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J's natal chart (jarvenpa June 2008)

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kakiphony's J was born November 15, 1972 at 8:59 in the morn in Sturgis MI (and we all deserve treats!)


J is a Scorpio with Sagittarius rising and Moon in Pisces.


His chart is strongly left sided, with a singleton Saturn in Gemini in the 7th house (singleton by virtue of being the only righthand planet in the chart). The Sun is in the 12th house, the moon in the 3rd house.


The Pisces Moon is at a vital point in the chart, focus of a t square; squaring Saturn and Mercury (and we'll babble more about that eventually).


Okay, this is so wrong, I think, but I look at this chart and the feeling I have is "oooh! This is fun!! yay!!!" Not, mind you, that the reading is fun--though these are for me--but I get this feeling of pure and kind of childish glee, and I can't really explain that. It's like "oh, goodie! this is fun, and I'm going to run away to the circus and feed circus ponies and eat candy cotton all day" That is, I must say, a very odd feeling to have about the chart of a guy I don't know. It would be odd about a guy I do know, for that matter. And it puzzles me (being egocentric I'm figuring--must be something in my chart being jogged by this chart? I mean--okay, I have a thing for Pisces, and there's a Pisces moon, but I tell you, the normal reaction of my soul to Pisces is not "yay, circus!! fun!!" Really strange. Well, there it is, I will try to read like a real grown up here.)


Sagittarius rising does give a very nice initial impression: something of a daredevil, yet intellectual, very fun, very much interested and interesting. J has his Mercury in Sagittarius right at the ascendant, so there is a feeling of "oh, wonderful, he is a story teller and a communicator, I could stay up all night chatting with this person"; there is a feeling of adventure (maybe that's part of what I'm picking up? but odd, I see lots of Sagittarius rising charts and I've never felt this).


(oh, okay--maybe it is that his Sun is at my Jupiter, or very close to that. But still not enough)


Mercury in Sagittarius is the seeker and questioner and communicator. Can be very blunt, asking the questions everyone else shuts up about, not satisfied with the easy answer, wants to know the truth and wants also the good story. Can like travel; doesn't want to be pinned down.


Someone with Mercury at the rising degree may come across as a wit, a very intelligent and fun person (given Sagittarius). Sag rising takes risks, sometimes takes risks no one else will (moms of Sagittarian rising children, like moms of Sunsign or moon sign Sagittarians, usually spend a lot of their time running, catching, and at the ER--the kid doesn't know much about "oh, that would be dangerous"; it is all about "yay, let me try this, and that, and this ..."). Wants to exceed the limits. Indeed, often Sagittarius doesn't know there are limits until someone clues him in "wait, I wasn't supposed to ask? I wasn't supposed to go there? Why not?"


Why not is a big thing for the Sagittarian Mercury; these people keep pressing, intellectually for sure, and often physically.


So he comes across as fun, and bright, and maybe not terribly tactful. (Mercury in Sagittarius tends to blurt things).


However the square from that very sensitive Pisces moon may mitigate a bit of the bluntness; so will the opposition from Saturn, which can trip one up. Usually half sentence, halfway through the bright question--realizes "wait, I...maybe I shouldn't ask this in public?"

There is the ability to structure thoughts and communication, the ability to take words fairly seriously.


He has Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) in the first house, but towards the end and in the sign of Capricorn. Jupiter in the first is supposed to make for a "big" person, but I believe it gives presence, whether of physique or of spirit. Jupiter in Capricorn excels at making something of the enthusiastic dreams and visions of the heart, of taking hopeful fancies and turning them into...something very real. This is the spins gold from straw position: can take very little and make it something amazing.


Capricorn is the sign on the house of what he most treasures, what is worthwhile for him, what matters, where he gains his self worth (and also the old time "house of money", 2nd house). His north node of the moon is here, which places the south in Cancer in the 8th house.

Someone with a Capricorn/Cancer node structure is dealing with questions of compassion and structure, of tenderness and discipline; someone with a 2/8 node structure is dealing with the questions of values that are received, teachings that have been handed on to him, possibly material wealth that has been granted through others--and his need to claim his own values, to make his own way in the world based on his experiences, while understanding where he came from, what he draws from.

The emotion and compassion of Cancer is very easy to him, he is a caring soul. He is reaching for the ability to gain distance (or discernment) and to stand on his own without surrendering the poetry of his heart.


So, the house of siblings, communication (very key to someone with Mercury at his ascendant) and those who feel as if they should be our kin somehow; our people--the 3rd house in J's chart has Aquarius as the cusp sign. And contains the beautiful Pisces moon.

An Aquarian 3rd house is not going to communicate in...expected ways, and not going to have boring siblings (of blood or of choice). Big interest in big ideas, in new ways, in the odd, the eccentric, and the shocking. Very open minded. When one's moon is in the 3rd house one feels kind of emotionally compelled to communicate. To tell the story, to tell one's story, to make contact with the world as if the world were indeed just full of your brothers and sisters.

The Pisces moon is one of the more romantic, poetic, sensitive, tender moonsigns one could have. These are souls washed with rainbows and moonlight. These are people who walk into a room and feel the vibes; who can pick up emotions from those around them, who do not like to be responsible for harm to others--even hurt feelings. They can be incredibly kind souls, beyond what other people think at all reasonable (one of my Libra friends just walked by--Libra sun, Gemini rising, Pisces moon. He recently adopted a stray dog I had on my hands because the friend who was taking the dog home temporarily "looked as if she were going to cry, and I couldn't bear that". Young Floristan (friend loves opera) is happily settled with Solita (a pup from a rescue litter of mine) and Hudson (a huge bear of a dog his rich brother's wife thought too unfashionable). That response of the heart--and instant action on it--is quite Pisces moon.)


People with the moon in Pisces may be deeply drawn to fairy-tale beauty, to idealistic visions that other people say are impossible or improbable--and yet the Pisces moon person will somehow make that impossiblilty quite possible. These can be the enchanters of the world, and when the Pisces moon is in the 3rd house there is a good chance the person is involved in writing, literature, maybe dance (since Pisces rules the feet). Imagination is greatly increased when you have a 3rd house moon (whatever the sign).

Moon in Pisces people may feel emotionally better when they can be near the ocean, or at least near water of some sort; when they are feeling under seige and in trouble, just getting into a shower or going for a swim might momentarily gain them a little strength to get through things.


The t square here completes in the 9th house, in Virgo. So part of the way the challenge of the squares from Mercury and Saturn to the moon may resolve for J is if he takes his imagination out, to the public, to higher learning, to spiritual search, to publication---or to travel (all those being 9th house things) and if he does so in a way that structures and grounds the flights of fancy into something actual, "objective" and tangible. Or something with the Virgo feel for authenticity: Here's the holy grail of goodness, let me show you it!


(okay, I've obviously been possessed for this reading by someone about 14 years old, sorry gang.)


The 4th house has Pisces as the cusp edge sign and then a bunch of Aries (which will then edge the 5th house). So the imaginative qualities of the moon, the emotional sensitivity and sentimentality and romanticism of heart that we find in Pisces are strongly manifest and nurtured "at home", wherever that may be. And this is a guy who stands on rainbows (or walks on water? nah, probably not)--that is, the imagination, compassion, and intuition are where he is grounded. And again, he will feel best near the water. It is, however, a mere shadow or sliver of Pisces that cusps the 4th house, and there is a hell of a lot of Aries here, including Chiron in Aries.

So--when Chiron falls in the 4th house (oho, spotted a Mystic Rectangle!) (just wait)--there may be issues around the home, in the early life, particularly with --usually--the father. And there can be this sense of being a wanderer, being an exile in this life. "where is my true home?" no matter where or how one has found living space. The issues around the father (rarely the mother, sometimes another key nurturing person) are generally like those of a 4th house Saturn placement: the father was absent, was ill, was too busy to interact with the child, was too harsh...things like that.

But the exile feeling--that sense of nostalgia for a home that one can just barely touch in one's dreams--this tends to be pretty life long for the 4th house Chiron. As they work through their sense of instability and whatever else drives that poignancy they may work to see that others have home, that no one is uncared for, that no one is lost.

This will be particularly strong for J, who has Chiron trine his Mercury. People who have this speak for those who have no ability to speak for themselves; can be humans, can be critters, can be causes--but these people are crusaders with strong hearts.


Chiron in Aries is a fascinating Chiron, because the issues, the sense of loss or bewilderment, focus on the very identity of the person who has this. Who am I? How do I know I really exist as an independent entity? And yet these are the people who most encourage others; who lend to them a strong sense of "of course you can do anything you want; you are great".


Chiron is opposite Pallas. Again, I think this is about making clear the story; understanding and helping others understand: what's life about? What makes sense? What is the story here? Pallas is in Libra, so there is an artistic understanding, and also a sense of mutuality--but we'll get to all that when we reach the extremely crowded 10th house.


The Mystic Rectangle here is the two oppositions: Chiron/Pallas and Mercury/Saturn. (if you looked at the chart and drew lines between these points you would find...yippee, a rectangle). The thing about this pattern (it sounds really nice, doesn't it?) is that people who have it have an innate gift in reconciling and understanding opposites; in taking understanding to a higher level, a kind of unexpected place. The elements that J works with here are Air and Fire, despite his double water Sun and Moon (Scorpio and Pisces). So with lightness of thought and action. With sparkle.


The 5th house has an edge of Aries, no planets. (a lot of Taurus here too). This is the house of children, romance, fun and games, what brings delight, creative self expression. Aries would give the ability and tendency to just rush right in "hi, you're cute, let's go..." or "hey, I think I want to paint now *grabs brush and starts*" Very independent, very much Do It!! But with all this Taurus here as well, he is likely really wanting also some security and endurance; not a bunch of one night stands or fun that just--vanishes.


The 6th house, Taurus cusped, tells us that when need be he will work hard and he will work long, and that his health is basically very good, sturdy. No planets here (all the planets are hiding in the 10th 11th and 12th houses, mostly). Gives maybe skills with his hands in the work place, artistic ability, sensory sensitivity (like has a good color sense, etc).


The 7th house, house of marriage and partnership, has Gemini as its sign. Vesta is here, and Saturn.


Gemini as a 7th house sign...well, these people need to have a lot of variety and a lot going on with their partnerships, of whatever sort. Intellectual connection is key. Communication is vital. And being...free to move about, to not feel constraint or chains--this is crucial.

And maybe even more vital to someone with Vesta in the 7th house, because these people just need to get the hell out of partnerships from time to time. No, that doesn't mean that they will not come back and be happy, but they need breaks from all the togetherness, they need the opportunity to act, live, and breathe on their own (and this for an Aries Chiron might be particularly important, because of the fears around being able to be whole and independent). Saturn in Gemini does not want to have many demands placed on him, needs to always feel the door is open, that he can leave at any time, that his schedule is on his terms, that he is not obligated.

This doesn't mean that a Saturn in Gemini person won't be responsible or follow through on promises or stay in long term partnerships--but that he must do it of his own free will, that he must do it because it means something to him. He cannot be compelled.

Communication is big for a Saturn in Gemini person, must feel free to move, free to say what he likes, free to be heard, free to experience all he desires.


The old truism for a 7th house Saturn is that these folks shouldn't marry before they go through their Saturn return. (a variant of that, which is kind of "fate dictates that..." is that 7th house Saturn people find barriers in the way of early marriage). (I'm still waiting to hear from a 7th house Saturn person who listened to early warnings).]

The concept is that since we undergo testing and change in our Saturn return period, and that testing and challenge and change hits in the subjects or concerns of our Saturn's house, since the 7th house is about marriage and partnerships--well, marriage and partnerships are in for rocky times come the return.

It is true--no matter where Saturn is--that some long term partnerships end during the Saturn return. And some start; it is not unusual to feel "must get married" or "must get serious about all this" during that time. (and it is also not unusual to have a child during or immediately after the Saturn return; happened to me, with my first house Saturn. Nothing like motherhood to change one's persona, eh?).


Saturn in the 7th house often brings older mentors, sometimes older partners, including but not limited to marriage partners.


So, the 8th house here has Cancer as the sign. And the south node, in Cancer, is here. This is the realm of mystery, of sexuality, of death, of rebirth and regeneration and remaking, of inheritance and connection to traditions, of what we gain through others. With Cancer as the sign, it may be that particularly through women's influence or through maternal gifts, J has benefited. And he is keyed it well to nurturing and tenderness, to compassion, to personalized affection. It is as if he is in some way one of the blessed ones of the mother, if that makes any sense whatsoever, and under stress he can rest in that feeling, in that knowledge. But he does have kind of a--quest laid on his soul--to discover his own truth, and to make that manifest. Materially as well as in the mind or in pretty words or whatever.


The 9th house is Leo cusped. (and holds a bunch of Virgo too). Affinity with drama, with learning that has a dramatic edge, with being admired for his mad skills as a student/teacher/storyteller. The Virgo here will give some attention to details and to putting things in order, but the heart is where there is a lot of flash, a lot of nobility; education, spiritual search, travel of any sort--needs to be done on a wide screen, or with big brush strokes; doesn't take to being all confined or restricted to the bare facts and numbers.


Yet, with a certain paradoxic quality, Virgo is his Midheaven sign and the cusp of the house of career, calling, public image. So he's seen as a devoted, careful, meticulous person who knows what's good and wants to do what's good. Sometimes a Virgo midheaven can give a public image that is kind of untouchable--sexy, but untouchable. The knight in shining armor, the dedicated but ever so attractive young monk (not that Virgo is not sexualized; it is simply that there is this quality of "I hold myself apart a bit" or "I am whole within myself").

But his 10th house is packed with Libra energy and with some pretty heavy planets at that:

Pluto, Pallas, Venus, and Uranus in Libra. Venus and Uranus are conjunct, one degree separating them. Pallas is part of the Mystic Rectangle. Pluto makes a sextile to Neptune and a square to Jupiter.



So, to tease this out: Pluto near the midheaven is often associated with healers (not necessarily doctors of medicine; healers of the spirit) and with a lot of transformative energy in the public realm. Pluto in Libra has a new vision of beauty, partnership, harmony, justice--all the Libra obsessions. Pluto sextile Neptune brings in imagination and intuition in a big way to the public life, and it may be a question of "I heal through showing you a new vision".

Pluto square Jupiter...well, this one is full of transformative energies, but the challenge is...how do I control this? And there is a sense in which the ideas in the life are real and vital and important. Other people can be all "oh, maybe I believe this, or that, hey, what's the difference?" Someone with Pluto and Jupiter working together (even if they are struggling in a square aspect) is very--well, ideas and beliefs are key. They take them very seriously. And often there is a tendency to change from whatever belief structure the person was brought up with. These people tend to be catalysts for change in other people as well, and should be aware of that.


Pallas in the 10th house--these people are thought by those they meet in public to have the answers. To everything. "where's the best place to get bread?" "what is the meaning of the universe?" "should I marry her?" Strangers will come to them for guidance, and in their career they are the problem solvers (again, at all levels). Pallas in Libra is very artistic, or at least has a sense of good aesthetics, appreciates and understands line and structure and harmony and color and such. For J this skill/perception is increased, because Pallas is so close to Venus (4 degrees) in Libra, and then again it is kind of tweaked, because Uranus with all that originality, eccentricity, verve and delight and change--comes into the picture as well. (I have to tell you I am still wondering about the circus ponies and jugglers; still not sure what is going on with this chart in that way)


(and I should know by now; true, I have a lot of Libra energy and all this Libra energy is kind of dancing with mine, but that isn't enough to explain the sense of glee).


Venus in Libra is elegant. So charming, so adept at the right gesture, the perfect gift. So appreciative when someone else is as perceptive and charming. Everyone thinks Libra is sooo romantic, and--well, Libra doesn't mind the pretty things, but Venus in Libra actually has a kind of intellectual appreciation. Good taste (maybe not so good as a Virgo Venus, but still good--the thing with Libra Venus is that sometimes she gets swayed but surface prettiness and elegance and charm; can be dazzled by the pretty surfaces). A guy with a Libra Venus is going to be a sucker for beauty and charm (sorry, of course J will also have great discernment, and so on--and I'm pretty sure kaki is pretty, so no harm).

Venus in the 10th house grants the gift of looking great in public. The public just falls in love with a Venus in the 10th house person; they can't help it. Art or something "artistic" is often the career of choice for a 10th house Venus (but this 10th house is so crowded J has a bunch of choices going on).


Uranus in Libra sees beauty in the oddest places and strangest things. Takes a very open and unusual approach to partnerships, to marriage, to harmony, to justice. Quite eccentric.Can be artistic and at a kind of genius level. When Uranus is in the 10th house the career has big changes in it (and this is reinforced by Pluto here--we are talking changes maybe outside the personal will and effort--like the place one works suddenly gets swallowed by an earthquake. Sounds odd, but...yeah, like that.) (doesn't have to be all loss and destruction though--could also be "and I was walking and I bumped into this person and he owned this place and he said 'hey, you are wonderful, I'll give you a million to come do interesting things in the park with the circus ponies' watching" (I want circus ponies, sorry).


Uranus in the 10th house looks unusual in public. "You are so strange" "You are a genius" Sometimes a career that involves electronics, new tech, etc can be indicated. Also sudden fame.


Venus and Uranus are only a degree apart. (Liz Taylor has this conjunction in her 7th house I think, in Aries. ahem.)

So, when Venus/Uranus are living together there can be a tendency to love the strange and the unusual and the eccentric, both as an intellectual matter ("the court poetry of the 14th century is so fascinating") and as a preference in lovers. Relationships and people who are too...ordinary, calm, secure, unchanging --are paradoxically unlikely to endure, and when they end they end suddenly. What endures is sort of a dance. A partner who can keep up with the dance--well, that will endure. But it is likely going to take a very unusual person (and I'm waiting to check out kaki and see--I remember she had an unusual chart herself, which bodes quite well). Now, since this is the 10th house, this could all be more about the public image and the career than about tender intimacies, but wherever Venus is, intimacies are kind of implied or promised.

The pair is trine the 7th house Saturn, so--if the communication Gemini Saturn needs is there, then there are likely strong partnerships, and they help the career tremendously. Saturn will tend to stabilize the scattered energy that we'd otherwise expect from this pair.


Libra is the sign, barely, on the 11th house--house of wishes, house of groups and friendships and those barely whispered life goals we hope don't haunt us at the end (deathbed scene: "I always really meant to be an artist". So much better to do it now.)


So--omigod. How did I not see that? *gathers self together*. What a chart. Okay, the Scorpio Sun, which we are going to be meeting soon, in the 12th house, is unaspected. Well, la la la, I don't see that right now, we'll deal with it tomorrow. Or, um, later.


Back to the 11th house. Libra as a cusp sign is going to give, you betcha, charming friends. Mars in Libra leads off the 11th house, quickly followed by Ceres in Scorpio and much later by Juno in Scorpio (lots of Scorpio in the 11th house, Libra is only the sugar coating and the engine of power here.)

Mars in Libra is a strategic thinker, a debater. Sees all the possiblities. Actually, Mars/Uranus/Venus (working backwards there) are kind of a triad of energy. Let me see..yeah, maybe. We might be dealing with some of that interesting charms birdies out of trees and makes people just fall at his feet energy of Venus/Mars. It is complicated by the wildness of Uranus in the middle; this is--I don't know, I keep getting this odd flashes of something--the magician, the enchanter.

Energy with an air sign Mars tends to be used mostly in intellectual ways (though also in moving about a bunch; there can be restlessness, physical restlessness while the mind is working). Mars in Libra is generally pretty sweet; people think "oh, not a confrontational person"; if there is even a hint of injustice happening those same people will be amazed, because Mars in Libra is a warrior when injustice is happening. Especially, here, to his friends, to those under his protection (very protective energy here). The conjunct to Uranus might give a temper that, although usually held well in control, can snap instantly (again, in the face of injustice, unfairness).


He is well nurtured in groups, when he is in touch with those goals of his, when he is with friends. (Ceres in the 11th house). Ceres in Scorpio is well nurtured by mysteries and sexuality and power, and he is likely to encounter all those nice things in the context of groups, friends.

He draws natural allies from within his groups of friends, or in the context of his goals, and they are likely either actual Scorpios or people who have a very strong Pluto (and/or Mars) in their charts; people who aren't afraid of the depths, of passion, of authentic connection, of power. (Juno in Scorpio, 11th house).


Okay, 12th house. Scorpio cusp. Scorpio is a pretty comfortable sign on the 12th house, given the fact that this is the house of secrets, the hidden, the denied, the repressed--and Scorpio would love to uncover all those things. When the sun falls in the 12th house we usually discover that the person has a need to find out--needs to understand more than the surface, really feels uncomfortable if his intuition says "something is hidden from me". And that will be true no matter what the sign, but will be kind of increased by a Scorpio Sun.

However, this is an unaspected Sun.

People with the Sun unaspected (and the other Scorpio who immediately comes to mind with an unaspected Sun is Hillary Clinton--in her case I think the sun is in the 4th house, but I seem to recall there being controversies about her actual time of birth)--unaspected Sun people sometimes have this...need to really prove themselves. In conjunction with an Aries in Chiron this would come out in terms of who am I? And perhaps, being a 12th house sun, in terms of "aha, I will fool everyone and not be fooled; I am the one behind the mask" (very--Scarlet Pimpernel or something like that, if you know the old story).

Sometimes the energy of an unaspected planet just floods the rest of the chart; with the Sun there could be an abundance of energy and "hey, I'm here!!" and yet perhaps a lack of focus. The Scorpio (or Pluto colored) allies would help with this, quite a lot.


J's inner "female" energy is quite Scorpio as well, with the Black Moon Lilith here--so there is an abundance of sexual energy, passionate commitment, emotional authenticity--and possibly a slowness to trust--that he can tap into within his inner soul as well as in that elusive "self" that he keeps thinking he...maybe gets, and then changes. Neptune is here as well, though in Sagittarius and quite close to the ascendant. In fact, Neptune is conjunct Mercury, those the rising degree comes between them; the mind is quite fanciful and mobile, very intuitive. Yet the imagination and intuition is...focused quite deeply, into dreams, into other realms (sometimes 12th house Neptune people are actually psychic).


The Lilith in Scorpio placement gives an ease with--well, an ease with death and life; this is a very courageous sort of Kali energy. Guys who have it can cope well with extremely strong women who scare a lot of people; they enjoy that strength and honesty and passion.


Neptune in Sagittarius is of course the draw to animals, lost souls, kittens, wild critters from the woods, lost children, anyone. (I just had another Neptune in Sagittarius customer today; yep--all the kitties appeared as if summoned and my rescued pitbull fell on her feet (across the customer's feet--a method of claiming and controling. Some find it charming. I try to discourage it, but laughing and asking someone's birthdate isn't the best dog training). (maybe I should post a sign: If you were born between this date and this date, please note: animals within will love you a lot; proceed with caution. Dog cookies optional.)


Because Neptune aspects the rising degree, J may have some of that mobility, that chameonlike quality and glamour that Neptune gives. Probably not the "oh, you will do everything I want you to" that a first house Neptune gets--but an ability to shapeshift in someway. (this reading is downright odd, I must say.). (and I'll be back in a bit, if not tonight, then hopefully tomorrow. transits, comparisions, more bits and pieces.)




(heh, terrible of me--here I am with an impatient Aries moon requesting patience from others. But I appreciate kaki not bursting into the middle of the reading going "no way!" or "how did you know?")


So--I have kakiphony's chart (I looked at it 2 years ago, how time flies) and her J's chart together all cozily for the purpose of seeing where the two energies intersect; what is driving the relationship.


Remember, he's a Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Rising, Pisces Moon person

She is a Leo Sun, Aquarian Moon, Gemini Rising person


She's--in those three areas--Fire and Air; he's Water and Fire. (but of course both charts are more complicated than that).


Now, remember that J. has that strong t square to his Pisces moon, probably the major aspect pattern in his chart (well, the Mystic Rectangle is pretty major too).


When we put the two charts on top of each other, we find another major t square happening.

And this one is made of his Pisces Moon opposite her Virgo Mercury (and remember I said that the completion point for his natal t square is there in Virgo? Her mind, her discernment, in essence shows the way for that completion) and both of those points squaring his Mercury at the ascendant--which is conjunct her Neptune. In Sagittarius



Where would this t square find a completion point to work out all that energy--which is energy of mystery, intuition, imagination, fantasy? Within Gemini. The sign that is his 7th house sign of partnership, and her own sign of persona.


This bodes well for a relationship that is based somehow in intuitive sympathy and communication, both between the two of them, and in the outer world.


When we throw Chiron into the mix I can see a Grand Trine between the charts, which is very flowing energy, and it is a Grand Fire Trine: J's Chiron in Aries, kaki's Leo Sun, and the Neptune/Mercury Sagittarian aspect (plus his ascendant).

The relationship is likely to be based in action (and fun action at that) and in healing; her Leo nature is embraced by his innate healing and nurturing instincts, and her presence in his life helps him work through any of those Chiron insecurities; it is as if they are both saying to each other "sure, I see you, and what I see is pretty great".


They have a Uranus/Mars conjunction (her Uranus, his Mars). This is very much a "omigod, I just fell in love" sort of energy between two people; it feels extremely hot, extremely compelling; it is the stuff the great romances are made of. Whether the great romance endures beyond the "let's leave everything and everyone and run away together" impulse depends on other things in the chart; you need stabilizing influences to have a Uranus relationship keep going.

But kaki has an Aquarian moon (Uranus being the Aquarian ruler) so understands the Uranus energy in her heart.

And this conjunction falls very close to her north node of the moon; it is as if it is fated; "something to help me understand my path in life" (which is through Scorpio energies; and J certainly has his fair share of Scorpio happening).


(I had an unsupported Uranus/Mars relationship once--that is, I had that lightning-bolt through the heart. I've been in and out of love many times in my long life, but I must say nothing felt like that one. And it was unsuitable in a dozen ways. It was, however, very vitalizing at all sorts of levels. Had I happened on this relationship earlier in my life I probably would have given up a lot to pursue it; as it was I was a little too wise and experienced to go for it--and the guy in question was much younger, with kids (as was I). The pangs of that, however, endured until, thank the goddess, the person left my area. *sigh*. Very instructive in what Uranus can do to an otherwise rational soul. Of course, the dude was a double Pisces.)


Probably a lot of crushes are Uranus or Neptune based.


But in this couple, the Uranus energy is simply part of a bigger picture, with many connections. That point of the Uranus/Mars conjunct is also opposite kaki's Chiron/Black Moon in Taurus; this relationship may help her claim or reclaim her very lusty and abundant and sensory center (on the surface she may appear kind of intellectually driven, but she has a lot of, um, juice and passion there beneath the surface). And it will certainly engage his power and sympathy (Ceres for him is also here close to Mars)


Her Aquarian Moon is trine his Libra Pluto (in the 10th house) which may give support to his career, or at any rate emotional understanding and by in and an open mind.


His Saturn is close to her ascendant. It may seem strange to think that Saturn connections are desireable in a love relationship, but they are, they help give long lasting relationships. We learn from our lovers and mates, and when we have Saturn working for us we learn well. (it isn't always fun, I must say, but it is good).


Her Juno is at his midheaven; he may (in his public guise) seem like her ideal partner; or she may foster his career with all his heart.


I haven't much knowledge or experience of the Davidson relationship chart concept, but hey, it's available on astro.com (the concept has something to do with creating the relationship's chart based on some mathematical relationship between the elements of the two charts). So I did it (or the computer did it) and the relationship chart thus produced looks pretty nice: a lot of concentration in the house of marriage, Juno and Ceres conjunct at the ascendant (your relationship, if you care, kaki, is, according to Davidson, a Libra with an Aquarian moon and Aquarius rising; full of intellectual delights and pleasures. The Libra sun, conjunct Venus and Pluto, falls in the 7th house.



So, what about J's current transits?


Well, the current Mercury retrograde is just across from his risingsign Mercury; so it is likely hitting him fairly hard. Could be great for "I have suddenly achieved intuitive understanding of my partnerships in life and of myself, this is great". Or it could be "where did I put my keys?"


Venus is also in transit through the 7th house, so it is a good time in partnerships in general, a lot of potential sweetness.


Jupiter is in the 2nd house conjunct his north node; good for expanding what is valued in the life, good for "I must really work on what I really care about and my true path in life".


Neptune and Uranus are both in the 3rd house (at the start and end) so there could be--well, original and sympathetic communication, and/or the people around him, particularly those "like siblings" are needful and eccentric (could work both ways for sure).


Saturn is in the 9th house. J. may have been experiencing some delays or disappointments involving long range travel, higher education, spiritual search...breaking beyond the boundaries of his life. And they are likely to continue for a while; this is a period of completion of one phase of his life; when Saturn hits his midheaven at the end of Virgo will be a harvest time--new responsiblities and possible success, or "okay, let's reconsider it all". (in a moment I'll see if I can see when that crossover into the 10th house is going to be happening--not for quite a while I think, Saturn doesn't sprint.) Looks like late October,2009.


Right now the Moon is conjunct Venus. Just for a moment. Pretty romantic.


(Kaki, by the way, is looking great these days, with Venus in her first house. Pluto is in J's first house, so he has a lot of power as people meet him and is garnering strong first impressions--can be negative sometimes, but I doubt it; mostly people should simply be charmed by the guy). Kaki has Jupiter in her 8th house currently, enhancing 8th house matters (sexuality, inheritance, joint opportunities, etc). Uranus is floating still in her 10th house (changes in career and in the public image); Neptune in the 9th house (good for intuitive studies) Mars is currently conjunct her Sun--lots of energy there. And Pluto is in her house of partnerships--well, could bring some strong people, some transformations. Trine her own Venus (that is good, and kind of sexy, actually). Saturn in the 4th: must pay attention to the home, the foundation, family, one's roots (this Saturn in Virgo period will be hitting a number of her planets in the 4th house; look to it as an opportunity for building for the future, kaki, don't let it get you into a state of "why can't I always do what I want?"--then you'll be fine.


Great charts. (I still haven't figured out why J's makes me smile; soooo strange.).

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