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Switch Witch 2014



Hello Witch :wave: I am looking forward to getting to know you. I'm answering the questions to try and help. I know my questionaire was filled in late and copied from out of date answers so please ask if I missed stuff.I'm easy to please and appreciate everything, I love hand made things and I don't expect spendy gifts or heavy things that cost lots to ship.


1. I wonder what a potential witchee would think about being bombarded with PUMPKINS in various formats. Because my current obsession just may last long enough to be of use in spoiling.....but I know wouldn't be appreciated by everyone. Would you appreciate it?!? I'm not too keen on Pumpkin scents although I haven't tried many, none of the BPALpumpkin oils have worked for me, I think it's the "buttery" spice thing that doesn't work. Candles or room scents might be good. I haven't eaten pumpkin very often; when I have I've enjoyed it. Pumpkin shaped things or images are all good with me.

2. I currently have a CSA and my significant other is perpetually out of town for work, so I've been doing a lot of canning and baking with my vegetables. How do people feel about canned good (pickles, salsa, etc) and vegetal baked goods (squash bread, zucchini bread).

I'd like to try, I think this would only work if you were in Europe though.

3. Trading Post wants?

I'm out the BPAL/BPTP loop this year, I'll update my wishlist in my signature this week, so you can see the type of scents I enjoy.

4. What direct sellers do you not like and would prefer not to get things from? And also feel free to list any retail brands you really don't like.

Is this things like Avon? I'm not too keen on their stuff.

5. How about y'alls coffee and tea preferences?

I've become addicted to coffee recently, my husband likes to grind beans fresh for each cup, so beans are best. Tea; I drink lots of black tea, I also enjoy black tea blends, less frequently.

6. Do you cook? Would kitchen accessories make you happy?

I do cook, kitchen things do make me happy, spatulas, stirring spoons, bottle openers, dish towels, pan holders all those things and more :)

7. How do people feel about creative endeavours? Would you like to receive one? Or supplies to make your own? What do you like? Drawings, stories, poems?

Creative is wonderful if you enjoy creating, but don't stress if you don't. I'm not great at drawing/painting but I'm trying to get better. I've finally got a spot on a botanical paiting course at Cambridge botanical gardens next week, so I'm hoping to produce so watercolours soon.

8. What culture or country (doesn’t have to be modern) do you feel an innate connection with? What about it makes it special to you? Vikings, don't know why!

9. Is there any sort of art commission you would like: cartoony, pin-up, fantasy, realistic, etc? If so, what subject would you like drawn (a picture of you, a character, a loved one or pet)?

Thinking about this on, nudge me if it's important

10. What do you find yourself doing for fun in your free time? What are your main hobbies and interests? I like to be outdoors, walking, photography.

11. Table-top gaming? If yes, what kind, edition, etc? Gaming accessories you long for?

No, not for me.

12. DVD movies or games that you wish would magically appear in your hands? Can they be used, through Amazon?

I have an Amazon UK wishlist, I tend to randomly add things there when i see them.

13. What kind of snacks or candy from other countries/states would you like to try?

Any! (unless it's meaty) Love regional type goodies.

14. Do you have a favorite internet meme, character or pop culture fandom?

Not really

15. Do you have a Facebook profile (or other social media) that you are comfortable linking to aid your witch in stalking? Please note whether you are willing to add BPALers as friends.

I have added lots of BPAlers my link is in the spreadsheet.

16. Anybody interested in something from RCCC, whether it's con-exclusive merch or from a particularexhibitor or artist?

I don't know any of these exhibitors or artists, sorry. If you are there feel free to educate me :lol:

17. How important to you is regular contact / chatter with your witch?

I do like to know that i have a witch and i would like to get to know you. I am happy with whatever contact you want to make

18. Do you like puzzles/riddles/treasure hunts and that sort of thing?

Maybe,if I can work them out.

19. If you were to receive music, would you want a physical CD or digital versions?


20. What’s a current problem/annoyance you have that could be remedied but you haven’t had time to address it?

Can't think of anything

21. How do you feel about having some sort of trinket to carry around for good luck/wishes? i.e. a small figurine, symbol, card, coin…

I have something like that already, I've carried three red seeds given to me "for luck" by a lovely woman I met in the Seychelles about 20 years ago :)

22. Are you superstitious about anything? Any things you can't have in your house for that reason--bad associations? My mum grew up in a fishing community in Scotland and is very superstitious, I've picked up many of her habits, mostly they involve behaviours rather than things, I can't think of anything not allowed in the house.

23. For the vegetarians and vegans: How do you feel about things (say, marshmallows or gummy candy) made with vegan gelatin or other typically-animal-derived-but-not-in-this-instance products?

Prefer not.

24. Ok, so we've covered pumpkin. How do you feel about the other fall classic – apples?

Apples are good in all forms, eating, smelling , drawings

25. Do you have any fabric or skin-contact aversions?

I don't like to wear angora unless it's cruelty free.

26. How do you feel about Christmas/Yule ornaments?

Non religious, natural materials are good.

27. How do you feel about Hello Kitty, and Hello Kitty accessories (including mugs, cups, etc)?

No thank you, I don't do cute, sorry.

28. If you had a week free where you could learn anything, with no financial restrictions, what would you want to study?

I'd like to learn a craft, something creative like glass or metal working.

29. Do you enjoy poetry? Who are your favorite poets and what type of subject matter do you like?

Never really got into poetry

30. Would you enjoy receiving something related to a favorite Disney character?

See kitty answer above.

31. How do you feel about cute things as decorations or accessories? (Example: Would you enjoy this stationery - or do you prefer elegant/creepy/neutral stuff?)

My daughter adores this kind of thing, my taste tends towards nature or abstract but I enjoy Studio Ghibli who could resist (http://www.shopkawaii.com/My-Neighbor-Totoro-s/314.htm)

32. What is something you'd really like to recieve from your witch? Please be as specific as possible - no, "Oh whatever she thinks is fine!"

Some contact through the round would be lovely. A little taste of her life/location , maybe a regional food or a local craft, a photograph or picture.

33. Go to your music source of choice - on random or shuffle setting if possible - & share with us the 10 most recent songs/artists.

Photosynthesis-Frank Turner

Up the Junction-Squeeze

Standing in the dark -Lawson

Indian Summer -Stereophonics

10,000 Miles -Eliza Carthy

Brute Force and Ignorance-Rory Gallagher

Don't come close-Ramones

Budapest-George Ezra

Here comes my man-The Gaslight Anthem

Roxette-Dr Feelgood

34. Tarot cards, rune stones and/or other divination tools yay or nay?

No thank you

35. Do you have a Celeb crush? or someone who you just can't get enough of....other than your SO

No I've never really had a celeb/popstar crush - it always seemed so pointless.

36. Glitter? are you okay with it, or hate it like the plague?

No problem

37. If there was another time period other than now that described your style/aesthetics, what would it be?

38. If you had to pick one or two quotes to live by, what would it be and why?

39. Do you prefer physical books? CD books? eBooks? If eBooks do you have preferred format, kindle/nook/kobo/PDF/ePub/ect? eAudio?

E-books, Kindle

40. Smut! Yes or no? If yes, what kink, er, kind?

Smut is fine with me

41. Ebooks! Yes or no?

Yes , i use my kindle all the time and read at least one book a week.

42. If you were to get a custom bottle from House of Gloi made for you what notes would create your perfect blend?

It would need Amber, black or white or both? Chai and amber woks well, then I'm stuck- possbly musk or tea, cardamom could be interesting or oakmoss, coffee, tobacco. wouldn't it be fun to have everything lined up and try various blends? If I tried it would probably smell terrible.

43. If your witch were to take a photograph (or paint or whatever) of something just for you, what would it be? Landscape? Flower? Critter? Something to illustrate a favorite quote?

I'm really liking ferns right now.

44. What is your favorite Halloween animal or other symbol/decoration?

Black cat

45. Makeup, especially of the indie variety. Nail polish, nail wraps, eyeshadow, lipstick/gloss, etc. Y/N? Specific preferences (color, finish, product, brand, etc.)?

No nail stuff, I wear mascara and lip stain every day, currently Laura Mercier mascara and Benefit lipstain, wouldn't mind trying others.

46. How do you feel about profanity and off-color humor?

Profanity is me (out of work) Smutty humour is good depending on type

47. I make hairsticks...would you like/use them?

No, my hair is too short and very very fine (think baby hair)

48. Does anyone here LARP? If so, what kind of LARP? And what kind of character do you play?


49. Would you completely freak out if I sent you a chocolate covered scorpion or some other food oddity? This includes things like 'bacon powder' from thinkgeek.com.

As a veggie this wouldn't work for me

50. This has kind of been covered, but, are you ok with receiving canned jam (from a veteran jammer!) and if so, what flavors would you like and not like?

I don't think you could ship this to me.

51. Let's talk nail polish. What colors do you love? Hate? Which brands are you dying to try? Have you ever used indies? Do you like glitter? Any textures to avoid (glitter, sand, etc)?

I only use on my toes, so anything special would be wasted on me.

52. How do you feel about getting a special Halloween plushie?

If it was small and fun, yes.

53. I'm in Japan, anything specific you might want from the land of the rising sun?

I don't really know anything about Japanese specialities. Things I've never tried/used are always good :)

54. Are there any GC scents that you know you love, but for whatever reason, keep putting off buying bottles of?

Snake oil, I didn't like it when I first got into BPAL (7 years ago) however it's grown on me. I keep forgetting to order a bottle on the couple of times a year when I make a lab order.

55. I know not everyone likes Lush products, but if you do, which Lush items would you like to get from your Witch? I used to be a Lush fan, not so much recently, I buy bubble bars occasionally when I'm passing but other than that I don't bother now that they don't make Tramp anymore.

56. Is there anywhere (in the US) that you are dying to get away to? Also when would you be able to get away. Would this even be something you were interested in? If so, go look at the Southwest sale for routes and dates and times.I'd like to visit all sorts of places in the US, for lots of different reasons. I'm unlikely to get there in the next few years.

57. If you are ok with receiving t-shirts, what size are you, do you prefer tissue tees, normal crew tees, babydoll etc? I like the BPTP tissue tees, baby doll, I'd probably buy medium or large they are expensive , especially with shipping added. I have picked up a couple second hand which are reat.

58. THINKGEEK! Who loves it - do you have a wishlist on there?? What are some things you are jonesing for on there for under $20?

Had a quick look, they have some fun things, I picked a few that i liked:

http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/14c5/ Periodic lunch bag

http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/eaf9/ Batman ice tray

http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/e684/ Lab science cookie cutters

http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/f039/ Hobbit moleskin

59. Zombies, yes or no?


60. Would you like arm warmers/fingerless gloves? If so, what length? just beyond the wrist, almost to the elbow, full sleeves?

Yes,just beyond the wrist.

61. Do you feel a particular affinity for a specific animal/s?

Not really

62. Anyone have any Paintbox Soapworks loves?

I've had some lovely soaps in previous rounds, I've been buying all my soap from Future Primitive recently and I prefer those.

63. How would you feel if your witch or a minion of your witch showed up in person at your house with goodies? Thrilled? Annoyed? Completely creeped out?

Very surprised! It would have to be well timed as I'm not at home very often.

64. Do you have a ravelry account? Tell me about your yarn obsessions.

I don't, I can just about knit a plain square and crochet a flower and that's it.

65. Sock Dreams, yay or nay?

We don't have sock dreams in the UK, I've never ordered from them, I have received a splendid pair of sock dream socks from a previous witch :)

66. Knitted items like scarves, shawls, dishclothes....yay or nay? Favorite fibers? Favorite colors?

Scarves yes, shawls& dishcloths probably not.

67. Is your Amazon WL up-to-date?

Will update it this week to be sure. It's a bit random I add things as I come across them, often just to remind myself they are available.

68. If you were to receive handmade caramels, would it matter if they were made with raw cream (unpasteurized)?

Not if the cream was boiled

69. Would you enjoy getting a sampling of quality incense taken from various sources? Are there types of incense you know you don't like? Would you want a burner for loose incense and a few charcoals to get you started with that, or would you rather stick to simpler types?

I've only ever had regular stick and cone incense, I'd love to sample more exotic kinds, I have never seen any to buy except on line.

70. I know we already had a question about needed kitchen accessories, but what about spices?

Yes, love differet spices, I use chillies whenever I can.

71. Would you like handmade stationary or cards? How about a quill pen?

I can't see me using a quill pen, love the idea but i'm way too messy. Hanmade cards are good, I'm not a letter writer these days so I wouldn't use writing paper.

72. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being "gimme that ghost pepper!" and 1 being "oh, that's a bit too much black pepper for me" Where is your heat tolerance?

Pretty hot, but not panfully so.

73. What is your favorite type of Halloween candy?

I've never tried any special Halloween candy. In the UK Cadbury make Halloween stuff, it's just variations on the usual but in Halloween shapes! I try to avoid sugar as much as possible these days but I would like to try Candy corn one day if you are the US, just because I read about it every year and don't know what it is yet :)

74. Do you need or want any cosy footwear, like fluffy slippers, or slipper socks etc?

Hiking socks always come in handy, don't wear slippers etc.

75. What do you most look forward to each Fall?

Fungi!!!, Autumn is the best time for fungal forays, I love tramping through the leaves looking for mushrooms to photograph.

76. What gadgets do you use in your everyday life and would you like a cool case for them - with your favourite fandom or artwork or saying?

Just my iPhone 5s, my current cover is a bit tatty, I do like it a lot though, it's my favourite blue colour and flips over to cover the phone as well as the hard bit for the back.

77. Are there any beauty accessories you need or would like? For example make-up brushes, facial brushes or eyelash curlers.

No eyelash curlers please- torture instruments. Big facial brushes are good, I do have one or two already :)

78. Would you be disappointed to get one big box, or would you prefer a bunch of little ones? And would you be disappointed if your witch actually had it together early and sent it to you sooner than later?

I would never be disappointed, I always hope my witch will reveal.

79. Stores are putting out their halloween PJs and undies! Would you be happy to get any in a package? And if so, what size? For PJ pants, do you like cotton or flannel?

No undies, very picky there sorry. Pj pants a bit picky too, I like jersey type fabrics, knee length, 3/4 length or v long shorts. Size medium probably, not too tight UK 12/14 (US 10/12 I think)

80. Do you like M&Ms?

I do like peanut ones, would like to try peanut butter. I should avoid sugar however I really enjoy trying new treats.

81. How about wax melts?

I'm well stocked at the moment

82. Would you like a subscription for Spotify?

I wouldn't use this.

83. What scents from the Lillith update would you like to try?

I'm so out the loop with recent updates, I think I'll wait for some reviews, I'm not desperate to try everything like I used to be.

84. Would you be interested in receiving a box of sugar cube skulls?

Not really

85. Skin care routine? Fave cleanser? Toner? Moisturizer? What about body lotions? Any particular brand or scent? Lip balms? Yay or nay?

Cleanser- wipes usually, too lazy for cleanser, toner micellar water, use Uk No7 serum , Ren BB cream, body lotions Future primitive body whip is my current favourite, lip balms using Haunt lip lusts right now.

86. Is there anything you would like from Salem MA (mugs, keychains, postcards, etc.or witchy supplies like incense, candles, books)?

All of the above would be welcome :)

87. Would you be interested in any of the items in LisaNut's etsy shop?

There are some pretty scarves, love the colours imn this one https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/161475223/long-warm-multi-colored-scarf-royal?ref=related-6

88. Spiders (as in cute knit kind) yes or no?

Probably not

89. Pillows (the mostly decorative type)?


90. Any kind of bags - big, small, medium, purse, grocery, etc?

Canvas shopping totes are great, like this http://content.janome.com/index.cfm/ProjectCenter/Project_Detail/Janome_Shopping_Tote

or https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/128279864/botanical-lemon-tote-bag

91. Is there anything special coming up in your life?

Not this year.
