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13 Days of Halloween 2015



New Sock Dreams wishlist (I only just learned they had this function and I do love window shopping...): http://www.sockdreams.com/_users/wishlists/6167acd8de66b7b


Chaos Theory: Bottles/imps more than once (or ANY repeated items for that matter!) are with me. In fact, I think a little varied repetition can be fun. (Really, someone could just send me 13 different candy bars and I'd be perfectly content!)

Sizes: I think I listed sizes, but in case not... Women's cut Ts in a medium, tights in s/m or a/b or one size or whatever, and socks in the size that fits a size 7 shoe (which is the bog standard size).

Forearms size: My forearms are skinny. I think my wrist has about a 6 inch circumference. I had to have the jeweler take like 4 links out of my watch...

Foreign items: Yes please to candy, cookies/biscuits, food, drinks, whatever (odd stuff is fun too!). I'm also kind of a fan of cozy British romance novels and mysteries.

Yarn: I like wool, cotton... really everything. The thing I dislike is the yarn that pills the minute you wear it, but I am so craft challenged I don't even know what that is. I adore cowls, fingerless gloves, scarves (straight or infinity), cute little hats, and shawls. I don't wear those head/ear bands because they slide right off my head (my hair is super slippery!)

Homemade baked goods/candy: Love. Not dietary restrictions.

Pens: My daily pens are Pilot Precise V5 Rolling Ball Extra Fine (the kind with the little window in the size that shows the ink). I can always use more as my husband is a pen thief. I use blue and red, and would love to also have green and purple. Not so much black.


My question: If you are a tea lover, are there any companies or vendors that you would particularly like to try (etsy, teavana, republic, stash, adagio, etc)?

I'm intrigued by a lot of the fandom blends on adagio (like the Magic Potions, Women of Comics, Sherlock, Game of Thrones, the female classic authors series, the Buffy series that contains Love's Bitch, etc) as well as the Harry Potter blends from easy vendor Worts and Cunning (which sadly, now seem to be unavailable). I am also a big, big fan of the Kusmi teas. I'd love to try tea by Dammann Freres (which I just heard is the brand served for High Tea at Bergdorf Goodman). But really, I'm always happy to try almost anything!!! (And I will add that single/a few bags of things are FINE for tea trying, especially for a days long swap. I know whole boxes can be expensive, so if it's something you have, feel free to just grab me a sample!)


Dearest swappee, have you seen the launch of this year's Yankee Candle Boney Bunch line as well as other Halloween items from there? Are there any you'd particularly like to get? The adorbs tart warmer? The taper candle holder, perhaps?

Yankee Candle is a mystery to me, simply because I can't actually walk into the store. Too many scents in too small a space makes my sinuses go insane. However, this does not mean I don't like candles and tarts. I do! I just rarely shop for them in person in a store devoted just to them. Because this question came up, I actually went to the website to browse. The Boney Bunch decorations are not my cub of tea (see my questionnaire comments about not dusting), but the simpler votive holders (skeletons, witches, the crow and pumpkin silhouettes) are awesome as is the Steam Pumpkin Gears jar candle holder. Of the fragrances, Happy Halloween sounds good, and I know from past experience that I like: Balsam & Cedar, Harvest, Pumpkin Ginger Bark, Sage & Citrus, and Treehouse Memories.


I'm also a big fan of Archipelago Botanicals candles (which I tend to be able to find at huge markdowns at TJ Maxx), especially Havana, Milano, Stonehenge and Babylon, and I've been keeping my eyes peeled for anything and everything from the Wood collection on sale!


I don't remember if I have a candles/tarts section on my etsy wish lists, but if I don't, I should. I need to do an overhaul there at some point in the near future. I'll update here if I find the time...


In general, I tend to like candles and tarts that are either wood/resinous (but not patchouli), lemon/herbal, or spicy. I do NOT like musk or patchouli in candles, am not a fan of fruits, or florals, and sweet scents need to be ground with spice or resin. Thank clean, masculine, deep and subtle rather than rich, sweet, or lush.


What are your favorite tv shows, movies, topics of geekery, famous persons, specific objects (like tarot or harpsichords), memes, cultures etc. that you would like to receive items themed around?

Wow! That is a seriously broad question which I will do my best to answer.


TV Shows/Movies: I still love Harry Potter and happily welcome Slytherin (my Pottermore house) and Ravenclaw (my Sorting Elite house) items. I love a lot of other media, but I don't think any of them would lend themselves well to items I would use, although subtle Wonder Woman items are great. My wish lists tend to gravitate more toward literary themed items like Poe, Shakespeare, children's books, etc. I like library and book themed items, as well as microbrewery stuffs (t-shirts, stickers, etc), and I have seen very few fox and tree adorned items I didn't like.


I don't think there are any particular cultures I am interested in, except to say that I am a fan of learning how to cook from MANY cultures, and international food tends to fascinate and inspire me.


If you've said you like coffee: Do you prefer whole beans or ground? Do you like flavored coffees? If you've said you like coffee: Do you prefer whole beans or ground? Do you like flavored coffees?

I very, very rarely drink coffee any more as my stomach hates the acid. When I do, it's pour-over whole bean, not to be a snob, but just because it is less likely to make me ill.


Is there an item that you would like but you never seem to buy for yourself as other things often take preference (darn those bills)?

Not in particular. I've been on and off no-buys for a while, so my perfume oil, bath and body, jewelry, and tights addictions have been very meagerly fed.


If you listed you like books: what kind of books? What are your favorites? Do you also like the "English classics"? Are there any books or writers that you really don't like?

I am what might be described as a discriminating dabbler. That is, I read authors and books from a very wide variety of styles and genres, but I have a limited tolerance for bad writing, trite or formulaic plots, and bad characterizations. Of course, some things I love other people think fall smack into those problems so... The best thing to do is probably to look at the "What I am Reading Now" thread for my various posts (which give opinions on things I have read) and my (huge, crazy) amazon wishlist, which contains the stuff that at some point I saw in a blog and thought "Hey, I might like that" or is by authors I know I like.


What are your favorite musicians, favorite singers or bands? Anything or anyone you really don't like?


I'm not sure I have favorites. I listen widely and like a lot, although most of what I discover "new" tends to be at least a few years old because I am just not that hip. Lately, I've been seeding a Pandora Station with the Alabama 3 and that has led me to The Heavy which I really love. My other most listened to Pandora stations start with the B-52s (lots of fun 80s), Talking Heads, and David Byrne. I listen to a lot of alt-country, and I think if I can seed my personal station around a theme rather than a band it might be something like "Subversive gospel with ska, blues, punk, rock and electronica influences."


Do you like Japanese/Korean snackies? If so do you prefer sweet/savory or both?

I have no idea? There are none out there that are tried and true favorites, and I'm not sure I've ever tried any Korean ones... I can say that I am a fan of Japanese Kit-Kats, but not so much of pocky (OK, not earth shattering) and seaweed crisps (pretty gross). I like both savory and sweet, although my sweet tastes tend to be more on the chocolate end than the fruity/gummy spectrum.


Do you prefer light lotions or thick butters and do you like scented or unscented?

Both textures (thick is for hands, elbows and knees, light is for everywhere else) and I like both scented and unscented, although I prefer light scents to strong/wafting ones. Basically, I don't want anyone not physically hugging me to smell me. (This is also how I feel about my perfume and is why I am not, to date, a fan of hair glosses.)


Do you like small crossbody bags?

I am really, really absurdly particular about bags, but yes I do like small cross body ones. They have to be big enough to hold my kindle, keys, wallet and phone, but not much bigger. And if there are separate pockets for each of those things, I am in love.


Do you collect anything? Not on purpose. I can't help it that scarves, jewelry, tights, books, and bpal follow me home!

What are some of your favorite things about fall/Halloween, or what do you look forward to? I most look forward to cooler weather that allows me to start wearing tights and wool turtleneck sweaters again. Also the changing leaves, more days off with my husband after summer's rush, apples right off the tree, and not needing to run the AC (my bills go down!) But autumn is bittersweet for me. It's my favorite season weather-wise, but I'm all too well aware about what comes next, and winter can be hard for me physically (Raynaud's), financially (ancient house = crazy heating bills), and emotionally (something about the dark, cold nights makes me miss my husband more than usual).

do you bake or cook & if so (or even if not!) would you want Halloween-themed kitchen stuff or sprinkles or similar? I love too cook and bake. Any kitchen stuff of any these, is always welcome.


Horror themes? I am OK with almost all horror tropes. However, I do not love gratuitous violence. I mean, if it's integral to the plot, sure, but I don't like torture porn or dwelling on those bits and I want stories where good triumphs in the end.


For bath and body products: do you have a bathtub or shower? Both! And I do use both.


Do you own a wax/oil burner? (If no, would you like one?) I have one, but it is missing. A replacement would be swell.


Would you like loose, fancy tea? Yes!


Incense, y/n? Yes, but I am picky. I mainly burn Fred Soll natural resin incense. The only ones of his that I do NOT like are Ceremonial Rain, Egyptian Musk, florals, hemp, fruit and the Patchouli blends. Everything else I love (but I am partial to the Pinon, Pine, and the cedar, sage, and sandalwood based blends).


What is your favorite fall activity? Being outdoors in gorgeous weather, drinking a beer, and playing with my niece and nephew.


I'm in Japan, anything specifically Japanese-y you want? Japanese Kit-Kats are the best.


Please briefly describe (color, style, preferred type of beads) or provide a picture of (if it is suitable), the type of necklace (if any) you would be interested in getting. If you do not like necklaces, what kinds of jewelry (if any) would you want to wear?

I love necklaces and earrings. For things that are meant to be worn close to the throat (with open necked blouses, etc) I prefer a length of 16 inches. But I do appreciate some longer options (18-20 inches) which I can wear with turtlenecks and sweaters in the winter. My etsy has a wide variety of styles and beads/gems I like and you can get a great idea of my style there. (My etsy wishlist is MASSIVE because I love window shopping.)


What about hot chocolate/malt drinks? I like them, but am picky. I'm not a huge fan of powder unless they are really good. I love the kind of drinking chocolate that you melt in the milk.


How into the day themeing mentioned in the first post are you? All themed? A few maybe if they are fun? Not at all? I have no preference.


Speaking of DVDs - are you interested in receiving movies and if so, what sort? No DVDs unless you think I'd really love it. We're almost an all digital media family now.


Back to the books - if you said you would like books, would you prefer I send you, say, my favorite Halloween anthology or something else spooky/scary, or something off your wishlist/want-to-read on goodreads? Anything you love and think I would too (not already on my GoodReads list which means I have read it) is great, as is anything off my wishlist. Please note that "To read" on GoodReads means I already own it and it is in my stack. Amazon is the true wishlist.


Process question: Do you want to know who is sending to you right away, or would you prefer to be surprised on the last day, to the extent possible? Likewise, do you have a preference for specifically numbered packages or for reach in and grab according to your fancy? No preference.


Would you be interested in solid perfume? What about lip balm? Sure! I'm most interested in tinted balms/lipstick/stains at the moment as I'm trying to learn to wear them.


There was a lot of mention of not wearing costumes/not being allowed to at workplaces. Would you be interested in goth style or Halloween-themed(pumpkins, ghosts,etc.) normal clothes to wear instead, and what would be suitable? Jewelry or accessories are best.


Day of the dead/ Dia de los Muertos stuff? Sure!


Does anything from this shop catch your eye? I put a couple things on the wishlist, but much of it is too sweet/foody for me (or has musk which I tend to not love.)


Do you have aversions to any animals or insects? Nope.

How do you feel about canned foods like jams and things along those liNES? Love.


How do you feel about stickers (and stationery in general)? Ambivalent.


How do we feel about fibercrafting (knit, crochet, etc.)? wearables? crafted critters? If you would like a scarf or something similar, would you like it to be themed, like fall colors, or have a skull or other halloweenie motif/border?

I love all wearable. Fall colors that emphasize COLOR rather than brow/rust/goldenrod are great. Halloweenie motifs are fine, but so are plain or floral or whatever. I'm just in awe of people who can craft things with their own two hands.

What makes you feel pampered?

Quiet time with a good book (in my chair with tea or a drink or in the tub), delicious good, a great cup of tea, good beer/wine/scotch, having my hair blown out, dressing up, dabbing perfume on the inside of my elbows, putting on a pair of brand new tights, having someone cook for me, and brushing my hair.


We've covered what critters you don't like, but what about the critters that you DO like? What are your favorite animals/creatures, real or imagined?

My favorites are ravens/crows, foxes, and serpents.


Canadian stuff: Sure.

Paintbox Soapworks: I think there is a good bit of it on my etsy wishlist.

s there is any TAZO tea you have a hankering for? None in particular.

How about any Teavana tea? Any kind you think I would love.

How about Starbucks coffee beans? If so, ground (and for what kind of filter) or whole bean? How about Starbucks coffee via (italian, columbia, anniversary, vanilla latte?) or Iced coffee via (caramel or regular?) Fruit flavored via (berry hisbiscus, cool lime, strawberry lemonade?) Pumpkin Spice Latte ? Starbucks K-cups or Verismo pods?

No coffee please. I also don't use the syrups, and I think pods are the devil. But any tea or tisane is cool and I DO go to Starbucks for iced tea and scones sometimes while I shop (there is one in my grocery store).


Coffee/tea travel mugs or ceramic home mugs? Sure!

Coffee maker (french press) or tea steeper? I'm all set thanks, although another tea steeper is always nice to tuck into bags etc.


How would you feel about a gently-used card game? For example, something I may have purchased several years ago and maybe played with my daughter *twice* before she became a moody teenager, and too cool for card and/or board games? Sure!


Alcoholic beverages in your goodies-- yay or nay-- if yay, what kind? Sure! I'm kind of a beer snob, but I LOVE trying things I can't get here. I love IPAs, Belgian golden and tripel styles (and Belgian IPAs... But not so much dunkels), porters, and stouts. I don't love sweet fruit beers, but like the ones that are more tart. I do like sour beer, including barrel aged varieties. I also like wine -- the dryer the better -- and scotch. My husband is a bourbon drinker, but its too sweet for me.



Name at least one thing that you really wouldn't like to receive in your package. I can't think of anything that any of you would realistically send me. Candy corn?


Does anyone especially like or want anything from cost plus/world market?

I don't know what they have. Surprise me!

Does anyone need any small kitchen items or utensils? I always need measuring spoons. They run away like stray socks. Also little mise en place bowls and tupperware are always useful.

Dearest Pumpkin- do you have a preference of edible/drinkable vs. non edible items in your package? Would you prefer your package heavier on one side or the other? No preference.

And now, a new question: to sort of piggy-back onto the question about small kitchen items, do you like to bake or cook, and if yes, are there any special ingredients, spices, or decorations for baked goods (like sprinkles in seasonal shapes or those decorative picks you put on top of cupcakes, for instance) that you would like?

I love to cook and bake. Things like special salt varieties, spices, really nice oils, herbs etc are always useful. Sprinkles would give me an excuse to bake something for my nephew!

Hey, Pumpkin! How do you feel about lounge pants/pajama pants? Love.

Do you have long, medium, or short hair? What kids of hair accessories do you like to use?

Should length. I use those tiny rubber bands for braiding bits back off my face, and I could really use some small clips to section it off for drying in sections with a brush.

If I were going to the mountains tomorrow, for the apple harvest, would you wanted some dehydrated apple rings??? Sure.

If you have an Etsy favorites list, are all of the things on the list things you'd be happy to get, or are some of them gift ideas for other people, or stuff that you've already bought and loved but don't need more of, or for any reason not something you'd want to get in this swap?

It's all things I would be happy to receive.

Do you like Hello Kitty? Not really.


Would you be interested in gently used BPAL tees going back several years and/or 80s/90s goth-industrial-generally morbid tees all in crew neck/Men's style, size M - L, all black or dark gray? Sure. Although I will say that I don't really wear any of the lab shirts if they have things like the imps in stockings or pinup girls or anything that could be classified as even slightly risqué. Creepy birds, antlers, florals, bees, etc though, I'm all in. I generally prefer women's tees, but I am saving up shirts for a quilt, and am also not above cutting necks and arms to make them more flattering.

How do you feel about superheroes? I love them. In fact, my whole family wore Super Hero gear to my brother's wedding. Batman and Wonder Woman are house favorites, but I love many others too.

How do you feel about Star Wars, especially extension universe comics? I like Star Wars, have never read the comics, but would like to do so. And my husband would think it was the coolest swap ever.

How extensively have you sampled the Lab's Weenie wares? Any past releases you are dying to get your hands on? Years you missed? In years past I have sampled quite a lot. There's nothing I missed and long for (except that one long ago pumpkin with champaca). I tend to like Samhain, and loved Samhnainophobia to the point of hoarding before I went through a weird chemistry change and now amp patchouli in a dirty rather than delicious way. I'm sure I'll update my wishlist when they come out this year, and anything I missed and wanted should be there now.


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