer I currently have represents a lifetime's worth of socks. :(

I just saw that Zoya is having their trade in sale. Anyone a nail polish fan? What colored interest you?
Neato. I'm pretty sure I mentioned being into nail polish in my original questionnaire. Regarding Zoya in specific, I already have quite a bit, so it'd probably be best for me to list the ones I already have. Will do that in my blog.
*EDIT* Here are Zoyas I have... this might not be totally exhaustive, there could be some hiding somewhere else.

  • FeiFei
  • Sooki
  • Ivanka
  • Dove
  • Casey
  • Leslie
  • Petra
  • Dream
  • Edyta
  • Valerie
  • Raven
  • Ling
  • Trixie
  • Cynthia
  • Manon
  • Charla
  • Kennedy
  • Purity
  • Norra

Thingz from Japan?
I've probably covered this elsewhere, but I love Japanese stationery. Stickers are also welcome. US folks may want to check out Kawaii Gifts for ordering stuff like that, just saying! I also love green tea flavored chocolate (green tea kitkats, etc.), and I remember liking MeltyKiss stuff, including some of their odd flavors.

Re-used mailing materials are fine.

Harry Potter is something I used to be very interested in (back when the original books were coming out, I used to go to the midnight release parties and all of that), but I'm not really interested in the new movie or Cursed Child or whatever. I always wanted to be a Ravenclaw but had finally come to terms with the fact that I am really a Hufflepuff, when the new Pottermore Sorting Hat quiz (which I took just for fun as someone put it up on facebook) I think put me in Slytherin? Or was it Gryffindor? Either way it was something preposterous that I'd never been sorted into before by any other quiz. Anyway, I should stop rambling and get to the point: I don't actually have the books anymore (my house has burned down twice since the series finished)! So if you have a spare set gathering dust, I'll take them....

Speaking of snarky, who's a fan of The Mincing Mockingbird?
He seems fine, I think I used to have a couple of magnets from his friend the meerkat.

Do you decorate for Halloween all year? If not, what level of decor do you have for Halloween?
Outside I have a sparkly orange and black "Welcome" sign (decorated with skulls and pumpkins) hanging on the door. I also have a couple of rubber bats that I'll hang up on either side of the door pretty soon, and I'll also buy a fancy pumpkin this weekend to put out. I'm not sure if I have Halloween decorations inside (I don't really discriminate), but I wouldn't mind having some, I guess.

Indoor/outdoor Halloween decorations? What do you do, and what would you prefer to receive?
I think I answered this above. :)

What's your preferred Halloween decor style: classic/traditional (skulls, pumpkins, bats), kitchsy/cute, retro, elegant/Victorian, horror/macabre?
Any of that stuff would be fine except for horror/macabre.

What's your candy preference?
Pretty sure I answered this is my original questionnaire (plus we've already had another question about candy), but I guess I could try to go into more detail if needed... let me know!

Candles or wax melts/wax tarts?
Candles, not wax melts/tarts! If we're talking candle scents, I like most of them, just not ones that are super-fruity or super-seaside-y or very "holiday spice." Hope that helps!

[Okay, here's where I start trying to catch up. I'm going through the list and answering the stuff that strikes my fancy. But if I've already detailed preferences for something (bath/shower stuff would be an example), or it's already on my wishlist (BPTP products would be an example), I may not answer the question, even if it is about a category of items I'm interested in. Hope that makes sense!]

Essential oils and aromatherapy oils- yay, or nay?
Possibly? If you're knowledgeable about this and there's something you think I'd benefit from, sure! But I'd need to know how to use it and what it was intended for.

Skincare- do you use a particular routine? What products would you absolutely not use?
I did already mention my skincare regimen, but wanted to be sure to say that I can always use more Tea Tree Water toner from Lush. I usually buy their smaller size spray-bottle because the pump on the larger one seems to give out way before I finish the bottle, so that means I run out fairly quickly. As for what skincare products I absolutely wouldn't use, who knows (though I'm pretty happy with my current routine so other stuff might just languish)? I don't currently use anti-aging stuff or undereye cream, but that's about all I can think of.

If you could receive one handmade item - everything from knitted or crocheted gloves and scarves to sewn bags to fanart or original art, what would you prefer?
Out of that list, I guess it'd be "sewn bags," even though I dunno what that'd be like really. But if homemade edible goodies count, I might say those instead.

What are your tea and/or coffee preferences? Loose leaf / whole bean or bagged / ground? Do you have a favorite type? Flavor? Retailer?
I talked a lot about tea flavors in my original questionnaire, I know because I just checked. I am too lazy to use loose tea most of the time though, I need it in bags. I really like Capital Teas. As for coffee, I didn't really talk about that. My husband is the main coffee drinker in the house... he drinks a few cups a day, and I drink that many in a week. We have a coffee grinder so whole bean is fine. We actually prefer light/medium roasts since those have more caffeine than dark ones. The only flavored coffees we really like are coconut and cinnamon.

If striping, what two (or more) colors together?
This was one of the only questions about knitted things that I thought would maybe make sense to answer. For some reason I immediately pictured teal and grey stripes (both dark versions of the colors), so I guess I'll go with that.

would you like notebooks or journals? Utilitarian or fancy? Lined or blank? Tell me of your stationery lustings.
This question is funny because only the very end really pertains. I don't really need notebooks or journals because I only use them at work and the moleskine I got for work last year is still going strong, plus (because my husband got me a Tolkien-themed one for Christmas) I have another one waiting for me when I finish this one (which will probably take years at this rate). Actual letter-writing stationery though, yep, I'm interested. I like letter sets more than I like card/envelope sets, but I might consider the latter anyhow. I already linked to this website, but I'll go ahead and specifically link to their letter set section in case that helps.

Would you like any brown paper bags of "seconds" from Seattle Chocolates?
Yes, please!

[Also wanted to let you know that I edited my answer to the Zoya question above.]

Elements & Artifacts has a fall/halloween collection up? Anything catch your eye?
These earrings look kinda nice. And I love this necklace.

And speaking of shops from BPAL folks, any favorites in the stores on the SW Stalking and Services Spreadsheet?
Well, I've wanted an astrology birth chart from Greenwoodtree for ages and ages. I do know all the specifics of my birth because I have my long-form birth certificate, so if you need that info, just ask! Other than that, I think I've already mentioned some stuff about baked goods and green tea kitkats. ;)

The second part of the Haus of Gloi update is live tomorrow (the 25th)- is there anything you're interested in?
Maybe some Pumpkin butter? Scents that sound nice are Ghost Puffs and Spider Silk.
So when I answered the Haus of Gloi question earlier, they only had Part I of their fall update up. Now Part II is up as well. Looks like quite a bit of stuff is already sold out, but I thought I'd take a look anyway to see if there was anything else I was interested in (I'm not sure if they re-stock stuff that sells out or not, but oh well).
Anyhow, the Burnished Amber, Pumpkin, and Sleepytime butterbombs sounded nice. So do the Hazelnut Latte and Maple Sugar lip balms. Finally, I'm interested in Blood Orange Marshmallow whipped soap.

​I'm going to the NY Renaissance Faire tomorrow- anything you'd like me to look for?
Well, when I go to faires myself, I always end up buying earrings and/or soap, so I guess those would be good starting points. Stick incense is another thought.

Would you be interested in any of the following: jigsaw puzzles; puzzle books (like word searches or crossword puzzles or suduko); coloring books; card games; board games? Feel free to elaborate on preferences for any of the above!
Some of these are maybes:

  • Jigsaw puzzles, perhaps but they'd have to be under 1000 pieces... we usually just do 500-piece ones (wimps, I know!) but have discussed trying a 750-piece one or whatever the next level up is. And usually we like the ones where the picture is a photo (like nature scenes or hot air balloons or Venice canals, etc.) and not a painting or whatever.
  • Puzzle books... we have a crossword one right now, wouldn't mind another.
  • Board games... Perquackey or Trivial Pursuit (we have the Genus edition, wouldn't mind getting the Master edition again, or the RPM [Music] expansion pack). Used is fine for these, just to be clear.

Anything from http://www.beefolks.com/default.aspsuit your fancy in particular (honey or otherwise since they have other products?)
Much of their stuff looks very nice, I do love honey. Maybe I should just list the things I wouldn't use. So... no bath salts, scrubs, beeswax blocks, or kids' books.

Cryptozoology/cryptids (Big Foot, lake monsters, chupacabra, etc.) - yay or nay? If yay, any favourites?
Mothman, duh! :P (my husband is from West Virginia)
Anyway, you could totally get me this shirt in a size XL :smilenod:

I'm with voodoocatwoman about packaging:

If it is food, as long as you put it in zip locks or whatever, I'm good. For non-food items, who cares if it has packaging or not.

As for Weenies, I will be getting decants of the 7 I'm interested in (or one blind bottle and 6 decants, haven't decided). If there turns out to be no room left for one of them in a decant circle but I'd still like to try it, I'll let you know. I am also the tiniest bit curious about Cheesecloth Ghosts, but could get by with just a testable sniffie or something because I doubt it's actually my thing.

Sure, I wouldn't mind some milk pocky.

As for BPTP Weenies, I have signed up for a ridiculous amount of decants, so I'm good there.

As for NYCC, I'm not sure. I'm still kinda interested in the BPTP Lilith perfume Tag-Upon-Avon, but I have no idea if it will really be my thing. I'd certainly take a chance on a bottle if that's what made the most sense, though. :smilenod: The only GC I can think of that I could really use is Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo... I'm not exactly low on it per se (I think my current bottle is 2/3 to 3/4 full), but I wear it in my hair every workday, so I go through quite a bit of it regardless. The only other thing I can think of is claw polishes... the problem is that the glittery BPTP ones don't really work on me for whatever reason... most people report amazing staying power with them, but mine chip off within the same day. :( So I can only have solid-colored ones. I already own Hail Satin, as well as Insatiable and Fear (I... think it's Fear and not Lullaby... not at home to check :blush: ) from the Crimson Peak line. I know I'm way interested in Belladonna, but as long as it's not glittery, you can surprise me!

Would you be interested in anything from the market? http://www.fairwoodfarmersmarket.org
Well, some of the cool stuff doesn't seem especially ship-able. But the raspberry wit from Big Barn Brewing sounds nice, and so do the home-made chips from Mama Torrez and the Inland Empire cider from Twilight Cider Works. And of course I've already said that I like spices/jams/jellies/coffee/soaps.


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